61% Agree With The President About Minimum Wage ~ Rasmussen

Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

Well the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.

Also the federal Min wage is 7.25/hr. If you are going to post far left propaganda at least get your numbers right.

Also single mothers in this arena can get government assistance in the form of food stamps other government/state breaks.

Thus once again showing the far left rants are nothing but programmed talking points not based on any real facts.
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

Well the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.

Also the federal Min wage is 7.25/hr. If you are going to post far left propaganda at least get your numbers right.

Also single mothers in this arena can get government assistance in the form of food stamps other government/state breaks.

Thus once again showing the far left rants are nothing but programmed talking points not based on any real facts.

You whine and cry about public assistance and then, when trying to justify leaving the poor in poverty, you place food stamps on a pedestal. The ultimate Hypocrite!
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

Well the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.

Also the federal Min wage is 7.25/hr. If you are going to post far left propaganda at least get your numbers right.

Also single mothers in this arena can get government assistance in the form of food stamps other government/state breaks.

Thus once again showing the far left rants are nothing but programmed talking points not based on any real facts.

You whine and cry about public assistance and then, when trying to justify leaving the poor in poverty, you place food stamps on a pedestal. The ultimate Hypocrite!

I do not whine and cry about it, most of those that are right of the far left do not whine and cry about it.

However voting twice fro the food stamp king does not help your programmed far left propaganda post.

Another far left talking point down the tubes.

By the way you can blame Boooooosssshhhh!!! For the $7.25 min wage.
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

Well the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.

Also the federal Min wage is 7.25/hr. If you are going to post far left propaganda at least get your numbers right.

Also single mothers in this arena can get government assistance in the form of food stamps other government/state breaks.

Thus once again showing the far left rants are nothing but programmed talking points not based on any real facts.

This pattern [efficiency wages] also appeared when economists at Goldman Sachs conducted a simple evaluation of the impact of these state minimum-wage increases in 13 states that increased their minimum wage on January 1 and found that the states where the minimum wage increased had faster employment growth than the states where the minimum wage did not change this year. In fact, the 13 states that raised their minimum wage at the beginning of 2014 saw employment increase by 45% more than the 37 states that did not increase their minimum wage, according to the Center for Economic and Policy Research.​

If I haven't explained the 'virtuous cycle' directly to you, it's been explained enough on this M/B, that unless you have a learning disorder you surely would have at least picked up the concept via osmosis by now...? In simple terms the virtuous cycle is a beneficial cycle of circumstances, each circumstance having a positive effect on the next circumstance.

When you claim
"the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.", you have facts and figures to back up your claim - right? Right?

I know how you Republicans hate actual-facts-and-figures but check out the empirical data below...

The Numbers Are In: States With Boosted Minimum Wages See Boosted Employment

Marcos Da Silva
July 7, 2014

The argument Republicans often use against raising the minimum wage is simple: A higher wage makes it more expensive for firms to hire workers. Republicans have adamantly rejected proposals to raise the minimum wage based on that argument, claiming that higher labor costs will lead to higher unemployment.

The only problem with this position?


The data clearly show that the Republican argument against raising the minimum wage is a gross oversimplification.

An oversimplification offered by partisan conservative dilettantes that uses an unrealistic, theoretically isolated economic model that only exists in the most superficial economics courses, before one graduates to more nuanced and sophisticated perspectives on monetary and fiscal matters.

The fact is that, while job losses from moderate increases in the minimum wage may occur, these losses are small compared to the number of people who would benefit substantially. This is because a minimum wage increase is much more likely to affect low wage workers in a positive way than a negative one.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found in its report on the effects of a minimum-wage increase that while 500,000 low-wage jobs might be lost as a result of raising the national minimum wage to $10.10 an hour and then indexing it to inflation, 24.5 million workers would benefit from the increase: 16.5 million directly and an additional 8 million indirectly.

That’s 49 people who benefit for every job lost.

How could this be? Well, it all has to do with efficiency wage theory. [see Costco]

The idea is that paying workers a higher wage may lead to increased productivity from the worker. If a worker gets a relatively higher wage, he may feel more loyal and devoted to the company. With a higher wage, he may also fear being made unemployed and so will work harder to make sure he keeps his job. Therefore, although the firm pays more, they get more productivity from their workers.

Essentially, the higher productivity caused by the higher wage absorbs the higher labor cost. If the minimum wage had simply tracked U.S. productivity gains since 1968, it would be $21.72 an hour — three times what it is now. Randy Garutti, the chief executive of Shake Shack, said “the No. 1 reason we pay our team well above the minimum wage is because we believe that if we take care of the team, they will take care of our customers.”

So far, Shake Shack has achieved better service from their higher-paid staff, as well as less turnover. That means better customer care, fewer vacancies and lower training costs — all productivity gains that absorb the higher wage costs.

This virtuous cycle effect is described in the research of economists David Card and Alan Krueger, the former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, showing that increases in the minimum wage increase employment.


