644 page report on Hunter Biden laptop by Marco Polo group. Over 400 double verified crimes, also 7000 photos from laptop

Fraud, treason, perjury, bribery, conspiracy, sex trafficking, possession of a controlled substance (crack), soliciting, . . .

I look forward to all this coming out in a court of law where it actually means something.

As a very wise man once said...The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
Reminds me of Russia "collusion".

Sure does. Go back and look at my post from that time, I was against Mueller, I was against the impeachment.

Unlike you, I am consistent and do not change my views based on the party involved
Sure does. Go back and look at my post from that time, I was against Mueller, I was against the impeachment.

Unlike you, I am consistent and do not change my views based on the party involved

I used to be a Democrat from 2003-2019.

Sorry, you'll never win the "open minded" contest against moi.

Besides, your posts most of the time these days are borderline retarded.

And I prefer to live in the present. ;)
How is it that 3000 intelligence professionals claimed this was a Putin manufactured fraud?

Seems to me they should lose some credibility.

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