6 states so far say "HELL NO !" to Muslim "refugees" !

What does any of this have to do with my post or our current dilemma?
<--Big Clue Here
Being afraid of the world is why they have all the guns in the first place. Life and other people, especially the darkies, scare them. Just look at the raw fear on here now. They're locked and loaded, hiding under their wet beds.
Fear or sanity? Yes, there is a reasonable fear in everybody even in you. Would you go out to play in traffic in rush hour on a 10 lane speedway? I do not plan to walk on a tight rope across the Grand Canyon. I am scared to do that. Your childish labeling of sane people being yellow bellies is laughable and shows your intellectual level.
How nice that we want to follow our parents' and grandparents' fine tradition, and patriotic one at that, as to want to forbid some ethnic group from coming here and enjoying "our" America. Let's see, we did it to the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, the Germans, the Chinese, the Mexicans and we even imprisoned the Japanese. Of course there were the Poles and other Slovaks, and the African Americans whom we BROUGHT here. We marginalized the native Americans who wondered who brought US here. Are any of you patriots aware that there are Muslim/Arab communities here in America that have lived and worked peacefully for decades? They pay their taxes just like you and even elect Muslim representatives to the House.

These people are fleeing ISIS. They're running for their lives while you sit back in the comfort of your home in front of your computer and spew hatred. Is that what your Christian religion taught you? And I bet everyone of you thinks of yourself as a Christian. Trump wants to close mosques, like he could. If he wants to limit freedom of religion, he'd better start with Christian churches first that deny "Love your neighbor."
How nice that we want to follow our parents' and grandparents' fine tradition, and patriotic one at that, as to want to forbid some ethnic group from coming here and enjoying "our" America. Let's see, we did it to the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, the Germans, the Chinese, the Mexicans and we even imprisoned the Japanese. Of course there were the Poles and other Slovaks, and the African Americans whom we BROUGHT here. We marginalized the native Americans who wondered who brought US here. Are any of you patriots aware that there are Muslim/Arab communities here in America that have lived and worked peacefully for decades? They pay their taxes just like you and even elect Muslim representatives to the House.

These people are fleeing ISIS. They're running for their lives while you sit back in the comfort of your home in front of your computer and spew hatred. Is that what your Christian religion taught you? And I bet everyone of you thinks of yourself as a Christian. Trump wants to close mosques, like he could. If he wants to limit freedom of religion, he'd better start with Christian churches first that deny "Love your neighbor."
How many of those nationals were chanting "Death to America" before they came here? How may of those nationals considered the American people to be their enemies and openly threatened to "strike in the heart of America next?"
How nice that we want to follow our parents' and grandparents' fine tradition, and patriotic one at that, as to want to forbid some ethnic group from coming here and enjoying "our" America. Let's see, we did it to the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, the Germans, the Chinese, the Mexicans and we even imprisoned the Japanese. Of course there were the Poles and other Slovaks, and the African Americans whom we BROUGHT here. We marginalized the native Americans who wondered who brought US here. Are any of you patriots aware that there are Muslim/Arab communities here in America that have lived and worked peacefully for decades? They pay their taxes just like you and even elect Muslim representatives to the House.

These people are fleeing ISIS. They're running for their lives while you sit back in the comfort of your home in front of your computer and spew hatred. Is that what your Christian religion taught you? And I bet everyone of you thinks of yourself as a Christian. Trump wants to close mosques, like he could. If he wants to limit freedom of religion, he'd better start with Christian churches first that deny "Love your neighbor."
How many of those nationals were chanting "Death to America" before they came here? How may of those nationals considered the American people to be their enemies and openly threatened to "strike in the heart of America next?"
Okay, how many? Prove what you know. Because you want to think it doesn't make it so. Specious generalities are not facts.
How nice that we want to follow our parents' and grandparents' fine tradition, and patriotic one at that, as to want to forbid some ethnic group from coming here and enjoying "our" America. Let's see, we did it to the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, the Germans, the Chinese, the Mexicans and we even imprisoned the Japanese. Of course there were the Poles and other Slovaks, and the African Americans whom we BROUGHT here. We marginalized the native Americans who wondered who brought US here. Are any of you patriots aware that there are Muslim/Arab communities here in America that have lived and worked peacefully for decades? They pay their taxes just like you and even elect Muslim representatives to the House.

