60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

So if you ever get mugged you are going to move?

It's the teenagers that made the situation dangerous, not the sixty year old lady.
I doubt that she had any joy from killing the two she shot.

I have traveled to 40 different countries by myself and never been assaulted in any way. I've lived in four different countries as well as the US and never been mugged. I was threatened with a knife once when I was 19 and learned how to avoid that by not placing myself in a precarious situation. Yes, if my neighborhood was crime ridden, I would move, why not? It is only sensible. In my 30's I used to do a lot of long distance running, on my own. I got a big dog to run with me and no one ever bothered me. Having a big dog also prevented anyone from trying to burglarize my home. In the States, I lived alone, a single woman, for many years, and never felt fearful as I had a big dog in the house with me. I also lived in a decent, non-crime ridden neighborhood. I was not rich, by any means, but I managed to find decent housing in a decent neighborhood. You can use common sense solutions without arming yourself. I have no desire at any level to kill someone; I don't believe in the death penalty and certainly not for anything other than murder. The joy you gun nuts take in potentially blowing away someone who might break into your house is very, very disturbing.

Congratulations on staying safe.
It is using common sense and taking crime prevention measures. It is not necessary to arm yourself. In fact, arming yourself, in most circumstances, makes you less safe, not more safe.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?
Assuming this is in fact juveniles playing knockout, then I would say her actions were self defense. And I'm pretty liberal and no friend of gun nutters. This "game" is very dangerous and predatory and cowardly. If you're not an active duty Navy Seal, then I would acknowledge that a firearm is appropriate self defense under these circumstances. That said, there are behaviors and strategies people can learn to make themselves less
Iikely to be selected as victims.
It's really very simple: stay away from areas where this is happening.
"Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?"

Wrong question!

Teenagers need to understand that if they go around attacking innocent people, trying to knock them out, that some of those people may be armed and will shoot their sorry asses.

These teenagers brought about their own deaths. Actions have consiquinces.

If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat. I was also threated once by someone with a knife, someone holding a knife on me. I do know about these situations and how to avoid them. My solution was to learn to avoid them, not arm myself and think 'make my day.'

Saying she should move is to facile. She lives in a rotten neighborhood. She doesn't have that option.

I admit she would be better off not killing those punks. She does not live in a crappy neighborhood because she likes it. Those punks made the choice that got them killed. and made her a killer

Everyone has the option to move to better surroundings; perhaps it is harder for blacks to do so because of racism, but you'll never admit that.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?
Absolutely not. We should be allowed to use whatever force at our disposal to protect ourselves, our family and our property. These thugs had better beware, many of us have CCW permits, and do indeed carry our guns with us. We will not hesitate to use force when threatened.
So if you ever get mugged you are going to move?

It's the teenagers that made the situation dangerous, not the sixty year old lady.
I doubt that she had any joy from killing the two she shot.

I have traveled to 40 different countries by myself and never been assaulted in any way. I've lived in four different countries as well as the US and never been mugged. I was threatened with a knife once when I was 19 and learned how to avoid that by not placing myself in a precarious situation. Yes, if my neighborhood was crime ridden, I would move, why not? It is only sensible. In my 30's I used to do a lot of long distance running, on my own. I got a big dog to run with me and no one ever bothered me. Having a big dog also prevented anyone from trying to burglarize my home. In the States, I lived alone, a single woman, for many years, and never felt fearful as I had a big dog in the house with me. You can use common sense solutions without arming yourself. I have no desire at any level to kill someone; I don't believe in the death penalty and certainly not for anything other than murder.

But you wouldn't have minded if your "big dog' Killed an attacker right? Once again for the slow and stupid, a single blow to the head can kill. The flop to the ground from being knocked out can kill. Striking the head of an elderly person is going to cause SERIOUS damage to the senior. The attack is a DIRECT threat to ones life. Firing on the attackers is not only justified it is appropriate.

