6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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So here's another more research from 2010 that blows up your entire claim. OOOOPS! Now get lost! Ha ha ha.

sorry dumbass, but my article is more recent than yours.


A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group

Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.

There is surprisingly little evidence for any significant founder event from the Near East. Fewer than 10% of the Ashkenazi mtDNAs can be assigned to a Near Eastern source with any confidence, and these are found at very low frequencies.

Overall, it seems that at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion.

However, our much more detailed analyses show that two of the major Ashkenazi haplogroup K lineages, K1a1b1a and K2a2a1 have a deep European ancestry, tracing back at least as far as the early and mid-Holocene respectively. They both belong to ancient European clades (K1a1b1 and K2) that include primarily European mtDNAs, to the virtual exclusion of any from the Near East.

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So here's another more research from 2010 that blows up your entire claim. OOOOPS! Now get lost! Ha ha ha.

sorry dumbass, but my article is more recent than yours.


A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group

Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.

There is surprisingly little evidence for any significant founder event from the Near East. Fewer than 10% of the Ashkenazi mtDNAs can be assigned to a Near Eastern source with any confidence, and these are found at very low frequencies.

Overall, it seems that at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion.

However, our much more detailed analyses show that two of the major Ashkenazi haplogroup K lineages, K1a1b1a and K2a2a1 have a deep European ancestry, tracing back at least as far as the early and mid-Holocene respectively. They both belong to ancient European clades (K1a1b1 and K2) that include primarily European mtDNAs, to the virtual exclusion of any from the Near East.

Caucasus? Make up your fucking mind. The other article said four white Roman European women, this one says they are Khazars from the Caucasus mountains. That's not the same. Last I checked Caucasus had NOTHING to do with Rome.

And this one were only talking about Eastern European Jews.

See, this is what happens when an ignoramus like you posts bullshit articles without knowing what the fuck he's posting. Ha ha ha
Caucasus? Make up your fucking mind. The other article said four white Roman European women, this one says they are Khazars from the Caucasus mountains. That's not the same. Last I checked Caucasus had NOTHING to do with Rome...

can't read too well, can you dumbass?

proves that Maghreb Jews are dumb as doornails.

"Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe."
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Caucasus? Make up your fucking mind. The other article said four white Roman European women, this one says they are Khazars from the Caucasus mountains. That's not the same. Last I checked Caucasus had NOTHING to do with Rome...

can't read too well, can you dumbass?

proves that Maghreb Jews are dumb as doornails.

"Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe."

Seems like you're the one with reading comprehension problems. This article jumps from one analysis to another with no real conclusive evidence of anything.

This problem can be resolved by reconstructing the relationships genealogically, rather than relying on allele frequencies, using the non-recombining marker systems: the paternally inherited male-specific part of the Y chromosome (MSY) and the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This kind of analysis can be very powerful, because nesting of particular lineages within clusters from a particular geographical region allows us to pinpoint the source for those lineages, by applying the parsimony principle. This has indeed been attempted, with the MSY results interpreted plausibly to suggest an overwhelming majority of Near Eastern ancestry on the Ashkenazi male line of descent11, 18, 19, 20, 21, albeit with much higher levels (>50%) of European (potentially east European) lineages in Ashkenazi Levites22, suggesting a possible Khazar source in that particular case.

The maternal line has also been studied, and indeed Ashkenazi mtDNAs are highly distinctive, but they have proved difficult to assign to a source population1, 2, 11. Some progress has been made by targeting whole-mtDNA genomes or mitogenomes, which provide much higher genealogical (and therefore geographical) and chronological resolution than the control-region sequences used previously—although the far larger control-region database remains an invaluable guide to their geographic distribution.

"Our" - oh that's so cute! How long are you going to attempt to keep the farce going, l'il ignoramus?

'Wie is dos geshriben' by Jews that converts are not Jewish? I'd like you to cite the places in halachah where it is determined that ONLY genetics makes one a member of the Jewish people. That IS the argument you're trying to make, Hoffeleh.

converts are Jews.

but if they are European converts, they have European and not Levantine genetics, dumbass.

the silly idea that Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews are pure 100% Israelite/Hebrew/Judean has been proven false by genetics.

on average, we are say...40% Israelite/Hebrew/Judean.

this thread fascinates me in the wake of the death of R' Ovadia Yosef----who
did seem to develope a kind of "hell with them" attitude to the people who murdered
his relatives in Iraq-------associated with a kinda low opinion of their value in the
in the COSMOS............the jihado nazis strive to PROVE HIM RIGHT
A child was struck in the eye ----whilst sitting in a moving car in the midst of a riot---
so the low life islamo jihado nazis simply DECIDE that he was SHOT by
an Israeli sniper from a DISTANCE OF SOME 140 feet with a rubber coated
bullet ??????????????????????????

then we get to the JIHADO NAZI concept of population genetics Got bad news
for you JIHADOS-------genetic admixture on the PLANET EARTH-----dates back
a HELLUVA LOT LONGER than the past 4000 years

One of the interesting realities of the mid and far east is ATTITUDE toward
GENETIC purity. Long ago the a pig born in mecca decided that HE was descended
from ABRAHAM--------interestingly---some of his pig followers INSIST that they are
descended from ----that same pig . The same people have a remarkably low
opinion of anything SUBSAHARAN and claim "ARAB IS PURE"-----well--in fact---
one of the most admixed people are the ARABIANS -----admixed extensively with ---
guess what -------SUBSAHARANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Our" - oh that's so cute! How long are you going to attempt to keep the farce going, l'il ignoramus?

