6 White Girls and 1 White Guy Viciously Beat One Helpless Black Girl - Including Tying her Up!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Not only did they beat her without mercy, they cut her hair, wrote on her face, robbed her and the bragged about it on facebook! Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther, Obama and Holder are planning speeches and marches because of this incident.

Woman s hair cut face written on during attack photos posted online Local News - WLWT Home

Oh wait, I am sorry, it was 6 black girls and one black man that viciously beat, cut the hair of, wrote on the face of one helpless white girl.

Again the national media is silent. Obama and Holder say nothing and no hate crime will b sought!
Not only did they beat her without mercy, they cut her hair, wrote on her face, robbed her and the bragged about it on facebook! Sharpton, Jackson, the Black Panther, Obama and Holder are planning speeches and marches because of this incident.

Woman s hair cut face written on during attack photos posted online Local News - WLWT Home

Oh wait, I am sorry, it was 6 black girls and one black man that viciously beat, cut the hair of, wrote on the face of one helpless white girl.

Again the national media is silent. Obama and Holder say nothing and no hate crime will b sought!
We won't hear one PEEP from Obama and friends.

Here's one I bet most of America never heard about:

4 Blacks Torture Kill White Couple Video Alternative
The post title was rather unbelievable. Now it just plain old dog bites man.

That was the hypocrisy reaction I wanted. If white girls viciously beat a black girl in this animalistic way, then it would national news, the preps would have to be in hiding, all the race hustlers would come down and protest, the black panthers would put a price on their heads and Holder wouldn't prosecute. It would be all over CNN and MSNBC for the next 6 months. It would be sick.

Hahaha. A silly prank and nothing more. They could have raped and murdered her, or left her permanently disfigured, but she is physically fine. She will find the strength to move on. Eventually.

The self hating Jew is starting another race baiting thread!
The media plays up Caucasian misdeeds all the time, and they sweep Nego race crimes under the rug, in fact, it's endemic on this board even , that if you point out black racism, it just gets ignored or it's an anomaly, or posters just resort to calling you a racist for noticing black hate crimes...WHY BOTHER POSTING ANYMORE? I am tired of these trolling jackasses with their unsubstantiated accusations of "RACISM" .

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