60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

The denial of rights and priveledges to gays and lesbians isn't 'special privledges'. What gays and lesbians are seeking is equal protection under the law.

How is equal protection 'revenge'? And who is it 'revenge' against?

Who is losing any right when the recognition of marriage is extended to gays?
Still can not post your list or answer how getting the government out the business of "Marriage", "Invalidates" all "Marriages".

Laughing......changing the topic, I see. So much for your 'special privileges for gays' argument. Even you won't touch that useless midden heap with a 10 foot pole.

And you made it up! Keep running.
I don't wish to discuss when the breakdown of communication began. My points are almost always verbatim, no need to read into or between the lines.

I stated clearly (hopefully in this thread, I'm involved in so many, don't have time to re-read each) that the Supreme Court just over-road the opinion of the vast majority of the citizens of those states, thus by default making a progressive court case the law of the land. Libs celebrate the minor battle, while oblivious to the loss of the greater war. In case that was not clear, the war against federalism and individual rights. Citizens and the Constitution be damned, they were hell bent on advocating a progressive agenda. 5 of 9 unelected black robes taking an activist, rather than their prescribed constitutional, obligation. THAT was my point (here and/or elsewhere).

Please discuss with civility. Thank you.

Well you're saying the Supreme Court is overriding the wishes of the people.

Yet surely the Bill of Rights and Constitution has been the wishes of the people for much longer.

If the people want the BoRs and yet vote for a law which is unconstitutional, you can't say the Supreme Court is making law. It's not.

So the people need to choose. The Constitution with all the rights that come with it, or banning gay marriage.

It's short termism v. long termism.

Why do liberals like to celebrate that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are being upheld? Why do conservatives get pissed when the Constitution and Bill of Rights get upheld when they're so quick to claim they support both?

And another far left poster blazes in with far left propaganda and once again demonstrates the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Well if you know so much, then you'd have told me.

Which part of the constitution don't I understand? And which part do you supposedly understand?

You have shown you understand none of it with your far left propaganda laced post.

How's that? Come on, give me an answer instead of this evasion.

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?

Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

Then again anyone asking such questions and voting for Obama twice does not under what they are asking.
You're the one making claims, unless I have the wrong person, I don't often remember who I'm posting to, so if you're making claims, you need to back them up.

Otherwise I'm going to claim you love Justin Bieber.

Kosh doesn't even read what he's responding to. I wouldn't take it personally.
You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

The denial of rights and priveledges to gays and lesbians isn't 'special privledges'. What gays and lesbians are seeking is equal protection under the law.

How is equal protection 'revenge'? And who is it 'revenge' against?

Who is losing any right when the recognition of marriage is extended to gays?

And you refuse to post what "rights they are being denied..

You know that far left propaganda list you made earlier?
You're the one making claims, unless I have the wrong person, I don't often remember who I'm posting to, so if you're making claims, you need to back them up.

Otherwise I'm going to claim you love Justin Bieber.

Kosh doesn't even read what he's responding to. I wouldn't take it personally.

Yes I do, two far left posters one of which will show his list because he knows it is bogus..
Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

And how is denying gays and lesbians the basket of rights and privileges that come with legally recognized marriage 'special privileges' for gays?

Your argument makes absolutely no sense.

And I'm still waiting for you to polish that 'revenge' turd of yours. How is equal protection under the law 'revenge'. And who, pray tell, is it revenge against?
And you refuse to post what "rights they are being denied..

The right to marry. Haven't you been paying attention? Marriage is a legally recognized and legally protected right. And if you're going to deny it to gays, you'll need a very good reason. You'll need a compelling State interest.

And there isn't either.
Well you're saying the Supreme Court is overriding the wishes of the people.

Yet surely the Bill of Rights and Constitution has been the wishes of the people for much longer.

If the people want the BoRs and yet vote for a law which is unconstitutional, you can't say the Supreme Court is making law. It's not.

So the people need to choose. The Constitution with all the rights that come with it, or banning gay marriage.

It's short termism v. long termism.

Why do liberals like to celebrate that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are being upheld? Why do conservatives get pissed when the Constitution and Bill of Rights get upheld when they're so quick to claim they support both?

And another far left poster blazes in with far left propaganda and once again demonstrates the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Well if you know so much, then you'd have told me.

Which part of the constitution don't I understand? And which part do you supposedly understand?

You have shown you understand none of it with your far left propaganda laced post.

How's that? Come on, give me an answer instead of this evasion.

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?

Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

Then again anyone asking such questions and voting for Obama twice does not under what they are asking.

You're claiming they have a list and they say this and that. turns out you don't actually know what's on this list. So why are you telling me they are saying this stuff?

And could you answer these two questions?

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?"

The claim is I don't understand the Constitution. yet, I seem to be able to point to the constitution and talk about it perfectly fine, you on the other hand don't seem to be able to do this. You evade, and you're evading time and again.
Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

And how is denying gays and lesbians the basket of rights and privileges that come with legally recognized marriage 'special privileges' for gays?

Your argument makes absolutely no sense.

And I'm still waiting for you to polish that 'revenge' turd of yours. How is equal protection under the law 'revenge'. And who, pray tell, is it revenge against?

And what are those?
And another far left poster blazes in with far left propaganda and once again demonstrates the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Well if you know so much, then you'd have told me.

Which part of the constitution don't I understand? And which part do you supposedly understand?

You have shown you understand none of it with your far left propaganda laced post.

How's that? Come on, give me an answer instead of this evasion.

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?

Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

Then again anyone asking such questions and voting for Obama twice does not under what they are asking.

