63% of Americans Do Not Want Debt Ceiling Raised CBS News/New York Times


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage Poll: Voters Don't Want Debt Ceiling Hike

During his press conference addressing the debt ceiling debate Obama said the American public isn’t paying attention to the ins and outs of this debate; essentially saying that the reason so many Americans don’t support allowing the government to raise the current debt limit from the $14 trillion, where it currently stands, is because they are ignorant. That was his response when asked why 63% of Americans side with the Republicans.

He then repeated the false statement that failure to grant to government the ability to continue spend astronomical amounts of money—amounts that I am convinced that the leftists on this board simply don’t comprehend—will inevitably lead to defaulting of America’s debt. This is absolutely not true, nor is it true that it is paramount to the sky falling. The deficit and the debt aren’t the same, and servicing the treasury bonds is completely possible without raising America’s credit limit.

Obama has said the word ‘crisis’ so many times that it has lost its meaning. The American public have seen the results of the stimulus act, and no one is buying that it saved us from some mythical catastrophe, and no one is buying these easy disprovable threats of dire consequences if the government is able to bury itself it debt that--if there is anything this debate has proven it is this-- Democrat lawmakers have no intention of ever reducing or addressing the deficit in many meaningful manner.

The media is baffled as to why Speaker of the House John Boehner is refusing to allow the raising of the debt ceiling, but it is obvious: because 63% of Americans understand the simple fact that if you have a credit card and are maxed out and in debt you do not need a higher credit limit or another credit card.

President Obama is losing this debate, and Boehner is not afraid of defaulting on debt because that is nothing more than propaganda reminiscent of the way this administration has operated the last two years.
I like Obama for a lot of unsaid reasons but I definitely do not want the debt ceiling raised accordingly to what I know at this point about it. :-( It has been proven on an individual level to just not be the wisest thing to do, however, what are his tactics? Is there a plan not yet revealed?
2010 study released by Nielsen reported that Newsmax.com was the number one site for conservatives in the U.S., making it one of the most influential conservative news sites in the nation.[12]

The company has increasingly attracted national and international leaders to its West Palm Beach, Fla. headquarters. Former President Bill Clinton, who describes Newsmax's CEO Ruddy as a friend, made headlines when he visited Newsmax's offices during the summer of 2010.[13]

When Sarah Palin stopped by the office for an interview, US News and World Report suggested the move was the clearest indication yet she was planning to run for president.[14]

According to the magazine, Newsmax has become a must-do stop for Republican candidates seeking the GOP nomination.[15]

Visitors have included Sen. John Thune, Gov. Haley Barbour, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and former Sen. Rick Santorum, among others.[16]

Newsmax.com is one of the nation's most read news websites. Nielsen Online said Newsmax was the most trafficked conservative website with approximately 4 million unique visitors monthly.[17]

In 2009, Forbes magazine says regular readers include Newt Gingrich and John Templeton Jr. [8]

In addition to Newsmax.com, the company publishes Newsmax magazine, which the company describes as the nation’s "largest independent monthly with a conservative perspective." During 2006 the magazine’s ABC-audited circulation totaled approximately 90,125 paid subscribers.[18]

In November 2005, Newsmax magazine earned a Silver Eddie award in the News/Commentary category of the Eddies, the journalism awards presented by Folio Magazine in New York City.[19]

MarketWatch.com's media critic Jon Friedman attributed Newsmax's business success to a focus on its bottom line as a business rather than pushing a political ideology.[20]

Alexa Internet statistics for Newsmax.com indicate that the readership consists mainly of internet users over the age of 45, which aligns itself to the average age of Republican leaning voters, as gathered by The Pew Research Center


Newsmax has a sizable stable of news correspondents and editorialists. Among them is Ronald Kessler, Newsmax's chief Washington correspondent, who worked for The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

Other contributing correspondents to Newsmax include former Reader's Digest Editor Kenneth R. Timmerman. Newsmax regulars include Christopher W. Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Pat Boone, James Hirsen, John LeBoutillier, Susan Estrich, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Reagan[37].

Besides political commentaries, Newsmax publishes The Blaylock Wellness Report[38] in which Dr. Russell Blaylock provides information regarding choices in food, drugs, nutritional supplements and other health remedies, as well as denouncing vaccines, blood pressure medicine, and aluminum cookware.[39] Blaylock has endorsed a number of views that are inconsistent with the scientific consensus.[40] Additional newsletter publications of Newsmax include Intelligent Options; The ETF Strategist; High-Yield Income Investing; and Financial Intelligence Report[41], as well as Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health[42], Dr. Amen's Brain Health Report[43], and the financial news Web site Moneynews.com[44].

