644 page report on Hunter Biden laptop by Marco Polo group. Over 400 double verified crimes, also 7000 photos from laptop

So, you were a mindless drone for the Dems and now you are a mindless drone for the Repubs....same shit, different day.


The mindless don't tend to do well with cognitive dissonance.

Yet it was you that brought up the past....weird.

Well, see, I still have a brain.

I am able to acknowledge concepts that I may not be altogether fond of.

Though, I confess it does require a rudimentary understanding of nuance to grasp such a dynamic.

It's that whole actually having a mind thing. ;)
How does that express hate for the Constituion?

Innocent till prove guilty is one of the hallmarks of our legal system based upon the 5th and 6th Amendments

What sort of unAmerican asshole thinks everyone is guilty till they are proven innocent.
Innocent till prove guilty is one of the hallmarks of our legal system based upon the 5th and 6th Amendments

What sort of unAmerican asshole thinks everyone is guilty till they are proven innocent.
It's not the only possible alternative, dumbfuck.

You lack that capacity to commit logic.

The 634-page report on Hunter Biden’s laptop — and 459 alleged crimes

26 Oct 2022 ~~ By Miranda Devine

Right-wing nonprofit research group Marco Polo finally has published its Hunter Biden laptop opus, a thorough forensic examination of every document on the first son’s notorious MacBook computer that he abandoned in a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.
The 634-page report (plus 2,020 footnotes) lists six alleged crimes committed by Joe Biden – including tax evasion and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) – alongside 459 crimes it alleges were committed by Hunter, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering.
The group’s firebrand founder Garrett Ziegler, a 26-year-old former deputy to Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro, has sent the report to more than 4,000 people, including every member of the House and Senate, White House staff, US Attorney offices and every contact on the laptop.
He also sent a copy to every one of Hunter’s former classmates in the class of 1988 at the tony Archmere Academy in Delaware.
The accompanying note reads: “We thought you might be interested in reading about your most infamous classmate. We believe that Archmere Academy really molded Hunter into who he is today.”

It appears that Miranda Devine reported and brought to light this information nearly a year ago.
Good move by Marco Polo letting the goose down fly. Lay it on everybody's lap. And kudos to Miranda! Joe & Hunter never have been Life Enhancers and not even mundane Lawnmowers (no offense to landscapers). They are metaphorically... Well Poisoners, damaging this country more than any foreign force could hope for.
I look forward to all this coming out in a court of law where it actually means something.

As a very wise man once said...The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
The moment Joe is no longer in the White House, youll get to see the Bidens in a court of law. You say you are looking forward to it, but you arent. Its going to suck bad for your party when it happens and all of you are going to look stupid as fuck for denying the obvious for years.
That is what Americans believe...you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing, maybe you have heard of it?
Legally maybe, but not in the court of public opinion. Everyone knows OJ committed murder, for example.
What sort of unAmerican asshole thinks everyone is guilty till they are proven innocent.
Thats what democrats have been doing with Trump for years. Its how the whole "we got him now" meme was created. Stop being a dumb fucking hypocrite.

Fifty-nine percent of likely voters agree that Trump had either “a lot of responsibility” or “some responsibility” for the insurrection

Two Years After the January 6 Attack, Voters Blame Trump and Support Criminal Charges

Hang him high
What was his connection? We have plenty of evidence on OJ, hence the reason we all believe he is guilty. Where is your evidence on Trump? Ohhhh thats right, you dumb Jan 6th committee never found a shred of evidence.
What was his connection? We have plenty of evidence on OJ, hence the reason we all believe he is guilty. Where is your evidence on Trump? Ohhhh thats right, you dumb Jan 6th committee never found a shred of evidence.

How much of the hearings did you watch?

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