'Wie is dos geshriben' by Jews that converts are not Jewish? I'd like you to cite the places in halachah where it is determined that ONLY genetics makes one a member of the Jewish people. That IS the argument you're trying to make, Hoffeleh.

converts are Jews.

but if they are European converts, they have European and not Levantine genetics, dumbass.

the silly idea that Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews are pure 100% Israelite/Hebrew/Judean has been proven false by genetics.

on average, we are say...40% Israelite/Hebrew/Judean.

this thread fascinates me in the wake of the death of R' Ovadia Yosef----who
did seem to develope a kind of "hell with them" attitude to the people who murdered
his relatives in Iraq-------associated with a kinda low opinion of their value in the
in the COSMOS............the jihado nazis strive to PROVE HIM RIGHT
A child was struck in the eye ----whilst sitting in a moving car in the midst of a riot---
so the low life islamo jihado nazis simply DECIDE that he was SHOT by
an Israeli sniper from a DISTANCE OF SOME 140 feet with a rubber coated
bullet ??????????????????????????

then we get to the JIHADO NAZI concept of population genetics Got bad news
for you JIHADOS-------genetic admixture on the PLANET EARTH-----dates back
a HELLUVA LOT LONGER than the past 4000 years

One of the interesting realities of the mid and far east is ATTITUDE toward
GENETIC purity. Long ago the a pig born in mecca decided that HE was descended
from ABRAHAM--------interestingly---some of his pig followers INSIST that they are
descended from ----that same pig . The same people have a remarkably low
opinion of anything SUBSAHARAN and claim "ARAB IS PURE"-----well--in fact---
one of the most admixed people are the ARABIANS -----admixed extensively with ---
guess what -------SUBSAHARANS!!!!!!!!!!!!
...and he continues to ignore that over 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahis, who these studies have all confirmed their ancestry to be Levantine Jews. So what we have is a nation with over 50% of it's population that can conclusively trace their ancestry back 2500 years? I'd call that checkmate.
The fact is the Zionist claim to the land is all bogus. ZIONISTS are just foreign colonizer occupiers.

The indigenous Palestinian people are the ones with the right of self determination in the land and the only ones with a legitimate right to be in Palestine.

Time for the Occupiers to be driven out of Palestine.

Time for attacks on children in Palestine to end.

Israel has killed 1519 children in Palestine since 2000 and injured and maimed thousands more.
Forget about Winston Churchill and the British officials in the area saying the Arabs flooded in from their poor surrounding countries. Since Frau Sherri is comatose most of the time, she probably isn't even aware of the poor Africans trying to reach Italy who drowned the other day when their ships went down. She probably isn't aware of how many people emigrate to this country, Canada and Europe because their own countries are impoverished. What is utterly strange about Frau Sherri's posts is that she claims to be a "good Christian woman," but she has nothing to say about what is happening to her fellow Christians in Muslim countries. She is obsessed with the Jews and Israel and nothing else.
Jews to no one's land

Forget about Winston Churchill and the British officials in the area saying the Arabs flooded in from their poor surrounding countries

I did. He was lying.

Do you have any immigration statistics to back up that claim?
...and he continues to ignore that over 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahis, who these studies have all confirmed their ancestry to be Levantine Jews. So what we have is a nation with over 50% of it's population that can conclusively trace their ancestry back 2500 years? I'd call that checkmate.

most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.
"Who are you trying to impress?"
Who are you impressing? Only other heartless people who blindly support everything Israel does, eben if it's clearly cruel and unjustified. You can't even refute my claim that posters like you laugh off murder, and that's a deep shame that most people would dispute immediately! Instead, you have responded to my posts not with thoughtful rebuttals that pertain to what I have written, but rather with short, mocking statements that are written to infuriate me.
I will have a chat with this Hossfly person for making short mocking statements. We sure as hell don't want to see you infuriated.
Two words: sound bite.

