60 Minutes left out Stormy's description of Trump's junk


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Which was probably a blessing - that may have been something difficult to "unsee". Megyn concurs.

"They play it close to the vest," Avenatti said. "For instance, she can describe the president’s genitalia in great detail. That did not make it."

“We don’t need to hear that," Kelly said as she covered her eyes. “My eyes! Don’t need to hear that."

"That did not make it in," Avenatti said.
"And good for them," Kelly responded.​

Stormy Daniels's lawyer: '60 Minutes' left out description of Trump genitalia

I mean like ... We can all kind of guess - Amiright? :lol:

Unfortunately she was unable to accurately describe The President's Junk, unlike Paula Jones.

Stormy Daniels aka Clifford has seen thousands of cocks, sucked and fucked thousands of cocks, sometimes 3, 4, 5 at a time.
It's not shocking that she can describe what a cock looks like. She's a whore, and an expert at it.

She's not credible, and when you have Trump Haters like Morning Joe saying so, this is just another Bimbo Storm concocted by The Left for the sole purpose of trying to impact the Midterms.

This Thread Belongs in Conspiracy Theories, not here.

‘Morning Joe’ Rips ‘Not Credible’ Stormy Daniels (Video)
50 FCC complaints would have been funny. Sad they didnt air it.
They should have aired it, because from what I am hearing, not only is she being called a fraud by many on The Left who watched what was aired, but according to some things I heard, she was not able to describe The President at All. If you have seen a man naked, you ought to be able to describe a notable scar, moles, birth marks. The President has had a few surgeries and has a lot of scars in certain areas, and she cannot make mention of any of that.

In other words, she made it up for sensationalism. She's not very bright, because she should have stayed vague, like they were about everything else until they started getting called on it. They were even leading people to believe there were tapes and videos. There weren't and the whole thing is a charade, to get out of her legal obligations, and to avoid paying the penalties for violating The NDA Agreement and payment for her appearance fees at a Hotel Opening.
Unfortunately she was unable to accurately describe The President's Junk, unlike Paula Jones.

Stormy Daniels aka Clifford has seen thousands of cocks, sucked and fucked thousands of cocks, sometimes 3, 4, 5 at a time.
It's not shocking that she can describe what a cock looks like. She's a whore, and an expert at it.

She's not credible, and when you have Trump Haters like Morning Joe saying so, this is just another Bimbo Storm concocted by The Left for the sole purpose of trying to impact the Midterms.

This Thread Belongs in Conspiracy Theories, not here.

‘Morning Joe’ Rips ‘Not Credible’ Stormy Daniels (Video)

How do you know she was unable to accurately describe the Trump junk? Oh wait - You've seen it up close and personal? :lol:

Fox News shill Jonathan Turley said she wasn't credible - not Joe Scarborough. Do you read the links you post?

Joe simply said that her attorney over-promised and under-delivered.

That was by design - Stormy and Avenatti are holding on to the best stuff for now.

We're very likely to get pictures, text messages, perhaps even recorded phone calls.

At which time the Original Tree will uproot and crash with a terrific thud!
Only Trolls probably paid by The DNC, or working for a Foreign Government want to talk about this stuff.
She is a whore. It would surprise me if she could describe any penis in great detail.
Which was probably a blessing - that may have been something difficult to "unsee". Megyn concurs.

"They play it close to the vest," Avenatti said. "For instance, she can describe the president’s genitalia in great detail. That did not make it."

“We don’t need to hear that," Kelly said as she covered her eyes. “My eyes! Don’t need to hear that."

"That did not make it in," Avenatti said.
"And good for them," Kelly responded.​

Stormy Daniels's lawyer: '60 Minutes' left out description of Trump genitalia

I mean like ... We can all kind of guess - Amiright? :lol:


That was merciful.
Thank you CBS. Lots of folks were having dinner at that time. Hearing a description of Trump's junk would have sent millions running to the bathroom vomiting.
How does this topic even enter someone's mind?
The Ken Star investigation of Bubba penis activities..
But now, the GOP/DOPer clowns don't care about morals.

Interesting facts.
The Great Douche, Three Wives. Plus paid Hookers and Pornstars.
Bubba, One Wife, NO pornstars or hookers.
How does this topic even enter someone's mind?
The Ken Star investigation of Bubba penis activities.. But now, the GOP/DOPer clowns don't care about morals.

Interesting facts.
The Great Douche, Three Wives. Plus paid Hookers and Pornstars.
Bubba, One Wife, NO pornstars or hookers.
Neither party has much to be proud of.

That won't stop the finger-pointing, though.

Amazing how similar the two ends can be.
Which was probably a blessing - that may have been something difficult to "unsee". Megyn concurs.

"They play it close to the vest," Avenatti said. "For instance, she can describe the president’s genitalia in great detail. That did not make it."

“We don’t need to hear that," Kelly said as she covered her eyes. “My eyes! Don’t need to hear that."

"That did not make it in," Avenatti said.
"And good for them," Kelly responded.​

Stormy Daniels's lawyer: '60 Minutes' left out description of Trump genitalia

I mean like ... We can all kind of guess - Amiright? :lol:

Tiny hands make for tiny pee pee.
Which was probably a blessing - that may have been something difficult to "unsee". Megyn concurs.

"They play it close to the vest," Avenatti said. "For instance, she can describe the president’s genitalia in great detail. That did not make it."

“We don’t need to hear that," Kelly said as she covered her eyes. “My eyes! Don’t need to hear that."

"That did not make it in," Avenatti said.
"And good for them," Kelly responded.​

Stormy Daniels's lawyer: '60 Minutes' left out description of Trump genitalia

I mean like ... We can all kind of guess - Amiright? :lol:

You seem awfully interested in Trump's dick. You trying to tell us something?

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