You're claiming they have a list and they say this and that. turns out you don't actually know what's on this list. So why are you telling me they are saying this stuff?

And could you answer these two questions?

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?"

The claim is I don't understand the Constitution. yet, I seem to be able to point to the constitution and talk about it perfectly fine, you on the other hand don't seem to be able to do this. You evade, and you're evading time and again.

Nope just asking the far left to post their propaganda, because if it was true they would post it over and over.

However since being called out on said list they want to try and deny it exists..
Well if you know so much, then you'd have told me.

Which part of the constitution don't I understand? And which part do you supposedly understand?

You have shown you understand none of it with your far left propaganda laced post.

How's that? Come on, give me an answer instead of this evasion.

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?

Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

Then again anyone asking such questions and voting for Obama twice does not under what they are asking.

You're claiming they have a list and they say this and that. turns out you don't actually know what's on this list. So why are you telling me they are saying this stuff?

And could you answer these two questions?

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?"

The claim is I don't understand the Constitution. yet, I seem to be able to point to the constitution and talk about it perfectly fine, you on the other hand don't seem to be able to do this. You evade, and you're evading time and again.

Nope just asking the far left to post their propaganda, because if it was true they would post it over and over.

However since being called out on said list they want to try and deny it exists..

You claimed I know nothing about the constitution, but you won't say why.

You say my post is full of "far left propaganda", I'm not far left, so which part is "far left propaganda"?

You said it, so back it up.

What don't I know about the constitution?
What did I say that is far left propaganda?
You have shown you understand none of it with your far left propaganda laced post.

How's that? Come on, give me an answer instead of this evasion.

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?

Sorry you will have to ask the other far left drone for their list, not going to do the far left's homework for them.

Then again anyone asking such questions and voting for Obama twice does not under what they are asking.

You're claiming they have a list and they say this and that. turns out you don't actually know what's on this list. So why are you telling me they are saying this stuff?

And could you answer these two questions?

How many laws made by Congress are ABOVE the Constitution?
How many referenda are ABOVE the Constitution?"

The claim is I don't understand the Constitution. yet, I seem to be able to point to the constitution and talk about it perfectly fine, you on the other hand don't seem to be able to do this. You evade, and you're evading time and again.

Nope just asking the far left to post their propaganda, because if it was true they would post it over and over.

However since being called out on said list they want to try and deny it exists..

You claimed I know nothing about the constitution, but you won't say why.

You say my post is full of "far left propaganda", I'm not far left, so which part is "far left propaganda"?

You said it, so back it up.

What don't I know about the constitution?
What did I say that is far left propaganda?

And you keep proving with every post no matter the thread that you do not understand the Constitution.
And what are those?

The right to marry. Again, have you been paying any attention to the gay marriage debate? Have you reviewed any ruling? Before you ignored Fox, AP, and Reuters as 'far left', did you even bother to read what you were ignoring?

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a good reason.

Do you have one? Of course not. Neither do the States banning gay marriage. WHich is why their record of failure in court is essentially perfect.
And you keep proving with every post no matter the thread that you do not understand the Constitution.

You say that marriage isn't a right. The SCOTUS has said it is.....over and over again. Like it or not, marriage is a legally protected and recognized right, no matter what you imagine.

Laughing.....unless you're claiming that you understand the constitution better than the Supreme Court.
And what are those?

The right to marry. Again, have you been paying any attention to the gay marriage debate? Have you reviewed any ruling? Before you ignored Fox, AP, and Reuters as 'far left', did you even bother to read what you were ignoring?

If you're going to deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, you need a good reason.

Do you have one? Of course not. Neither do the States banning gay marriage. WHich is why their record of failure in court is essentially perfect.

So I see you refuse to put up your list and "Marriage" is not a "right"..

Then again the far left can never concepts that are beyond their programming.
And you keep proving with every post no matter the thread that you do not understand the Constitution.

Really, how's that?

I keep asking you, you keep avoiding the question.

I'm not even talking about the Constitution, just trying to get you to say one thing to back up a claim you make, and yet, somehow, this is me not understanding the Constitution.

"I like Jurassic Park the film"

"You clearly know nothing about the US Constitution"

"What does that have to do with the film"

"You clearly know nothing about the US Constitution."

This is the sort of conversation that's going on at the moment.

You're making a fool of yourself.
And you keep proving with every post no matter the thread that you do not understand the Constitution.

You say that marriage isn't a right. The SCOTUS has said it is.....over and over again. Like it or not, marriage is a legally protected and recognized right, no matter what you imagine.

Laughing.....unless you're claiming that you understand the constitution better than the Supreme Court.

"Marriage" is not a "right"..

The USSC has said many thing over the past 200 years.
So I see you refuse to put up your list and "Marriage" is not a "right"..

So you say. The USSC contradicts you, affirming in case after case that marriage is a right.

While you may imagine that anything you type is law, to the courts your claims are irrelevant. As the USSC creates binding precedent. You don't. You define nothing, ajudicate nothing, rule on nothing.

Marriage is legally recognized and protected right. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Get used to the idea.
And you keep proving with every post no matter the thread that you do not understand the Constitution.

Really, how's that?

I keep asking you, you keep avoiding the question.

I'm not even talking about the Constitution, just trying to get you to say one thing to back up a claim you make, and yet, somehow, this is me not understanding the Constitution.

"I like Jurassic Park the film"

"You clearly know nothing about the US Constitution"

"What does that have to do with the film"

"You clearly know nothing about the US Constitution."

This is the sort of conversation that's going on at the moment.

You're making a fool of yourself.

Nope the fools are the ones blazing here asking for examples and with those same very posts prove they know nothing about the Constitution.

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