A fundamental law of capitalism is that if workers have no money, businesses have no customers, yet a fundamental flaw of capitalism is its dependence on consumption, which in turn depends on workers having money. An economy that increasingly concentrates wealth in the top 1 percent cuts into the level of consumption that could be achieved with a more equitable distribution of wealth.

This is because one tremendously rich individual, who makes a thousand times the salary of the average individual, still only generates the consumption of one rich person versus that of 1000 people — such wealth concentration thus impedes the flow of wealth cycling through consumption.

On the flip side...

But...but.....raising the minimum raise will DO NOTHING for the rich. It will be a non-starter with the GOP congress.

If they GOP had their way, child labor would be legal, women would be back in the kitchen and the bedroom where they belong, unions would go away so that sweat shops could return, and voting right for anyone other than white men would be suspended. Not to mention putting those Darkies back in their place and send them to the back of the bus.

Then we could return to the sterile conditions of the "Leave it to Beaver" world and all would be well.....
But...but.....raising the minimum raise will DO NOTHING for the rich. It will be a non-starter with the GOP congress.

If they GOP had their way, child labor would be legal, women would be back in the kitchen and the bedroom where they belong, unions would go away so that sweat shops could return, and voting right for anyone other than white men would be suspended. Not to mention putting those Darkies back in their place and send them to the back of the bus.

Then we could return to the sterile conditions of the "Leave it to Beaver" world and all would be well.....

Kosh said "the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.", I asked Kosh to back up his/her claim when I said; "When you claim "the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.", you have facts and figures to back up your claim - right? Right?"


Waiting...waiting...waiting... zzzzzzz...

For two years, the GOP will have the Senate. And their positions on issues like this will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2016.

For 4 years the Dems will have the senate and their positions on issues like this and many others will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2014.... Just like how they lost the House before that...


I love stomping progressive bitchz.

You sound violent.
Economics or common sense isn't the lefts strong suit that's for sure. Everyone knows this would hurt the small mom and pop businesses and in order to keep up they would NEED to lay a person off from their job.

stupid people in the Democrat party
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

My niece was a performer for Disney in a state that a couple of years ago had a minimum wage of $7.67. When the minimum wage went from $7.67 to $7.79 my niece's hourly wage went up from $10.99 to $11.49. My point is, raising the floor lifts many low wage workers, not just minimum wage workers - what's your point?

High minimum wage states are economically more successful than states that let the federal government set their minimum wage for them and-----and the two highest minimum wage cities, Seattle and Fan Francisco are booming.


And once everyone is lifted, cost of living goes up, and we're right back where we were before.

Go ahead and raise the minimum, it doesn't matter to me, the point is that this is just an issue to whip people up.
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

My niece was a performer for Disney in a state that a couple of years ago had a minimum wage of $7.67. When the minimum wage went from $7.67 to $7.79 my niece's hourly wage went up from $10.99 to $11.49. My point is, raising the floor lifts many low wage workers, not just minimum wage workers - what's your point?

High minimum wage states are economically more successful than states that let the federal government set their minimum wage for them and-----and the two highest minimum wage cities, Seattle and Fan Francisco are booming.


And once everyone is lifted, cost of living goes up, and we're right back where we were before.

Go ahead and raise the minimum, it doesn't matter to me, the point is that this is just an issue to whip people up.

Another Democrat issue to drive their base stupid. But they are filled with people who voted in Obama as President so they figure why not use it on the stupid people
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.

My niece was a performer for Disney in a state that a couple of years ago had a minimum wage of $7.67. When the minimum wage went from $7.67 to $7.79 my niece's hourly wage went up from $10.99 to $11.49. My point is, raising the floor lifts many low wage workers, not just minimum wage workers - what's your point?

High minimum wage states are economically more successful than states that let the federal government set their minimum wage for them and-----and the two highest minimum wage cities, Seattle and Fan Francisco are booming.


And once everyone is lifted, cost of living goes up, and we're right back where we were before.

Go ahead and raise the minimum, it doesn't matter to me, the point is that this is just an issue to whip people up.

Another Democrat issue to drive their base stupid. But they are filled with people who voted in Obama as President so they figure why not use it on the stupid people

It makes a great soundbite, everyone wants more money. But this is nothing more than a dog chasing it's tail issue.
October 14, 2014

President Obama is trying to raise the federal minimum wage from the current $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour, and most Americans are on board.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most American Adults (61%) favor raising the minimum wage from its current level of $7.25 an hour, which many states and the District of Columbia have already done. One-in-three (30%) oppose raising the minimum wage.

