63 House Republicans vote AGAINST support for NATO

According to the article, only one Republican dared to explain his pathetic vote and he give the lamest and most pathetic BS excuse.
Lame and pathetic is subjective but it is a non-binding resolution i.e. meaningless.
According to the article, only one Republican dared to explain his pathetic vote and that Republican gave the lamest and most pathetic BS excuse. It takes a special kind of stupidity to vote against a resolution supporting NATO because of concerns about Hungary and Poland, both NATO members.

Republicans fear the UN
Republicans fear NATO
Republicans fear any trade alliance
Republicans fear international cooperation
Exactly, so why vote against it? What purpose did it serve to vote against support for NATO?

It is asking for money we don't have, to create a Center tasked with a purpose that is beyond NATO's Jurisdiction.

If NATO decides we need to put fire extinguishers at the bottom of every swimming pool ...
We don't have to agree with the fools that may support the idea.

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US Grant is a hero who put down a violent insurrection that sought to keep 1/3 of the population in perpetual slavery and who sought to destroy our constitutional republic. Grant was a defender of Liberty. At least your loyalties are laid bare. As I said Trumpist loyalties are to the East and the autocrats.
The Union had no problem with the South keeping it's institution of chattel slavery. Much like today's Neo-GOP the slave holding states believed their own propaganda and lies, that the North under Lincoln was going to end the institution and they decided on a bid for Independence.
Republicans fear the UN
Republicans fear NATO
Republicans fear any trade alliance
Republicans fear international cooperation
They are right to fear them because they invariably fuck everything up. They invariably demand handouts and fuck over America.
You follow me every day? Have YOU thought about professional intervention? :heehee:

Derp - you know there's this functionality on the board that when someone quotes your post you get notification of it so you can respond? As I said, legend in your own mind. :itsok:
US Grant is a hero who put down a violent insurrection that sought to keep 1/3 of the population in perpetual slavery and who sought to destroy our constitutional republic. Grant was a defender of Liberty. At least your loyalties are laid bare. As I said Trumpist loyalties are to the East and the autocrats.
Grant was a war criminal who slaughtered tens of thousands of American citizens, burned their cities to the ground, raped their women and committed countless other atrocities. He certainly was no "defender of liberty."

BTW, douchebag, slavery was enshrined in the Constitution at that time, so if Grant was trying to end it, he was violating the Constitution.

If we didn't know they are were for the putin/trump cult OVER their own country and democracy before, we sure know it now.
Nah they just know that Ukraine is a cesspool of child trafficking, US taxpayer funded money scams and a center for genocidal practices against political opponents. They also do not wish to assist the European banking Cartel in it's land grab escapades.
So it's fair to assume that the rest of the house is either ignorant or complicit. Something we already knew.

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