60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

It wasn't mentioned. Who said it was?

I quoted your statement as you made it. If you want to run away from it now, I understand, but the damage is done. Your racial bias has been exposed.

What damage? What should I be running from?
But it hasnt been open season. Your handlers just decided to give you something to distract your attention while they screw you over somehow. There always has to be a boogey man. They were wearing the Muslims out so now its our turn. Next up will be the Mexicans or someone else.

What is rosewood, Asclepias?

It was a black town in Florida.

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should look up Black Wall Street too. I believe it was the first time an American city was bombed by officials.

Hard to imagine that could happen in this country. Incredibly horrible.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

"Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before…"

There we go!

Hate to break it to you--again--but your TWO links both post a fake story. On the other forum where I post, even the wing-nuts are saying it's fake. You need to check better sources.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

"Knockout" has been on utube. In every utube, it has been black teenagers on a white victim. So it has been associated as such.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

"Knockout" has been on utube. In every utube, it has been black teenagers on a white victim. So it has been associated as such.

But the OP is still about a fake occurrence.
60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Read more: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 'Knock Out' Attackers | Restoring Liberty
Knockout Game Turns Deadly? Did A 60-Year Old Woman Kill Two Teens? | U. S. Politics

There we go!

Yay Grandma!
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

"Knockout" has been on utube. In every utube, it has been black teenagers on a white victim. So it has been associated as such.

Oh thats what he got upset about? He didn't like my assumption.
We all know what the glee is about. its about the fact a gun fired by a white person killed a black person.

Where did it say that in the story? Seriously, where was the race of the attackers or the victims mentioned?

I think your racial biases are showing.

"Knockout" has been on utube. In every utube, it has been black teenagers on a white victim. So it has been associated as such.

This story is clearly a hoax. First of all, the "article" doesn't mention where this even happened. If you google that woman's name all that come up are discussion forum links that all eventually link back to this Web site.

Knockout Game Turns Deadly: 60 Year Old Woman Shoots and Kills 2 Teens After Being Punched | News

If this had actually happened at the very least local news outlets would be talking about it and there isn't a single solitary one that is.

60 Year Old Woman Shoots 2 of 7 ‘Knock Out’ Attackers

Beulah Montgomery had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.
“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

There we go!

Yay Grandma!

"Yay imaginary Grandma" you mean.
What is rosewood, Asclepias?

It was a black town in Florida.

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should look up Black Wall Street too. I believe it was the first time an American city was bombed by officials.

Hard to imagine that could happen in this country. Incredibly horrible.

You should hear some of the stuff that was never made public that my grandparents told me about in the South. I cant understand how they survived.
I'm not sure I'm buying the legitimacy of this story.

I went back to find the city and details of the story, and alas, I couldn't find the details. Guess the story is a fake. There's others where the victim fought back, but I wouldn't bring them forward. Sorry, I didn't look closer.

However, it did serve for a good basis for discussion and I thank all of you for that!
Do you think they intended to kill her? If not, do you think death is the proper penalty for mugging someone? She killed two people and you appear to think that is something to celebrate. Are there any other ways of protecting yourself from this 'knock out' thing besides killing people? According to an article from USA Today, online,
Michelle Boykins, a spokeswoman for the National Crime Prevention Council, said what is so disturbing about the trend is that it is so random and the intent is to hurt someone seriously.

She said that the instances often involve someone walking alone, so she suggests the tried-and-true ways to stay safe: walk with a friend and always remain aware of your surroundings.

"There is safety in numbers," she said. "And if you are by yourself, there is nothing wrong for you to decide to cross the street if you see a group of people walking toward you.

Could this 60 year old woman have crossed the street when she saw the teenagers approaching, walked with a friend, or walked in a different area? Could her neighborhood have better police protection? Could she have used a stun gun or some other non-lethal type of weapon? Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?

The thing that I find disturbing is people apparently taking so much joy in the fact of killing other human beings. Doesn't it bring you down to the level of the thug or hoodlum you are so censorious of?
are you for real ?
perhaps the old lady should have asked permission from the young thugs before leaving home.
"Do teenagers deserve the death penalty for trying to knock someone down?"

Wrong question!

Teenagers need to understand that if they go around attacking innocent people, trying to knock them out, that some of those people may be armed and will shoot their sorry asses.

These teenagers brought about their own deaths. Actions have consiquinces.

If this were happening in my city, I would simply not go to those neighborhoods. I would not live in a crime ridden neighborhoood, even if I had to live in a tiny, one room apartment. Many times people make choices that lead to their being placed in harm's way or in dangerous situations. I'm not blaming the victim, but in a way it's no different than choosing to go bunging jumping, mountain climbing, or sky diving: if you make the choice to do something dangerous, you have to expect there may be consequences. If this woman has been mugged a couple of times already, why doesn't she move instead of getting a gun? What is the joy in killing someone? And, she was only lucky, really; she could have just as easily been killed herself. Staying away from a potentially dangerous situation is far safer than going into one armed. I have been in a situation where my life was threatened by someone with a gun, so I am not just talking through my hat. I was also threated once by someone with a knife, someone holding a knife on me. I do know about these situations and how to avoid them. My solution was to learn to avoid them, not arm myself and think 'make my day.'

Saying she should move is to facile. She lives in a rotten neighborhood. She doesn't have that option.

I admit she would be better off not killing those punks. She does not live in a crappy neighborhood because she likes it. Those punks made the choice that got them killed. and made her a killer
To avoid an attack:

Don't go to dangerous neighborhoods where black people are and if they come to yours, move.
If you see black people, cross the street.
Don't go out by yourself if black people are around.
Get a big scary dog.

In other words, be a racist.

Shoulda just said so.

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