61% Agree With The President About Minimum Wage ~ Rasmussen


Just 20% of voters believe they could support their household on the minimum wage to 75% who say they don’t think they would be able to. There is a bipartisan consensus on that front with 80% of Democrats, 74% of independents, and 69% of Republicans saying they don’t think they’d be able to live off the minimum wage.

That is powerful stuff, folks. And it spells doom for the GOP opposition to raising the minimum wage. When a super-majority of the members of your own party think the minimum wage is not a living wage, your party leaders are on the wrong side of the issue.

But, even though 69 percent of Republicans don't think it is a living wage, most still don't give a shit, for the time being:

-54% of Americans support increasing the minimum wage to $10.10, compared to just 39% opposed. 74% of Democrats are in support of it but what’s more striking is that 37% of Republicans support it to only 53% who are opposed. That’s an unusually high level of support from GOP voters for an Obama backed policy initiative.

The wheel is moving in the wrong direction for the GOP. They will eventually get crushed on this one.
For two years, the GOP will have the Senate. And their positions on issues like this will create enough revulsion that they will lose overwhelmingly in 2016.

Very true! Each time this happens the pendulum swings a little more lower for the GOP. Once they lose the Senate and possibly the House in 2016, they may never be able to recover....unless that update their outdated and dogmatic policies. THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL!

Will they actually take time to read it?

What is outdated about if you want a better wage offer something that warrants you earning it?

Just 20% of voters believe they could support their household on the minimum wage to 75% who say they don’t think they would be able to. There is a bipartisan consensus on that front with 80% of Democrats, 74% of independents, and 69% of Republicans saying they don’t think they’d be able to live off the minimum wage.

That is powerful stuff, folks. And it spells doom for the GOP opposition to raising the minimum wage. When a super-majority of the members of your own party think the minimum wage is not a living wage, your party leaders are on the wrong side of the issue.

But, even though 69 percent of Republicans don't think it is a living wage, most still don't give a shit, for the time being:

-54% of Americans support increasing the minimum wage to $10.10, compared to just 39% opposed. 74% of Democrats are in support of it but what’s more striking is that 37% of Republicans support it to only 53% who are opposed. That’s an unusually high level of support from GOP voters for an Obama backed policy initiative.

The wheel is moving in the wrong direction for the GOP. They will eventually get crushed on this one.
What you have is a bunch of low skilled morons that have been brainwashed by the Democrats to believe that they should be paid more than those skills are worth simply because they exist.
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
Yeah cause the GOP offers lower incomes of society a who gives a flying fuck award..

When the lower incomes of society offer nothing in return based on the skills they have, explain why they should be paid a higher wage than those skills are worth.
Here's the thing. The GOP is becoming known for being nothing but naysayers. This is what happens when you fail to put any plans or policies on the table and then try to win the people over to your ideas. If all you do is take the coward's way out and just oppose, oppose, oppose, then the only way you ever "win" is by getting the other guy's plans stopped. But it is impossible to get all of the other guy's plans stopped, so what happens is that you are eternally losing ground, inch by inch.

The GOP needs to wake the fuck up, get a stem cell injection and grow a spine. Start putting comprehensive solutions on the table instead of being the more and more irrelevant asshole whining in the corner.
What you have is a bunch of low skilled morons...

I'm going to stop you right there because you have actually put your finger on the real problem without realizing it.

Our educational and political systems have utterly failed us. We are plagued with "low skilled morons" because our society stopped training our kids for the jobs of tomorrow.

You don't see a lot of unions in the high tech industries. You know why? Because those skills are so far and few between, that anyone with any decent knowledge has bargaining power over the multitudes of "low skilled morons".

The "low skilled morons" need unions to protect their obsolete or low skilled jobs.

The more educated our workforce, the better for all of us.

But the GOP is fucking up big-time in this arena, as well, by suddenly reversing course and opposing Common Core in our schools. Which makes the GOP leadership a pack of "low skilled morons".

