6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

IDF soldiers shot 6-year-old Musab al-Sarahneh in the eye in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron early last week, his family reported.*The boy lost his right eye after Israeli forces opened fire on the car he was traveling in with rubber-coated steel bullets, according to the family's account.*At the time, last Friday, Musab was sitting in a car holding his mother's hand as they made their way home, his family says.*As they approached the entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp, an Israeli soldier opened fire at their car out of nowhere, according to Musab's mother. She said that the Israeli soldier who shot Musab was only about 40 meters from their car. Immediately following the incident, Musab noticed blood flowing from right eye, and was taken to the hospital. One of the rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli soldier hit Musab straight in the eye.

*6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet | Maan News Agency

Palestinians in Refugee camps in Occupied Palestine are subjected to constant attacks by Israel.

The goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the inhabitants to pressure the inhabitants to leave.

Children often are the victims, as we see in this story of a young child losing an eye .

Israel occupies the West Bank, they owe an obligation to protect civilians, not shoot children in the eyes and cause this horrible injury like this to a child.




So, targeting children in Palestine to target to hurt and kill is a regular and daily Zionist practice.

People with a conscience are upset/bothered about that.

But you must have a conscience to be bothered by this, that is true, and explains your response.

All the psychopaths without a conscience in our world are a problem too.

Of course, that does not bother you either, I expect.
I love it when this Sherri, a person who supports Hamas and Hezbollah, people who deliberately target civilians, and children, speaks of CONSCIENCE, as if she / he / it really has one! Ha ha ha.
...See also: Genetic studies on Jews
In 2006, a study by Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Technion and Ramban Medical Center in Haifa, Israel demonstrated that the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews, both men and women, have Middle Eastern ancestry.[16] Ashkenazi Jews share a common ancestry with other Jewish groups and only 5%-8% of the Ashkenazi Jews were found to have genes which possibly originated in non-Jewish European populations....

....In 2006, a study by Doron Behar and Karl Skorecki of the Technion and Ramban Medical Center in Haifa, Israel demonstrated that the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews, both men and women, have Middle Eastern ancestry.[16] Ashkenazi Jews share a common ancestry with other Jewish groups[17] and only 5%-8% of the Ashkenazi Jews were found to have genes which possibly originated in non-Jewish European populations...

sorry dumbass, but more recent and much more thorough genetic research shows that Ashkenazi Jews have between 30%-60% European genetics, and their matrilinial heritage comes from four EUROPEAN women, around 15,000 years ago...in Europe and not the Middle East.


A new genetic analysis has now filled in another piece of the origins puzzle, pointing to European women as the principal female founders, and to the Jewish community of the early Roman empire as the possible source of the Ashkenazi ancestors.

The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed, and reinforces the idea that many Jewish communities outside Israel were founded by single men who married and converted local women.

The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, is based on a genetic analysis of maternal lineages. A team led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England took a fresh look at Ashkenazi lineages by decoding the entire mitochondrial genomes of people from Europe and the Near East.

Earlier DNA studies showed that Jewish communities around the world had been founded by men whose Y chromosomes bore DNA patterns typically found in the Near East. But there was a surprise when geneticists turned to examine the women founders by analyzing mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element that is separate from the main human genome and inherited just through the female line.

This uncertainty seemed to be resolved by a survey published in 2006. Its authors reported that the four most common mitochondrial DNA lineages among Ashkenazis came from the Near East, implying that just four Jewish women were the ancestresses of nearly half of today’s Ashkenazim. Under this scenario, it seemed more likely that the Ashkenazim were the result of a migration of whole communities of men and women together.

With the entire mitochondrial genome in hand, Dr. Richards could draw up family trees with a much finer resolution than before. His trees show that the four major Ashkenazi lineages in fact form clusters within descent lines that were established in Europe some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. The same is true of most of the minor lineages

“Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed,” Dr. Richards and colleagues conclude in their paper. Overall, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and 8 percent from the Near East, with the rest uncertain, the researchers estimate.

