6000 troops headed BACK into Afghanistan facing a newly fortified army of Taliban.

so he thinking about sending more troops to that HELL WHOLE ? he shouldn't be in charge any more ,get him out ,
And If he did nothing you'd bitch about that, how does it feel to live in a world where only you are correct in everything human?

Elite Taliban unit wearing US gear appears to mock iconic American WWII photo

Propaganda videos show Taliban fighters carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons​

Here's an article that summarizes how much military weapons, etc., the Taliban has seized because of the Potato's surrender......

The Taliban has seized billions of dollars in up-to-date U.S military weapons left behind by Afghan forces, including crates of new assault rifles, rockets, 2,000 armored vehicles, 40 aircraft including UH-60 Black Hawks, military drones, and night-vision goggles, according to reports.

In a matter of two weeks, the Taliban seized most of Afghanistan following President Biden’s hastily and botched handling of the withdrawal of U.S. troops. On top of the Taliban toppling the Afghan government, the insurgents were also able to seize most weapons and equipment left behind by fleeing Afghan forces. Photos and videos circulated on social media show Taliban militants inspecting the massive new war chest — a supply of at least 600,000 infantry weapons, along with 162,000 pieces of communication equipment and 16,000 night-vision goggles. The insurgents in the video were seen triumphantly opening crates of the newly seized firearms, including M-4 and M-16 assault rifles, M24 sniper rifles, and M2 .50 caliber machine guns. Other images and videos showed the Taliban surrounding U.S Humvees and A-29 Super Tucano aircraft.

The Taliban are anxiously awaiting the return of American troops
No they are not. If US troops return they have to go back out to the brush. If the american civilians that are still there had left anytime from last year up until a few months ago they wouldnt have to be rescued.

Elite Taliban unit wearing US gear appears to mock iconic American WWII photo

Propaganda videos show Taliban fighters carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons​

View attachment 528983
Did they hurt your feelings? Who cares if they copied the photo?
And If he did nothing you'd bitch about that, how does it feel to live in a world where only you are correct in everything human?
He is mentally unwell , you can see that in the interviews he has done , , i just feel sorry for the people who are there and having to deal with what is going on i am not bitching its a fact that he is unfit for office , if i was living in the usa i would have voted for him in i was just as shocked as everyone else of what as happen , you wouldn't expect another mentally unwell President after trump
He is mentally unwell , you can see that in the interviews he has done , , i just feel sorry for the people who are there and having to deal with what is going on i am not bitching its a fact that he is unfit for office , if i was living in the usa i would have voted for him in i was just as shocked as everyone else of what as happen , you wouldn't expect another mentally unwell President after trump
The US had no business in Afghanistan for twenty years and those that went looking to profit off of the misery deserve what they get for delaying their departure to increase their treasure. I have zero compassion for them because of why they refused to leave when they knew what was going to happen.
The Taliban are anxiously awaiting the return of American troops, now that they have control of the airports and all of our weaponry Biden abandoned. How many of these troops will be killed because of Biden's idiocy?

The Taliban are deliberately NOT controlling any airports at all.
And the point of US troops is crowd control, NOT to fight the Taliban.
That Taliban are not doing anything that needs or could be fought.
Fighting the Taliban is illegal and wrong.
The ONLY legal thing the US troops can do is prevent civilians from mobbing an airplane attempting to take off.
Amazing you can accuse anyone of having a teeny tiny mind when you've missed the point in spectacular fashion.

I'll explain for you.

Biden pulled the troops out literally overnight with no withdrawal agreement or succession plan in place.
Which meant the Taliban took control of the place, with ease.
Taliban are now running Aghan.
Yet 6000 thousand troops have to return and try to negotiate with them.

They will be like lambs to the slaughter should the Taliban wish.

The "negotiating" should have been done BEFORE leaving.

Moronic that anyone (you) would even attempt to make a comment like you did and you have the cheek to put tards at the end of conservi.

No, Biden thought the Afghan troops would be sufficient.
He did not realize they were corrupt and melted away.

You can not negotiate with the Taliban because clearly they have all the legal and physical authority.
With only 6,000 troops, we can't do anything about the Taliban at all.
The only purpose or use of any US troops is ONLY for crowd control.
Anything else would not just be illegal, but suicidal.
From an urban location where our planes can not attack, the Taliban likely could use surface to air missiles to wipe out our entire air force in the area.
The ONLY time we can ever succeed against a force like the Taliban, is when they are caught isolated on rural locations.
The US had no business in Afghanistan for twenty years and those that went looking to profit off of the misery deserve what they get for delaying their departure to increase their treasure. I have zero compassion for them because of why they refused to leave when they knew what was going to happen.
yes i agree with you on that USA and allies should have never gone there at all yes i also agree with you that they went there for money as well , but what happened 20 years ago 9/11 the worst attack on the usa, us citizens and others were killed there had to be a response to that they were meant to be getting Osama bin Laden and the rest of the terrorist who acted out these attacks But to go and occupy somewhere like Afghanistan and lose even more lives because of W bush wanting more money and to make him self look like the good guy , to basically profit from a country that was going down the shit whole anyway past wars etc as an example.
Looks like President Potatohead is getting us into a bloodbath by trusting the goddamn Taliban.

Haqqani has a $5 mil dollar reward on his head and has been designated a terrorist by the US government. His network is in charge of security around Kabul. His network kept Bergdahl and traded him for the 5 Taliban leaders The Worthless Negro release from Guantanamo.

The Taliban released thousands from prison when they took Bagram. Many high value al qaeda and Taliban prisoners the US had been keeping previously. Surely they don’t have a grudge.

You’ve got many thousands of Taliban foot soldiers and commanders alike who have had friends and family killed over the last 20 years by the US and our allies.

I’m trying to figure out what so many are smoking here when they say the Taliban just wants us out and will not kill Americans.

They could make Bin Laden and his attack on 9/11 look like child's play, like a kindergartner in the world of jihad, and they’re just going to let that go, for a few bucks or just to get us out of the country? To somehow please the Chinese??
Looks like President Potatohead is getting us into a bloodbath by trusting the goddamn Taliban.

Haqqani has a $5 mil dollar reward on his head and has been designated a terrorist by the US government. His network is in charge of security around Kabul. His network kept Bergdahl and traded him for the 5 Taliban leaders The Worthless Negro release from Guantanamo.

The Taliban released thousands from prison when they took Bagram. Many high value al qaeda and Taliban prisoners the US had been keeping previously. Surely they don’t have a grudge.

You’ve got many thousands of Taliban foot soldiers and commanders alike who have had friends and family killed over the last 20 years by the US and our allies.

I’m trying to figure out what so many are smoking here when they say the Taliban just wants us out and will not kill Americans.

They could make Bin Laden and his attack on 9/11 look like child's play, like a kindergartner in the world of jihad, and they’re just going to let that go, for a few bucks or just to get us out of the country? To somehow please the Chinese??
The agreement made with the Taliban is being played out you should enjoy it since Trump signed off on it.
yes i agree with you on that USA and allies should have never gone there at all yes i also agree with you that they went there for money as well , but what happened 20 years ago 9/11 the worst attack on the usa, us citizens and others were killed there had to be a response to that they were meant to be getting Osama bin Laden and the rest of the terrorist who acted out these attacks But to go and occupy somewhere like Afghanistan and lose even more lives because of W bush wanting more money and to make him self look like the good guy , to basically profit from a country that was going down the shit whole anyway past wars etc as an example.
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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