60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

More proof that the far left is running on propaganda and talking points and they want the gay "Marriages" to have special privileges that other "Marriages" do not.

And what 'special privileges' are you referring to that the 'far left' wants to gay marriages to have that other marriages do not? And by all means, be specific.

Perfect example of how this is more about revenge than any actual claim to "rights" or "equality".

How is equal protection under the law 'revenge'? And who, pray tell, is it 'revenge' against?

And the far left once again shows they would much rather force the government to dictate every aspect ones life.

And for the 3rd time, how does legally recognizing gay marriage mean that 'government dictates every aspect of one's life'. You seem a little vague on how that works.

The far left just loves to make up rights and protects that do not exist.

You say marriage isn't a right. The Supreme Court disagrees. Thus, marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right, regardless of what you believe.

Yes! Yes! we know that the gays want special privileges and not "equality", you have made that abundantly clear.

It is time to get the government out of the "Marriage" business.

I am still waiting for you to show how all "Marriages" would be "invalidated" by doing that.
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

As much as any single parent.

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Since no marriage requires children or the ability to have them, how are children relevant to the validity of any marriage? Surely no straight couple is held to that standard. No single parent is. Why then would we apply it to gays.....and exclusively?

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

I don't think tyranny means what you think it means.
Tyranny is forcing children into homosexual homes against their wishes or knowledge. Marriage Equality encompasses this thoughtless crime against children.
Of course not, because you ignore the several states that voted against gay marriage (many millions of voters and thus more people) who just got the rug pulled out from under them based on this abdication of the rule of constitutional law. It is really a simple matter, and it matter not what one thinks of gay marriage....what just happened is much bigger than that.

Or....for the exact reasons I cited.

A solid majority in Wisconsin for example support same sex marriage now. With support of 55% to opposition of 37% (per the most recent Marque University poll in taken in May), it seems that support for gay marriage is pretty close to the national averages taken by polling agencies like Gallup (55 to 42 in favor in May 2014).

In Colorado, same sex marriage passed 56 to 44. If that's the 'vast majority', then the 'vast majority' of the nation supports same sex marriage by the same standards. As the margin of victory and the spread on the lastest Gallup poll are both 12 points. Worse, the latest PPP poll shows support for gay marriage that is almost a mirror to support against it in 2006. With 55 supporting gay marriage and only 38% opposing.

By your own standards, the 'vast majority' of Colorado citizens support gay marriage.

Which you don't even seem to disagree with.

Most folks are too occupied with their cell phones to understand or care about such implications. I'm not one of those people.

The implications of voting away people's rights? Its pretty scary. And not a power that the people or any state legislature possesses. Constitutional law mandates that every federal citizen receive equal protection under the law in any State jurisdiction. And stripping gays and lesbians of the right to marry for no particular reason is a violation of that equal protection in the law requirement articulated in the 14th amendment.

And yes, the 14th amendment is part of the constitution. And absolutely part of constitutional law.
Yes! Yes! we know that the gays want special privileges and not "equality", you have made that abundantly clear.

What 'special privileges'? You never could answer that question.
Tyranny is forcing children into homosexual homes against their wishes or knowledge.

And who says this is happening? And what relevance does the sexual orientation of the parents have with 'forcing children into a home against their will'? Unless you're claiming that this never happens with straight marriage, then by your own standards, straight marriage is tyranny. As it 'encompasses this throughtless crime against children'.

What 'crime', you never could say. But who am I to get in the way of such melodrama.

Marriage Equality encompasses this thoughtless crime against children.

No marriage requires any child to be valid. What possible relevance do children have to the validity of any marriage, gay or straight?

And how are two loving parents raising a child a 'crime'? There's so much of your argument you can't explain.
Yes! Yes! we know that the gays want special privileges and not "equality", you have made that abundantly clear.

What 'special privileges'? You never could answer that question.

The ones you cited as being an automatic on being "Married" minus the Social Security. Typical far left.

So you going show how the government being out of the "Marriage" business is going to "invalidate" all "Marriages"?
The ones you cited as being an automatic on being "Married" minus the Social Security. Typical far left.

Who is 'automatically married' minus social security?
Wow the far left true is dense. Makes a list of things that are automatic upon "Marriage" then diverts from that posting.

So....who are you referring to that are 'automatically married minus social security'? If you don't know, just say so.
Wow the far left true is dense. Makes a list of things that are automatic upon "Marriage" then diverts from that posting.

So....who are you referring to that are 'automatically married minus social security'? If you don't know, just say so.

Once again the far left deflects as that is not what is written. Also shows that they want gays to have special privileges from an outdated list they supplied.

So you going show how the government being out of the "Marriage" business is going to "invalidate" all "Marriages"?
nce again the far left deflects as that is not what is written. Also shows that they want gays to have special privileges from an outdated list they supplied.

So even you don't know who you're referring to with 'automatically married minus social security'? Ending your silly 'special privileges' argument in its tracks.

You have yet to offer a single valid reason why gays and lesbians should be denied legal recognition of their marriages. I wouldn't hold your breath, as there is no reason. Its just an arbitrary abrogation of their right to marry.

