61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

Because evangelicals had considered abortion a Catholic issue until the late 1970s, they expressed little interest in the matter; Falwell, by his own admission, did not preach his first anti-abortion sermon until February 26, 1978, more than five years after Roe. During the midterm elections of 1978, however, antiabortion activists — Roman Catholics — leafleted church parking lots in four Senate races during the final weekend of the campaign: New Hampshire, Iowa and two races in Minnesota, one for the unexpired term of Walter Mondale, Carter’s vice president. Two days later, in an election with a very low turnout, anti-abortion Republicans defeated the favored Democratic candidates.

And that's how Republicans and evangelicals learned of POLITICAL power of this issue
for you to think that this went to the supreme court because it was a low profile issue, just demonstrates how out of reality you are.
23MAY30 NFBW: Grab some bench Mr jc456 The last paragraph explains why the evangelicals joined the anti-abortion “confederacy” when Carter was President.

According to the Christian’s “Holy Bible,” and the unerring word of the Christian’s almighty god, there is no “living being” until it takes “the breath of life.” That concept is repeated throughout the Christian bible. And, prior to the Heritage Foundation’s embrace of the Vatican encyclical on regulating women, one of the “most famous Christian fundamentalists of the 20th Century” followed the immutable word of his biblical god on when life begins. It was never at the moment of conception. It was and still is after a fetus leaves the womb and breathes of its own accord.​
The Southern Baptist Convention’s president at the time of the Roe ruling, Dallas First Baptist Church preacher W. A. Criswell, celebrated the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling by taking the time to write that he was pleased.​
“I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.” (author bold)​

That assessment informs that even evangelical leaders were still reading their “Holy Bible” and attempting to follow the teachings of their “unerring god” prior to becoming agents of the Catholic Church in America.​
To be fair, at the time of the Roe decision there were a few, very few, evangelical extremists who only mildly criticized the ruling. For the most part “the overwhelming response was silence, even approval.” In particular, evangelical fundamentalists “applauded the decision as an appropriate articulation of the division between church and state, and between personal morality and state regulation of individual behavior.” (author bold)​
W. Barry Garrett wrote in the Baptist Press that, “Religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the Supreme Court abortion decision.”​
It is particularly noteworthy that nearly all evangelical fundamentalists regarded any and all opposition to Roe v. Wade a perverse Catholic issue; most were wholly indifferent to what choice a woman made concerning her own body.​
During a symposium sponsored by the Christian Medical Society and the so-called “flagship magazine” of the entire evangelical movement, Christianity Today “refused to characterize abortion as sinful, citing individual health, family welfare, and social responsibility as adequate justifications for ending a pregnancy.” (author bold)​
It took a full six years (1979) for the religious right leadership to abandon its pro-choice position and summarily obey the Vatican, the Heritage Foundation and its so-called “Moral Majorityfounder Paul Weyrich. The religious right extremist Weyrich convinced evangelical clergy to “seize on abortion as a Republican cause célèbre and rallying cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term.”

The Christian opposition to President Carter was due to his threat to strip evangelicals’ tax exempt status if they continued actively supporting school segregation across the South. Sustaining and protecting segregated schools was a racial dog whistle and dependable electoral stratagem to elect Republicans in the former Confederacy.​
23MAY30 Think about what you are saying through a biological and neurological scientific examination of what is going on inside a woman’s body when she is 16 weeks pregnant.

If you need a picture, Mr protctnvst we can use one provided by your Mr redstrmrsng’s “SAVING BABY FETUS” propaganda campaign.

00044 Redstrmrsng #44 someone else’s body pavone y21m11d25

View attachment 790115

At 16 weeks gestation how many functional neurological systems are sustaining life in the image shown above.

Is it ever by this 25th week of gestation - more than one?
Again... Something you believe...

Kids believe in Santa Claus....

You have been lied to by what ever church you go too...

You are now owned by the Libs..
In 2020, women who
  • had not aborted in the past accounted for 58% of all abortions;
  • women with one or two prior abortions accounted for 34%, and women
  • with three or more prior abortions accounted for 8% (CDC).
U.S. Abortion Statistics
Why would any woman having one abortion just not be so ignorant to have sex unprotected?
To me any woman who has to have another abortion should be subject to tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy. Because fool me once shame on you ... fool me twice SHAME on ME!!!

So lets look at this one:

I can see the Pros and Cons of what you said...

Then I say, what the fuck has it got to do with you... No one is making you have an abortion....