If it can be fucked up in some way, the GOP will find that way.

The GOP should be taking credit for Common Core. It deserves credit for it. They should be as gung-ho about it as they were just a few short years ago. But nooooooo. Obama saw it and liked it on Facebook, so they reverted to type (Retard, Class A) and turned around and began opposing it.

It's Hate Week down at the GOP rally and, "We have always been at war with Eastasia."
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
Yeah cause the GOP offers lower incomes of society a who gives a flying fuck award..

When the lower incomes of society offer nothing in return based on the skills they have, explain why they should be paid a higher wage than those skills are worth.
Because Christ told us to be this way...
This poll result is a manifestation of the entire Democrat politico-economic philosophy, to wit: Promise the Masses lots of free stuff, PAID FOR BY SOMEONE ELSE!

How many people responding to that poll are employers of people at or near the federal minimum wage? Any? Probably not. So in essence when the Masses see or hear that poll question what they really hear is, "Would you like Poor People to get more money, and have someone else provide the money (not you)"?

And the astounding result is, "SURE, why not?"

Here in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we have a rich bastard who will presently be elected Governor on the basis of a single promise: "I will spend hundreds of millions more on Education in Pennsylvania, and get the Evil Frackers to pay for it! (YOU won't have to pay a dime!)"

Slam dunk.
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
Yeah cause the GOP offers lower incomes of society a who gives a flying fuck award..

The idea here is to never look at the minimum wage as a hammock. Make yourself more valuable to employers, and the minimum wage will either be a brief stop, or not a stop at all.
The minimum was never intended to be a living wage, it's intent is a wage for menial jobs where young people entering the workforce learn the ropes of employment.
Go ahead and raise it, it won't change anything. The few that do earn the minimum, will find themselves right back where they are now, because the moment wages are increased prices increase, and their buying power is as it always was.

Again, this is nothing but a bumper sticker for Dimocrats.
why not just make it 100% for crying out loud. If I didn't have any pride in myself I'd vote for someone else giving me money I don't DESERVE.

You know none of them own a business so hey their motto must, soak em and yourself right out of a job. Who says that 61% are smart people
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
Yeah cause the GOP offers lower incomes of society a who gives a flying fuck award..

When the lower incomes of society offer nothing in return based on the skills they have, explain why they should be paid a higher wage than those skills are worth.
Because Christ told us to be this way...

Jesus didn't own any businesses, so I'm not sure taking any payroll advice from the King of Kings is a good idea.
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...
The minimum wage is nothing but a Dimocrat campaign sound-bite.
Only 1.1% of the workforce earn the minimum, and of that about a third are kids.

It's all about getting dummies riled up to vote for Dims.
Yeah cause the GOP offers lower incomes of society a who gives a flying fuck award..

When the lower incomes of society offer nothing in return based on the skills they have, explain why they should be paid a higher wage than those skills are worth.
Because Christ told us to be this way...

Jesus didn't own any businesses, so I'm not sure taking any payroll advice from the King of Kings is a good idea.

Totally inaccurate representation of what Jesus taught. Jesus taught that we should help others because we wanted to (i.e. - voluntarily). Jesus never advocated a government mandate.
Well since polls are the truth and nothing but truth here's one I FIRMLY BELIVE

By Dana Blanton
Published October 15, 2014

The world’s “going to hell in a handbasket,” according to a majority of voters in the latest Fox News poll.

