6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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That's what the propagandists say.

Do you have any immigration stats?

That's precisely what propagandists say.

Do you think the Arab beggars and squatters appeared by magic?

Some people think that the Palestinians fell out of the sky in 1967.
It's a shame that Tinny wasn't with Arafat when he was at this Russian school. At least our State Department knew what was going on, and we had a retired State Department employee posting the following.....
Sure there was a Palestine. It was invented in the 1960s in a conference room at 1 Lubyanka, Dzershinsky Place, Red Square, Moscow, CCCP. It came complete with a "Palestinian people" too. In fact, its legacy leader was trained east of Moscow at the legendary Balashikha special-ops school.
Some people think that the Palestinians fell out of the sky in 1967.
They did, Tinmore!!! Before that, they were Arabs. After Arafart came back from his indoctrination in Moscow in 1967, they turned into Palestinians. SHAZAM!!!

That is too funny, Hoss.:lol::lol::lol:

A/C.1/330 of 14 October 1948
But, Tinnie, they are just referring to the people who lived in that area of the Palestine mandate (which naturally excludes Jordan since that was given to the Hashemites). There were Jews and Arabs living there at the time, and the Jews were actually known as the Palestinians and the Arabs were called Arabs or Syrians. It's a shame that your people couldn't have accepted the partition so by now they would have gotten on with their lives instead of always plotting to destroy Israel. However, I think I will go with what the State Department had to say because I am sure they were keeping tabs on Russia and also Arafat. By the way, you never have expressed any comment as to why that Egyptian officials has said for the Gazans to come back to Egypt. He must have known something to make a statement like that.
No such thing as natives of Palestine, unless you're talking about Jews. Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians did so only after the 1960's. Palestinian is a made up identity by Arafat the terrorist hijacking thief, aka the founder of the Palestinian bowel movement

Some natives, these invaders.

Jews, who's ancestors haven't lived in Palestine for 2,000 years?

they are natives? lolol!!!

I guess that makes the people of Brittany in France, natives of Ireland huh?


The Ukrainians are natives of Sweden, as their ancestors are the Rus Viking tribe?

Nope, first of all, Jews maintained a presence in the land, as evidenced by their defense of Hebron against the crusaders 500 years ago, and the Jews in Israel today are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. No question about that. Like I said, Arabs are invaders from neighboring lands.
We see what life was like in the late 1800s and early 1900s from the writings of Zionist Ahamd Haam. The native Palestinians were being confronted with immigration by a foreign people, Zionists.

The UN documents track changing demographics, as more Zionists immigrated to Palestine.
In other words you can't trace any Arab Palestinian presence further back than the 1800's and 1900's

Najd (Arabic: نجد*) was a Palestinian Arab village, located 14 kilometers (8.7 mi) northeast of Gaza City. During the British Mandate in Palestine, children from Najd attended school in the nearby village of Simsim. On 13 May 1948, Najd was occupied by the Negev Brigade as part of Operation Barak, and the villagers were expelled[6] and fled to Gaza.

Under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, in 1596, Najd formed part nahiya (subdistrict) of Gaza under the liwa' (district) of Gaza with a population of 215. It paid taxes on a number of crops, including wheat, barley and fruit, as well as on goats, beehives and vineyards.[8]

In the 1922 census of Palestine conducted by the British Mandate authorities, Nejd had a population of 305, all Muslims,[13] while in the 1931 census, Najd had 82 occupied houses and a population of 422 Muslims.[14]

Cultivated lands in the village in 1944-45 included a total of 10 dunums allocated for citrus and bananas and 11,916 dunums for cereals. An additional 511 dunums were irrigated or used for orchards. The population at this time was 620.[12][15]
1948 War and aftermath

According to Benny Morris, the villagers of Najd were "driven out" by soldiers from the Negev Brigade on 12–13 May, during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[6]

The Israeli city of Sderot was founded in 1951 on village land, a few miles to the south of the village site,[12] while Or HaNer was founded in 1957 also on village land, to the northeast.[12]

Najd, Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bwahahahahah! Link? You are a joke.
Nope, first of all, Jews maintained a presence in the land, as evidenced by their defense of Hebron against the crusaders 500 years ago, and the Jews in Israel today are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. No question about that. Like I said, Arabs are invaders from neighboring lands.