You can say all you like that you have beliefs that others can't have abortions because of insecure Church doctrine.

Muslims don't take offence at you eats Pigs or Hindu on you eating Beef..

So you got your beliefs, they are yours, keep them that way please..
Absolutely false.

it was ten years after Roe that "evangelicals" discovered the issue
It was actually 5 years, they moved because they lost the School Segregation issue..

Their anti Abortion stance is because blacks and whites can go to school together...
that merely proves anyone can find anything on line.
Not really...

This is well documented...

The Churches were shopping for an issue after they lost school segregation and Abortion was it..
Something you believe...
Will anyone answer the question ? I believe in scientific facts. At 15 weeks of gestation, there is only one functioning neurological system, and one brain capable of consciousness, inside of every single pregnant woman’s body except maybe MOTHER Mary’s, but I have no scientific verification of that. Am I wrong for 15 week fetus does not have his own brain?
So lets look at this one:

I can see the Pros and Cons of what you said...

Then I say, what the fuck has it got to do with you... No one is making you have an abortion....

You can say all you like that you have beliefs that others can't have abortions because of insecure Church doctrine.

Muslims don't take offence at you eats Pigs or Hindu on you eating Beef..

So you got your beliefs, they are yours, keep them that way please..
Pretty simple. Evidently you are OK with murder of an innocent child because a woman (and a man by the way) are ONLY interested in their sexual gratification! I'm pretty confident you believe people my age should have been euthanized after age 75 as Obama health adviser believes.
In October 2014, Ezekiel Emanuel—a health policy expert, medical ethicist, and doctor who advised former President Obama—wrote an infamous article in The Atlantic called "Why I Hope to Die at 75."
“So where's your moral compass in regards to abortion??? “
It’s wrong, Hitler tried to create the perfect society, how did that work out?!?!
I was asking about the “thrill” Mr blackrook gets from calling Christians who are pro-choice “baby killers”
And I said there’s nothing “Thrilling” about abortion, I see it’s hard for you to comprehend, you can defend abortion all you want, it’s still wrong, your choice…
I have not suggested or implied there is anything “thrilling” about the safe legal medical procedure known as having an abortion before 15 weeks after conception.
No you questioned Blackrook if they were “thrilled” by calling them a “murderer”, I used it to clarify…
I see in your post 87 Saint gwv3 (see above) that you are one to whip out your anti/choice moral compass and use the shiny thing when you argue about anything.
I will defend anyone’s right to choose, what you are mistaken about is whether it’s the right choice or not, it’s clearly the wrong choice, but free will is for everyone. Do you believe the thief or bank robber or the adulterer or bullies are right or wrong?
Do you think all the Christian’s who voted for Biden have no moral compass if they are pro~ choice?
I think they are weak, they don’t want to deal with confrontation even when they know something is wrong. I believe we have raised several generations who cannot stand up for themselves, they accept whatever is the path of least resistance.

Will anyone answer the question ? I believe in scientific facts. At 15 weeks of gestation, there is only one functioning neurological system, and one brain capable of consciousness, inside of every single pregnant woman’s body except maybe MOTHER Mary’s, but I have no scientific verification of that. Am I wrong for 15 week fetus does not have his own brain?
Can it live independently? That could determine if it living...

By the way 15 weeks is a long way from some of the numbers the GOP have been using in various states...


BTW, I wouldn't personally believe Abortion for me but I am talking about imposing my beliefs on other...
BTW, I wouldn't personally believe Abortion for me but I am talking about imposing my beliefs on other...
Good map! I am exactly the same way. I have two wonderful daughters, and a third stepdaughter who is expecting on July 4. I also have six grandkids soon to be seven.

After my second daughter was born, my wife couldn’t take the pill, not religious, but neither one of us believe in abortion, so I got snipped. I am no Herschel Walker and would morally never put a woman in a position where she needs to make a choice like that, be that as it may I’m 100% with you. If you are morally against abortion don’t do anything to create an unwanted child.

For everyone else, it’s none of their goddamn business and for sure as shit it’s not the governments business to get involved.

And don’t make up a bunch of “law n order science” to justify what the republican party is doing to women right now.
Can it live independently? That could determine if it living...

By the way 15 weeks is a long way from some of the numbers the GOP have been using in various states...

