60% Disapproval and Rising

Really? How would one win in a landslide with only a 40% approval rating? Would that not mean that 60% hated him or disapproved? LOL

Want to bet if Biden wins the market crashes and we are way worse off?

Ok, I see now. You have no proof to back your bullshit that conservatives lie to pollsters and tell them Impeached Trump is doing a bad job.

No worries. I actually knew you were full of shit from the moment I read you post that.


Ok, I see now. You have no proof to back your bullshit that conservatives lie to pollsters and tell them Impeached Trump is doing a bad job.

No worries. I actually knew you were full of shit from the moment I read you post that.

His approval rating has not really moved and he won with the same rating. Keep dancing with yourself as you haven’t answered my question. If his rating was only 40% how did he win?
His approval rating has not really moved and he won with the same rating. Keep dancing with yourself as you haven’t answered my question. If his rating was only 40% how did he win?
Great, post a link to his approval ratings from before the election.... :
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

Let’s hope this translates into Trump being voted out of office.
He's going to get re-elected you know,
Based on what? Four more years of ineptitude, corruption and rudderless leadership? Four more years of distractions, lies and blithering?

The only support he has is among racists, isolationists, Islamophobes, xenophobes and the politically ignorant.

Rational, reasonable, responsible adults are fed up!
What ever helps you sleep at night. You guys are acting just like the Hillary supporters were in 2016. There was no way they could lose. They had it in the bag. You'll be crying like them too on Election night and blaming fraud and illegal aliens voting as the reason you lost.

I guess you're not paying attention to Biden supportors quoting poll after poll and guaranteeing victory. LOL
Biden does too and looks cowardly refusing to debate Trump.
The conventions haven't happened yet! And you're making up disinformation about debates?!? And there will be debates. A discussion, an exchange, an intellectual discourse. What makes you think Biden is cowardly?

Presidential debates are three things.

Vital to voters to draw distinctions between the candidates.

Crucial to the candidates to make their case for why they should be elected.

Not at all like interviewing professional wrestlers at Wrestlemania.

Trump fails at all three.
Biden does too and looks cowardly refusing to debate Trump.
The conventions haven't happened yet! And you're making up disinformation about debates?!? And there will be debates. A discussion, an exchange, an intellectual discourse. What makes you think Biden is cowardly?

Presidential debates are three things.

Vital to voters to draw distinctions between the candidates.

Crucial to the candidates to make their case for why they should be elected.

Not at all like interviewing professional wrestlers at Wrestlemania.

Trump fails at all three.
He said he won’t debate him.

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