6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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deal with what? in 2013 the over whelming majority of jewish Israelis
were born in Israel The developement of Israel began in the 1800s----
why talk about 1931----migrations from nearby arab lands by muslims had
already taken place DECADES EARLIER-------when major cities were being built--
like Holon and Tel Aviv and Rishon l'Tzion-------and there were suddenly
actual hostpitals and colleges in the once wilderness of filth and disease

in 1931, only 42% of Jews were born in Palestine.

Muslim Arabs? 98%.

Today? 100% of Israeli Arabs and Palestinians were born in Palestine.

Jews? less than 70%.
deal with what? in 2013 the over whelming majority of jewish Israelis
were born in Israel The developement of Israel began in the 1800s----
why talk about 1931----migrations from nearby arab lands by muslims had
already taken place DECADES EARLIER-------when major cities were being built--
like Holon and Tel Aviv and Rishon l'Tzion-------and there were suddenly
actual hostpitals and colleges in the once wilderness of filth and disease

in 1931, only 42% of Jews were born in Palestine.

Muslim Arabs? 98%.

Today? 100% of Israeli Arabs and Palestinians were born in Palestine.

Jews? less than 70%.

So? that just means that arab muslims are not migrating INTO palestine---
BTW what are you calling PALESTINE sherri insists that
PALESTINE is as defined by HERODOTUS which actually includes ---part of
Syria etc etc
and lots of the SINAI sorta Jews are still escaping from shariah cesspits-----
Just a few months ago-----I ran into a new escapee from Iran------and some of
the yemenite jews held hostage up in the hills have JUST this past summer been
rescued from the filth
So? that just means that arab muslims are not migrating INTO palestine---
BTW what are you calling PALESTINE sherri insists that
PALESTINE is as defined by HERODOTUS which actually includes ---part of
Syria etc etc
and lots of the SINAI sorta Jews are still escaping from shariah cesspits-----
Just a few months ago-----I ran into a new escapee from Iran------and some of
the yemenite jews held hostage up in the hills have JUST this past summer been
rescued from the filth

in 1931, 98% of Muslim Arabs were born within the borders of Mandate Palestine.

is that better, asshole?
"Who are you trying to impress?"
Who are you impressing? Only other heartless people who blindly support everything Israel does, eben if it's clearly cruel and unjustified. You can't even refute my claim that posters like you laugh off murder, and that's a deep shame that most people would dispute immediately! Instead, you have responded to my posts not with thoughtful rebuttals that pertain to what I have written, but rather with short, mocking statements that are written to infuriate me.
I will have a chat with this Hossfly person for making short mocking statements. We sure as hell don't want to see you infuriated.
Two words: sound bite.

Just wanted you to confirm that you're another Jew-hater the cat drug in. Lord, they pop up like mushroms. Or zits.
It would be more correct to say that liars pop up like mushrooms. "Jew-haters?" Smearing me was a cheap trick, Hossfly. But regrettably, cheap tricks are used by many who can't do better. And I know by now that that describes you well. Since when did criticizing Israel become immoral? A person who hates Israel does not hate Jews. Criticizing Israel doesn't even equate to hating Israel. Maybe it would've been better for my reputation if I didn't react to you. Maybe not. I am aware that unreasonable remarks pervade this message board. But when someone is too lazy to debate truthfully, and instead resorts to lying, it's bothersome, especially since it often works!
Two things, Jew hater. Or should I say, Israel hater? Same thing,actually. 1) Criticizing or hating Israel ain't kosher with the Big Guy. 2) I won't besmirch your vaunted reputation. You did it all by your little self.
Two things, Jew hater. Or should I say, Israel hater? Same thing,actually. 1) Criticizing or hating Israel ain't kosher with the Big Guy....

Your God has been punishing the Jews for their arrogance, idiocy, and sinful ways for thousands of years.

Even the Rabbis believe that all the suffering of the Jews over the last 2,000 years, is partially the Jews' fault.
in 1931, 98% of Muslim Arabs were born within the borders of Mandate Palestine. is that better, asshole?