These people are fleeing ISIS. They're running for their lives while you sit back in the comfort of your home in front of your computer and spew hatred. Is that what your Christian religion taught you? And I bet everyone of you thinks of yourself as a Christian. Trump wants to close mosques, like he could. If he wants to limit freedom of religion, he'd better start with Christian churches first that deny "Love your neighbor."
How many of those nationals were chanting "Death to America" before they came here? How may of those nationals considered the American people to be their enemies and openly threatened to "strike in the heart of America next?"
Okay, how many? Prove what you know. Because you want to think it doesn't make it so. Specious generalities are not facts.
Let's watch what happens when a small town has thousands of rag head 'young men' dumped on it.
Let's watch how the Latinos and negroes react when their brothers are denied that burger flipping job so a rag head can get it. You know. It's called Affirmative Action and it doesn't only work for Latinos and negroes.
Let's watch when a bunch of these rag head 'young men' go on murder sprees in small town America.
Let's watch what happens when the Latino and negro street gangs see rag heads selling drugs in gang controlled inner cities.
Wish my state had balls like this, but it's a blue cupcake state.

How soon will Obama start the lawsuits ?

(Reuters) - Texas, Arkansas, Indiana and Louisiana on Monday joined two other U.S. states in saying they will no longer accept Syrian refugees, contending it is too dangerous to let in people from that war-torn country following Friday's deadly Paris attack.

Republican Governors Greg Abbott of Texas, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Mike Pence of Indiana and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, followed the lead of Alabama and Michigan in saying their states would no longer help support the Obama administration's goal of accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming years.

"Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees - any one of whom could be connected to terrorism - being resettled in Texas," Abbott said in an open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday. "Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity."

But it was unclear what authority governors had to stop admitting refugees into their states, legal experts said.

"The federal government has the power over immigration. If they admit Syrian refugees, they're here," said Deborah Anker, a professor of law at Harvard Law School who specializes in immigration issues. "People aren't going to the (state) border. The federal government is going to bring them in."

The decisions to stop accepting refugees from Syria came three days after gunmen and suicide bombers believed to be part of the Islamic State militant group killed 129 people in a series of coordinated attacks in Paris, the worst such event in France since World War Two.

A Syrian passport found near the body of one of the attackers showed that its holder passed through Greece in October, raising concern that the attackers had entered Europe amid the wave of refugees fleeing that country's four-year civil war.

The United States admitted 1,682 Syrian refugees in the federal fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, a sharp jump from the 105 admitted a year earlier. Texas, California and Michigan accepted the largest number of people fleeing the war.

Secretary of State John Kerry in September said the United States would increase the number of refugees it takes in from all nations by 15,000 per year over the next two years, bringing the total to 100,000 a year by 2017.

Some of the charitable groups that work to resettle refugees criticized the moves, saying that the governors are wrongly targeting people who are fleeing violence, not trying to spread it.

"For these governors to falsely assert that the U.S. refugee admissions program places their states at risk is utterly preposterous," the Rev. John McCullough, chief executive of the Church World Service, one of nine charitable groups that works with the U.S.'s Office of Refugee Resettlement, said in a statement.

"Refugees are the single most scrutinized and vetted individuals to travel to the United States," McCullough said "These knee-jerk reactions stoke fear and bigotry, and have no place in this great nation."

Alabama and Michigan said they would no longer accept Syrian refugees on Sunday.

Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, described his state, which has a large Arab-American population, as "welcoming" but said the risk associated with admitting Syrian refugees was too high.

"Our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents," Snyder said on Sunday. "Given the terrible situation in Paris, I've directed that we put on hold our efforts to accept new refugees until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security completes a full review of security clearances and procedures."

The governors said they were ordering their state departments of health and human services to stop working with Syrian refugees.

Jindal also noted that Louisiana State Police were aware of a Syrian refugee already relocated within the state, and directed law enforcement to monitor for possible threats. Jindal is a Republican candidate for president.

