60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.

Really. Kinda like it's been open season on whites this past year? Quid pro quo.

What this is really doing is making everyone suspicious of everyone else. Back to the ol west again where everyone is packin'. Sounds ok to me. Bring it.

But it hasnt been open season. Your handlers just decided to give you something to distract your attention while they screw you over somehow. There always has to be a boogey man. They were wearing the Muslims out so now its our turn. Next up will be the Mexicans or someone else.

What is rosewood, Asclepias?
Which underlying discussion?

The one where nutters state the obvious....over and over again? You know, this "game" is bad and the people doing it need to be punished. And if they get killed doing it, they learned their lesson?

Or...the other one. The one where our nutters express their irrationall fear of black people and crazed theories about how the AG is a racist who will not protect white people?
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.

Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.
Well if the story is true, then you know what people think about it, and the results would still be the same, so live with it.. I agree still with the consequences if this story is true.
Which underlying discussion?

The one where nutters state the obvious....over and over again? You know, this "game" is bad and the people doing it need to be punished. And if they get killed doing it, they learned their lesson?

Or...the other one. The one where our nutters express their irrationall fear of black people and crazed theories about how the AG is a racist who will not protect white people?

Crazed theories? lol! :lol:
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.

Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.
Well if the story is true, then you know what people think about it, and the results would still be the same, so live with it.. I agree still with the consequences if this story is true.

Check the second link in the OP.
Do you think they intended to kill her?

As people HAVE been killed by being punched once and she was facing multiple attackers, their "intention" wasn't really the issue. She was facing a deadly threat and responded appropriately.

Hopefully, the survivors learned that keeping their hands to themselves is the best policy.
Really. Kinda like it's been open season on whites this past year? Quid pro quo.

What this is really doing is making everyone suspicious of everyone else. Back to the ol west again where everyone is packin'. Sounds ok to me. Bring it.

But it hasnt been open season. Your handlers just decided to give you something to distract your attention while they screw you over somehow. There always has to be a boogey man. They were wearing the Muslims out so now its our turn. Next up will be the Mexicans or someone else.

What is rosewood, Asclepias?

It was a black town in Florida.

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should look up Black Wall Street too. I believe it was the first time an American city was bombed by officials.
Some punks go around PUNCHING old people AND young people in the head for laughs. FOR LAUGHS. Yet, those who get punched, they are in the wrong for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not paying close enough attention on who is beside them or behind them or coming towards them? Are you kidding? If someone tried to pull that game on my DOG, I'd kill them. With intent to kill, not maim. Fucking punks. I'm glad they are dead.

Guess I better switch avies to malificent. I'm turning into her again.

Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.
Now why would you think of something like that, and then using black kids in this thinking when thinking it ? Do you think that black kids are in the line of fire by these seniors, and if so why would you think this ? Have black kids been doing things that make you think that they may end up being targeted in your thoughts, and if they are just all running around innocent, then why would they be in the line of fire like this in your thoughts ? People don't just go around shooting or targeting the innocent as you would have people believe, and this includes black kids, but you think otherwise why ?
Meanwhile...in gameland, I wonder what developer plotline is coming up with something even more "fun"...and what parent will put it on the ol christmas list for their little darlings.

Time to go off on some developers, in my opinion.

I have an app on my iPad that involves shooting and running over zombies.
Except they're not dead. In fact, they never existed.

Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.
Now why would you think of something like that, and then using black kids in this thinking when thinking it ? Do you think that black kids are in the line of fire by these seniors, and if so why would you think this ? Have black kids been doing things that make you think that they may end up being targeted in your thoughts, and if they are just all running around innocent, then why would they be in the line of fire like this in your thoughts ? People don't just go around shooting or targeting the innocent as you would have people believe, and this includes black kids, but you think otherwise why ?

