61% Agree With The President About Minimum Wage ~ Rasmussen

Seems to me all the Democrats do is say it's wrong because we don't like it. There's a difference in something needing to change because someone doesn't like it and because it's wrong.

Ah, time to give American Workers a break. They've been shit on for many years. The Globalist Elites have decimated decent-paying American jobs. It's all about the Slave Labor. They sold the American People out. So let's give the Workers a break and move on.

Someone with low level skills getting low level pay is shitting on themself due to the skills they offer.

Interesting you say give. That's says a lot. I don't have a problem with someone being paid an equivalent wage based on their skill level. However, if it's not my business or your business, neither one of us have any place telling the owner of it what a skill is worth. That's what YOU want to do.

You're still not getting it. The Globalist Elites sold American Workers out a long time ago. That's a done-deal. Nothing can change that. But we can make some amends by helping the Workers out a bit. It's time. Pay em, and move on.

So people like me should amends, as you claim, for something we didn't do?

How about they EARN it instead of demanding it be handed to them. That's what many of us did. That's what you don't get.

Yes, because we're good People and Patriots. We care about our fellow Americans. So Walmart will have to pay their Workers a decent wage? Oh well, they'll just have to deal with it. They've made $Trillions. They're good. They'll just have to buck up and pay the tab.

If you cared, you'd open your own wallets and pay. Interesting how you think someone else paying makes you a patriot. It makes you a worthless piece of shit.
It will only help out workers whose labor is actually worth more than the proposed minimum, those already getting paid that much, by protecting them from being undercut by poor people. It won't help the poor people. It will just ensure they can't work. It's essentially union protectionism applied to everyone. The point is to make sure the scabs stay in their place and don't break the "picket line".

The Globalist Elites are evil and Un-American. They've absolutely screwed American Workers. It's time to try and make things somewhat right. American Workers should be experiencing much higher wages. Corporations like Walmart can bitch all they want. But they've made $Trillions off screwing American Workers. So now they'll have to pay up a bit. Oh well, Boo Hoo for them. I think they can handle it.

Minimum wage laws don't impede "Global Elitists". They advance their agenda by further centralizing control of prices and wages.

Ah, time to pay up. I don't give a rat's sack the Un-American Elites who run Walmart are bummed. They've made their $Trillions off screwing Workers. I have no time to feel sorry for them. They can go on whining, but they need to pay up while they're doing it.

Uh... are you bot? Are you even reading my posts? I also oppose the global elitists. They thrive on government manipulation of the economy. I thought you understood that.

Time to help the American Worker out. And if the Globalist Elite assholes who run Walmart don't like it, they can go right straight to Hell. It's too bad. Time to shut up and pay up.

I agree. We can start by eliminating the Fed. Minimum wage is a puppet show.
Ah, time to give American Workers a break. They've been shit on for many years. The Globalist Elites have decimated decent-paying American jobs. It's all about the Slave Labor. They sold the American People out. So let's give the Workers a break and move on.

Someone with low level skills getting low level pay is shitting on themself due to the skills they offer.

Interesting you say give. That's says a lot. I don't have a problem with someone being paid an equivalent wage based on their skill level. However, if it's not my business or your business, neither one of us have any place telling the owner of it what a skill is worth. That's what YOU want to do.

You're still not getting it. The Globalist Elites sold American Workers out a long time ago. That's a done-deal. Nothing can change that. But we can make some amends by helping the Workers out a bit. It's time. Pay em, and move on.

So people like me should amends, as you claim, for something we didn't do?

How about they EARN it instead of demanding it be handed to them. That's what many of us did. That's what you don't get.

Yes, because we're good People and Patriots. We care about our fellow Americans. So Walmart will have to pay their Workers a decent wage? Oh well, they'll just have to deal with it. They've made $Trillions. They're good. They'll just have to buck up and pay the tab.

If you cared, you'd open your own wallets and pay. Interesting how you think someone else paying makes you a patriot. It makes you a worthless piece of shit.

The American Worker needs defending sometimes. They've been shit on for many years. They've been sold out. Time to make some amends. So to hell with $Trillion Corporations like Walmart. They can afford to pay up. It's time for them to be good Patriots for once. They've fucked American Workers enough.
It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.

