60% Disapproval and Rising

He's going to get re-elected you know,

What ever helps you sleep at night. You guys are acting just like the Hillary supporters were in 2016. There was no way they could lose. They had it in the bag. You'll be crying like them too on Election night and blaming fraud and illegal aliens voting as the reason you lost.

This is not 2016 and you’re dreaming in technicolour if you think it is. Republicans have not spent 30 years vilifying Joe Biden. In fact up until recently they were praising him. Lindsey Graham called him the most decent man he had ever met.

In 2016 Trump is an unknown quantityqIn 2016 Trump was an unknown quantity.
Voters believe his lies that he is a successful businessman and a billionaire. They actually believed he cared about them.

When you crash the economy and kill 200,000 Americans, people are not going to reelect you. Trump barely won in 2016. He lost the popular vote and now he’s losing the red states

50% of American voters nail say they would never vote for Trump.If there’s no path to 50% there’s no path the White House. At this point Republicans will be hard-pressed to hang onto the Senate.
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

You're a moron, keep on dreaming.....
Trump will keep bitch slapping you idiots until you move to Cuba.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
He's going to get re-elected you know,

What ever helps you sleep at night. You guys are acting just like the Hillary supporters were in 2016. There was no way they could lose. They had it in the bag. You'll be crying like them too on Election night and blaming fraud and illegal aliens voting as the reason you lost.

This is not 2016 and you’re dreaming in technicolour if you think it is. Republicans have not spent 30 years vilifying Joe Biden. In fact up until recently they were praising him. Lindsey Graham called him the most decent man he had ever met.

In 2016 Trump is an unknown quantityqIn 2016 Trump was an unknown quantity.
Voters believe his lies that he is a successful businessman and a billionaire. They actually believed he cared about them.

When you crash the economy and kill 200,000 Americans, people are not going to reelect you. Trump barely won in 2016. He lost the popular vote and now he’s losing the red states

50% of American voters nail say they would never vote for Trump.If there’s no path to 50% there’s no path the White House. At this point Republicans will be hard-pressed to hang onto the Senate.

Biden is not Clinton.

Trump must defend a dismal record of failure and incompetence.

Trump is not the insurgent outsider attacking Washington ‘business as usual’ – indeed, Trump has not only become part of the problem, he’s made the problem worse.

Biden is someone a disgruntled, disaffected Trump voter in 2016 can vote for in 2020 – that wouldn’t be the case if Sanders were the nominee.

Trump’s mismanagement of the pandemic alone will likely cost him the election.
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

You're a moron, keep on dreaming.....
Trump will keep bitch slapping you idiots until you move to Cuba.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 364669
When does cartoonish behavior evolve into mature, informed, responsible leadership?

This isn't Saturday morning TV. This is America in dire times. Why are we hobbled by a man-child in the Oval Office? We're fed up!
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

You're a moron, keep on dreaming.....
Trump will keep bitch slapping you idiots until you move to Cuba.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 364669
When does cartoonish behavior evolve into mature, informed, responsible leadership?

This isn't Saturday morning TV. This is America in dire times. Why are we hobbled by a man-child in the Oval Office? We're fed up!
The disastrous mishandling of the pandemic by Trump is the consequence of a man-child wholly unprepared to hold the office of president.

Someone who has no understanding of sound public policy.

Someone who has no understand of responsible governance.

Someone so arrogance and self-absorbed that he’s willing to place his own partisan interests before that of what’s best for the American people.

For this and scores of other compelling reasons, it’s imperative that Trump be voted out of office this November.
You almost gotta laugh that democrats are proclaiming victory when they don't even have a viable candidate or a freaking platform that isn't based on hatred and anger.
You almost gotta laugh that democrats are proclaiming victory when they don't even have a viable candidate or a freaking platform that isn't based on hatred and anger.
Really? What was the tentpole issue in Trump's 2016 campaign? "Build the wall!" Or "Lock her up!" Those are pure hatred and anger!

And in 2020, the Huckster Buffoon is more concerned with statues than American lives. He's given up on containing the pandemic. Who knew that would be hard? But confederate flags and statues? There's a major problem that needs to be addressed!

And the dumbass Trump supporters are easily distracted and eat this shit up with a spoon! Why bother with them?
Can't help laughing. I mean, all this crap about Gropey Joey when you all know...despite the lies your masters are telling you, Democrats, that it will be Hillary on the ballot in November.
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

You're a moron, keep on dreaming.....
Trump will keep bitch slapping you idiots until you move to Cuba.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 364669
When does cartoonish behavior evolve into mature, informed, responsible leadership?