Dr. Richards estimates that the four major lineages became incorporated into the Ashkenazi community at least 2,000 years ago. A large Jewish community flourished in Rome at this time and included many converts. This community could have been the source of both the Ashkenazim of Europe and the Sephardim of Spain and Portugal, given that the two groups have considerable genetic commonality, Dr. Richards said.

Another recent study, also based on whole genomes, found that a mixture of European ancestries ranged from 30 percent to 60 percent among Ashkenazi and Sephardi populations, with Northern Italians showing the greatest proximity to Jews of any Europeans.

The authors of this study in Nature Communications, led by Gil Atzmon of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, noted that there had been mass conversions to Judaism in the early Roman empire, resulting in some 6 million citizens, or 10 percent of the population, practicing Judaism.

Dr. Richards sees this as a possible time and place at which the four European lineages could have entered the Jewish community, becoming very numerous much later as the Ashkenazi population in northern Europe expanded from around 25,000 in 1300 A.D., to more than 8.5 million at the beginning of the 20th century.

sorry dumbass, by the 2006 research is wrong. 30% to 60% of your genetic is NOT Middle-Eastern.

deal with it, you're very likely part Italian.
Hoffeleh, you l'il mamzer: Roudy isn't Ashkenazi, so all your l'il yipping is irrelevant to his genetics.

If you weren't such a total ignoramus, you might've figured that out.
Hoffeleh, you l'il mamzer: Roudy isn't Ashkenazi, so all your l'il yipping is irrelevant to his genetics.

If you weren't such a total ignoramus, you might've figured that out.

"This community could have been the source of both the Ashkenazim of Europe and the Sephardim of Spain and Portugal, given that the two groups have considerable genetic commonality, Dr. Richards said."

reading is fundamental.
Sure they are. It's been proven before over and over.

Middle East Jews have kept their genetic and cultural identity for thousands of years since the fall of the first and second temples. The European Jews are of the same tree just a different branch. Jews have been practicing the same religion, using the same holy book, same rituals, traditions and speaking the same Hebrew language for thousands of years. They did not intermarry because that was forbidden, and they certainly didn't force other people to convert either. Nothing has interrupted their direct link to the ancient Jews! and NOTHING WILL.

I'll tell you who isn't a descendant of the ancient Hebrews. Certainly not those Arabs, who sprung from the deserts of Arabia and raided other lands, who speak Arabic and practice Islam and have no idea what Jews, Judaism and Israel are all about! THEY HAVE ZERO LINK to ancient Hebrews. Ha ha ha.

You surely don't know shit about the Jews or their genetics.

Its now been proven, through genetic research, that the Ashkenazi Jews are descended from male Jews who came to Europe and took European Gentile wives, whom they converted.

Nevermind the fact that Jewish conversion of Gentiles was rampant throughout the Roman Empire before Konstantine made Christianity the official religion and conversion to Judaism & prostelityzing by Jews became a crime.

Sorry bro, but your ancestors may very well have NOT been Judeans.


Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews genetics range an average from 30% to 60% European.

deal with the truth.

And any actual Jew understands that genetics is not the whole story. But one would have to have had some exposure to actual Jews-practicing-Judaism to begin to understand that.

Poor Hoffeleh isn't able to deal with the truth that over half of Israeli Jews are Mizrachi and do indeed come from right in the ME. They're largely the descendants of the 950,000 or so who were beggared and dispossessed through the conspiracy among Arab League nations...... an ethnic cleansing of international scope which the AL nations perpetrated upon their Jewish citizenry.
Hoffeleh, you l'il mamzer: Roudy isn't Ashkenazi, so all your l'il yipping is irrelevant to his genetics.

If you weren't such a total ignoramus, you might've figured that out.

"This community could have been the source of both the Ashkenazim of Europe and the Sephardim of Spain and Portugal, given that the two groups have considerable genetic commonality, Dr. Richards said."

reading is fundamental.

Yes, you need to brush up on that, poor l'il ignoramus : )) Seems you don't even know the Mizrachi Jews exist .......
Hoffeleh, you l'il mamzer: Roudy isn't Ashkenazi, so all your l'il yipping is irrelevant to his genetics.

