61% Agree With The President About Minimum Wage ~ Rasmussen

You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.

Love that attitude! I got it, you don't, so screw you. Jesus must be proud of you!

I have it because I did something to get it. Seems your attitude is that I have it but you think you should have a say in how I use it. Not one place in the Bible does Jesus support the concept of governmental redistribution of wealth. As long as you aren't doing something where you see a need to a level that means I don't have to be forced to do it, you're going against the teachings of Jesus not me.

Of course....now go play with your, well deserved, toys.
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.

Love that attitude! I got it, you don't, so screw you. Jesus must be proud of you!

should he give some of his hard earned money to you? yes or no, and why

I've had plenty like JimH52 say people like me should be willing to earn it then have it taken to be handed to someone else. The bleeding hearts won't do it themselves but don't mind demadning others be forced to do it.
That's why i always say this is a Lose/Lose proposition for the Republicans. Meanwhile, it's a big Win/Win for the Democrats. The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible. Right now they're being seen by most, as the Party that supports Big Corporations and Slave Labor. And that will hurt big time in a National Election. Just give a bump in pay to American Workers and move on.
I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.

Love that attitude! I got it, you don't, so screw you. Jesus must be proud of you!

I have it because I did something to get it. Seems your attitude is that I have it but you think you should have a say in how I use it. Not one place in the Bible does Jesus support the concept of governmental redistribution of wealth. As long as you aren't doing something where you see a need to a level that means I don't have to be forced to do it, you're going against the teachings of Jesus not me.

Of course....now go play with your, well deserved, toys.

I am and I deserve them because I earned them. Your problem is you want me to earn it then support having it taken to hand to someone that didn't. If you want to do that voluntarily, be my guest.
Minimum wage reminds me of the way Republicans used to use the "Flag burning" nonsense. Just something noisy to bang on to get the dimwits stirred up.
That's why i always say this is a Lose/Lose proposition for the Republicans. Meanwhile, it's a big Win/Win for the Democrats. The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible. Right now they're being seen by most, as the Party that supports Big Corporations and Slave Labor. And that will hurt big time in a National Election. Just give a bump in pay to American Workers and move on.

They're only seen that way by mindless nitwits unable to forge a cogent thought to save their lives.
That's why i always say this is a Lose/Lose proposition for the Republicans. Meanwhile, it's a big Win/Win for the Democrats. The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible. Right now they're being seen by most, as the Party that supports Big Corporations and Slave Labor. And that will hurt big time in a National Election. Just give a bump in pay to American Workers and move on.

standing on valid proven principles is the right thing to do and will win out in the end. Caving to the dems is a lose/lose every time. 1% of the population makes minimum wage----------it is a non issue except with the dem talking point generators.
The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible.

The problem with what you say is your idea of compromise is doing what the Democrats want.

No, a reasonable compromise can be achieved. And it's the safest play for the Republicans. They can't win on this issue. They only come off as hating average workers and worshipping Slave Labor Corporations. Get a deal done quickly, and move on.
The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible.

The problem with what you say is your idea of compromise is doing what the Democrats want.

But your idea of compromise is not doing "what the Republicans want.?" Am I correct there or are you too partisan to admit that.

My idea is to do what the Constitution says and it says nothing about what you want to do in it.
The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible.

The problem with what you say is your idea of compromise is doing what the Democrats want.

No, a reasonable compromise can be achieved. And it's the safest play for the Republicans. They can't win on this issue. They only come off as hating average workers and worshipping Slave Labor Corporations. Get a deal done quickly, and move on.

I bet you think what YOU support is the reasonable way. That's the problem.
It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.

If you have a place/time where your feelings ring true name it, we can discuss it, otherwise you're just spewing your emotions with nothing to support your rightwing...feeeeelings. OTOH, the empirical facts are;

"In fact, the 13 states that raised their minimum wage at the beginning of 2014 saw employment increase by 45% more than the 37 states that did not increase their minimum wage,"
Care to take a shot at debunking the above statement from an earlier post on this M/B?