View attachment 790155

BTW, I wouldn't personally believe Abortion for me but I am talking about imposing my beliefs on other...
It is a truly complicated decision.
My major distinction is that a woman pregnant for the 2nd time has made a decision to take a life that began as a fling. Her immediate gratification.
Now this is OK for the animal kingdom. But the majority of humans believe in responsibility. So my contribution is that the first abortion maybe
rape, health of the mother, but if a woman has experienced a previous abortion she shouldn't be allowed to affect our totally community by
responding to immediate gratification.
Selfish, ignorant behavior getting the 2nd or more abortions and should be directly responsible and accept permanent birth control.
It is a truly complicated decision.
My major distinction is that a woman pregnant for the 2nd time has made a decision to take a life that began as a fling. Her immediate gratification.
Now this is OK for the animal kingdom. But the majority of humans believe in responsibility. So my contribution is that the first abortion maybe
rape, health of the mother, but if a woman has experienced a previous abortion she shouldn't be allowed to affect our totally community by
responding to immediate gratification.
Selfish, ignorant behavior getting the 2nd or more abortions and should be directly responsible and accept permanent birth control.
Honestly, I don't judge people that's Gods job (it is all about role and responsibilities for me).

I don't know what goes on in people's lives and I am pretty certain I want Government to have a lot less control in the bedroom as this...

This has basically nothing to do with us... Even Jesus didn't comment...
Problem is that they didn't consider that until 5 years later...

They needed an issue for their followers and Abortion was shoehorned in there..
why did it need to go to the supreme court then?
Can it live independently? That could determine if it living...

By the way 15 weeks is a long way from some of the numbers the GOP have been using in various states...

View attachment 790155

BTW, I wouldn't personally believe Abortion for me but I am talking about imposing my beliefs on other...
so how many babies outside the womb can live on their own?
Thank God the American people are well able to see through "the life of the mother" crap, especially in the third trimester. You do NOT need to murder a baby to save the life of the mother, especially now. So yeah. Let's put this to a vote and see what goes down.

Precisely. The american people have long tolerated the rights of women for way too long! Glad to hear that women have come to their senses!

I worked for six months for a doctor who performed abortions, as well as doing a regular osteopathic general practice.

I'd estimate that he did two and sometimes three abortions a week. Some weeks, none.

In that six months, we saw two women who were repeat customers, and for one of them, her two abortions were numbers five and six! Please try to tell me that those two women were not using abortion as their primary method of birth control.

At least those two women were simply and obviously not interested in going to the trouble of using birth control.


Have you seen this thread?

A young woman faces the reality of what abortion really is…

A woman who laughed through nine abortions asked after her last one if she could look at the “tissue” that had been removed from her womb.
When she saw the reassembled parts of her dismembered baby, she gasped and shuddered before collapsing in grief and refusing to let go of the tray holding the remains of her unborn child.
“That’s a baby,” she cried. “That was my baby. … What did I do? What did I do?”



But after her ninth abortion, Angie asked to see the “tissue” of her 13-week-old unborn child.
“I debated about how to arrange the pieces” of the aborted baby, related the author, which at that age would have been fully formed. “There was no protocol on such things.”
The writer opted to “piece [the baby] back together as we normally did to ensure that none of the parts were missing.”
Angie looked at the body.

“Thanks,” she said, her trademark smile still fixed on her face. When her eyes traveled to the container, she gasped sharply, and for the first time since she had arrived, Angie was utterly silent. A few moments later, her entire body shuddered and gooseflesh was raised on her smooth brown arms.​
When she reached out her to touch the baby, I tried to pull the dish away. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me. We were both silent for a few moments as she continued to stare at the contents of the dish. I stepped back and Angie fell forward to her knees, her fingers still wrapped around my wrist. …​
“That’s a baby,” she said, barely audible at first. “That was my baby,” she said. Her volume steadily increased as a torrent of words poured from her mouth, words that made everyone extremely uncomfortable. “What did I do? What did I do?” she said over and over and began to sob. Some of the girls in the recovery run began to weep along with her.​

When abortion center staff finally managed to pry the dish from her fingers, Angie became frantic.
When they couldn’t calm her or get her up from the floor, the staff dragged her, screaming and struggling, down the hall to the bathroom.
Even then her cries could be heard, as she pleaded repeatedly to be given her baby’s body. Her request was refused.
Finally, the staff called her emergency contact. It was her current boyfriend, who came to the abortion facility, and after 45 minutes persuaded her to come out of the bathroom.
Both he and Angie were in tears when they left the abortion center, Terzo writes.

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