And deny as you will, marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right.
I don't wish to discuss when the breakdown of communication began. My points are almost always verbatim, no need to read into or between the lines.

I stated clearly (hopefully in this thread, I'm involved in so many, don't have time to re-read each) that the Supreme Court just over-road the opinion of the vast majority of the citizens of those states, thus by default making a progressive court case the law of the land. Libs celebrate the minor battle, while oblivious to the loss of the greater war. In case that was not clear, the war against federalism and individual rights. Citizens and the Constitution be damned, they were hell bent on advocating a progressive agenda. 5 of 9 unelected black robes taking an activist, rather than their prescribed constitutional, obligation. THAT was my point (here and/or elsewhere).

Please discuss with civility. Thank you.

Well you're saying the Supreme Court is overriding the wishes of the people.

Yet surely the Bill of Rights and Constitution has been the wishes of the people for much longer.

If the people want the BoRs and yet vote for a law which is unconstitutional, you can't say the Supreme Court is making law. It's not.

So the people need to choose. The Constitution with all the rights that come with it, or banning gay marriage.

It's short termism v. long termism.

Why do liberals like to celebrate that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are being upheld? Why do conservatives get pissed when the Constitution and Bill of Rights get upheld when they're so quick to claim they support both?
Marriage Equality is child abuse, Homosexuals have no right to deny children a mother, a father, or both.

But the US govt does by sending soldiers to die in Iraq!

You say they have no right to deny a child a mother, a father or both. Does a child with two dads not have one of those three? Sure they do. They have TWO fathers.
nce again the far left deflects as that is not what is written. Also shows that they want gays to have special privileges from an outdated list they supplied.

So even you don't know who you're referring to with 'automatically married minus social security'? Ending your silly 'special privileges' argument in its tracks.

You have yet to offer a single valid reason why gays and lesbians should be denied legal recognition of their marriages. I wouldn't hold your breath, as there is no reason. Its just an arbitrary abrogation of their right to marry.

And deny as you will, marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right.

Yes! Yes! We know you want gay to have special privileges that other do not have a revenge.

And once again the far left trying to make a pointless point (using far left propaganda) over something they do not understand.
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I don't wish to discuss when the breakdown of communication began. My points are almost always verbatim, no need to read into or between the lines.

I stated clearly (hopefully in this thread, I'm involved in so many, don't have time to re-read each) that the Supreme Court just over-road the opinion of the vast majority of the citizens of those states, thus by default making a progressive court case the law of the land. Libs celebrate the minor battle, while oblivious to the loss of the greater war. In case that was not clear, the war against federalism and individual rights. Citizens and the Constitution be damned, they were hell bent on advocating a progressive agenda. 5 of 9 unelected black robes taking an activist, rather than their prescribed constitutional, obligation. THAT was my point (here and/or elsewhere).

Please discuss with civility. Thank you.

Well you're saying the Supreme Court is overriding the wishes of the people.

Yet surely the Bill of Rights and Constitution has been the wishes of the people for much longer.

If the people want the BoRs and yet vote for a law which is unconstitutional, you can't say the Supreme Court is making law. It's not.

So the people need to choose. The Constitution with all the rights that come with it, or banning gay marriage.

It's short termism v. long termism.

Why do liberals like to celebrate that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are being upheld? Why do conservatives get pissed when the Constitution and Bill of Rights get upheld when they're so quick to claim they support both?

And another far left poster blazes in with far left propaganda and once again demonstrates the far left does not understand the Constitution.
Yes! Yes! We know you want gay to have special privileges that other do not have a revenge.

What special privileges? And possessed by whom?

Those two simple questions....and your entire silly argument collapses into meaningless flotsam.

And you still can't provide a single valid reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry. And yes, it is a legally recognized and legally protected right....as defined by the USSC.
And another far left poster blazes in with far left propaganda and once again demonstrates the far left does not understand the Constitution.

You say that marriage is not a right. The USSC says it is. But you know the constitution better than the Supreme Court of the United States, huh?
nce again the far left deflects as that is not what is written. Also shows that they want gays to have special privileges from an outdated list they supplied.

So even you don't know who you're referring to with 'automatically married minus social security'? Ending your silly 'special privileges' argument in its tracks.

You have yet to offer a single valid reason why gays and lesbians should be denied legal recognition of their marriages. I wouldn't hold your breath, as there is no reason. Its just an arbitrary abrogation of their right to marry.

And deny as you will, marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right.

Yes! Yes! We know you want gay to have special privileges that other do not have a revenge.

And once again the far left trying to make a pointless point (using far left propaganda) over something they do not understand.

What special privileges has he spoken about?
Yes! Yes! We know you want gay to have special privileges that other do not have a revenge.

What special privileges? And possessed by whom?

Those two simple questions....and your entire silly argument collapses into meaningless flotsam.

And you still can't provide a single valid reason to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry. And yes, it is a legally recognized and legally protected right....as defined by the USSC.

The special privileges you listed besides Social Security or do you deny there was more on your list than that?

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