60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

I'll tell ya, you nutters sure like to pounce when you sense weakness. One of our more gentle and pacifist liberals has opined that she would rather avoid the situation than confront the aggressors.....and you nutters haven't given her a moment's peace since.

A dozen other liberals have come to this thread and others like it....and agreed with the proposition that these idiots deserve a swift and extreme response. Many have agree that shooting them dead is not out of the question. But.....you found someone who honestly feels that her safety is better served by moving or avoiding.....and every last one of you has latched on.

Why? Because it feeds your asinine world view. You want to believe all liberals to be unwilling to defend themselves. Give the lady a break, dickheads.
I'll tell ya, you nutters sure like to pounce when you sense weakness. One of our more gentle and pacifist liberals has opined that she would rather avoid the situation than confront the aggressors.....and you nutters haven't given her a moment's peace since.

A dozen other liberals have come to this thread and others like it....and agreed with the proposition that these idiots deserve a swift and extreme response. Many have agree that shooting them dead is not out of the question. But.....you found someone who honestly feels that her safety is better served by moving or avoiding.....and every last one of you has latched on.

Why? Because it feeds your asinine world view. You want to believe all liberals to be unwilling to defend themselves. Give the lady a break, dickheads.

Hey dumb ass? How do poor people or those on a fixed income chose to move? Where they gonna go? Who will pay for the move, the new digs?

Telling someone it is their fault they got attacked cause they did not scurry away in fear is not a solution.
I'll tell ya, you nutters sure like to pounce when you sense weakness. One of our more gentle and pacifist liberals has opined that she would rather avoid the situation than confront the aggressors.....and you nutters haven't given her a moment's peace since.

A dozen other liberals have come to this thread and others like it....and agreed with the proposition that these idiots deserve a swift and extreme response. Many have agree that shooting them dead is not out of the question. But.....you found someone who honestly feels that her safety is better served by moving or avoiding.....and every last one of you has latched on.

Why? Because it feeds your asinine world view. You want to believe all liberals to be unwilling to defend themselves. Give the lady a break, dickheads.

Hey dumb ass? How do poor people or those on a fixed income chose to move? Where they gonna go? Who will pay for the move, the new digs?

Telling someone it is their fault they got attacked cause they did not scurry away in fear is not a solution.

You are arguing with the wrong person, dickhead. I would shoot the fuckers if they hit me. I was commenting on the bullshit way you nutters always go after the low hanging fruit. Fuck off.
I'll tell ya, you nutters sure like to pounce when you sense weakness. One of our more gentle and pacifist liberals has opined that she would rather avoid the situation than confront the aggressors.....and you nutters haven't given her a moment's peace since.

A dozen other liberals have come to this thread and others like it....and agreed with the proposition that these idiots deserve a swift and extreme response. Many have agree that shooting them dead is not out of the question. But.....you found someone who honestly feels that her safety is better served by moving or avoiding.....and every last one of you has latched on.

Why? Because it feeds your asinine world view. You want to believe all liberals to be unwilling to defend themselves. Give the lady a break, dickheads.

Hey dumb ass? How do poor people or those on a fixed income chose to move? Where they gonna go? Who will pay for the move, the new digs?

Telling someone it is their fault they got attacked cause they did not scurry away in fear is not a solution.

You are arguing with the wrong person, dickhead. I would shoot the fuckers if they hit me. I was commenting on the bullshit way you nutters always go after the low hanging fruit. Fuck off.

You are defending someone that claimed one should scurry away in fear, that they should be held responsible for the actions of the thugs for not avoiding them.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Read more: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 'Knock Out' Attackers | Restoring Liberty
Knockout Game Turns Deadly? Did A 60-Year Old Woman Kill Two Teens? | U. S. Politics

There we go!

Well, I am black and if you are interested in my opinion, here it is. Good. I am glad she fucking shot them and I wish she got more. This is one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time and I wish they would pull that shit here in Arizona where EVERYONE carries.