The Jews of Israel today are direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews?

you can't prove that and you know it.

There is no concrete evidence that the Jews are descended from Hebrews, and not Arabs or Kurds or Turks or Lebanese that coverted to Judaism.

Plus the fact that recent genetic studies show that the mitochondrial DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, which shows descent from four women, also shows that these women were EUPOPEAN and NOT Levantine!!!!

plus the fact that they lived in Europe 12,000 years ago, not 2,000 years ago.

your fantasy has been debunked.
Nope, first of all, Jews maintained a presence in the land, as evidenced by their defense of Hebron against the crusaders 500 years ago, and the Jews in Israel today are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. No question about that. Like I said, Arabs are invaders from neighboring lands.

The Jews of Israel today are direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews?

you can't prove that and you know it.

There is no concrete evidence that the Jews are descended from Hebrews, and not Arabs or Kurds or Turks or Lebanese that coverted to Judaism.

Plus the fact that recent genetic studies show that the mitochondrial DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, which shows descent from four women, also shows that these women were EUPOPEAN and NOT Levantine!!!!

plus the fact that they lived in Europe 12,000 years ago, not 2,000 years ago.

your fantasy has been debunked.

your problem is----that you have no concept of population genetics which is ONE
method-----a very good one but not the only method of tracing the kinship and
migrations of people. I am sorry----but I cannot explain to you enough of
that which you are missing to make a difference anymore than I can teach you
high school geometry on a message board. I have tutored idiots like you in both
subjects-----since both subjects seem to be the MIND STUMPERS that impede lots
of people in school I wish I could say I tutored people in calculus-----but the fact is---
well-------I found that subject difficult myself -----I never tutored calculus---and do not
consider myself capable

getting back to jews------there is more than enough evidence BOTH by "GENETICS" and
by such techniques as ETYMOLOGY to establish as FACT ---that the ancient "hebrews"
of the bible are the forefathers of todays jews----WORLDWIDE

The people called "palestinians" today-----are the result of extensive wars between
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece-----followed by invasion by arabs (the ones
that came out of arabia) and INTENSIVE ADMIXTURE of those populations.
The people called BEDOUINS are very closely linked to ARABS FROM ARABIA ---
most likely quite purely-----descended from real "arabs" Be happy----HYBRIDS
Nope, first of all, Jews maintained a presence in the land, as evidenced by their defense of Hebron against the crusaders 500 years ago, and the Jews in Israel today are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. No question about that. Like I said, Arabs are invaders from neighboring lands.

The Jews of Israel today are direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews?

you can't prove that and you know it.

There is no concrete evidence that the Jews are descended from Hebrews, and not Arabs or Kurds or Turks or Lebanese that coverted to Judaism.

Plus the fact that recent genetic studies show that the mitochondrial DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, which shows descent from four women, also shows that these women were EUPOPEAN and NOT Levantine!!!!

plus the fact that they lived in Europe 12,000 years ago, not 2,000 years ago.

your fantasy has been debunked.
Sure they are. It's been proven before over and over.

Middle East Jews have kept their genetic and cultural identity for thousands of years since the fall of the first and second temples. The European Jews are of the same tree just a different branch. Jews have been practicing the same religion, using the same holy book, same rituals, traditions and speaking the same Hebrew language for thousands of years. They did not intermarry because that was forbidden, and they certainly didn't force other people to convert either. Nothing has interrupted their direct link to the ancient Jews! and NOTHING WILL.

I'll tell you who isn't a descendant of the ancient Hebrews. Certainly not those Arabs, who sprung from the deserts of Arabia and raided other lands, who speak Arabic and practice Islam and have no idea what Jews, Judaism and Israel are all about! THEY HAVE ZERO LINK to ancient Hebrews. Ha ha ha.
Nope, first of all, Jews maintained a presence in the land, as evidenced by their defense of Hebron against the crusaders 500 years ago, and the Jews in Israel today are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. No question about that. Like I said, Arabs are invaders from neighboring lands.

The Jews of Israel today are direct descendants of the ancient Hebrews?

you can't prove that and you know it.