No ****, since it is no more accurate that saying they were born in the crack of my ass. The vast majority of arab muslim filth were from syria, egypt and jordan - and that fact is confirmed by the census' taken by the Turks and later on by the UN. You're a piece of lying trash.
So? that just means that arab muslims are not migrating INTO palestine---
BTW what are you calling PALESTINE sherri insists that
PALESTINE is as defined by HERODOTUS which actually includes ---part of
Syria etc etc
and lots of the SINAI sorta Jews are still escaping from shariah cesspits-----
Just a few months ago-----I ran into a new escapee from Iran------and some of
the yemenite jews held hostage up in the hills have JUST this past summer been
rescued from the filth

in 1931, 98% of Muslim Arabs were born within the borders of Mandate Palestine.

is that better, asshole?

fine-----still meaningless Mandate palestine included transjordan, What you
are trying to say is that 98% of the muslims who lived in mandate palestine in
1931 were born in Mandate Palestine-----or at least said they were. SO? Well--
actually even egyptian born arafart said he was BORN IN JERUSALEM or something
like that Mandate palestine was a lot bigger than ISRAEL today-----and the big
surge of muslim migrants to the area came in the 1800s. Pre 1948-----muslims born in
SYRIA were defined ----simply as "arabs of the palestine mandate" ---

what is your point?
Damn, these Israel-haters on this forum certainly are lacking in the brain cell department.

I put this on the forum in the last few days, and will show it again. Read the text taken from the page.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwBSWN4s9JU]palestinians are a myth says hamas member "they are just saudis and egyptians" - YouTube[/ame]

Published on Jun 30, 2012
"palestinian" common family names:

Just like "Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti" born in "tikrit iraq"
The family names(Nisbah نسبة) of Arabs who now occupy judea reveal their country of origin:
"Masri" OR "al-masri" =from Egypt ,Hamas member of Parliament in gaza, Mushir al-Masri (the word "masri" littelery means "the egyption" in arabic !).

"Khamis"= from Bahrain "Salem Hanna Khamis"
"al-ubayyidi" or "al-Obeidi"= from sudan "al-ubayyid"
"al-Faruqi"= Mosul iraq
"al-Araj" = Morocco,a member of the Saadi Dynasty "Hussein al-Araj"
"al-Lubnani" =the lebanese
"al-Mughrabi" = the Moroccan ("Maghreb" -- meaning "West" in Arabic, and usually referring to North Africa or specifically to Morocco) ,"Dalal Mughrabi"
"al-Djazair"=the Algerian
"al-Qurashi"=saudi arabia "clan of Quraish"
"al-azd" =yemen "Azd tribe"
"al-Yamani"= the Yemeni "Issam Al Yamani"
"al-Afghani" = the Afghan
"Al-Sidawi" = from "Sidon" lebanon
"Al-fayyumi" = from "Faiyum" egypt
"al-Hijazi" or "Hijazi" = present-day saudi arabia "Ahlam Higazi, a "Palestinian" artist from Hebron"
"al-Hindi" =the Indian "Amin al-Hindi"
"al-Tamimi" or "Tamimi" = from the tribe or clan of Banu-Tamim "Azzam Tamimi"
"Hamati" = from syria ( HAMA city)
"Omayya" = from saudi arabia "Banu Omayya tribe" "Omayya Joha" "palestinian artist" "
"Othman" = turkey
"murad" =yemen "murad tribe"
"Alawi" = from syria (minority religious group in syria)
"Iraqi" =from Iraq.
"halabi" =from aleppo syria
"Dajani"= from saudi arabia
"Mattar" = from YEMEN (the village of BANI Mattar)
"al-baghdadi"= from bagdad iraq.
"Tarabulsi"= Tarabulus-Tripoli, Lebanon.
"Hourani" =Houran Syria.
"Zubeidi"= from iraq "Zubeidi tribe" "Zakaria Zubeidi"
"al-Husayni" =saudi arabia.
"Saudi" =Saudi Arabia.
"Barda***********wil" ="salah bardawil" HAMAS legislator in gaza,egypt "bardawil lake" area
"nashashibi"= syria.
"Bushnak" =bosnia
"zoabi"= from iraq "Haneen Zoabi".
"Turki" =turkey "Daud Turki"
"al-Kurd" = kurdistan.
"Haddadins" = YEMEN descended from Ghassanid Christian Arabs.
"Arab Abu-Kishk" = Egypt.(Bedouins)
"Arab al shakirat" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Arab al zabidat" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Arab al aramsha" = Egypt (Bedouins)
"Abu Sitta" =In Arabic' Abu means father and sitta means six. Translated it actually means father of six. The Abu Sitta family primarily received this name because around the year 1700, a well known knight of the large Al-Tarabeen tribe always had six slaves (i.e. fedawyah, bodyguards), 3 on each side, with him. They were with him wherever he went, day or night. Hence the name "ABU SITTA." =Egypt (Bedouins) "Salman Abu Sitta "
"Nuba, Hebron" =founded by the "nuba people"
Even "Arafat", the most famous fakestinian and leader of the terrorist grup the  P.L.O, is not native to judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" and claimed he was born in jerusalem ! BUT spoke
Arabic with Egyptian dialect. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956 !
Arafat's full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini.
"Al-Qudwa" tribe origin?