If you weren't such a total ignoramus, you might've figured that out.

"This community could have been the source of both the Ashkenazim of Europe and the Sephardim of Spain and Portugal, given that the two groups have considerable genetic commonality, Dr. Richards said."

reading is fundamental.
Mizrahi Jews
Mizrahim are Jews descended from the Jewish communities of the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus, largely originating from the Babylonian Jewry of the classic period. The term Mizrahi is used in Israel in the language of politics, media and some social scientists for Jews from the Arab world and adjacent, primarily Muslim-majority countries. The definition of Mizrahi includes the modern Iraqi Jews, Syrian Jews, Lebanese Jews, Persian Jews, Afghan Jews, Bukharian Jews, Kurdish Jews, Mountain Jews, Georgian Jews. Some also include the North-African Sephardic communities and Yemenite Jews under the definition of Mizrahi, but do that from rather political generalization than ancestral reasons.

Sorry dude, you're shit outta luck.

Although, I have been told I look Italian. Thanks for the complement. It helped a lot with the women, back in the days. LOL
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And any actual Jew understands that genetics is not the whole story. But one would have to have had some exposure to actual Jews-practicing-Judaism to begin to understand that.

Poor Hoffeleh isn't able to deal with the truth that over half of Israeli Jews are Mizrachi and do indeed come from right in the ME. They're largely the descendants of the 950,000 or so who were beggared and dispossessed through the conspiracy among Arab League nations...... an ethnic cleansing of international scope which the AL nations perpetrated upon their Jewish citizenry.

sorry dumbass, but genetics IS the whole story.

our genetics tells us who we are and where we are from.

and the most recent research shows that Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews have a large component of European DNA, and the great majority of our mitochondrial DNA is European, created around 15,000 years ago around Italy.
6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

IDF soldiers shot 6-year-old Musab al-Sarahneh in the eye in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron early last week, his family reported.*The boy lost his right eye after Israeli forces opened fire on the car he was traveling in with rubber-coated steel bullets, according to the family's account.*At the time, last Friday, Musab was sitting in a car holding his mother's hand as they made their way home, his family says.*As they approached the entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp, an Israeli soldier opened fire at their car out of nowhere, according to Musab's mother. She said that the Israeli soldier who shot Musab was only about 40 meters from their car. Immediately following the incident, Musab noticed blood flowing from right eye, and was taken to the hospital. One of the rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli soldier hit Musab straight in the eye.

*6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet | Maan News Agency

Palestinians in Refugee camps in Occupied Palestine are subjected to constant attacks by Israel.

The goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the inhabitants to pressure the inhabitants to leave.

Children often are the victims, as we see in this story of a young child losing an eye .

Israel occupies the West Bank, they owe an obligation to protect civilians, not shoot children in the eyes and cause this horrible injury like this to a child.




So, targeting children in Palestine to target to hurt and kill is a regular and daily Zionist practice.

People with a conscience are upset/bothered about that.

But you must have a conscience to be bothered by this, that is true, and explains your response.

All the psychopaths without a conscience in our world are a problem too.

Of course, that does not bother you either, I expect.

Whoooooooops! There goes that l'il HAMAS whore Nazi-sucking sherrithing, lying again!

The first lie is her assumption that a child was targeted.......etc, etc.

The biggest lie that erupts from her propaganda-pickled brain, however, is the one that she's got a conscience.

Nobody with a conscience would call another woman's children 'spawn'. Or attack another woman as a 'baby-killer' for mentioning that they'd sustained a miscarriage. Or tell a young woman who was adopted "Better had you never been born than to be raised by a Zionist"......Not to mention the post where the sherrifilth claimed that poster 'hated' the woman who gave birth to her for not being Jewish.