Newsmax Media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Americans also don't want their taxes raised, but don't want cuts to anything. Something's gotta give.

From the article:

"Sixty-seven percent of GOP voters and 51 percent of independents think raising the debt ceiling is a bad idea. Democratic voters, by comparison favored raising the debt ceiling by a 44 to 21 percent margin."

I think that clearly shows that Democratic voters are more educated on the subject.

"A CBS News poll released this week, even though heavily weighted to favor Democrat respondents, shows Americans oppose a raise in the federal debt limit by an over 2-to-1 margin, with 63 percent opposed to only 27 percent in favor."

"The CBS News Polling Unit’s results show that 83 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of independents oppose Congress lifting the maximum amount the federal government can borrow, while even Democrats stand against it, with 48 percent opposed to 36 percent in favor." Americans don’t want debt hike

"Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner warned of “catastrophic economic consequences” if Congress doesn’t raise the statutory debt ceiling next month, when the US will hit the limit on borrowing. White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee called it “deeply irresponsible” when speaking on behalf of the Obama administration. Those warnings have been so ineffective that they have failed to convince Barack Obama’s own voters, let alone Republicans and independents, according to a new poll by The Hill:

Only 27 percent of likely voters favor raising the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt ceiling, while 62 percent oppose it, according to an exclusive poll for The Hill.

The poll found solid opposition from Republicans and also from independent voters, who are critical to President Obama’s re-election in 2012." Hill poll shows 62% opposed to raising the debt ceiling « Hot Air

All polls have showed a majority opposing raising the debt ceiling. Can you show me a poll from a reputable source showing differently?
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The best way to describe not raising the debt ceiling would be to default on 30% of your credit card payments instantly. Let's ask Americans in a poll and see how many think that's a good idea.
2010 study released by Nielsen reported that Newsmax.com was the number one site for conservatives in the U.S., making it one of the most influential conservative news sites in the nation.[12]

The company has increasingly attracted national and international leaders to its West Palm Beach, Fla. headquarters. Former President Bill Clinton, who describes Newsmax's CEO Ruddy as a friend, made headlines when he visited Newsmax's offices during the summer of 2010.[13]

When Sarah Palin stopped by the office for an interview, US News and World Report suggested the move was the clearest indication yet she was planning to run for president.[14]

According to the magazine, Newsmax has become a must-do stop for Republican candidates seeking the GOP nomination.[15]

Visitors have included Sen. John Thune, Gov. Haley Barbour, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and former Sen. Rick Santorum, among others.[16]

Newsmax.com is one of the nation's most read news websites. Nielsen Online said Newsmax was the most trafficked conservative website with approximately 4 million unique visitors monthly.[17]

In 2009, Forbes magazine says regular readers include Newt Gingrich and John Templeton Jr. [8]

In addition to Newsmax.com, the company publishes Newsmax magazine, which the company describes as the nation’s "largest independent monthly with a conservative perspective." During 2006 the magazine’s ABC-audited circulation totaled approximately 90,125 paid subscribers.[18]

In November 2005, Newsmax magazine earned a Silver Eddie award in the News/Commentary category of the Eddies, the journalism awards presented by Folio Magazine in New York City.[19]

MarketWatch.com's media critic Jon Friedman attributed Newsmax's business success to a focus on its bottom line as a business rather than pushing a political ideology.[20]

Alexa Internet statistics for Newsmax.com indicate that the readership consists mainly of internet users over the age of 45, which aligns itself to the average age of Republican leaning voters, as gathered by The Pew Research Center


Newsmax has a sizable stable of news correspondents and editorialists. Among them is Ronald Kessler, Newsmax's chief Washington correspondent, who worked for The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

Other contributing correspondents to Newsmax include former Reader's Digest Editor Kenneth R. Timmerman. Newsmax regulars include Christopher W. Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Pat Boone, James Hirsen, John LeBoutillier, Susan Estrich, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Reagan[37].