-Professor Azmi Bishara(Arabic: عزمي بشارة)-- a "palestinian arab"

"There is no "palestinian nation" !
when were there any Palestinians??? LOL
until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of "Greater Syria" another resent invention.
there is only an arab nation !
the word "palestine" its self is a colonial invention used by the romans in order to erase the jewish identity of judea and israel.
even the "Palestinian National Charter" recognizes all the jews living in the region prior to the 1948 war as "palestinians" !
its an intellectual fad, divorced from the concerns of uneducated people"

-Zuheir Mohsen (Arabic: زهير محسن)- top p.l.o member responsible for damur massacre.

"The "Palestinian people" does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a "Palestinian people".."

Yes, Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs, Kurds, Bosnians, Egyptians, Persians, Turks, Berbers, Ethiopians, Jews, Byzantines, Greeks, and other Muslims who immigrated to Palestine over the last 2,000 years.

There is no seperate Palestinian ethnic/linguistic group......just as "Israeli" isn't a true ethno-nationality.
Yes, Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs, Kurds, Bosnians, Egyptians, Persians, Turks, Berbers, Ethiopians, Jews, Byzantines, Greeks, and other Muslims who immigrated to Palestine over the last 2,000 years.

There is no seperate Palestinian ethnic/linguistic group......just as "Israeli" isn't a true ethno-nationality.

Israel is a reestablishment of a an ancient country CALLED ISRAEL in the land -
---which was ISRAEL at that time and which was invaded by some of those who
are garbage amongst those you mentioned above Israel was ----and is NOW----
a jewish country-------there are also some "muslim" countries based on the
invasion of murderers, rapists and pillagers from arabia who imposed their filth
upon large numbers of the MIXED PEOPLES OF THE AREA Most of the people
who fell to the filth from arabia ----lost their former national character AND language
and culture. The only extant ancient language OF THE AREA which is --
and has seen lots of SHIFTING OF BORDERS and 'names"
is HEBREW which is the language of Israel

what point are you trying to make you seem to be making a case for getting
rid of all arabic speakers or making hebrew the only spoken language of the middle
Israel is a reestablishment of a an ancient country CALLED ISRAEL in the land -
---which was ISRAEL at that time and which was invaded by some of those who
are garbage amongst those you mentioned above Israel was ----and is NOW----
a jewish country-------there are also some "muslim" countries based on the
invasion of murderers, rapists and pillagers from arabia who imposed their filth
upon large numbers of the MIXED PEOPLES OF THE AREA Most of the people
who fell to the filth from arabia ----lost their former national character AND language
and culture. The only extant ancient language OF THE AREA which is --
and has seen lots of SHIFTING OF BORDERS and 'names"
is HEBREW which is the language of Israel

what point are you trying to make you seem to be making a case for getting
rid of all arabic speakers or making hebrew the only spoken language of the middle

You are lying.

Ancient Judea, Judah, and Israel were very different political systems than the modern-day State of Israel.

plus, their religions are very different, populations are very different, customs, foods, traditions, clothes, are all very different.

its pretty damn ignorant to call "Israel" a remake of the old Kingdom.

hell, even genetically the current population is very different than ancient Judea.

If the ancient Judeans could see the modern Israelis, they wouldn't recognize them as Jews.





Point? The citizens of the country you pray for its destruction on a daily basis are majority Mizrahis who are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews. A South American country had a Prime minister who was Japanese. Does it change the rights of the citizens?

you dumb Cushite, the Maghreb Jews are descendants of Levantine peoples.

They could have been Berbers, Arabs, Kurds, Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines, Persians, Assyrians, Phonecians, Edomites, who converted to Judaism.

There is NO way to prove Hebrew descent.

deal with it.
You ignorant dumbass neo Nazi. The Mizrahis are Jews that have lived in the Middle East for 2000 years and their genetic link to the ancient Jews who fled the destruction of the first and second temples is irrefutable. Even your bullshit "studies" wasn't able to disprove that.
Yes, Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs, Kurds, Bosnians, Egyptians, Persians, Turks, Berbers, Ethiopians, Jews, Byzantines, Greeks, and other Muslims who immigrated to Palestine over the last 2,000 years.