Just wanted you to confirm that you're another Jew-hater the cat drug in. Lord, they pop up like mushroms. Or zits.
It would be more correct to say that liars pop up like mushrooms. "Jew-haters?" Smearing me was a cheap trick, Hossfly. But regrettably, cheap tricks are used by many who can't do better. And I know by now that that describes you well. Since when did criticizing Israel become immoral? A person who hates Israel does not hate Jews. Criticizing Israel doesn't even equate to hating Israel. Maybe it would've been better for my reputation if I didn't react to you. Maybe not. I am aware that unreasonable remarks pervade this message board. But when someone is too lazy to debate truthfully, and instead resorts to lying, it's bothersome, especially since it often works!
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...and he continues to ignore that over 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahis, who these studies have all confirmed their ancestry to be Levantine Jews. So what we have is a nation with over 50% of it's population that can conclusively trace their ancestry back 2500 years? I'd call that checkmate.

most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.

most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans
most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans

sorry dumbass, but the most recent and the MOST THOROUGH genetic research shows that close to 80% of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA is European, and between 30% and 60% of total Ashkenazi DNA is European.
...and he continues to ignore that over 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahis, who these studies have all confirmed their ancestry to be Levantine Jews. So what we have is a nation with over 50% of it's population that can conclusively trace their ancestry back 2500 years? I'd call that checkmate.

most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.

most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans

Lets see data to back up your words.
most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.

most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans

Lets see data to back up your words.

Its in the medical literature-----if you have a friend who has access to the major
medical journals either by access to a medical library---OR by subscription on line---
you can find all this stuff. Genetic studies upon the Bedouins of arabia are scarce
however -----just as archaeology of arabia is scanty------That is the information which
would answer LOTS of questions about the history of arabia and the migrations of
arab speaking people. So far there is good evidence that the Bedouins of even
the NEGEV of Israel are fairly recent migrants from arabia If I posted up a study
from a medical journal------you would not be able to read it anyway. You exhibit trouble
in understanding even the simple stuff that shows up in the popular literature. I have
tutored lots of stupid people in some of the areas of science that are troublesome to
lame brains------like simple plane geometry and basic population genetics-----but you
are obviously hopeless -----and I am not longer willing to do it for $5 per hour---THOSE
...and he continues to ignore that over 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahis, who these studies have all confirmed their ancestry to be Levantine Jews. So what we have is a nation with over 50% of it's population that can conclusively trace their ancestry back 2500 years? I'd call that checkmate.

most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.
Point? The citizens of the country you pray for its destruction on a daily basis are majority Mizrahis who are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. A South American country had a Prime minister who was Japanese. Does it change the rights of the citizens?
most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans

sorry dumbass, but the most recent and the MOST THOROUGH genetic research shows that close to 80% of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA is European, and between 30% and 60% of total Ashkenazi DNA is European.
Sorry douche, these types of research are a dime a dozen. There's another 2013 one out there that says Ashkenazis are all from Caucasus who entered Europe from the mountains.

Israel has always been and will stay the ancient homeland and holy to the Jews. No other religion considers it as holy as the Jews do.
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...and he continues to ignore that over 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahis, who these studies have all confirmed their ancestry to be Levantine Jews. So what we have is a nation with over 50% of it's population that can conclusively trace their ancestry back 2500 years? I'd call that checkmate.

most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.

most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans
I never said that Rosie. Even in this retards research, 20% does come from th Levant. Still higher attachment to the land than any other community!
Point? The citizens of the country you pray for its destruction on a daily basis are majority Mizrahis who are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. A South American country had a Prime minister who was Japanese. Does it change the rights of the citizens?

you dumb Cushite, the Maghreb Jews are descendants of Levantine peoples.

They could have been Berbers, Arabs, Kurds, Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, Persians, Assyrians, Phonecians, Edomites, who converted to Judaism.

There is NO way to prove Hebrew descent.

deal with it.
most of the settlers, most of the politicians, most of the folks making the decisions, are Ashkenazi Jews.

checkmate, shithead.

most of WHOM? In fact I disagree with roudy---genetic studies have confirmed that
jews world wide have roots ----as demonstrated by genetic studies---- IN THE LEVANT

Genetic studies also indicate that people who call themselves "arabs descended from
the rapist pig and his friends"-------are acutally ----genetically----very admixed with
subsaharans -------a fact that the bigots would never admit. Such people are among
the most BIGOTED people I have ever encountered in reference to subsaharans
I never said that Rosie. Even in this retards research, 20% does come from th Levant. Still higher attachment to the land than any other community!

OK OK OK mizrachi arrogance is not news to me KEEP IN MIND----i married it:doubt:
I never said that Rosie. Even in this retards research, 20% does come from th Levant. Still higher attachment to the land than any other community!

British research shows that in 1931, the vast majority of Muslim Arabs were born in Palestine, contrary to Jews.

deal with it.
I never said that Rosie. Even in this retards research, 20% does come from th Levant. Still higher attachment to the land than any other community!

British research shows that in 1931, the vast majority of Muslim Arabs were born in Palestine, contrary to Jews.

deal with it.

deal with what? in 2013 the over whelming majority of jewish Israelis
were born in Israel The developement of Israel began in the 1800s----
why talk about 1931----migrations from nearby arab lands by muslims had
already taken place DECADES EARLIER-------when major cities were being built--
like Holon and Tel Aviv and Rishon l'Tzion-------and there were suddenly
actual hostpitals and colleges in the once wilderness of filth and disease
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