That might be true, but $10.10 an hour is still too low. If you follow the premise that the minimum wage is the most equitable way to stimulate income growth, then it stands to reason that $21.72 should be the new minimum wage: http://www.cepr.net/documents/publications/min-wage1-2012-03.pdf
The minimum wage should have reached $21.72 an hour in 2012 if it kept up with increases in worker productivity, according to a March study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research. While advancements in technology have increased the amount of goods and services that can be produced in a set amount of time, wages have remained relatively flat, the study points out.
Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study

Though the effects of a minimum wage hike is still unclear, though +0.99% job growth in most states that raised the wage and +0.68% in those that didn't, sort of dispels the notion that it necessarily decreases job growth: 2014 Job Creation Faster in States that Raised the Minimum Wage CEPR Blog
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

Well the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.

Also the federal Min wage is 7.25/hr. If you are going to post far left propaganda at least get your numbers right.

Also single mothers in this arena can get government assistance in the form of food stamps other government/state breaks.

Thus once again showing the far left rants are nothing but programmed talking points not based on any real facts.

Unfucking believable. You ignorant republicans make me sick.

Yea lets make sure that a company is able to pay low enough wages that the employee is able to qualify for food stamps.

You dumb ass. Food stamps were intended to help people out of work. Not those that work full time for wages so low that they need help from other taxpayers to feed themselves.

It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The other laughable matter is that old story about how EVERYTHING will increase in price if minimum wages were to rise. What utter bullshit.

The top 5% of income earners have had a DRAMATIC rise in their incomes. Real money. Not 1 dollar on the hour.

Take your meds, and go back to bed.

Hey, a Republican mouth with nothing to say. Not unusual. Standard actually. You and the Staph infection make a nice pair of ignorant assholes. Bookends so to speak.

But really, why haven't those prices increased big time with the ultra rich having large increases in their income.

Go ahead and explain that. Because you do CLAIM that prices would increase if minimum wage workers were paid a little bit more. Right? You do make that claim.

So back it up.
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

Well the facts and figures do not support your far left programmed rant.

Also the federal Min wage is 7.25/hr. If you are going to post far left propaganda at least get your numbers right.

Also single mothers in this arena can get government assistance in the form of food stamps other government/state breaks.

Thus once again showing the far left rants are nothing but programmed talking points not based on any real facts.

Unfucking believable. You ignorant republicans make me sick.

Yea lets make sure that a company is able to pay low enough wages that the employee is able to qualify for food stamps.

You dumb ass. Food stamps were intended to help people out of work. Not those that work full time for wages so low that they need help from other taxpayers to feed themselves.

It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The other laughable matter is that old story about how EVERYTHING will increase in price if minimum wages were to rise. What utter bullshit.

The top 5% of income earners have had a DRAMATIC rise in their incomes. Real money. Not 1 dollar on the hour.

if there are any dumbasses here it is you fucking libercrats, EVERY TIME min. wage increased prices have risen in accordance, when min. wage was $1.10 an hr. i could buy a cheeseburger, fries and soda for ONE DOLLAR and got back some change, as in coins, not your fucking MESSiahs type of change,

your philosophy (?) says the if the min. wage were $19.99 hr. we could still buy a burger, fries and soda for $0.89...., ooooh that means 89 cents. :up:

BTW :fu: ..... :asshole: you are so full of :bsflag:
Take your meds, and go back to bed.

Hey, a Republican mouth with nothing to say. Not unusual. Standard actually. You and the Staph infection make a nice pair of ignorant assholes. Bookends so to speak.

But really, why haven't those prices increased big time with the ultra rich having large increases in their income.

Go ahead and explain that. Because you do CLAIM that prices would increase if minimum wage workers were paid a little bit more. Right? You do make that claim.

So back it up.
the ultra rich ???? you mean like this:
Party of the Rich In Congress It s the Democrats - ABC News
in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican. Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California.

is the above good enough for you banana eating fools ??
Take your meds, and go back to bed.

Hey, a Republican mouth with nothing to say. Not unusual. Standard actually. You and the Staph infection make a nice pair of ignorant assholes. Bookends so to speak.

But really, why haven't those prices increased big time with the ultra rich having large increases in their income.

Go ahead and explain that. Because you do CLAIM that prices would increase if minimum wage workers were paid a little bit more. Right? You do make that claim.

So back it up.
the ultra rich ???? you mean like this:
Party of the Rich In Congress It s the Democrats - ABC News
in Congress, the wealthiest among us are more likely to be represented by a Democrat than a Republican. Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California.

is the above good enough for you banana eating fools ??

You seem to be trying to make a point. What is it?

You got any evidence that the large increase in income for the very wealthy has caused prices to rise like your kind says would happen IF the poorest paid workers got a raise.

Any evidence at all the large income earners caused prices to rise?

Or is that all bullshit again?
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

1) Why is she a single mother? If she chose a deadbeat for which to spread her legs, it's not my place to fulfill his financial responsibility.

2) Why are those that didn't create the children expected to do more financially for them than the one that did?

Unbelievable Mother of 15 Kids 8220 Somebody Needs to Pay Somebody Needs to Be Held Accountable 8221

I agree with her. Someone does need to pay. The 3 baby daddies that fathered her kids.

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