65% of Voters Against Impeaching the President of the United States Donald J. Trump

Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump

Karl Rove? Rumor has it that Karl was out and about looking for a huge bathtub, one to drown government employees who didn't vote for Trump, and won't in the future.

Odd isn't it, that Trump&Co., and his fellow travelers, have created a government, without the need to create a massive number of government employees, all they needed was an autocrat and a few biddable ass kissers to rule with laws and disorder.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump

Let's reevaluate after some public hearings have been conducted.
Yes...let’s do. Please, let’s do. The more the extremists Democrats put their idiot faces on television, the more the American public can see how partisan and vile they are. Just like the lunatics did with Kavanaugh hearings. Booker had his Spartacus moment, what will Nadler have, his Joan of Arc moment?

I see you didn't read my link.
Good for you.:thup:
I did. In fact I watched the Watergate hearings daily on television. How come Democrats didn’t go after the much more corrupt Lyndon Johnson? Nope, they wanted to hang Vietnam on a Republican President. Why don’t you see if you have some actual evidence first before you start masturbating with visions of Watergate dancing in your head. No Watergate with Trump...not even close. BTW...Carl Bernstein is a dick.

Hey, do you recall Nixon's solution to the Vietnam Conflict?

I do, A four word talking point: "I have a plan" to end the conflict in Vietnam. Four years later we were still bringing flag covered coffins home from Vietnam.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump

I'm not surprised. Speaker Pelosi sizes up the situation and knows that the McConnell led Republicans in the Senate would acquit Trump even if he shot a dozen tourists in the East Room, and celebrated May Day in Moscow with his buddy Putin.
Democraps falsely believe that they can re-educate Independents to favor impeachment, like the good Commies they are.
Democraps falsely believe that they can re-educate Independents to favor impeachment, like the good Commies they are.

(f)ascists want others to believe they know what large numbers of Democrats and Independents think, believe and want to do. It's part of being brainwashed by RW (fascist) propaganda agent provocateurs and echoed about by B. Kidd and other biddables'.
Democraps falsely believe that they can re-educate Independents to favor impeachment, like the good Commies they are.

(f)ascists want others to believe they know what large numbers of Democrats and Independents think, believe and want to do. It's part of being brainwashed by RW (fascist) propaganda agent provocateurs and echoed about by B. Kidd and other biddables'.

Currently, a majority of Independents want the lynch mob Democraps to 'move on'.
I know, reality still sucks, fer' you!
85% of independents are against impeachment.
Liberals arent very good at math..Otherwise they would of known that Hillary wasn't going to win by a landslide.

Popular vote wise hilary won by millions. Not bad for corporate democrat.

No she only won the popular vote in California. Trump whooped her ass by 1 million votes in the other 49 states.
Phew, the red rubes? Zero college?
Man I want to go back to lynching and white boy rule too

Your post has a rating of 4 imbeciles. :itsok:
Democraps falsely believe that they can re-educate Independents to favor impeachment, like the good Commies they are.

(f)ascists want others to believe they know what large numbers of Democrats and Independents think, believe and want to do. It's part of being brainwashed by RW (fascist) propaganda agent provocateurs and echoed about by B. Kidd and other biddables'.

Currently, a majority of Independents want the lynch mob Democraps to 'move on'.
I know, reality still sucks, fer' you!
Dead giveaway for rube zero college?
Democraps falsely believe that they can re-educate Independents to favor impeachment, like the good Commies they are.

(f)ascists want others to believe they know what large numbers of Democrats and Independents think, believe and want to do. It's part of being brainwashed by RW (fascist) propaganda agent provocateurs and echoed about by B. Kidd and other biddables'.

Currently, a majority of Independents want the lynch mob Democraps to 'move on'.
I know, reality still sucks, fer' you!

A Majority of voters voted; not trump; how well did that help them?
The Left is trying to water board America with the constant drip drip drip of impeachment talk.

They still can't tell us the reason why The President should be impeached.

It's all talk imo

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