The psychopath on here is the sherrthing, the poster who was 'sickened and disgusted' that other posters felt sadness over the little ones murdered in Newtown, CT........
Well I'm glad that NY Times has put that to rest then. LOL

And now for some real research:

The Cohen / DNA Connection

Dr. Skorecki made contact with Professor Michael Hammer, of the University of Arizona, a leading researcher in molecular genetics and a pioneer in Y chromosome research. Professor Hammer uses DNA analysis to study the history of populations, their origins and migrations. His previous research included work on the origins of the Native American Indians and the development of the Japanese people.

In a second study, Dr. Skorecki and associates gathered more DNA samples and expanded their selection of Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Cohens’ common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers was found in 97 of the 106 Cohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Hapoltype (CMH)—the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.

The finding of a common set of genetic markers in both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Cohanim worldwide clearly indicates an origin pre-dating the separate development of the two communities around 1000 CE. Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among Cohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years—the approximate time of the Exodus from Egypt, the lifetime of Aaron HaCohen.
Using the CMH as a DNA signature of the ancient Hebrews, researchers are pursuing a hunt for Jewish genes around the world.

This could have ramifications in the search for the Biblical Ten Lost Tribes.

Using the genetic markers of the Cohanim as a yardstick, these genetic archaeologists are using DNA research to discover historical links to the Jewish people.

The researchers’ policy is that the research is not a test of individuals, but an examination of the extended family. Having the CMH is not a proof of one’s being a Cohen, for the mother’s side is also significant in determining one’s Cohen status. At present, there are no ramifications in Jewish law due to this discovery. No one is certified nor disqualified because of their Y chromosome markers.

The research has shown a clear genetic relationship amongst Cohanim and their direct lineage from a common ancestor. The research findings support the Torah statements that the line of Aaron will last throughout history:

“... and they shall have the Priesthood as a statute forever, and you shall consecrate Aaron and his sons.” [Exodus 29:9]

“... it shall be for them an appointment to an everlasting Priesthood throughout their generations.” [Exodus 40:15]

“And it shall be to him and to his descendants after him a covenant of everlasting Priesthood.” [Numbers 25:13]
And any actual Jew understands that genetics is not the whole story. But one would have to have had some exposure to actual Jews-practicing-Judaism to begin to understand that.

Poor Hoffeleh isn't able to deal with the truth that over half of Israeli Jews are Mizrachi and do indeed come from right in the ME. They're largely the descendants of the 950,000 or so who were beggared and dispossessed through the conspiracy among Arab League nations...... an ethnic cleansing of international scope which the AL nations perpetrated upon their Jewish citizenry.

sorry dumbass, but genetics IS the whole story.

our genetics tells us who we are and where we are from.

and the most recent research shows that Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews have a large component of European DNA, and the great majority of our mitochondrial DNA is European, created around 15,000 years ago around Italy.

"Our" - oh that's so cute! How long are you going to attempt to keep the farce going, l'il ignoramus?

'Wie is dos geshriben' by Jews that converts are not Jewish? I'd like you to cite the places in halachah where it is determined that ONLY genetics makes one a member of the Jewish people. That IS the argument you're trying to make, Hoffeleh.
And any actual Jew understands that genetics is not the whole story. But one would have to have had some exposure to actual Jews-practicing-Judaism to begin to understand that.

Poor Hoffeleh isn't able to deal with the truth that over half of Israeli Jews are Mizrachi and do indeed come from right in the ME. They're largely the descendants of the 950,000 or so who were beggared and dispossessed through the conspiracy among Arab League nations...... an ethnic cleansing of international scope which the AL nations perpetrated upon their Jewish citizenry.

sorry dumbass, but genetics IS the whole story.

our genetics tells us who we are and where we are from.

and the most recent research shows that Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews have a large component of European DNA, and the great majority of our mitochondrial DNA is European, created around 15,000 years ago around Italy.
That's not "the latest research" that's what one research aludes to, and it's findings aren't even conclusive. In other words, they could also be totally wrong, as they are talking hypothetical such as "All Ashkanazi Jews come from three European women"....Bwahahahahah! That's some funny shit. Scientist you're not.
"Our" - oh that's so cute! How long are you going to attempt to keep the farce going, l'il ignoramus?

