65% of Voters Against Impeaching the President of the United States Donald J. Trump

I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Funny Chit coming from a Trump supporter when Trump ran on America not being a great country & you morons agreed.

So fuck you.
Let's reevaluate after some public hearings have been conducted.
Yes...let’s do. Please, let’s do. The more the extremists Democrats put their idiot faces on television, the more the American public can see how partisan and vile they are. Just like the lunatics did with Kavanaugh hearings. Booker had his Spartacus moment, what will Nadler have, his Joan of Arc moment?

I see you didn't read my link.
Good for you.:thup:
I did. In fact I watched the Watergate hearings daily on television. How come Democrats didn’t go after the much more corrupt Lyndon Johnson? Nope, they wanted to hang Vietnam on a Republican President. Why don’t you see if you have some actual evidence first before you start masturbating with visions of Watergate dancing in your head. No Watergate with Trump...not even close. BTW...Carl Bernstein is a dick.

Trump installing Barr to block the flow of information is party of a cover up.

What flow of information?
He released a confidential report that he didn't have to release.
He made a decision that Mueller failed to do.

What do you expect to happen now?

The DOJ has closed the case.

Blocking people from testifying
Blocking access to records.
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
So when Oblummer said "tell Vlad I will have more flexibility" that was enough? Or when Hillary sold rights to Uranium to the Russians for about $250,000,000? And what do you consider morals, when men with boobs go into little girls bathrooms or when a man puts his dick in another man's ass? Need some clarification on morals?
Then why is approval rating so low? I would think people would want to get rid of him.
Because liberal media want that message to be falsely projected. They do sample of the whole nation and we elect our President via the state so our country has equal representation. Also, most Trump supporters won’t respond to polls because they are too busy working and supporting their families and have no time for superfluous horseshit.
And dont forget that while they are supporting their families the taxes taken from their work also supports liberal assholes who sit on their ass all day, complaining that they dont get enough of other peoples money...
Barr vs. Barr
May 1 to Congress: “We accepted the Special Counsel’s legal framework for purposes of our analysis...in reaching our conclusion”
May 31 to CBS: “We didn’t agree with …a lot of the legal analysis in the Report…So we applied what we thought was the right law.”
Mueller rides off into the sunset with his payoffs, no different than the pawn who accused Justice Kavanaugh. They come, get their cash for being good little puppets, and then they vanish leaving a disaster for the adults to clean up
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Funny Chit coming from a Trump supporter when Trump ran on America not being a great country & you morons agreed.

So fuck you.

Do you remember who the president was?
We still aren't a great country and we won't be until we beat all you libs into submission or divide the country, letting liberals go off and run their own country and leave the rest of us alone.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Yup I'm all for dragging my wife by the hair before raping her
Lusting after my daughter
Peeking in teens dressing rooms
Cheating on my preg wife
Are you jealous too?
Great reflection on our rube voters
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Funny Chit coming from a Trump supporter when Trump ran on America not being a great country & you morons agreed.

So fuck you.

Do you remember who the president was?
We still aren't a great country and we won't be until we beat all you libs into submission or divide the country, letting liberals go off and run their own country and leave the rest of us alone.

You might stand a better chance if you knew the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
Trump U?
Whoops, they shut it down?
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Funny Chit coming from a Trump supporter when Trump ran on America not being a great country & you morons agreed.

So fuck you.

Do you remember who the president was?
We still aren't a great country and we won't be until we beat all you libs into submission or divide the country, letting liberals go off and run their own country and leave the rest of us alone.

We are a great country. Who is "the rest of us"?
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
So when Oblummer said "tell Vlad I will have more flexibility" that was enough? Or when Hillary sold rights to Uranium to the Russians for about $250,000,000? And what do you consider morals, when men with boobs go into little girls bathrooms or when a man puts his dick in another man's ass? Need some clarification on morals?

Obama did not say that to Putin dumbsass.

Hillary had rights to Uranium, who knew?

Transgendered people are not perverts, that would be Roy Moore who tried to daye high school gir;ls wjen he was in his 30's & & Donald Trump who lusts after his own daughter.
Then why is approval rating so low? I would think people would want to get rid of him.
Because liberal media want that message to be falsely projected. They do sample of the whole nation and we elect our President via the state so our country has equal representation. Also, most Trump supporters won’t respond to polls because they are too busy working and supporting their families and have no time for superfluous horseshit.
And dont forget that while they are supporting their families the taxes taken from their work also supports liberal assholes who sit on their ass all day, complaining that they dont get enough of other peoples money...
Who knew that no Republicans get government help. Do you have stats for this?
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Most Americans know that the GOP Senate would never vote for conviction because they would still cheer if donnie killed someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight....even members of their own families.
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Funny Chit coming from a Trump supporter when Trump ran on America not being a great country & you morons agreed.

So fuck you.

Do you remember who the president was?
We still aren't a great country and we won't be until we beat all you libs into submission or divide the country, letting liberals go off and run their own country and leave the rest of us alone.
Might help if you knew the def of liberal
Latin ,liber, free
No Latin in college?
No college?
85% of independents are against impeachment.
Liberals arent very good at math..Otherwise they would of known that Hillary wasn't going to win by a landslide.

Popular vote wise hilary won by millions. Not bad for corporate democrat.

No she only won the popular vote in California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states.
Phew, the red rubes? Zero college?
Man I want to go back to lynching and white boy rule too
85% of independents are against impeachment.
Liberals arent very good at math..Otherwise they would of known that Hillary wasn't going to win by a landslide.

Popular vote wise hilary won by millions. Not bad for corporate democrat.

No she only won the popular vote in California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states.

Jealous of his dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Lost more $ than any other American?
Terrific role model.
I like his lusting after his daughter.
You do that?
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Funny Chit coming from a Trump supporter when Trump ran on America not being a great country & you morons agreed.

So fuck you.

Do you remember who the president was?
We still aren't a great country and we won't be until we beat all you libs into submission or divide the country, letting liberals go off and run their own country and leave the rest of us alone.

We are a great country. Who is "the rest of us"?
High school maybe white rubes?

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