63 House Republicans vote AGAINST support for NATO

You can't be that delusional.
he’s a demafasict cultist…destroying the economy, record covid deaths, humanitarian crisis on the border, world in chaos, russia invasion of eastern europe, surrendering to the taliban…these things are perfect to the demafascist

they like watching the world burn, the rise of tyrants amd terrorist
You're delusional, it's a train wreck. Hunter is going to derail it.
oh Hunter and the criminal enterprise that is the Xiden crime syndicate is only a small part of why this demafasict experiment has been a failure

If we didn't know they are were for the putin/trump cult OVER their own country and democracy before, we sure know it now.
Did you even bother to read the article to learn WHY they voted against a "NON-BINDING RESOLUTION"?
Of course not.
Hint: it was due to the inclusion of language referencing "internal threats from proponents of illiberalism".
How dare Republicans object to that, right?
WTF is wrong with Republicans? Who in their right mind would vote against this resolution? Trumpism is a mental illness. I mean it has to be. It has to be one that results in the wasting away of the mind so that all rational thought is simply gone. Either that or these Trumpers are nothing more than Putin loving autocrats who want to see a Putin style regime in the US and are all bent out of shape because of NATO’s support of the Ukraine.

Pick you poison.
Maybe you should read the article before posting. You would then know why.

If we didn't know they are were for the putin/trump cult OVER their own country and democracy before, we sure know it now.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization does not include every country in the rest of the world.
The Bill was established to create a NATO Center with the task of protecting Democracies all over the world.

It's not their Jurisdiction ... :thup:

Maybe you should read the article before posting. You would then know why.
According to the article, only one Republican dared to explain his pathetic vote and that Republican gave the lamest and most pathetic BS excuse. It takes a special kind of stupidity to vote against a resolution supporting NATO because of concerns about Hungary and Poland, both NATO members.

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