Nonsense. It is interesting that people so consumed with crime and safety do not do any real research on how to prevent it or avoid it. Research shows that just having a large dog in the house keeps burglars away. They do not want to deal with the dog and, if the dog barks when they approach the house, they do not want to go near the house as the neighbors would be alerted by the dog's barking. The same is true with a runner and a large dog companion. No one needs to be hurt by the dog.
It was a black town in Florida.

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should look up Black Wall Street too. I believe it was the first time an American city was bombed by officials.

Hard to imagine that could happen in this country. Incredibly horrible.

You should hear some of the stuff that was never made public that my grandparents told me about in the South. I cant understand how they survived.

I am amazed there are supposedly educated people in America who have not heard of the Rosewood Massacre. It's an absolute shame that this is not part of the basic education of American citizens.
Obamas kids gone wrong

"If I had a son, he'd punch old white ladies in the face. I could have bee that thug, I was that thug"
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

There we go!

Yay Grandma!

"Yay imaginary Grandma" you mean.


You already know that our nutters don't care if the discussions we have here are based on facts or not. Even after you are proven to be correct and our friends admit that this is a fake news story, it will not matter. Nutters will insist that their point of view would have been correct had it actually happened.

For some, this is already established fact. This shooting will be referred to in other threads....used as evidence.
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Yay Grandma!

"Yay imaginary Grandma" you mean.


You already know that our nutters don't care if the discussions we have here are based on facts or not.
Even after you are proven to be correct and our friends admit that this is a fake news story, it will not matter. Nutters will insist that their point of would have been correct had it actually happened.

For some, this is already established fact. This shooting will be referred to in other threads....used as evidence.

Coming from you, I find that hilarious. Since when did you care about debating facts? I'm not here to debate the veracity of this thread, just the hypocrisy of the bolded statement in your posted.
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"Yay imaginary Grandma" you mean.


You already know that our nutters don't care if the discussions we have here are based on facts or not.
Even after you are proven to be correct and our friends admit that this is a fake news story, it will not matter. Nutters will insist that their point of would have been correct had it actually happened.

For some, this is already established fact. This shooting will be referred to in other threads....used as evidence.

Coming from you, I find that hilarious. Since when did you care about debating facts? I'm not here to debate the veracity of this thread, just the hypocrisy of the bolded statement in your post.

TK, are you guilty of bringing us fake news stories and insisting that they are true? Have you ever done that?

Have I? Have I ever cited a news story that is fake and commented on it as though it were true?

Finally, have you gotten a job yet? You imbecile.
Terrifying 'knockout' game assaults spread across U.S. - CNN.com

New York (CNN) -- sA sick so-called game known as "knockout" -- where teens randomly sucker-punch strangers with the goal of knocking them unconscious with a single blow -- is catching the attention of law enforcement throughout the nation.
"Knockout" can be fatal. In New Jersey, Ralph Santiago, 46, a homeless man, was walking alone in Hoboken on the night of September 10 when he was suddenly struck from behind, said Hoboken Detective Anthony Caruso.
The blow knocked out Santiago, who had a pre-existing brain injury. He suffered a seizure. The victim's body struck a nearby fence, with part of the wrought iron fence piercing his body and killing him, Caruso said.
Examining the 'knock out' game
Surveillance video in the area showed three teens running from the scene. Two weeks later, police arrested the juveniles and charged them in connection with the killing. Caruso said the attack was unprovoked.
Authorities have reported similar incidents in New York, Illinois, Missouri and Washington.
One of the latest attacks happened on Friday, when someone was allegedly punched on a street in Brooklyn. Police brought four men in for questioning and arrested 28-year-old Amrit Marajh.
Marajh is charged with aggravated assault as a hate crime, assault as a hate crime and assault in the 3rd degree, police said.

You already know that our nutters don't care if the discussions we have here are based on facts or not.
Even after you are proven to be correct and our friends admit that this is a fake news story, it will not matter. Nutters will insist that their point of would have been correct had it actually happened.

For some, this is already established fact. This shooting will be referred to in other threads....used as evidence.