(Reporting by Scott Malone in Boston; Additional reporting by Jon Herskovitz in Austin and Colleen Jenkins in Winston-Salem; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)

Six U.S. states shut doors to Syrian refugees after Paris attack

that's nice... states can't restrict travel from one state to another.

thanks for playing.
You guys need to really think this through.

When someone is given refugee status, they become legal residents of this country. Once that happens, a state doesn't have the right to tell them they can't live there - any more than Vermont could prevent Mormons from moving in, or California could prevent Canadians from moving in.

So you're telling me that the entire populace of a country can apply for refugee status and immediately they instantly become Americans - Could I get a linky?

If it were true, then why didn't Mexico start doing it ages ago? There is some choice in whom one accepts as a refugee yes?


No, that's not what I'm telling you.

Would you like to re-read my post and try again?
Link or stfu
What I find interesting, is that many are arguing that states are refusing refugees on non-valid fear reasons, yet the vast majority of these states are voicing a very valid concern with the vetting process here, not necessarily that /all/ Muslim refugees are terrorists.

Pro-refugee are too busy screaming at everyone to "be reasonable" and stop being "racist" to even see that /most/ people are trying to be reasonable and are simply demanding better vetting, not necessarily to turn them away unilaterally based on their origin. I wish I could say this surprised me, but really the fact that folks can't read past the headline just isn't a surprise anymore. I'm disappointed with American's yet again...
Wish my state had balls like this, but it's a blue cupcake state.

How soon will Obama start the lawsuits ?

(Reuters) - Texas, Arkansas, Indiana and Louisiana on Monday joined two other U.S. states in saying they will no longer accept Syrian refugees, contending it is too dangerous to let in people from that war-torn country following Friday's deadly Paris attack.

Republican Governors Greg Abbott of Texas, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Mike Pence of Indiana and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, followed the lead of Alabama and Michigan in saying their states would no longer help support the Obama administration's goal of accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming years.

"Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees - any one of whom could be connected to terrorism - being resettled in Texas," Abbott said in an open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday. "Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity."

But it was unclear what authority governors had to stop admitting refugees into their states, legal experts said.

"The federal government has the power over immigration. If they admit Syrian refugees, they're here," said Deborah Anker, a professor of law at Harvard Law School who specializes in immigration issues. "People aren't going to the (state) border. The federal government is going to bring them in."

The decisions to stop accepting refugees from Syria came three days after gunmen and suicide bombers believed to be part of the Islamic State militant group killed 129 people in a series of coordinated attacks in Paris, the worst such event in France since World War Two.

A Syrian passport found near the body of one of the attackers showed that its holder passed through Greece in October, raising concern that the attackers had entered Europe amid the wave of refugees fleeing that country's four-year civil war.

The United States admitted 1,682 Syrian refugees in the federal fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, a sharp jump from the 105 admitted a year earlier. Texas, California and Michigan accepted the largest number of people fleeing the war.

Secretary of State John Kerry in September said the United States would increase the number of refugees it takes in from all nations by 15,000 per year over the next two years, bringing the total to 100,000 a year by 2017.

Some of the charitable groups that work to resettle refugees criticized the moves, saying that the governors are wrongly targeting people who are fleeing violence, not trying to spread it.

"For these governors to falsely assert that the U.S. refugee admissions program places their states at risk is utterly preposterous," the Rev. John McCullough, chief executive of the Church World Service, one of nine charitable groups that works with the U.S.'s Office of Refugee Resettlement, said in a statement.

"Refugees are the single most scrutinized and vetted individuals to travel to the United States," McCullough said "These knee-jerk reactions stoke fear and bigotry, and have no place in this great nation."

Alabama and Michigan said they would no longer accept Syrian refugees on Sunday.

Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, described his state, which has a large Arab-American population, as "welcoming" but said the risk associated with admitting Syrian refugees was too high.

"Our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents," Snyder said on Sunday. "Given the terrible situation in Paris, I've directed that we put on hold our efforts to accept new refugees until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security completes a full review of security clearances and procedures."

The governors said they were ordering their state departments of health and human services to stop working with Syrian refugees.

Jindal also noted that Louisiana State Police were aware of a Syrian refugee already relocated within the state, and directed law enforcement to monitor for possible threats. Jindal is a Republican candidate for president.

