60% efficient solar cells?

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Material science is bringing us ever more efficient and beneficial substances with which to create and use energy.

We're getting zillions of hopeful signs from science, from energy to health care to space.

Lol....been hearing for 10 years about how awesome batteries were going to be!:113:. They still blow....so I call bs.

Call me an ignorant cynic!:2up:
No boy, just ignorant. Most of my power tools are battery driven now. Much easier to use in tight places. And as the cost of the batteries come down, EV's will take over the market.
We're getting zillions of hopeful signs from science, from energy to health care to space.

And a space force to blow up brown people all across the universe !
Damn this athletes foot's itchin
No boy, just ignorant. Most of my power tools are battery driven now. Much easier to use in tight places. And as the cost of the batteries come down, EV's will take over the market.

Lofty ideals dont mean anything to most. There is zero hard evidence EV'S will ever be popular....they have been pathetically unpopular to date.
Can somebody find a photo of a windmill driven drill and pop it up? My Photobucket no longer works for some reason!
Lol....been hearing for 10 years about how awesome batteries were going to be!:113:. They still blow....so I call bs.

Call me an ignorant cynic!:2up:

They do? Okay, you're ignorant. [Dear Mods, he asked] That makes the cynic part irrelevant.




If they hadn't improved, why weren't we building Teslas with lead acid batteries in 1960?
Lol....been hearing for 10 years about how awesome batteries were going to be!:113:. They still blow....so I call bs.

Call me an ignorant cynic!:2up:
which batteries have you been trying???

Its absurd to me that my phone is having to be charged several times/ day. St00pid....I'll believe were getting somewhere with batteries when my phone holds a charge for a week.:coffee:
Lol....been hearing for 10 years about how awesome batteries were going to be!:113:. They still blow....so I call bs.

Call me an ignorant cynic!:2up:
which batteries have you been trying???

Its absurd to me that my phone is having to be charged several times/ day. St00pid....I'll believe were getting somewhere with batteries when my phone holds a charge for a week.:coffee:

Why just a week???

why not a year???

or how about a one lifetime charge???

me thinks the problem is you not the batteries

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