65% of Voters Against Impeaching the President of the United States Donald J. Trump

The survey, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 40 percent of registered voters polled said House Democrats should begin impeachment proceedings, while 41 percent said Democrats in the chamber should not begin the process.

Nineteen percent of respondents said they were unsure on the matter.

The poll also revealed a partisan divide on the issue, with 74 percent of Republican voters polled saying impeachment proceedings should not begin, and 66 percent of Democrats surveyed supporting impeachment moving ahead.

Among independents, 44 percent of respondents said there should not be impeachment proceedings, while 36 percent said they favor the measure
The survey, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 40 percent of registered voters polled said House Democrats should begin impeachment proceedings, while 41 percent said Democrats in the chamber should not begin the process.

Nineteen percent of respondents said they were unsure on the matter.

The poll also revealed a partisan divide on the issue, with 74 percent of Republican voters polled saying impeachment proceedings should not begin, and 66 percent of Democrats surveyed supporting impeachment moving ahead.

Among independents, 44 percent of respondents said there should not be impeachment proceedings, while 36 percent said they favor the measure
So Trump wins with independent voters hmmmm. Please impeach, for the love of God will you idiots impeach! :113:
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Your number is horseshit. You have no link for it.
If you read the article it was Harvard poll. You know Harvard, that liberal university that hates Trump.

Liberal this, liberal that, you guys have been brainwashed and mouthing off about liberals is all you got .
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Your number is horseshit. You have no link for it.
If you read the article it was Harvard poll. You know Harvard, that liberal university that hates Trump.
Yes, but the question asked in the survey asked "if" Congress would impeach, not if Trump should be impeached. Big difference and probably why FOX did not include a link to the survey. The number is a distortion and misrepresentation.
85% of independents are against impeachment.
Liberals arent very good at math..Otherwise they would of known that Hillary wasn't going to win by a landslide.

Popular vote wise hilary won by millions. Not bad for corporate democrat.
So this time maybe Democrats can run the “Little Gay Boy Mayor “ and lose the popular vote too.

Not too sure trump hasn't been down that road too considering the sleazeballs he's had for friends. It's pretty certain he's sweet on putin.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump

Let's reevaluate after some public hearings have been conducted.
Yes...let’s do. Please, let’s do. The more the extremists Democrats put their idiot faces on television, the more the American public can see how partisan and vile they are. Just like the lunatics did with Kavanaugh hearings. Booker had his Spartacus moment, what will Nadler have, his Joan of Arc moment?

I see you didn't read my link.
Good for you.:thup:
I did. In fact I watched the Watergate hearings daily on television. How come Democrats didn’t go after the much more corrupt Lyndon Johnson? Nope, they wanted to hang Vietnam on a Republican President. Why don’t you see if you have some actual evidence first before you start masturbating with visions of Watergate dancing in your head. No Watergate with Trump...not even close. BTW...Carl Bernstein is a dick.
Stay on topic.
How about the point of public approval, dope?

It's obvious why both you and Trump are desperate to quash any public testimony.
Is this one of those days where polls aren’t fake news? It is so hard to keep track around here.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Your number is horseshit. You have no link for it.
If you read the article it was Harvard poll. You know Harvard, that liberal university that hates Trump.
Part of that question includes “IF the special counsel’s investigation does not implicate him personally in any wrongdoing.”

It is a question about a hypothetical situation. Thus HORSESHIT.
Then why is approval rating so low? I would think people would want to get rid of him.
Tell me honestly...I know it will be hard for you....If the Lame Stream Media who all are propaganda arms of the liberals, told the truth about how President Trump didnt collude with Russia, so no obstruction of a crime, and told what he is trying to do for the US citizens, not diseased assholes who want to kill US, would his ratings be higher?

Libtardoviches are such bitches...
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Then why is approval rating so low? I would think people would want to get rid of him.
Because liberal media want that message to be falsely projected. They do sample of the whole nation and we elect our President via the state so our country has equal representation. Also, most Trump supporters won’t respond to polls because they are too busy working and supporting their families and have no time for superfluous horseshit.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Your number is horseshit. You have no link for it.
If you read the article it was Harvard poll. You know Harvard, that liberal university that hates Trump.
Part of that question includes “IF the special counsel’s investigation does not implicate him personally in any wrongdoing.”

It is a question about a hypothetical situation. Thus HORSESHIT.
The whole notion that a sitting President stole an election by cooperating with one of greatest enemies is horseshit. People who believe this need to be placed in a fucking mental ward.
Please go stupid again Democrats. The extreme minority of you babbling, screaming at the sky lunatics who get your political knowledge from CNN, MSNBC, and The View will be doing our nation a great service. You will impeach the President and ensure his landslide re-election and the retaking of the House.
Karl Rove: Five things that will happen if House Dems move to impeach Trump
Your number is horseshit. You have no link for it.
If you read the article it was Harvard poll. You know Harvard, that liberal university that hates Trump.
Part of that question includes “IF the special counsel’s investigation does not implicate him personally in any wrongdoing.”

It is a question about a hypothetical situation. Thus HORSESHIT.
Wow...I bet you think space aliens abducted you and gave you a physical exam. Did you smile when they gave you the anal probe?
I am not voting for Trump, and I am against impeachment.

Let the voters decide next year.

and they will -

enough is enough is a growing concern for those who support a government without morals, favoring foreign countries before their own -
Liberals have always hated the United States. So what’s new? :dunno:
Let's reevaluate after some public hearings have been conducted.
Yes...let’s do. Please, let’s do. The more the extremists Democrats put their idiot faces on television, the more the American public can see how partisan and vile they are. Just like the lunatics did with Kavanaugh hearings. Booker had his Spartacus moment, what will Nadler have, his Joan of Arc moment?

I see you didn't read my link.
Good for you.:thup:
I did. In fact I watched the Watergate hearings daily on television. How come Democrats didn’t go after the much more corrupt Lyndon Johnson? Nope, they wanted to hang Vietnam on a Republican President. Why don’t you see if you have some actual evidence first before you start masturbating with visions of Watergate dancing in your head. No Watergate with Trump...not even close. BTW...Carl Bernstein is a dick.

Trump installing Barr to block the flow of information is party of a cover up.

What flow of information?
He released a confidential report that he didn't have to release.
He made a decision that Mueller failed to do.

What do you expect to happen now?

The DOJ has closed the case.

So the Trump Administration has closed the case of investigation into Trump.

And you see no problem with that.

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