How do you square, consumer spending is down and wages are down but prices are up, profits are up, executive pay is up and spending on corporate welfare is half again
MORE than spending on social programs with your unsubstantiated... theories?
The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible.

The problem with what you say is your idea of compromise is doing what the Democrats want.

No, a reasonable compromise can be achieved. And it's the safest play for the Republicans. They can't win on this issue. They only come off as hating average workers and worshipping Slave Labor Corporations. Get a deal done quickly, and move on.

I bet you think what YOU support is the reasonable way. That's the problem.

Pay the tab and move on. Republicans cannot win on this issue. They're already being perceived by many as the Party of 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guys.' Many see them as being way too quick to worship Corporations and their immoral business practices.

Many Americans just don't see the Republican Party standing up for average American Workers. And that perception will cost them big time in National Elections. They need to work this deal as soon as possible. Get past it quickly.
It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.

If you have a place/time where your feelings ring true name it, we can discuss it, otherwise you're just spewing your emotions with nothing to support your rightwing...feeeeelings. OTOH, the empirical facts are;

"In fact, the 13 states that raised their minimum wage at the beginning of 2014 saw employment increase by 45% more than the 37 states that did not increase their minimum wage,"
Care to take a shot at debunking the above statement from an earlier post on this M/B?

How do you square, consumer spending is down and wages are down but prices are up, profits are up, executive pay is up and spending on corporate welfare is half again
MORE than spending on social programs with your unsubstantiated... theories?

Hey retard, my claim is that someone making low wages does so because they have low skills. If you are too stupid to understand that, you're a moron.

Social welfare programs to offset low wages for someone that offers low skills should stop now. No one should be subsidized because they're the reason they make low wages. If you feel otherwise, write a check.
The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible.

The problem with what you say is your idea of compromise is doing what the Democrats want.

No, a reasonable compromise can be achieved. And it's the safest play for the Republicans. They can't win on this issue. They only come off as hating average workers and worshipping Slave Labor Corporations. Get a deal done quickly, and move on.

I bet you think what YOU support is the reasonable way. That's the problem.

Pay the tab and move on. Republicans cannot win on this issue. They're already being perceived by many as the Party of 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guys.' Many see them as being way too quick to worship Corporations and their immoral business practices.

Many Americans just don't see the Republican Party standing up for average American Workers. And that perception will cost them big time in National Elections. They need to work this deal as soon as possible. Get past it quickly.

No, they need to explain why it's a bullshit issue. Giving in every time populists stir up the idiots will only create idiotic government. It's exactly why things are so fucked up now.
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Ah, give the American Workers a break. Haven't they been shit on enough for so many years? The Ruling-Class Globalist Elites have completely sunk American Workers. They've reduced them to mere expendable slaves.

So much for caring about Americans and 'Patriotism', huh? It's only about the cash in the end. There is no America or Patriotism. There's only Walmart and Exxon. So pay the tab and move on. The American Workers deserve it.
The Republicans should just work out a compromise and get past this issue as soon as possible.

The problem with what you say is your idea of compromise is doing what the Democrats want.

No, a reasonable compromise can be achieved. And it's the safest play for the Republicans. They can't win on this issue. They only come off as hating average workers and worshipping Slave Labor Corporations. Get a deal done quickly, and move on.

I bet you think what YOU support is the reasonable way. That's the problem.

Pay the tab and move on. Republicans cannot win on this issue. They're already being perceived by many as the Party of 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guys.' Many see them as being way too quick to worship Corporations and their immoral business practices.

Many Americans just don't see the Republican Party standing up for average American Workers. And that perception will cost them big time in National Elections. They need to work this deal as soon as possible. Get past it quickly.

Those that view the GOP that way aren't going to change their support unless the GOP starts doing it like the Democrats do it. If they have the Democrats, they don't need anyone else.

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