The new poll, released Wednesday, finds 58 percent of voters feel things in the world are “going to hell in a handbasket.” That includes nearly half of Democrats (48 percent) and majorities of independents (61 percent) and Republicans (71 percent).
Some 35 percent of voters channel Bob Marley’s mantra that everything will be all right.
Meanwhile, by a 61-36 percent margin, voters say they don’t feel hopeful about the direction of the country. That’s a reversal from 2012 when 57 percent felt hopeful. The shift is driven by a nearly 30-point drop among Democrats: 80 percent felt hopeful two years ago, while just 52 percent say the same now. In August 2012, Democrats were likely buoyed by Obama’s re-election campaign.
In a recent economic speech at Northwestern University, Obama said even though he wasn’t on the ballot this election -- his policies were. He should be glad that’s not actually the case: a 53 percent majority would vote against his policies if they were up for a vote. That includes one in six Democrats (17 percent).
Plus, by a 10 percentage-point margin, more voters think the country is “worse off” today than before Obama was elected (49 worse off vs. 39 better off).
The president’s job rating is only slightly better: 40 percent approve and 52 percent disapprove.
And then there’s this: voters not only think his signature legislation ObamaCare is “mostly a bad thing” for the country (52 percent), they also believe the administration misrepresented the law to get it passed (55 percent).
Despite all that negative sentiment toward the administration, the poll shows Republicans have failed to make significant gains this election season -- mostly because voters think they stink too.
For example, views of the Republican Party are more negative than positive by 18 points (36 favorable vs. 54 unfavorable), while the Democratic Party is underwater by just 7 points (43 favorable vs. 50 unfavorable).
Before the 2010 midterm election, Democrats were underwater by 8 points, while the GOP was even at 44 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable.
Meanwhile, Obama’s 44 percent favorable rating is the lowest since he entered office (52 percent unfavorable). His all-time low is 41 percent favorable in January 2007.
The generic ballot test shows likely voters prefer the Republican candidate over the Democrat in their House district by a slim three-point margin: 45-42 percent. That’s well within the poll’s margin of sampling error. Two weeks ago the GOP candidate was up by seven points (47-40 percent among likely voters).
The gender gap continues, as women are more inclined to back the Democratic candidate by a 10 point margin, while men pick the Republican candidate by 18 points.
Independents are twice as likely to support the Republican over the Democrat (49-25 percent).
Likely voters also want Republicans to win control of the U.S. Senate this year by 47 to 43 percent.
Three weeks before Election Day, the spread on the generic House vote has narrowed despite enthusiasm remaining higher among the GOP. Among likely voters, more Republicans (45 percent) than Democrats (30 percent) are “extremely” interested in the election by 15 points. Two weeks ago it was GOP +10.
Republicans (66 percent) are also more likely than Democrats (60 percent) to say the outcome of this year’s election will be “very” important to the direction of the country.
The well-known get-out-the-vote efforts by Democrats could blunt the Republican enthusiasm edge. So far though, about equal numbers -- about one voter in four -- have been contacted this year about voting for Republicans as for Democrats.
Economic issues dominated the 2012 presidential election. This year there’s ISIS. Ebola. Ukraine. The number of voters prioritizing economic issues has dropped from 45 percent in 2012 to 32 percent now. At the same time, the number picking national security issues went from seven percent before to 23 percent in the new poll. Fiscal issues (16 percent) and social issues (12 percent) stay mostly unchanged.

all of it here:
Fox News Poll As election nears voters say things are going to hell in a handbasket Fox News
October 14, 2014

President Obama is trying to raise the federal minimum wage from the current $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour, and most Americans are on board.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most American Adults (61%) favor raising the minimum wage from its current level of $7.25 an hour, which many states and the District of Columbia have already done. One-in-three (30%) oppose raising the minimum wage.


Then you must want ObamaCare repealed as more people oppose it than support it!
Let's see:
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2013

Total in U.S. age 16+ paid an hourly wage: 75,948,000
Total paid at or below Federal Minimum wage: 3,300,000
Full time at or below Fed Min wage: 1,173,000
Part time at or below Fed Min wage: 2,125,000​

Note that these are based on wages only and do NOT include tips or commissions. Considering that 1,540,000 at or below min wage work in "food preparation and service," 228,000 in "personal care and service," and 477,000 in sales, there really aren't that many people making the pure federal minimum wage. And add in how many are teenagers or supplemental income...and what exactly is the reason we nee to raise it so much?