If you have a place/time where your feelings ring true name it, we can discuss it, otherwise you're just spewing your emotions with nothing to support your rightwing...feeeeelings. OTOH, the empirical facts are;

"In fact, the 13 states that raised their minimum wage at the beginning of 2014 saw employment increase by 45% more than the 37 states that did not increase their minimum wage,"
Care to take a shot at debunking the above statement from an earlier post on this M/B?

How do you square, consumer spending is down and wages are down but prices are up, profits are up, executive pay is up and spending on corporate welfare is half again
MORE than spending on social programs with your unsubstantiated... theories?

Hey retard, my claim is that someone making low wages does so because they have low skills. If you are too stupid to understand that, you're a moron.

Social welfare programs to offset low wages for someone that offers low skills should stop now. No one should be subsidized because they're the reason they make low wages. If you feel otherwise, write a check.

You're one of the emotional rightwing moaners on this M/B, you know what you know cuz you know it but-----but you've been unable to support your feeeelings with facts... until you do you're just another rightwing pisser and moaner.

Again how to you square

In fact, the 13 states that raised their minimum wage at the beginning of 2014 saw employment increase by 45% more than the 37 states that did not increase their minimum wage,"

with your emotional outbursts?

And why are you Republicans OK with higher prices and lower wages and-----and why do we have less spending power and higher prices than we did when the minimum wage was equal to $21.72 in today's dollars?

Republicans got some 'splainin' to do but all I'm hearing is Republican hate for American labor i.e. -- Americans - why is that?


Charlie Baker, Republican candidate for governor wins Outsourcing Award.


You're one of those left wing bleeding hearts that think someone deserves what they haven't earned and that what a business owner pays someone is your business. That's all the proof I need when it comes to claiming you don't have a say in what someone else pays his/her employees.

PSA for Republicans: Most pharmacy's have FREE blood pressure machines.

You're a very emotional, fact-free poster. What is it about the General Welfare Clause that you don't understand?

Since you are fact challenged, here's a link...

and an excerpt from the link

"Congress appropriates money for a seemingly endless number of national interests, ranging from federal courts, policing, imprisonment, and national security to social programs, environmental protection, and education. No federal court has struck down a spending program on the ground that it failed to promote the general welfare. However, federal spending programs have been struck down on other constitutional grounds."

What other parts of the Constitution do you hate?

Still waiting for you to name a time/place where your feeelings ring true...


I would say it's time for the Globalist Elites to make some amends to American Workers. They've made all their $Trillions off screwing them. They can now afford to make amends. And i don't care how much they whine about it. Just as long as they pay up while doing it.
I would say it's time for the Globalist Elites to make some amends to American Workers. They've made all their $Trillions off screwing them. They can now afford to make amends. And i don't care how much they whine about it. Just as long as they pay up while doing it.

Which has nothing at all to do with minimum wage laws.
I would say it's time for the Globalist Elites to make some amends to American Workers. They've made all their $Trillions off screwing them. They can now afford to make amends. And i don't care how much they whine about it. Just as long as they pay up while doing it.

Which has nothing at all to do with minimum wage laws.

Time to do the right thing and make amends. They can at least try to make things right. Might even keep some of em from going to hell. They can save their souls.
But there's nothing in it for the 1%....so the GOP Congress will not move. And if the GOP captures the Senate....HA! SCREW THE LOWER AND MIDDLE CLASS!
Yea while you phony "compassionate" idiots beat the drums for it, the CBO states 500,000 people primarily the low skill, entry level teens will lose their jobs and again all out of ignorance as to how many people REALLY work at minimum wage!
Do FACTS mean anything to you grossly uninformed 30 second sound bite idiots?
FACTS like:
A) According to the http://www.bls.gov/cps/minwage2013.pdf source:
  1. 2.5 million work at minimum wage or 3.3% of the 75 million that work at an hourly rate that work at an average hourly rate of
  2. $24.00 per hour average hourly rate. (SEE table:)
  3. 797,000 are between 16 to 19 years old.. TEENAGERS at entry level, no skill jobs.

Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 7.25.44 AM.png

B) Once the business financial choice..hmm do I pay that teen age hamburger flipper $110,000 plus benefits over 5 years OR
the automatic hamburger making machine that works 7 days a week 24 hours a day no benefits at a one time cost of $22,000?...hmmm"
Or does Walmart put more customer self serve check out lanes and letting the low skilled $16.00 hour worker go?

See unbeknownst to you "compassionate" everyone should be at minimum wage.. all you are doing is making more teenagers unemployed!

averagehourlywage in USA as of 2014-10-08 at 9.02.58 PM.png

But that's the idiocy of people that only think in 30 second sound bites, i.e. suffer from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood brain disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood.
YOU don't READ. YOU much less comprehend.
Go ahead a raise minimum wage across the board be the person living in Mississippi or New York. makes no difference to the cookie cutter ADHD crowd !
Why Small Business Owners Back a Minimum Wage Hike - US News

Last week theAmerican Sustainable Business CouncilandBusiness for a Fair Minimum Wagereleased a reportof a scientific national poll of small business owners. The poll involved a live telephone survey of 555 small business owners, with between 2 and 99 employees each. Respondents spanned the political spectrum, all regions of the country and a broad cross-section of industries.
Three out of five small business owners (61 percent) favor raising the minimum wage gradually to $10.10 and then adjusting it annually to keep pace with the cost of living. This new polling data contradicts the oft-repeated claim that raising the minimum wage will kill profits, eliminate jobs and cut growth. Apparently the people doing the hiring and paying the difference don’t agree with those dour predictions.

The sentiments voiced by small business owners were reinforced by business leaders of large and successful companies recently. At Gap, Inc.,CEO Glenn Murphy announcedthe company would set $9 per hour as the minimum for U.S. based workers this year, rising to $10 next year. “When it’s all said and done, this is a race for talent,” said Murphy in a television interview. “And if we have the best talent in our office, in our distribution centers, in our call centers, and mostly in our stores, then we’re gonna win.” Murphy has seen the benefits: “We’ve got evidence already. Our applications, at Old Navy, since our announcement, are up 20 percent.

And in the meantime, the Party of No bangs the drums that small business would be hurt. They are just protecting their wealthy base. If the gap between the have's and the have not's become smaller, the GOP knows they will lose.
Why Small Business Owners Back a Minimum Wage Hike - US News

Last week theAmerican Sustainable Business CouncilandBusiness for a Fair Minimum Wagereleased a reportof a scientific national poll of small business owners. The poll involved a live telephone survey of 555 small business owners, with between 2 and 99 employees each. Respondents spanned the political spectrum, all regions of the country and a broad cross-section of industries.
Three out of five small business owners (61 percent) favor raising the minimum wage gradually to $10.10 and then adjusting it annually to keep pace with the cost of living. This new polling data contradicts the oft-repeated claim that raising the minimum wage will kill profits, eliminate jobs and cut growth. Apparently the people doing the hiring and paying the difference don’t agree with those dour predictions.

The sentiments voiced by small business owners were reinforced by business leaders of large and successful companies recently. At Gap, Inc.,CEO Glenn Murphy announcedthe company would set $9 per hour as the minimum for U.S. based workers this year, rising to $10 next year. “When it’s all said and done, this is a race for talent,” said Murphy in a television interview. “And if we have the best talent in our office, in our distribution centers, in our call centers, and mostly in our stores, then we’re gonna win.” Murphy has seen the benefits: “We’ve got evidence already. Our applications, at Old Navy, since our announcement, are up 20 percent.

And in the meantime, the Party of No bangs the drums that small business would be hurt. They are just protecting their wealthy base. If the gap between the have's and the have not's become smaller, the GOP knows they will lose.

Established businesses benefit from regulation that raises the barrier to entry for competition. As long such regs affect all players equally, adding to the cost of doing business makes it harder for start-ups to challenge vested interests.

It's a pretty common pattern actually. Private profit manipulating regulation to further their its interests, and all under the guise of "helping the little guy". And we fall for it, over and over again.

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