There is no concrete evidence that the Jews are descended from Hebrews, and not Arabs or Kurds or Turks or Lebanese that coverted to Judaism.

Plus the fact that recent genetic studies show that the mitochondrial DNA of Ashkenazi Jews, which shows descent from four women, also shows that these women were EUPOPEAN and NOT Levantine!!!!

plus the fact that they lived in Europe 12,000 years ago, not 2,000 years ago.

your fantasy has been debunked.
Sure they are. It's been proven before over and over.

Middle East Jews have kept their genetic and cultural identity for thousands of years since the fall of the first and second temples.

And that alone shows how retarded they were, while in asia they tried to acquire any different gene that is coming their way.

No wonder why mid east is a mess in the first place, because they are all together "genetically" retarded.
This idiot thread has OVER 300 posts and I have yet to see a shred of evidence
that a kid "LOST AN EYE" to a "METAL COATED BULLET" All there is so
far is a bit to suggest that something hit a child's eye as he sat in a car that was
moving thru some civil unrest and ------it is not clear that he lost an eye----there
is an implication that he lost some vision in one of his eyes. -----maybe. Anyone
have anything credible on this subject?
6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

IDF soldiers shot 6-year-old Musab al-Sarahneh in the eye in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron early last week, his family reported.*The boy lost his right eye after Israeli forces opened fire on the car he was traveling in with rubber-coated steel bullets, according to the family's account.*At the time, last Friday, Musab was sitting in a car holding his mother's hand as they made their way home, his family says.*As they approached the entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp, an Israeli soldier opened fire at their car out of nowhere, according to Musab's mother. She said that the Israeli soldier who shot Musab was only about 40 meters from their car. Immediately following the incident, Musab noticed blood flowing from right eye, and was taken to the hospital. One of the rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli soldier hit Musab straight in the eye.

*6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet | Maan News Agency

Palestinians in Refugee camps in Occupied Palestine are subjected to constant attacks by Israel.

The goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the inhabitants to pressure the inhabitants to leave.

Children often are the victims, as we see in this story of a young child losing an eye .

Israel occupies the West Bank, they owe an obligation to protect civilians, not shoot children in the eyes and cause this horrible injury like this to a child.



Sure they are. It's been proven before over and over.

Middle East Jews have kept their genetic and cultural identity for thousands of years since the fall of the first and second temples. The European Jews are of the same tree just a different branch. Jews have been practicing the same religion, using the same holy book, same rituals, traditions and speaking the same Hebrew language for thousands of years. They did not intermarry because that was forbidden, and they certainly didn't force other people to convert either. Nothing has interrupted their direct link to the ancient Jews! and NOTHING WILL.

I'll tell you who isn't a descendant of the ancient Hebrews. Certainly not those Arabs, who sprung from the deserts of Arabia and raided other lands, who speak Arabic and practice Islam and have no idea what Jews, Judaism and Israel are all about! THEY HAVE ZERO LINK to ancient Hebrews. Ha ha ha.

You surely don't know shit about the Jews or their genetics.

Its now been proven, through genetic research, that the Ashkenazi Jews are descended from male Jews who came to Europe and took European Gentile wives, whom they converted.

Nevermind the fact that Jewish conversion of Gentiles was rampant throughout the Roman Empire before Konstantine made Christianity the official religion and conversion to Judaism & prostelityzing by Jews became a crime.

Sorry bro, but your ancestors may very well have NOT been Judeans.


Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews genetics range an average from 30% to 60% European.

deal with the truth.
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There are seriously a lot of idiots here who, in the face of irrefutable evidence of crimes committed against a population, still stick to their dogma, calling the accusations "propaganda" (nice self-serving smear-any proof?) and the Palestinian people "terrorists" (so any Palestinian civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time is given that convenient label?). Why? Just because the attacked were Palestinians, and the attacker was Israel! They ridicule the news of murder because it contradicts their policy views! A crime is evil, no matter who does it! Damn! The sheer number of blind sickos here is disgusting!!
There are seriously a lot of idiots here who, in the face of irrefutable evidence of crimes committed against a population, still stick to their dogma, calling the accusations "propaganda" (nice self-serving smear-any proof?) and the Palestinian people "terrorists" (so any Palestinian civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time is given that convenient label?). Why? Just because the attacked were Palestinians, and the attacker was Israel! They ridicule the news of murder because it contradicts their policy views! A crime is evil, no matter who does it! Damn! The sheer number of blind sickos here is disgusting!!
What's all this white noise about from pi? Who invited you. Knock before entering.
"What's all this white noise about?"
Apparently, you saw my post as a rant-and it is-and not a single word registered in you. I will be more calm and concise-I find the great number of people here who laugh off and dismiss the repeated killing of civilians, as if it's excusable under certain circumstances, repulsive. A crime should be seen as a crime, and this sense of justice should be felt in people of all political beliefs.

