60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

It is a hell of alot safer for blacks to move into a white area, then for whites to move into a black area
Everyone has the option to move to better surroundings; perhaps it is harder for blacks to do so because of racism, but you'll never admit that.

This story appears to be BS, but I still find your reaction to it pretty asinine.

Can we agree that crime-ridden neighborhoods are very often poor neighborhoods? That socioeconomic status is a huge factor in a lot of crime?

If we can, wouldn't it be difficult for someone poor to just move to a better neighborhood? You seem to be equating your own personal situation(s) with that of all people. What you may have experienced is not necessarily the same for others. To imply blame on someone for simply walking on public roads because they are in a 'bad' neighborhood, to try and place responsibility for being attacked on someone because of where they live, is akin to blaming a woman for being raped because of her clothing.

Yes, there are things that a person can do to try and limit their danger. There is, however, no requirement to do any of those things. Nor is there any reason to assume that in all instances of the knockout game, the victim is able to cross the street before the kids come upon them, or whatever other method of avoiding the situation you think should be taken.

And, again with the caveat that this whole story seems to have been a fabrication, if anyone is attacked, while walking alone, by 7 people, they have every right to defend themselves with lethal force. 7 on 1, and you are going on about crime prevention and non-lethal means of defense, as though the 1 is somehow as at fault as the 7 for the situation.
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I support firmer gun control. I also openly carry a 9 mm on my belt when I ride my motorcycle into the desert. I have no problem whatsoever with someone shooting and even killing someone who initiates an unprovoced attack on someone else. A '"knock out" can be deadly, and anyone who wants to play that game is intentionally playing Russian roulette.Yes, it is a sad state of affairs, but if it happened to me, my final words would be, "too bad. you lose".
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?

I doubt anyone relishes the death of these two teens...

Behavior can be beneficial or detrimental...

That is the theme in life, this much is fact...

We live in a better society today on so many levels, we also justify too many wrongs, these kids knew what they where doing was wrong, they made a choice, a deadly choice...

Does the crime fit the punishment? Not at all, yet it is the reality we have to live with, you cannot change or legislate morality...
Lets all call this what this really is. It is a racism issue, period. These are not white kids knocking out blacks it's the other way around. The difference is that because we are white and we say it's a racist issue, than the black community will turn the race card around and say that we are racist if we simply say it's a race issue. The fact of the matter is that polls show that it's blacks who are the most racist in today's America. So, when do we as whites get the chance to stand up against it? They have always had a right to stand up for their civil rights, and they most certainly should have, but the script has now flipped. Now what?

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics - Rasmussen Reports?

Where are the black leaders regarding this issue? If they do not begin to stand up and speak out, than I don't see this ending well at all. Dr. James David Manning is the only person that has stepped up in speaking the truth to his race. For doing so he has been labeled and uncle tom.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aasMbwKFtes]Dr. Manning: God is sick of Black People! - YouTube[/ame]

In the mid 1960's there were 40 million black Americans. Today that number is 30 million. The number one cause of death of black males between the ages of 18-25 is murder by other members of the black race. 10 million dead and gone. Now, they seem to be turning that violence against other races. I am NOT a racist, but what can be done to stop this insanity?
"Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?"

Wrong question!

Teenagers need to understand that if they go around attacking innocent people, trying to knock them out, that some of those people may be armed and will shoot their sorry asses.

These teenagers brought about their own deaths. Actions have consiquinces.

If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat. I was also threated once by someone with a knife, someone holding a knife on me. I do know about these situations and how to avoid them. My solution was to learn to avoid them, not arm myself and think 'make my day.'
Why is it incumbent upon her to move from her house/neighborhood to avoid crime?

I say more power to her for defending against crime.
I'm sure that her (like I) would prefer to leave crime prevention up to the police. Unfortunately I can't carry a cop in my pocket, but fortunately, I can carry a gun.
The criminals best be aware that some of us fight back to protect ourselves, our families, our homes and our neighborhoods.
If they don't want to die whilst committing a crime, they have the choice to not commit the crime.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Read more: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 'Knock Out' Attackers | Restoring Liberty
Knockout Game Turns Deadly? Did A 60-Year Old Woman Kill Two Teens? | U. S. Politics

There we go!

I would vote for open carry laws these days. We may as well get real.

our forefathers thought they were a good idea. and they didn't even know about gangs and thugs and games like these. they were just worried about government trying to control the people and take away there rights
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person. Watch for some Black kids to be killed and the killer claiming that he was defending himself from the knockout game.