(Reporting by Scott Malone in Boston; Additional reporting by Jon Herskovitz in Austin and Colleen Jenkins in Winston-Salem; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)

Six U.S. states shut doors to Syrian refugees after Paris attack
I was unaware that the states could dictate to the feds what they do on federally controlled issues like immigration?

I'm not unaware that you think they should come but have yet said how many you're willing to take in your cardboard box you call home.
Wish my state had balls like this, but it's a blue cupcake state.

How soon will Obama start the lawsuits ?

(Reuters) - Texas, Arkansas, Indiana and Louisiana on Monday joined two other U.S. states in saying they will no longer accept Syrian refugees, contending it is too dangerous to let in people from that war-torn country following Friday's deadly Paris attack.

Republican Governors Greg Abbott of Texas, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, Mike Pence of Indiana and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, followed the lead of Alabama and Michigan in saying their states would no longer help support the Obama administration's goal of accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming years.

"Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees - any one of whom could be connected to terrorism - being resettled in Texas," Abbott said in an open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday. "Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity."

But it was unclear what authority governors had to stop admitting refugees into their states, legal experts said.

"The federal government has the power over immigration. If they admit Syrian refugees, they're here," said Deborah Anker, a professor of law at Harvard Law School who specializes in immigration issues. "People aren't going to the (state) border. The federal government is going to bring them in."

The decisions to stop accepting refugees from Syria came three days after gunmen and suicide bombers believed to be part of the Islamic State militant group killed 129 people in a series of coordinated attacks in Paris, the worst such event in France since World War Two.

A Syrian passport found near the body of one of the attackers showed that its holder passed through Greece in October, raising concern that the attackers had entered Europe amid the wave of refugees fleeing that country's four-year civil war.

The United States admitted 1,682 Syrian refugees in the federal fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, a sharp jump from the 105 admitted a year earlier. Texas, California and Michigan accepted the largest number of people fleeing the war.

Secretary of State John Kerry in September said the United States would increase the number of refugees it takes in from all nations by 15,000 per year over the next two years, bringing the total to 100,000 a year by 2017.

Some of the charitable groups that work to resettle refugees criticized the moves, saying that the governors are wrongly targeting people who are fleeing violence, not trying to spread it.

"For these governors to falsely assert that the U.S. refugee admissions program places their states at risk is utterly preposterous," the Rev. John McCullough, chief executive of the Church World Service, one of nine charitable groups that works with the U.S.'s Office of Refugee Resettlement, said in a statement.

"Refugees are the single most scrutinized and vetted individuals to travel to the United States," McCullough said "These knee-jerk reactions stoke fear and bigotry, and have no place in this great nation."

Alabama and Michigan said they would no longer accept Syrian refugees on Sunday.

Michigan's Republican governor, Rick Snyder, described his state, which has a large Arab-American population, as "welcoming" but said the risk associated with admitting Syrian refugees was too high.

"Our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents," Snyder said on Sunday. "Given the terrible situation in Paris, I've directed that we put on hold our efforts to accept new refugees until the U.S. Department of Homeland Security completes a full review of security clearances and procedures."

The governors said they were ordering their state departments of health and human services to stop working with Syrian refugees.

Jindal also noted that Louisiana State Police were aware of a Syrian refugee already relocated within the state, and directed law enforcement to monitor for possible threats. Jindal is a Republican candidate for president.

(Reporting by Scott Malone in Boston; Additional reporting by Jon Herskovitz in Austin and Colleen Jenkins in Winston-Salem; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)

Six U.S. states shut doors to Syrian refugees after Paris attack
I was unaware that the states could dictate to the feds what they do on federally controlled issues like immigration?

There's a lot you're not aware of.
Thats true. There is much to learn. What I have learned so far in life would probably short circuit your tiny brain.

So when did the states start having a say in what the feds decide to do?.

When Colorado made recreational marijuana legal despite it being against federal law. Perhaps you can show me where the feds have done a damn thing there to stop what federal law says is illegal.
Okay, how many? Prove what you know. Because you want to think it doesn't make it so. Specious generalities are not facts.
You are as a dumbass as it comes. Those who immigrated in the 1930s wanted to be Americans not to kill Americans...I just leave you miring in your stupidity from now on.

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