Gang mentalities make me sick. Be it the knock out game or a tea bag rally.
Hey dumb ass? How do poor people or those on a fixed income chose to move? Where they gonna go? Who will pay for the move, the new digs?

Telling someone it is their fault they got attacked cause they did not scurry away in fear is not a solution.

You are arguing with the wrong person, dickhead. I would shoot the fuckers if they hit me. I was commenting on the bullshit way you nutters always go after the low hanging fruit. Fuck off.

You are defending someone that claimed one should scurry away in fear, that they should be held responsible for the actions of the thugs for not avoiding them.

Don't get confused, idiot. My suggesting that you get off her case is not the same as me agreeing with her position. I do not agree with her position.

You and your dopey pals just want to pretend that you are schooling a liberal for a change. You found someone who expressed a pacifist point of view...and you all got woodies.
I'll tell ya, you nutters sure like to pounce when you sense weakness. One of our more gentle and pacifist liberals has opined that she would rather avoid the situation than confront the aggressors.....and you nutters haven't given her a moment's peace since.

A dozen other liberals have come to this thread and others like it....and agreed with the proposition that these idiots deserve a swift and extreme response. Many have agree that shooting them dead is not out of the question. But.....you found someone who honestly feels that her safety is better served by moving or avoiding.....and every last one of you has latched on.

Why? Because it feeds your asinine world view. You want to believe all liberals to be unwilling to defend themselves. Give the lady a break, dickheads.

Hey dumb ass? How do poor people or those on a fixed income chose to move? Where they gonna go? Who will pay for the move, the new digs?

Telling someone it is their fault they got attacked cause they did not scurry away in fear is not a solution.

You are arguing with the wrong person, dickhead. I would shoot the fuckers if they hit me. I was commenting on the bullshit way you nutters always go after the low hanging fruit. Fuck off.

You would shoot them? I thought you hated guns? That's a pretty bold statement from an anti-gun liberal.

What ever made you think that I hate guns? Could it be your inability to comprehend written English coupled with your juvenile reliance on nutjob talking points?

I have a healthy respect for guns.....and for those who use them responsibly. I own a handgun and a shotgun. My son is a police officer and thus owns three handguns.

Do you think you will remember this thread six weeks from now? Or...wil you just ignore it and continue with your fantasy?
Any liberal here saying they would shoot one of these people, who have previously expressed their willingness to ban guns for the use of self defense, would be a hypocrite.
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You are arguing with the wrong person, dickhead. I would shoot the fuckers if they hit me. I was commenting on the bullshit way you nutters always go after the low hanging fruit. Fuck off.

You are defending someone that claimed one should scurry away in fear, that they should be held responsible for the actions of the thugs for not avoiding them.

Don't get confused, idiot. My suggesting that you get off her case is not the same as me agreeing with her position. I do not agree with her position.

You and your dopey pals just want to pretend that you are schooling a liberal for a change. You found someone who expressed a pacifist point of view...and you all got woodies.

Well I complained about Esmeralda's posts and I am neither a gun nut nor do I care about her politics.

I found her seeming implication that the (apparently fictional) woman from the OP should not have been walking down a public street, that she should have moved away from the attackers before they struck, that she should have moved away from her home to avoid the neighborhood, etc. to be ridiculous and akin to blaming a rape victim for wearing revealing clothing.

Whether she is a liberal, conservative, libertarian, or some other political persuasion is completely immaterial to my opinion of her posts here.

You are the one who seems to be concerned with her politics rather than her statements.
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?

Oh shut up.

LOL Common sense and reason bothers you a lot doesn't it? :lol:
I am guessing that a lack of courage to defend one's self is what was bothering him.

And I have the distinct impression that he may have been right.

The 60-year-old woman chose NOT to be a victim, and NOT to be beaten nor bullied, and is alive today, because of that choice. :clap2:

Actions have consequences.

Those idiot teenagers have experienced the ultimate in such consequences.