"Who invited you? Knock before entering."
Sorry! I didn't know that you have authority over this thread, and that you have introduced a strict censorship policy!
Are you trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm a new user, by any chance?
6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

IDF soldiers shot 6-year-old Musab al-Sarahneh in the eye in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron early last week, his family reported.*The boy lost his right eye after Israeli forces opened fire on the car he was traveling in with rubber-coated steel bullets, according to the family's account.*At the time, last Friday, Musab was sitting in a car holding his mother's hand as they made their way home, his family says.*As they approached the entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp, an Israeli soldier opened fire at their car out of nowhere, according to Musab's mother. She said that the Israeli soldier who shot Musab was only about 40 meters from their car. Immediately following the incident, Musab noticed blood flowing from right eye, and was taken to the hospital. One of the rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli soldier hit Musab straight in the eye.

*6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet | Maan News Agency

Palestinians in Refugee camps in Occupied Palestine are subjected to constant attacks by Israel.

The goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the inhabitants to pressure the inhabitants to leave.

Children often are the victims, as we see in this story of a young child losing an eye .

Israel occupies the West Bank, they owe an obligation to protect civilians, not shoot children in the eyes and cause this horrible injury like this to a child.




So, targeting children in Palestine to target to hurt and kill is a regular and daily Zionist practice.

People with a conscience are upset/bothered about that.

But you must have a conscience to be bothered by this, that is true, and explains your response.

All the psychopaths without a conscience in our world are a problem too.

Of course, that does not bother you either, I expect.
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"What's all this white noise about?"
Apparently, you saw my post as a rant-and it is-and not a single word registered in you. I will be more calm and concise-I find the great number of people here who laugh off and dismiss the repeated killing of civilians, as if it's excusable under certain circumstances, repulsive. A crime should be seen as a crime, and this sense of justice should be felt in people of all political beliefs.

"Who invited you? Knock before entering."
Sorry! I didn't know that you have authority over this thread, and that you have introduced a strict censorship policy!
Are you trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm a new user, by any chance?
Don't get yer knickers in a twist. Who are you trying to impress? Who are the 'idiots' and 'sickos' you refer to? And don't sass the Hossfly.
"Who are you trying to impress?"
Who are you impressing? Only other heartless people who blindly support everything Israel does, even if it's clearly cruel and unjustified. You can't even refute my claim that posters like you laugh off murder, and that's a deep shame that most people would dispute immediately! Instead, you have responded to my posts not with thoughtful rebuttals that pertain to what I have written, but rather with short, mocking statements that are written to infuriate me.
"Who are you trying to impress?"
Who are you impressing? Only other heartless people who blindly support everything Israel does, even if it's clearly cruel and unjustified. You can't even refute my claim that posters like you laugh off murder, and that's a deep shame that most people would dispute immediately! Instead, you have responded to my posts not with thoughtful rebuttals that pertain to what I have written, but rather with short, mocking statements that are written to infuriate me.

I will have a chat with this Hossfly person for making short mocking statements. We sure as hell don't wish do see you infuriated.
"Who are you trying to impress?"
Who are you impressing? Only other heartless people who blindly support everything Israel does, even if it's clearly cruel and unjustified. You can't even refute my claim that posters like you laugh off murder, and that's a deep shame that most people would dispute immediately! Instead, you have responded to my posts not with thoughtful rebuttals that pertain to what I have written, but rather with short, mocking statements that are written to infuriate me.
Just wanted you to confirm that you're another Jew-hater the cat drug in. Lord, they pop up like mushroms. Or zits.
Its now been proven, through genetic research, that the Ashkenazi Jews are descended from male Jews who came to Europe and took European Gentile wives, whom they converted.