This isn't Saturday morning TV. This is America in dire times. Why are we hobbled by a man-child in the Oval Office? We're fed up!
What is your answer? another communist democrat, you people are fools, you will all pay for your ignorant thoughts.
He's going to get re-elected you know,

What ever helps you sleep at night. You guys are acting just like the Hillary supporters were in 2016. There was no way they could lose. They had it in the bag. You'll be crying like them too on Election night and blaming fraud and illegal aliens voting as the reason you lost.

This is not 2016 and you’re dreaming in technicolour if you think it is. Republicans have not spent 30 years vilifying Joe Biden. In fact up until recently they were praising him. Lindsey Graham called him the most decent man he had ever met.

In 2016 Trump is an unknown quantityqIn 2016 Trump was an unknown quantity.
Voters believe his lies that he is a successful businessman and a billionaire. They actually believed he cared about them.

When you crash the economy and kill 200,000 Americans, people are not going to reelect you. Trump barely won in 2016. He lost the popular vote and now he’s losing the red states

50% of American voters nail say they would never vote for Trump.If there’s no path to 50% there’s no path the White House. At this point Republicans will be hard-pressed to hang onto the Senate.
Hang on to your pussy hat sister. I couldn't care less about it without the hat.
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

You're a moron, keep on dreaming.....
Trump will keep bitch slapping you idiots until you move to Cuba.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 364669
When does cartoonish behavior evolve into mature, informed, responsible leadership?

This isn't Saturday morning TV. This is America in dire times. Why are we hobbled by a man-child in the Oval Office? We're fed up!
What is your answer? another communist democrat, you people are fools, you will all pay for your ignorant thoughts.
Pay for our ignorant thoughts? Rather Authoritarian of you, isn't it?

We are paying for mistakes now, today, with American lives!

We are paying for the incompetence, the ineptitude, the lack of character and empathy in Donald Trump! We are paying for the massive fraud he pulled, the massive stupidity of his supporters and the massive corruption of their collective thinking!

If you think we are in a 'good spot' where this pandemic is concerned, convince the rest of us! We're fed up!
He's going to get re-elected you know,
Based on what? Four more years of ineptitude, corruption and rudderless leadership? Four more years of distractions, lies and blithering?

The only support he has is among racists, isolationists, Islamophobes, xenophobes and the politically ignorant.

Rational, reasonable, responsible adults are fed up!
what's your answer moron , communism
He's going to get re-elected you know,
Based on what? Four more years of ineptitude, corruption and rudderless leadership? Four more years of distractions, lies and blithering?

The only support he has is among racists, isolationists, Islamophobes, xenophobes and the politically ignorant.

Rational, reasonable, responsible adults are fed up!
what's your answer moron , communism
Yeah. Communism, fascism, socialism, Bolshevism, Leninism, Maoism, Stalinism, Marxism and all the other bad sounding "isms" you heard about on your all radio political science lectures.

Honestly, are all you Trumpians so fucking predictably one dimensional? You bore me to distraction!
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

Thanks for spiking the ball in my endzone
He's going to get re-elected you know,
Based on what? Four more years of ineptitude, corruption and rudderless leadership? Four more years of distractions, lies and blithering?

The only support he has is among racists, isolationists, Islamophobes, xenophobes and the politically ignorant.

Rational, reasonable, responsible adults are fed up!
what's your answer moron , communism
No one should convince communism is the better just leave no other alternative Joe Stalin
Riiiiiight Dems are so popular they are rioting, looting, and burning Dem cities. You fools are hilarious :auiqs.jpg:
That's the one thing these idiots want to ignore all the protest happening are directed against leftists controlled areas. and why the dumbass op thinks it's Trumps fault is mind-boggling
Clinton is a MUCH stronger candidate than Biden. Biden was destroyed in his previous runs for President, and couldn't win by himself this time. If Clinton, Gore or Kerry had stepped in, Biden would be in retirement right now. None of them wanted to take on Trump, so Old Joe has to take one for the team. Biden is less than 50% of the man he was in his prime, and even then Clinton was a much stronger candidate. Trump is going to win rather easily this fall. Historians will look back and wonder why the DNC would run Biden in a "must win" situation. It was critical mistake by the Dems.

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