That being said you play with fire long enough you get burned. Maybe this will send a loud message to the other fools out there hitting people for fun. Especially women and the elderly.

Typical racist response.
The "glee" would have been exactly the same if the lady was black. The "glee" has nothing to do with race. These feral teens, black or white, need to be shown in a way that they can understand - that their cowardice violence can end with their own life.
If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat. I was also threated once by someone with a knife, someone holding a knife on me. I do know about these situations and how to avoid them. My solution was to learn to avoid them, not arm myself and think 'make my day.'

Saying she should move is to facile. She lives in a rotten neighborhood. She doesn't have that option.

I admit she would be better off not killing those punks. She does not live in a crappy neighborhood because she likes it. Those punks made the choice that got them killed. and made her a killer

Everyone has the option to move to better surroundings; perhaps it is harder for blacks to do so because of racism, but you'll never admit that.

Everyone does not have that option. Moving requires money. You have to be able to sell your house, if you have one, and you have to be able to afford one in a nicer neighborhood. Or you have to have enough cash (first, last and deposit) to move to a nicer apartment building, and you can bet the rent is going to be a lot higher.

Oh well, what can I expect from a social worker who thinks everyone that comes to her for help is a liar and that I'm a welfare queen because my low functioning autistic son who is 25 is being cared for by the state?
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Two of the teens died as a result of the mayhem and the shots being fired.

why don't they just report that she shot two ******* DEAD !! :up:

good shooting lady, i pray you never have ever do it again, but..., those ******* buddies will be after you for the rest of your life !! :up:

In case it needs to be said: bigot^.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?

How did she know their intentions? I'm sorry, when you do really stupid things, the law of unintentional consequences kicks in. To intentionally hurt someone is not something I would do, even when I was young, I respected people older than I was.

Maybe the surviving kids will learn a lesson and now they live that their actions contributed to the death of their friends.
If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim

Actually, "blaming the victim" is exactly what you are doing. There is absolutely no reason walking down the street in any neighborhood in America should be considered placing oneself in a dangerous situation.

, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences.

There's every difference in the world. In the one instance a person deliberately choses to engage in activity that may involve some risk. In the other someone else chooses to deliberately endanger a person.

If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone?

Do muggers always commit their crimes in the same neighborhood? I don't think so.
Giving in and/or moving does nothing but condone crime and violence. All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. What she did was a community service that was certainly called for.
In South American cities gated enclaves are common. People living in them hire private security guards and send their children to schools in armored vehicles with drivers trained to protect using lethal force where deemed appropriate.

Yes, we ARE headed in that direction, aren't we?

Remember, fenced private communities are already common in California, Arizona and Nevada.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?
Anyone who would sneak up behind an innocent old woman and maliciously punch her hard enough to knock her out, which easily could kill her, deserves not only to be killed -- but to be lynched!

Would you feel so sympathetic toward these cowardly punks if they attacked your mother or grandmother and seriously injured or possibly killed her? Either rid the world of this kind of scum or inpose a punishment that will discourage their kind of outrageous behavior.

Hang one from a tree or a lamp-post. That will do it.
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60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Read more: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 'Knock Out' Attackers | Restoring Liberty
Knockout Game Turns Deadly? Did A 60-Year Old Woman Kill Two Teens? | U. S. Politics

There we go!

I hope more gets shot. If you playing with fire you might get burned.
Hard to imagine that could happen in this country. Incredibly horrible.

You should hear some of the stuff that was never made public that my grandparents told me about in the South. I cant understand how they survived.

I am amazed there are supposedly educated people in America who have not heard of the Rosewood Massacre. It's an absolute shame that this is not part of the basic education of American citizens.

The number of black people killed in the Rosewood massacre was six. Why do you think it isn't part of anti racist education. Everyone would know that whe entire massacre wasn't even an average Saturday night in Chicago or Detroit.
Here is another story. Looks like this is beginning to happen elsewhere......

Teen Playing Knockout Game Gets Shot Twice By Intended Victim Then Jailed (Video) | Global Unrest

On Monday, we here at NOW THE END BEGINS brought you the story of something called the ‘knockout game‘, where inner city black teens will randomly attack helpless and innocent white men and women by blindsiding them with a sucker punch. As you saw in the video, the results are dramatic and terrifying.


Hate crimes?

One punch can kill.
It's no game, it's assault.
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The number of black people killed in the Rosewood massacre was six. Why do you think it isn't part of anti racist education. Everyone would know that whe entire massacre wasn't even an average Saturday night in Chicago or Detroit.

That smells like an argument that nothing should be done until six white people have been so murdered. At which time, what, a temporary truce?

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