So the unions can get an automatic raise...

Unions...Unions...Unions....But don't be concerned about the single mother raising two kids on $7.00 an hour...Better for the 1% to keep those wages down.
Well since polls are the truth and nothing but truth here's one I FIRMLY BELIVE

By Dana Blanton
Published October 15, 2014

The world’s “going to hell in a handbasket,” according to a majority of voters in the latest Fox News poll.

The new poll, released Wednesday, finds 58 percent of voters feel things in the world are “going to hell in a handbasket.” That includes nearly half of Democrats (48 percent) and majorities of independents (61 percent) and Republicans (71 percent).
Some 35 percent of voters channel Bob Marley’s mantra that everything will be all right.
Meanwhile, by a 61-36 percent margin, voters say they don’t feel hopeful about the direction of the country. That’s a reversal from 2012 when 57 percent felt hopeful. The shift is driven by a nearly 30-point drop among Democrats: 80 percent felt hopeful two years ago, while just 52 percent say the same now. In August 2012, Democrats were likely buoyed by Obama’s re-election campaign.
In a recent economic speech at Northwestern University, Obama said even though he wasn’t on the ballot this election -- his policies were. He should be glad that’s not actually the case: a 53 percent majority would vote against his policies if they were up for a vote. That includes one in six Democrats (17 percent).
Plus, by a 10 percentage-point margin, more voters think the country is “worse off” today than before Obama was elected (49 worse off vs. 39 better off).
The president’s job rating is only slightly better: 40 percent approve and 52 percent disapprove.
And then there’s this: voters not only think his signature legislation ObamaCare is “mostly a bad thing” for the country (52 percent), they also believe the administration misrepresented the law to get it passed (55 percent).
Despite all that negative sentiment toward the administration, the poll shows Republicans have failed to make significant gains this election season -- mostly because voters think they stink too.
For example, views of the Republican Party are more negative than positive by 18 points (36 favorable vs. 54 unfavorable), while the Democratic Party is underwater by just 7 points (43 favorable vs. 50 unfavorable).
Before the 2010 midterm election, Democrats were underwater by 8 points, while the GOP was even at 44 percent favorable and 44 percent unfavorable.
Meanwhile, Obama’s 44 percent favorable rating is the lowest since he entered office (52 percent unfavorable). His all-time low is 41 percent favorable in January 2007.
The generic ballot test shows likely voters prefer the Republican candidate over the Democrat in their House district by a slim three-point margin: 45-42 percent. That’s well within the poll’s margin of sampling error. Two weeks ago the GOP candidate was up by seven points (47-40 percent among likely voters).
The gender gap continues, as women are more inclined to back the Democratic candidate by a 10 point margin, while men pick the Republican candidate by 18 points.
Independents are twice as likely to support the Republican over the Democrat (49-25 percent).
Likely voters also want Republicans to win control of the U.S. Senate this year by 47 to 43 percent.
Three weeks before Election Day, the spread on the generic House vote has narrowed despite enthusiasm remaining higher among the GOP. Among likely voters, more Republicans (45 percent) than Democrats (30 percent) are “extremely” interested in the election by 15 points. Two weeks ago it was GOP +10.
Republicans (66 percent) are also more likely than Democrats (60 percent) to say the outcome of this year’s election will be “very” important to the direction of the country.
The well-known get-out-the-vote efforts by Democrats could blunt the Republican enthusiasm edge. So far though, about equal numbers -- about one voter in four -- have been contacted this year about voting for Republicans as for Democrats.
Economic issues dominated the 2012 presidential election. This year there’s ISIS. Ebola. Ukraine. The number of voters prioritizing economic issues has dropped from 45 percent in 2012 to 32 percent now. At the same time, the number picking national security issues went from seven percent before to 23 percent in the new poll. Fiscal issues (16 percent) and social issues (12 percent) stay mostly unchanged.

all of it here:
Fox News Poll As election nears voters say things are going to hell in a handbasket Fox News


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