'Wie is dos geshriben' by Jews that converts are not Jewish? I'd like you to cite the places in halachah where it is determined that ONLY genetics makes one a member of the Jewish people. That IS the argument you're trying to make, Hoffeleh.

converts are Jews.

but if they are European converts, they have European and not Levantine genetics, dumbass.

the silly idea that Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews are pure 100% Israelite/Hebrew/Judean has been proven false by genetics.

on average, we are say...40% Israelite/Hebrew/Judean.

but close to 80% of our mitochondrial DNA, is European.

deal with the science, broseph.
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More from the same pile of crap "research":

The four mitochondrial lineages common among Ashkenazis are now very rare elsewhere in the Near East and Europe, making it hard to identify with certainty the lineages from which they originated.

the estimate of 80 percent European origin for the Ashkenazi maternal lineages was not statistically justified, given that mitochondrial DNA lineages rise and fall in a random way.
The fact is the Zionist claim to the land is all bogus. ZIONISTS are just foreign colonizer occupiers.

The indigenous Palestinian people are the ones with the right of self determination in the land and the only ones with a legitimate right to be in Palestine.

Time for the Occupiers to be driven out of Palestine.

Time for attacks on children in Palestine to end.

Israel has killed 1519 children in Palestine since 2000 and injured and maimed thousands more.
More from the same pile of crap "research":

The four mitochondrial lineages common among Ashkenazis are now very rare elsewhere in the Near East and Europe, making it hard to identify with certainty the lineages from which they originated.

the estimate of 80 percent European origin for the Ashkenazi maternal lineages was not statistically justified, given that mitochondrial DNA lineages rise and fall in a random way.

cherry picking from a very large article, shows very little honesty and integrity, Rudey.
More from the same pile of crap "research":

The four mitochondrial lineages common among Ashkenazis are now very rare elsewhere in the Near East and Europe, making it hard to identify with certainty the lineages from which they originated.

the estimate of 80 percent European origin for the Ashkenazi maternal lineages was not statistically justified, given that mitochondrial DNA lineages rise and fall in a random way.

cherry picking from a very large article, shows very little honesty and integrity, Rudey.

Not Cherry picking, there is a mountain of scientific evidence from other researchers that contradicts these findings, and it's methodology, and the researchers have stated so. In other words this research hasn't been peer reviewed, if anything it's been negated.

And you keep ignoring the fact that a majority of Jews in Israel today are people like me, Mizrahis, those who are either from the Middle East or direct decedents of. Jews who's genetic lineage to those who fled the destruction of the first and second temples cannot be questioned.

So I'd say, after thousands of years, they are back home, to where their ancestors lived. :clap:
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Not Cherry picking, there is a mountain of scientific evidence from other researchers that contradicts these findings, and it's methodology, and the researchers have stated so. In other words this research hasn't been peer reviewed, if anything it's been negated....

the 2006 research only looked at a small portion of genes.

the most recent stuff in the NYT article looked at the entire genome!!!!

and what did they find? close to 80% of Ashkenazi and Sephardic mitochondrial DNA comes four women who lived in Europe, 15,000 years ago.

between 30% and 60% of Ashkenazi & Sephardi genes are European, NOT Levantine.

deal with it, sucka.
Not Cherry picking, there is a mountain of scientific evidence from other researchers that contradicts these findings, and it's methodology, and the researchers have stated so. In other words this research hasn't been peer reviewed, if anything it's been negated....

the 2006 research only looked at a small portion of genes.

the most recent stuff in the NYT article looked at the entire genome!!!!

and what did they find? close to 80% of Ashkenazi and Sephardic mitochondrial DNA comes four women who lived in Europe, 15,000 years ago.

between 30% and 60% of Ashkenazi & Sephardi genes are European, NOT Levantine.

deal with it, sucka.
So here's another more research from 2010 that blows up your entire claim. OOOOPS! Now get lost! Ha ha ha.