Not the brightest crayons in the box, nor the most compassionate.

Nature has de-selected them.
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You are defending someone that claimed one should scurry away in fear, that they should be held responsible for the actions of the thugs for not avoiding them.

Don't get confused, idiot. My suggesting that you get off her case is not the same as me agreeing with her position. I do not agree with her position.

You and your dopey pals just want to pretend that you are schooling a liberal for a change. You found someone who expressed a pacifist point of view...and you all got woodies.

Well I complained about Esmeralda's posts and I am neither a gun nut nor do I care about her politics.

I found her seeming implication that the (apparently fictional) woman from the OP should not have been walking down a public street, that she should have moved away from the attackers before they struck, that she should have moved away from her home to avoid the neighborhood, etc. to be ridiculous and akin to blaming a rape victim for wearing revealing clothing.

Whether she is a liberal, conservative, libertarian, or some other political persuasion is completely immaterial to my opinion of her posts here.

You are the one who seems to be concerned with her politics rather than her statements.

Fine. You ain't who I was talking to then. Feel better?
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Read more: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 'Knock Out' Attackers | Restoring Liberty
Knockout Game Turns Deadly? Did A 60-Year Old Woman Kill Two Teens? | U. S. Politics

There we go!

Well, I am black and if you are interested in my opinion, here it is. Good. I am glad she fucking shot them and I wish she got more. This is one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time and I wish they would pull that shit here in Arizona where EVERYONE carries.

Gang mentalities make me sick. Be it the knock out game or a tea bag rally.

Thank you Zona, to potentially knock someone down and kill them, they deserve what happened.
What ever made you think that I hate guns? Could it be your inability to comprehend written English coupled with your juvenile reliance on nutjob talking points?

I have a healthy respect for guns.....and for those who use them responsibly. I own a handgun and a shotgun. My son is a police officer and thus owns three handguns.

Do you think you will remember this thread six weeks from now? Or...wil you just ignore it and continue with your fantasy?

What? I can understand written English just fine. It's your incoherent rambling I can't comprehend. Any liberal who owns a gun but advocates gun control legislation contradicts themselves. It's like saying, "I can keep my toys but you can't keep yours."

If anyone is living a fantasy, it's you.
What ever made you think that I hate guns? Could it be your inability to comprehend written English coupled with your juvenile reliance on nutjob talking points?

I have a healthy respect for guns.....and for those who use them responsibly. I own a handgun and a shotgun. My son is a police officer and thus owns three handguns.

Do you think you will remember this thread six weeks from now? Or...wil you just ignore it and continue with your fantasy?

What? I can understand written English just fine. It's your incoherent rambling I can't comprehend. Any liberal who owns a gun but advocates gun control legislation contradicts themselves. It's like saying, "I can keep my toys but you can't keep yours."

If anyone is living a fantasy, it's you.

We have gone from banning guns to gun control legislation in minutes. I am in favor of sensible legislation. I have never supported anything having to do with a ban. How about dealing with reality.
I have been carrying a concealed wep for decades - especially in areas of black youth...
Animals, majority of them
Don't get confused, idiot. My suggesting that you get off her case is not the same as me agreeing with her position. I do not agree with her position.

You and your dopey pals just want to pretend that you are schooling a liberal for a change. You found someone who expressed a pacifist point of view...and you all got woodies.

Well I complained about Esmeralda's posts and I am neither a gun nut nor do I care about her politics.

I found her seeming implication that the (apparently fictional) woman from the OP should not have been walking down a public street, that she should have moved away from the attackers before they struck, that she should have moved away from her home to avoid the neighborhood, etc. to be ridiculous and akin to blaming a rape victim for wearing revealing clothing.

Whether she is a liberal, conservative, libertarian, or some other political persuasion is completely immaterial to my opinion of her posts here.

You are the one who seems to be concerned with her politics rather than her statements.

Fine. You ain't who I was talking to then. Feel better?


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