60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?
I have a simple question for you. Would you rather someone knock out your 60 year old mother or would you rather she defended her self because she thought he life was in danger and killed the person (s) who were assaulting her?

I am a liberal. I am also a gun owner and I believe in self protection. 60 year olds have the right to protection just like everyone else. I am glad she shot them.
I have been carrying a concealed wep for decades - especially in areas of black youth...
Animals, majority of them

Fuck you. The "majority of them" are not animals you fucking racist. By the way, I have a disturbing fact for you. I am black and I carry as well.
Any liberal here saying they would shoot one of these people, who have previously expressed their willingness to ban guns for the use of self defense, would be a hypocrite.

Name said liberal.

You. Zona.

To name a couple.

I am a gun owner you moron. I carry as well. A lot of people do here.

Show me one link where I said "ban guns". Just one. If you do, I will come back here and say I am sorry. Will you.

I am a gun owner you moron. I carry as well. A lot of people do here.

Show me one link where I said "ban guns". Just one. If you do, I will come back here and say I am sorry. Will you.


You have some serious anger issues.
Can I recommend a book or two?
Have you tried AA?
Name said liberal.

You. Zona.

To name a couple.

No. I have never expressed a willingness to ban guns. You fail again, loser.

Come again?

I hope you won't ever shoot people with all your guns. But it's not a good sign that you have so many, and how do you know what you'll do when you get senile? A LOT of the gun nuts who go off are elderly.

I don't own more guns than I need. So I'm not the paranoid nut. The paranoid nut is the guy who collects vast numbers of guns and then finally decides he'll just do what he's been fantasizing doing all these years, while he sits alone in his apartment with several glasses of rye whiskey looking at the Weather Channel.

Guns are not a good substitute for a life. They tend to cause a lot of people's deaths.

You have no idea how many guns I have.

If you want to know I'll tell you.

I have 3 Semiauto rifles of varying caliber. A .22, a .223 and a .68

I have 2 shotguns. A 12 gauge pump and a 12 gauge trap gun

I have several hand guns, a .45, a .30, and a .22

All of them are kept in a fingerprint keyed gun safe when i am not using them.

Each gun has a specific use just like any other tool and none of those uses are the deliberate killing of another.

You have legitimate uses for three semiautomatic rifles? How about telling us what they are?

If you have a legitimate reason ( some kind of rural pest control, you live in Afghanistan, etc. ) you have nothing to fear from me . If I had my way, you will be issued permits after you have demonstrated the need, registered the weapons and purchased insurance.


It is nuts to WANT to own assault weapons. It is nuts to get off on going to the range and shooting assault weapons. It is nuts to think that introducing more assault weapons into the mix will result in fewer incidents of gun violence.
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I am a gun owner you moron. I carry as well. A lot of people do here.

Show me one link where I said "ban guns". Just one. If you do, I will come back here and say I am sorry. Will you.


You have some serious anger issues.
Can I recommend a book or two?
Have you tried AA?

I am an AA...and a gun owner. :doubt:
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Read more: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 'Knock Out' Attackers | Restoring Liberty
Knockout Game Turns Deadly? Did A 60-Year Old Woman Kill Two Teens? | U. S. Politics

There we go!

Good for her!

Two of the teens died as a result of the mayhem and the shots being fired.

Good for them!
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You. Zona.

To name a couple.

No. I have never expressed a willingness to ban guns. You fail again, loser.

Come again?

You have legitimate uses for three semiautomatic rifles? How about telling us what they are?

If you have a legitimate reason ( some kind of rural pest control, you live in Afghanistan, etc. ) you have nothing to fear from me . If I had my way, you will be issued permits after you have demonstrated the need, registered the weapons and purchased insurance.


It is nuts to WANT to own assault weapons. It is nuts to get off on going to the range and shooting assault weapons. It is nuts to think that introducing more assault weapons into the mix will result in fewer incidents of gun violence.

And? Did I suggest banning guns? No. Got any more?
Name said liberal.

You. Zona.

To name a couple.

I am a gun owner you moron. I carry as well. A lot of people do here.

Show me one link where I said "ban guns". Just one. If you do, I will come back here and say I am sorry. Will you.


As for you:

You kept referring to gun owners as "armed thugs" in this thread.


If that isn't any indication of your views on gun control, I don't know what is.
No. I have never expressed a willingness to ban guns. You fail again, loser.

Come again?

It is nuts to WANT to own assault weapons. It is nuts to get off on going to the range and shooting assault weapons. It is nuts to think that introducing more assault weapons into the mix will result in fewer incidents of gun violence.

And? Did I suggest banning guns? No. Got any more?

Idiot, you were advocating an assault weapons ban. Pretty plain to see. They say confession is good for the soul. Man up, LoneLaugher.
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Do you think they intended to kill her?
Wrong stanrdard.
Did she have legitimate reason feel her life was threatened?
Did the attackers have the means to kill her or cause her great bodity harm?
Did she instigate or escalate the situation?
if the answers are yes yes and no, then the shoot is good.
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You. Zona.

To name a couple.

No. I have never expressed a willingness to ban guns. You fail again, loser.

Come again?

You have legitimate uses for three semiautomatic rifles? How about telling us what they are?

If you have a legitimate reason ( some kind of rural pest control, you live in Afghanistan, etc. ) you have nothing to fear from me . If I had my way, you will be issued permits after you have demonstrated the need, registered the weapons and purchased insurance.


It is nuts to WANT to own assault weapons. It is nuts to get off on going to the range and shooting assault weapons. It is nuts to think that introducing more assault weapons into the mix will result in fewer incidents of gun violence.

Knocked it out of the park.
Well, I am black and if you are interested in my opinion, here it is. Good. I am glad she fucking shot them and I wish she got more. This is one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time and I wish they would pull that shit here in Arizona where EVERYONE carries.

Gang mentalities make me sick. Be it the knock out game or a tea bag rally.
Thank you! And please don't be offended by the aggressive nature of my comments -- which are directed at a specific type of person and by no means refer to decent Black citizens such as yourself.
Both of us own guns, dickhead.

Got any more libs who want to ban guns AND think shooting thugs who assault innocent people is OK? Any? You dumb fuck.
You. Zona.

To name a couple.

No. I have never expressed a willingness to ban guns. You fail again, loser.

Come again?

You have legitimate uses for three semiautomatic rifles? How about telling us what they are?

If you have a legitimate reason ( some kind of rural pest control, you live in Afghanistan, etc. ) you have nothing to fear from me . If I had my way, you will be issued permits after you have demonstrated the need, registered the weapons and purchased insurance.


It is nuts to WANT to own assault weapons. It is nuts to get off on going to the range and shooting assault weapons. It is nuts to think that introducing more assault weapons into the mix will result in fewer incidents of gun violence.

This is your example of a liberal saying ban guns? Wow. Keep digging liar. Keep digging.

By the way, I AM A GUN OWNER...WHY WOULD I SAY BAN GUNS? Yes, I feel as though people who are not responsible should not own them. Yes I feel as though Cleetus should not be able to own nuclear weapons just like Leroy should not be able to own a tank.

I feel as though responsible people should be able to protect themselves and their families and homes.
No. I have never expressed a willingness to ban guns. You fail again, loser.

Come again?

It is nuts to WANT to own assault weapons. It is nuts to get off on going to the range and shooting assault weapons. It is nuts to think that introducing more assault weapons into the mix will result in fewer incidents of gun violence.

Knocked it out of the park.

Are you kidding?

Why stroke that idiot's ego like that?

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