63 House Republicans vote AGAINST support for NATO

Grant was a war criminal who slaughtered tens of thousands of American citizens, burned their cities to the ground, raped their women and committed countless other atrocities. He certainly was no "defender of liberty."

BTW, douchebag, slavery was enshrined in the Constitution at that time, so if Grant was trying to end it, he was violating the Constitution.
Not to mention the fact that he was a vicious and violent drunkard.
Yeah...Isolationism in the 20th century worked so well.....I'm sure it will work even better in the 21st century. :heehee:
Since when does not giving someone money and not actually fighting their wars become isolationism?
We do commerce with them.
The fact is that they are lazy and rely on the US to fight for them.
Yeah...Isolationism in the 20th century worked so well.....I'm sure it will work even better in the 21st century. :heehee:
Your history sucks…
They almost got their asses kicked in both World Wars because they were too lazy to build up a military.
Yeah...Isolationism in the 20th century worked so well.....I'm sure it will work even better in the 21st century. :heehee:

The 20st Century provides a lot of excellent opportunities to investigate the consequences of messing around where you have no business messing.
Not to mention a lot of crap after the turn of the century.

Remarkably ... Our two greatest successes in the 20th century were centered on wars
where we initially were not all that enthusiastic about getting involved ...
And we resorted to using nuclear weapons in one of them after they dragged us into it ... :thup:

Is that what you want more of?

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