Coming from you, I find that hilarious. Since when did you care about debating facts? I'm not here to debate the veracity of this thread, just the hypocrisy of the bolded statement in your post.

TK, are you guilty of bringing us fake news stories and insisting that they are true? Have you ever done that?

Have I? Have I ever cited a news story that is fake and commented on it as though it were true?

Finally, have you gotten a job yet? You imbecile.

Ha! See what I mean? Notice how I'm not lending this story any credence by addressing it directly. You on the other hand are as what Jake would refer to as a 'reactionary.' If this were actually true, you would be among the first to label her a 'gun nut' or a 'nutter.'

This story to me is fictitious until proven otherwise. And why would I deal in speculation, LL? Misdirection is your department. I pride myself in striking down liberal fallacies with facts, not conjecture; as you seem hellbent on doing to conservative ones.
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Whether or not this story is real or BS is unknown to me............

I just showed a recent article where the victim died as a result of the game...........

A BS game by Teenage thugs. It's NOT A GAME WHEN PEOPLE DIE AS A RESULT..............

Now, I'm going to assume the OP is legit, and state my comments in that aspect............

Those kids made a choice to attack a 60 year old lady for kicks and some kind of BS game..........
They were shot and killed because of THEIR OWN ACTIONS...........Quite Frankly.............

THEY CHOSE TO DIE..........BY THEIR ACTIONS................

Had they minded their own business and decided to live as civilized teens not trying to inflict harm on others they would still be alive today.................They didn't, and the old lady sent them to hell for their actions...........I have NO PROBLEM WITH THAT, as they were held accountable for their actions.

As far as the posting of a couple of posters here..........Blaming the victim for simply walking down the street. Saying she caused it...............

Your a couple of Nut Bags.
Coming from you, I find that hilarious. Since when did you care about debating facts? I'm not here to debate the veracity of this thread, just the hypocrisy of the bolded statement in your post.

TK, are you guilty of bringing us fake news stories and insisting that they are true? Have you ever done that?

Have I? Have I ever cited a news story that is fake and commented on it as though it were true?

Finally, have you gotten a job yet? You imbecile.

Ha! See what I mean? Notice how I'm not lending this story any credence by addressing it directly. You on the other hand are as what Jake would refer to as a 'reactionary.' If this were actually true, you would be among the first to label her a 'gun nut' or a 'nutter.'

This story to me is fictitious until proven otherwise. And why would I deal in speculation, LL? Misdirection is your department. I pride myself in striking down liberal fallacies with facts, not conjecture; as you seem hellbent on doing to conservative ones.


TK, are you guilty of bringing us fake news stories and insisting that they are true? Have you ever done that?

Have I? Have I ever cited a news story that is fake and commented on it as though it were true?

Finally, have you gotten a job yet? You imbecile.

Ha! See what I mean? Notice how I'm not lending this story any credence by addressing it directly. You on the other hand are as what Jake would refer to as a 'reactionary.' If this were actually true, you would be among the first to label her a 'gun nut' or a 'nutter.'

This story to me is fictitious until proven otherwise. And why would I deal in speculation, LL? Misdirection is your department. I pride myself in striking down liberal fallacies with facts, not conjecture; as you seem hellbent on doing to conservative ones.



Yeah, and I admitted my mistake. You? "Oh don't bother me, I'm too busy being a liberal."

Read the introductory clause of that thread. "I don't know how credible this is."

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Ha! See what I mean? Notice how I'm not lending this story any credence by addressing it directly. You on the other hand are as what Jake would refer to as a 'reactionary.' If this were actually true, you would be among the first to label her a 'gun nut' or a 'nutter.'

This story to me is fictitious until proven otherwise. And why would I deal in speculation, LL? Misdirection is your department. I pride myself in striking down liberal fallacies with facts, not conjecture; as you seem hellbent on doing to conservative ones.



Yeah, and I admitted my mistake. You? "Oh don't bother me, I'm too busy being a liberal."

You admitted your mistake? Have you made any adjustments in the way you consume "news"?

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