644 page report on Hunter Biden laptop by Marco Polo group. Over 400 double verified crimes, also 7000 photos from laptop


List your most serious crimes
Bribery, racketering, money laundering, tax evasion, obstruction of justice and perhaps even human trafficking (he was flying trafficked women around on planes, and he had financial ties to human traffickers... according to his banks investigators).
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I mean, it’s a lot of vague hand waving without any actual discussion.

The most concrete fact here is that the report is 644 pages, which we all know means that no one has read it.
One does not need to read all 644 pages. It outlines 429 crimes with double verification.

Its not a narrative, its more like a list.
One does not need to read all 644 pages. It outlines 429 crimes with double verification.

Its not a narrative, its more like a list.
And yet none of you have been able to name any of these supposed “double verified” crimes.

Nor will any of you discuss any of them.
Those poor January 6th prisoners. They were just minding their own business not hurting a soul.
I guarantee you. We will watch and let parts of this nation become scorched earth. And the masters you serve will not mind it.

Hunter’s lawyer is suing……

……for emotional distress!


Bidens received about $8 million from CCP and then when Biden gets into office, China just abuses us economically, BILLIONS IN $$$ on $8 million in revenue.
How do you expect the DOJ to prosecute all of the Hunter Biden crimes when they're working on over 30 for Trump and claim there could be another 45 on the way? The DOJ only has so much time. So, they have to pick and choose which ones to prosecute and they have obviously made their choice.
Bribery, racketering, money laundering, tax evasion, obstruction of justice and perhaps even human trafficking (he was flying trafficked women around on planes, and he had financial ties to human traffickers... according to his banks investigators).

I look forward to all this coming out in a court of law where it actually means something.

As a very wise man once said...The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

Hunter’s lawyer is suing……

……for emotional distress!


Bidens received about $8 million from CCP and then when Biden gets into office, China just abuses us economically, BILLIONS IN $$$ on $8 million in revenue.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Trump grabbed women by the pussy.

And they let him do it, because he's a star.

Hunter had to resort to hookers.

Oh, nevermind. ;)

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