Besides political commentaries, Newsmax publishes The Blaylock Wellness Report[38] in which Dr. Russell Blaylock provides information regarding choices in food, drugs, nutritional supplements and other health remedies, as well as denouncing vaccines, blood pressure medicine, and aluminum cookware.[39] Blaylock has endorsed a number of views that are inconsistent with the scientific consensus.[40] Additional newsletter publications of Newsmax include Intelligent Options; The ETF Strategist; High-Yield Income Investing; and Financial Intelligence Report[41], as well as Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health[42], Dr. Amen's Brain Health Report[43], and the financial news Web site Moneynews.com[44].

Newsmax Media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are some people on this board that, instead of addressing the substance of a thread attack the source of the news article. They never address the validity of the point, but rather denigrate the source as if that is proving anything.

How about you show me a poll that proves the OP to be false, or address anything in the OP.

Also using Wikipedia as the source discrediting the truthfulness of Newsmax is humorous.

From the article:

"Sixty-seven percent of GOP voters and 51 percent of independents think raising the debt ceiling is a bad idea. Democratic voters, by comparison favored raising the debt ceiling by a 44 to 21 percent margin."

I think that clearly shows that Democratic voters are more educated on the subject.

No, not really... sounds like more of the same old shit... spending money we don't have.. This to you is educated? Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me.

The best way to describe not raising the debt ceiling would be to default on 30% of your credit card payments instantly. Let's ask Americans in a poll and see how many think that's a good idea.

The debt will get serviced. Perhaps we can stop sending welfare checks, congresional paychecks, the POTUS' check, governemnt workers checks, etc.
The best way to describe not raising the debt ceiling would be to default on 30% of your credit card payments instantly. Let's ask Americans in a poll and see how many think that's a good idea.

There you go again.

Not raising the debt ceiling is not synonymous with defaulting on debt. Revenues are being brought in, and the debt can be serviced so long as the necessary budget measures are taken--the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution is the most important step in fixing deficit spending, ensuring this never happens again.
You can't keep raising the Debt Limit forever. A day of reckoning is coming. And i think even some Socialist/Progressive Democrats understand that. After all,they were supposedly against raising Debt Limits in the past. Check out this current President's own past words while voting against raising Debt Limits. This mess cannot be sustained.
The best way to describe not raising the debt ceiling would be to default on 30% of your credit card payments instantly. Let's ask Americans in a poll and see how many think that's a good idea.

There you go again.

Not raising the debt ceiling is not synonymous with defaulting on debt. Revenues are being brought in, and the debt can be serviced so long as the necessary budget measures are taken--the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution is the most important step in fixing deficit spending, ensuring this never happens again.

It's just left-wing fear mongering.. and here's how it works - They jack up the debt to historic levels and then tell us if we don't let them borrow more, they'll default and the Earth will stop rotating because we can't go further into debt.
All polls have showed a majority opposing raising the debt ceiling. Can you show me a poll from a reputable source showing differently?

Probably not. I agree that the majority of Americans oppose raising the debt limit. I also think that doesn't change the fact Democratic voters know more about this subject, and that the public as a whole is pretty ignorant about it.
The best way to describe not raising the debt ceiling would be to default on 30% of your credit card payments instantly. Let's ask Americans in a poll and see how many think that's a good idea.

That is just rhetoric some overzealous politicians are throwing out there.
We will not default on our debt

From the article:

"Sixty-seven percent of GOP voters and 51 percent of independents think raising the debt ceiling is a bad idea. Democratic voters, by comparison favored raising the debt ceiling by a 44 to 21 percent margin."

I think that clearly shows that Democratic voters are more educated on the subject.

Yes. Because only the educated people would think that giving politicians license to borrow more money is a recipe to reduce the deficit and debt
There you go again.

Not raising the debt ceiling is not synonymous with defaulting on debt. Revenues are being brought in, and the debt can be serviced so long as the necessary budget measures are taken--the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution is the most important step in fixing deficit spending, ensuring this never happens again.

Except somebody won't be getting paid if we don't raise the debt ceiling. Someone is going to get stiffed by the Federal Government because they failed to live up to their obligation.

I notice you didn't bother to respond to my other post in this thread.
All polls have showed a majority opposing raising the debt ceiling. Can you show me a poll from a reputable source showing differently?

Probably not. I agree that the majority of Americans oppose raising the debt limit. I also think that doesn't change the fact Democratic voters know more about this subject, and that the public as a whole is pretty ignorant about it.

Oh, you're just smarter than everybody else because you're answer to being broke is to go even further into debt.

Got it.


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