Racist white people have a tendency to do just that. Any excuse will do. I know you are not knowledgeable about history. Does Emmett Till ring a bell? i've said before i wouldn't shoot a kid trying to play knockout with me no matter the ethnicity. I'd just beat their ass. I think a grown man is a complete pansy for shooting a kid. In this case this may have been the only way for the woman to protect herself so it is what it is.
Ever heard of Rosewood? Soon we will hear of kids getting shot and people swearing they were getting attacked. This is a perfect cover for the KKK members. I already warned the kids I know to stay away from strange white men walking down the street and to be aware of their surroundings. Its about to be open season on young black kids.
Now why would you think of something like that, and then using black kids in this thinking when thinking it ? Do you think that black kids are in the line of fire by these seniors, and if so why would you think this ? Have black kids been doing things that make you think that they may end up being targeted in your thoughts, and if they are just all running around innocent, then why would they be in the line of fire like this in your thoughts ? People don't just go around shooting or targeting the innocent as you would have people believe, and this includes black kids, but you think otherwise why ?

Racist white people have a tendency to do just that. Any excuse will do. I know you are not knowledgeable about history. Does Emmett Till ring a bell? i've said before i wouldn't shoot a kid trying to play knockout with me no matter the ethnicity. I'd just beat their ass. I think a grown man is a complete pansy for shooting a kid. In this case this may have been the only way for the woman to protect herself so it is what it is.

The claim that most of the US whites are racist is a simple straight forward lie. Along the lines of the claim that blacks can't be racist.

As for Holder he has already proven he does not support bringing charges against blacks attacking whites. They get a pass.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.
I don't care if the "kid" is blue, pink, green or purple. They wanna sucker punch me or someone else and that person is packin'? You bet your ass I will be thrilled I helped rid the world of one less idiot that will grow up to be a bigger idiot living the rest of his/her life doing worse.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

Now he is arguing both sided of the claim. AT first he said the name of the woman was designed to make her seem to be a matronly old black woman, now he is claiming she is white.

Another black board member that is racist.
Now why would you think of something like that, and then using black kids in this thinking when thinking it ? Do you think that black kids are in the line of fire by these seniors, and if so why would you think this ? Have black kids been doing things that make you think that they may end up being targeted in your thoughts, and if they are just all running around innocent, then why would they be in the line of fire like this in your thoughts ? People don't just go around shooting or targeting the innocent as you would have people believe, and this includes black kids, but you think otherwise why ?

Racist white people have a tendency to do just that. Any excuse will do. I know you are not knowledgeable about history. Does Emmett Till ring a bell? i've said before i wouldn't shoot a kid trying to play knockout with me no matter the ethnicity. I'd just beat their ass. I think a grown man is a complete pansy for shooting a kid. In this case this may have been the only way for the woman to protect herself so it is what it is.

The claim that most of the US whites are racist is a simple straight forward lie. Along the lines of the claim that blacks can't be racist.

As for Holder he has already proven he does not support bringing charges against blacks attacking whites. They get a pass.
If you took my post to mean most white people are racist the pardon me. I think the exact opposite is true. Most white people are not racist. They may be naive or in denial though.

Blacks can be racist. I think that some Black people consider racist as having the ability to affect another ethinicities ability to succeed. Since white people own the establishment pretty much they then think Blacks cant be racist.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

Now he is arguing both sided of the claim. AT first he said the name of the woman was designed to make her seem to be a matronly old black woman, now he is claiming she is white.

Another black board member that is racist.

I made no such claim. Go back and read again.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?
Assuming this is in fact juveniles playing knockout, then I would say her actions were self defense. And I'm pretty liberal and no friend of gun nutters. This "game" is very dangerous and predatory and cowardly. If you're not an active duty Navy Seal, then I would acknowledge that a firearm is appropriate self defense under these circumstances. That said, there are behaviors and strategies people can learn to make themselves less
Iikely to be selected as victims.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

It wasn't mentioned. Who said it was?

I quoted your statement as you made it. If you want to run away from it now, I understand, but the damage is done. Your racial bias has been exposed.

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