DNA study confirms geographical origin of Jews
Jun 09, 2010

The work entailed taking DNA samples from 121 people living in 14 Jewish communities around the world, ranging from Israel to North Africa and Europe to Central Asia and India.
The samples were then compared with those from 1,166 individuals in 69 non-Jewish populations, including the "host" country or region where there was a Jewish community.
Throwing another dataset into the mix, the researchers added analyses of 16,000 samples of the Y chromosome -- which only males have -- and of mitochondrial DNA, which is handed down through the maternal line.
What the scientists were looking for were combinations of markers called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
SNPs are single changes in the genome that cluster in distinctive patterns among humans that live together in groups over thousands of years. The patterns are a useful pointer of how ethnicities developed through geographical isolation or social clustering.
The study, as expected, confirmed the Middle Eastern, or Levantine, origins of Jews as documented in ancient Hebrew scriptures. This lineage is clearly visible in communities today, ages after the Jews were expelled from Israel.
More unexpected, though, was the discovery that Jewish patterns of SNPs were closer to those of Cypriots and Druze than with the other populations of the Middle East.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news195313667.html#jCp

The work entailed taking DNA samples from 121 people living in 14 Jewish communities around the world, ranging from Israel to North Africa and Europe to Central Asia and India.
The samples were then compared with those from 1,166 individuals in 69 non-Jewish populations, including the "host" country or region where there was a Jewish community.
Throwing another dataset into the mix, the researchers added analyses of 16,000 samples of the Y chromosome -- which only males have -- and of mitochondrial DNA, which is handed down through the maternal line.
What the scientists were looking for were combinations of markers called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
SNPs are single changes in the genome that cluster in distinctive patterns among humans that live together in groups over thousands of years. The patterns are a useful pointer of how ethnicities developed through geographical isolation or social clustering.
The study, as expected, confirmed the Middle Eastern, or Levantine, origins of Jews as documented in ancient Hebrew scriptures. This lineage is clearly visible in communities today, ages after the Jews were expelled from Israel.
More unexpected, though, was the discovery that Jewish patterns of SNPs were closer to those of Cypriots and Druze than with the other populations of the Middle East.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news195313667.html#jCp

Diaspora Jews, tightly bound by social, cultural and religious traditions, have generally maintained a strong genetic continuity, although there has also been an induction of DNA to greater or lesser degree from the host population, the paper said.
"Jewish communities seem to have a continuity with the Levantine gene pool, but even with the Jewish communities, you still see how they tend towards the host population," said Behar.
In non-Jewish populations, the SNP clusters confirmed a close relationship among Bedouins, Jordanians, Palestinians and Saudi Arabians. The patterns in Egyptians, Moroccan, Berber and Yemenite samples, though, were more similar to populations south of the Sahara.
Previous SNP research of this kind has unfolded in the so-called HapMap Project.
It has helped to cast light on the "Out of Africa" scenario, which posits that all anatomically modern humans -- Homo sapiens sapiens -- descended from ancestors that ventured from an African homeland around 50,000 years ago and colonised the world.
Fearful of being drawn into a debate about the false notion of race, scientists say the SNP clusters are not a pointer to any differences in human health, intelligence or ability.

Read more at: DNA study confirms geographical origin of Jews
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The fact is the Zionist claim to the land is all bogus. ZIONISTS are just foreign colonizer occupiers.

The indigenous Palestinian people are the ones with the right of self determination in the land and the only ones with a legitimate right to be in Palestine.

Time for the Occupiers to be driven out of Palestine.

Time for attacks on children in Palestine to end.

Israel has killed 1519 children in Palestine since 2000 and injured and maimed thousands more.
Forget about Winston Churchill and the British officials in the area saying the Arabs flooded in from their poor surrounding countries. Since Frau Sherri is comatose most of the time, she probably isn't even aware of the poor Africans trying to reach Italy who drowned the other day when their ships went down. She probably isn't aware of how many people emigrate to this country, Canada and Europe because their own countries are impoverished. What is utterly strange about Frau Sherri's posts is that she claims to be a "good Christian woman," but she has nothing to say about what is happening to her fellow Christians in Muslim countries. She is obsessed with the Jews and Israel and nothing else.
Jews to no one's land
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