61% Agree With The President About Minimum Wage ~ Rasmussen

It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.
..and 53% of americans want the border closed and enforced...that isn't going to happen either under this administration. They want illegals to displace american citizens in the workforce...it lowers wages and it keeps more people dependent on government...which leads to more votes, which leads to more dependency...
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

1) Why is she a single mother? If she chose a deadbeat for which to spread her legs, it's not my place to fulfill his financial responsibility.

2) Why are those that didn't create the children expected to do more financially for them than the one that did?

Unbelievable Mother of 15 Kids 8220 Somebody Needs to Pay Somebody Needs to Be Held Accountable 8221

I agree with her. Someone does need to pay. The 3 baby daddies that fathered her kids.

Dudd, in case you missed it. The issue is working people who make so little that I have to pony up tax dollars so they can eat. While the corporation they work for is able to keep wages very low.

So that tax payers like you and I ( I guess you are a tax payer) can help pay for the workers expenses.
So the company can make more profit at taxpayers expense.

You good with that?
The top 5% of income earners have had a DRAMATIC rise in their incomes.

That's because they've actually done something with their lives to EARN it. When the skills someone has is one step above what a monkey could be trained to do, don't be surprised when someone offers valuable skills and their wages increase at a much more dramatic rate than someone that simply sticks their hand out demanding it be given to them.
It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.

Their "skill level" is adequate for the job they are performing. What's the problem? YOU say their pay is adequate. The company says their skills are adequate (or they wouldn't have hired them for a job that needed doing) and you don't like to subsidize workers with tax dollars who are low paid workers.

But don't expect the companies to pay more.

Your entire position make absolutely no sense.

Hey maybe you just want all those low wage earners to quit their jobs and live entirely off the taxpayer. Is that it?
Or quit their jobs and do what? Get them one of them high paying manufacturing jobs that aren't out there?

You got any suggestions? Or just want to bitch?
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

1) Why is she a single mother? If she chose a deadbeat for which to spread her legs, it's not my place to fulfill his financial responsibility.

2) Why are those that didn't create the children expected to do more financially for them than the one that did?

Unbelievable Mother of 15 Kids 8220 Somebody Needs to Pay Somebody Needs to Be Held Accountable 8221

I agree with her. Someone does need to pay. The 3 baby daddies that fathered her kids.

Dudd, in case you missed it. The issue is working people who make so little that I have to pony up tax dollars so they can eat. While the corporation they work for is able to keep wages very low.

So that tax payers like you and I ( I guess you are a tax payer) can help pay for the workers expenses.
So the company can make more profit at taxpayers expense.

You good with that?

Your response is very contradictory. You complain that taxpayers are being forced to offset a business paying a low wage yet do not take into account the reason for the low wage is low skill level. Your answer is to force businesses to pay more and above the skills. That's where you contradict yourself. You don't want the government forcing you to pay more in taxes to offset something you didn't cause yet you want that same government to force a business to do the same thing.

If someone has such a low skill level they make a low wage, the problem isn't with the one paying them equivalent wages to those skills but with the one offering the low skills demanding a higher wage for them.

I'm good with if you offer low skills you get low pay and no one being forced to offset that.
High minimum wages makes automation that much more attractive which will eliminate minimum wage jobs entirely.
It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.

Their "skill level" is adequate for the job they are performing. What's the problem? YOU say their pay is adequate. The company says their skills are adequate (or they wouldn't have hired them for a job that needed doing) and you don't like to subsidize workers with tax dollars who are low paid workers.

But don't expect the companies to pay more.

Your entire position make absolutely no sense.

Hey maybe you just want all those low wage earners to quit their jobs and live entirely off the taxpayer. Is that it?
Or quit their jobs and do what? Get them one of them high paying manufacturing jobs that aren't out there?

You got any suggestions? Or just want to bitch?

The skill level may be adequate for the job. If the skill level warrants $5/hour, that’s what the person should be getting paid. If the government is mandating a business pay higher than $5/hour and you agree they should, you’re expecting the business owner to be forced to do with his money what you say the government shouldn’t be doing in taxes to offset the low skilled worker not being worth any more. Seems you think you shouldn’t be forced to do something with your money but it’s OK if the government forces that businesses owner to do it with his.

I've made suggestions. Pay a worker what their worth. If what they're worth isn't getting the job done for them personally, they can either better themselves or continue to do without. In no way should the government force taxpayers to subsidize them if their skill level/wage level is equivalent nor should the government mandate a business to pay them based on existence, what the bleeding hearts call a living wage.
It is fucking amazing that people like you are to stupid to understand that it is not MY obligation to have my tax dollars spent to feed people who work, just so the company can keep wages at a low point.

The companies don't keep wages low. The low level skills someone makes because they offer low level skills is why they earn low wages. I agree that my tax dollars shouldn't go do someone that works a job making a low wage because their skill level is low. They're the reason they make a low wage not the employer, who at $7.25, is being forced to pay many more than those skills are worth.

Their "skill level" is adequate for the job they are performing. What's the problem? YOU say their pay is adequate. The company says their skills are adequate (or they wouldn't have hired them for a job that needed doing) and you don't like to subsidize workers with tax dollars who are low paid workers.

But don't expect the companies to pay more.

Your entire position make absolutely no sense.

Hey maybe you just want all those low wage earners to quit their jobs and live entirely off the taxpayer. Is that it?
Or quit their jobs and do what? Get them one of them high paying manufacturing jobs that aren't out there?

You got any suggestions? Or just want to bitch?

If a worker quits a job because it isn't paying enough and getting handouts is equal to or greater, that proves the worker not the one paying them is the problem. I'd let someone that quits simply to get handouts starve before I'd hand them a penny.
What would be interesting to know is how many of that 61% own a business that would be forced to pay higher wages or currently work for minimum wage. I doubt it's very few. If they are business owners, they don't have to wait to be told to raise it, they can do it anytime they want. That tells me many aren't but are either those working for it or bleeding hearts that think it's OK for the government to tell a business what they have to pay.
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.

1) Why is she a single mother? If she chose a deadbeat for which to spread her legs, it's not my place to fulfill his financial responsibility.

2) Why are those that didn't create the children expected to do more financially for them than the one that did?

Unbelievable Mother of 15 Kids 8220 Somebody Needs to Pay Somebody Needs to Be Held Accountable 8221

I agree with her. Someone does need to pay. The 3 baby daddies that fathered her kids.

You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.

Love that attitude! I got it, you don't, so screw you. Jesus must be proud of you!
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.

Love that attitude! I got it, you don't, so screw you. Jesus must be proud of you!

should he give some of his hard earned money to you? yes or no, and why
You awake each morning wishing that we were again in the 1950's don't you? You are a sad excuse for a human being....

I awaken each morning knowing that I support the kids I produced, knowing that I pay my bills, and knowing that, while I may have made mistakes in my life, I pay for them. If, in your opinion, that makes me a sad excuse, shows you have no sense of personal responsibility and believe the personal choices of one person should be paid for by another.

If you want to support that tramp's kids, write a check. I didn't screw and get her pregnant which means I have no legal or moral responsibility to support them.

God Bless...dude...

"Dude". Grow up boy.

God has blessed me. Perhaps you should ask Him to bless you with some common sense and a mindset of personal responsibility.

Love that attitude! I got it, you don't, so screw you. Jesus must be proud of you!

I have it because I did something to get it. Seems your attitude is that I have it but you think you should have a say in how I use it. Not one place in the Bible does Jesus support the concept of governmental redistribution of wealth. As long as you aren't doing something where you see a need to a level that means I don't have to be forced to do it, you're going against the teachings of Jesus not me.

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