Ha ha ha! Really? JUST THE MALES eh? ALL Ashkenazim are fake! Ho ho ho! According to who? Oh wait let me guess...non other than...NY Times Theory of the Day!"

I suggest you sober up before you post again. At some point that foot is going to get stuck in that mouth of yours and only then would an ER Doctor will be able to remove it.

How about this Nazi boy, the Jews you see today are the real deal? Overwhelming majority of them are direct descenders of the ancient Hebrews. Can't handle it? TOUGH SHIT!


Ashkenazi Jews
Ashkenazi (from the medieval Hebrew word for "Germany", as some medieval Jews believed that the Germanic peoples descended from Gomer's son Ashkenaz, while other Jews place all Europeans as the descendants of the biblical Edomites, a Hebrew tribe that bordered the ancient Israelites in the Levant) is a general category of Jewish populations who immigrated to what is now Germany and northeastern France during the Middle Ages and until modern times used to adhere to the "Yiddish-culture" and the "Ashkenazi" prayer style. There is evidence that groups of Jews had immigrated to Germania during the Roman Era; they were probably merchants who followed the Roman Legions during their conquests. To a larger degree, modern Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Jews who migrated into northern France and lower Germany around 800–1000 CE, later migrating into Eastern Europe. Many Ashkenazi Jews also have mixed Sephardic origins, as a result of exiles from Spain, first during Islamic persecutions (11th-12th centuries) and later during Christian reconquests (13th-15th centuries) and the Spanish Inquisition (15th-16th centuries). In this sense, the modern term "Ashkenazi" refers to a subset of Jewish religious practices, appropriated over time, rather than to a strict ethno-geographic division, which became erased over time.

Genetic analysis of Ashkenazi Jews[edit]
See also: Genetic studies on Jews
In 2006, a study by Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Technion and Ramban Medical Center in Haifa, Israel demonstrated that the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews, both men and women, have Middle Eastern ancestry.[16] Ashkenazi Jews share a common ancestry with other Jewish groups and only 5%-8% of the Ashkenazi Jews were found to have genes which possibly originated in non-Jewish European populations.[17] According to Hammer, the Ashkenazi population expanded through a series of bottlenecks—events that squeeze a population down to small numbers—perhaps as it migrated from the Middle East after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, to Italy, reaching the Rhine Valley in the 10th century.

Mizrahi Jews[edit]
Mizrahim are Jews descended from the Jewish communities of the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus, largely originating from the Babylonian Jewry of the classic period. The term Mizrahi is used in Israel in the language of politics, media and some social scientists for Jews from the Arab world and adjacent, primarily Muslim-majority countries. The definition of Mizrahi includes the modern Iraqi Jews, Syrian Jews, Lebanese Jews, Persian Jews, Afghan Jews, Bukharian Jews, Kurdish Jews, Mountain Jews, Georgian Jews. Some also include the North-African Sephardic communities and Yemenite Jews under the definition of Mizrahi, but do that from rather political generalization than ancestral reasons.

Genetic analysis of Jews[edit]
Modern DNA studies have provided evidence that most of the world's Jews, have a common ancestral lineage in the Levant, which can be traced to a common ancestral population that inhabited the Middle East some four thousand years ago. Maternally, both Jews and Samaritans have had very low rates of intermarriage with local or host populations.[20][21] Both populations' DNA results indicate the groups having had a high percentage of marriage within their respective communities; in contrast to a low percentage of interfaith marriages (as low as 0.5% per generation). One study on Ashkenazi Jews stated "Taken as a whole, our results, along with those from previous studies, support the model of a Middle Eastern origin of the AJ population followed by subsequent admixture with host Europeans or populations more similar to Europeans. Our data further imply that modern Ashkenazi Jews are perhaps even more similar with Europeans than Middle Easterners."[22] In 2006, a study by Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Technion and Ramban Medical Center in Haifa, Israel demonstrated that the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews, both men and women, have Middle Eastern ancestry.[16] Ashkenazi Jews share a common ancestry with other Jewish groups[17] and only 5%-8% of the Ashkenazi Jews were found to have genes which possibly originated in non-Jewish European populations.

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