There is no seperate Palestinian ethnic/linguistic group......just as "Israeli" isn't a true ethno-nationality.
Palestinians are actually Arabs, Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, and Saudi Arabians who invaded the land very recently in history, and started calling themselves Palestinians as of 1967. If they are natives of Israel then so would all the Egyptians and Jordanians. Sorry to burst you bubble, they are a made up people and a fraud. Ha ha ha.
Yes, Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs, Kurds, Bosnians, Egyptians, Persians, Turks, Berbers, Ethiopians, Jews, Byzantines, Greeks, and other Muslims who immigrated to Palestine over the last 2,000 years.

There is no seperate Palestinian ethnic/linguistic group......just as "Israeli" isn't a true ethno-nationality.

Israel is a reestablishment of a an ancient country CALLED ISRAEL in the land -
---which was ISRAEL at that time and which was invaded by some of those who
are garbage amongst those you mentioned above Israel was ----and is NOW----
a jewish country-------there are also some "muslim" countries based on the
invasion of murderers, rapists and pillagers from arabia who imposed their filth
upon large numbers of the MIXED PEOPLES OF THE AREA Most of the people
who fell to the filth from arabia ----lost their former national character AND language
and culture. The only extant ancient language OF THE AREA which is --
and has seen lots of SHIFTING OF BORDERS and 'names"
is HEBREW which is the language of Israel

what point are you trying to make you seem to be making a case for getting
rid of all arabic speakers or making hebrew the only spoken language of the middle
He never has a point. The Nazi freak keeps lying and bullshitting just to bait Jews. I think even he knows that what he's saying is crap. LOL
Two things, Jew hater. Or should I say, Israel hater? Same thing,actually. 1) Criticizing or hating Israel ain't kosher with the Big Guy....

Your God has been punishing the Jews for their arrogance, idiocy, and sinful ways for thousands of years.

Even the Rabbis believe that all the suffering of the Jews over the last 2,000 years, is partially the Jews' fault.
The Bible according to Nazi-ology. LOL
in 1931, 98% of Muslim Arabs were born within the borders of Mandate Palestine. is that better, asshole?

No ****, since it is no more accurate that saying they were born in the crack of my ass. The vast majority of arab muslim filth were from syria, egypt and jordan - and that fact is confirmed by the census' taken by the Turks and later on by the UN. You're a piece of lying trash.
All the govt. officials at the time, even the governer noted the hoards of Arabs who invaded er "migrated" into Israel. This guy is dumber than a doorknob.
So? that just means that arab muslims are not migrating INTO palestine---
BTW what are you calling PALESTINE sherri insists that
PALESTINE is as defined by HERODOTUS which actually includes ---part of
Syria etc etc
and lots of the SINAI sorta Jews are still escaping from shariah cesspits-----
Just a few months ago-----I ran into a new escapee from Iran------and some of
the yemenite jews held hostage up in the hills have JUST this past summer been
rescued from the filth

in 1931, 98% of Muslim Arabs were born within the borders of Mandate Palestine.

is that better, asshole?

fine-----still meaningless Mandate palestine included transjordan, What you
are trying to say is that 98% of the muslims who lived in mandate palestine in
1931 were born in Mandate Palestine-----or at least said they were. SO? Well--
actually even egyptian born arafart said he was BORN IN JERUSALEM or something
like that Mandate palestine was a lot bigger than ISRAEL today-----and the big
surge of muslim migrants to the area came in the 1800s. Pre 1948-----muslims born in
SYRIA were defined ----simply as "arabs of the palestine mandate" ---

what is your point?
Exactly, they got their Arab Palestine but apparently it wasn't enough. They attacked the newly formed Jewish state, (not to create this fictional "Palestine" but to eliminate the Jewish state), and then got their asses kicked. Not that they learned anything. They subsequently got their asses kicked many times.


All the govt. officials at the time, even the governer noted the hoards of Arabs who invaded er "migrated" into Israel. This guy is dumber than a doorknob.

in 1931, only 2% of Arab Muslims were not born in Palestine.

eat that, dumbass.
The Bible according to Nazi-ology. LOL

The book of Isaiah is NOT Nazi ideology, you anti-Semitic pig!

Nor is the opinion of the Sages who believed that the Jews' disobedience and sin was partially to blame for their suffering throughout the ages.

A true Jew would know this. You are clearly not a Jew...or you are an Apostate Jew.
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