67.4% of Americans support keeping refugees out

View attachment 54977

Some things never change...especially fear and hate
Two more things that never change...

1) You can't win an election with less than one third of the votes, and

2) The Democrats demonstrate their stupidity on a daily basis by thinking Obama and the Democrats can insure their success in 2016 by doing one ignorant (and wildly unpopular) thing after another.

You can win an election when you start with 242 electoral votes. republican fear mongering will have the same result as their Ebola fear mongering


The House is going to stay red for a minimum of another 5 years after governor redistricting efforts. Its all good!!! And we're still laughing about the last 2 mid-terms where progressives got their clocks cleaned.:boobies::boobies::2up:
So if you see the news, watch the slaughters, watch people dying and losing their loved ones, beheadings on the internet, gays and women treated like animals, children shooting guns and posing with bombs, the religion preaching hatred, and see that the terrorists are promising to do everything they can to do the same to you and your children, you're "full of fear and hate".

Wow. The spin and deflection for the PC-protected religion knows no bounds, none.

Face it, liberals like the OP are mentally deranged. It's unfortunate that we even have to take their opinions serious.
View attachment 54977

Some things never change...especially fear and hate

Some things never change...especially being aware Muslims kill and common sense which you seem to have none of.

Your much happier thinking people fear and hate. Sure hope some of those Muslims land near your house. Hope you have a gun because you will probably need it.
Well since we created the problem, I guess its only right, as long as they are checked and not on a "wanted list". We let Russians in who are not allowed in other countries, but they are rich. We also let some people with dual citizenships come in and out freely, which they need to pick a country and belong to it.

The gangs in the inner cities, illegal aliens that are here, and the Patriot groups are just as dangerous.

Patriot groups aren't blowing people up,they want to keep out those that do.
So if you see the news, watch the slaughters, watch people dying and losing their loved ones, beheadings on the internet, gays and women treated like animals, children shooting guns and posing with bombs, the religion preaching hatred, and see that the terrorists are promising to do everything they can to do the same to you and your children, you're "full of fear and hate". Wow. The spin and deflection for the PC-protected religion knows no bounds, none..
Face it, liberals like the OP are mentally deranged. It's unfortunate that we even have to take their opinions serious.
It's that kind of hyperbole and bumper sticker sloganeering that has so polluted public discourse and made improving anything much more difficult.

If you disagree with someone you either "hate" or "fear" them now.

All that is, is another way to avoid difficult discussion. That's it.

And that's how the PC Police rolls.
One thing we do know is that France accepting refugees certainly made them unsafe

So once again I ask why do you idiots want be more like France
View attachment 54977

Some things never change...especially fear and hate
And stupidly from you.

View attachment 54977

Some things never change...especially fear and hate
Two more things that never change...

1) You can't win an election with less than one third of the votes, and

2) The Democrats demonstrate their stupidity on a daily basis by thinking Obama and the Democrats can insure their success in 2016 by doing one ignorant (and wildly unpopular) thing after another.

You can win an election when you start with 242 electoral votes. republican fear mongering will have the same result as their Ebola fear mongering
Gee, since damn near everything Obama and the Democrats are doing is unpopular (if not downright dangerous), I'm wondering where all of those electoral votes will come from...

Face it the facts...

The Democrats will either lose by a landslide, or they will have to commit voter fraud at a level unparalleled in our nation's history (possibly the reason the Democrats are trying to win the loyalty of MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS)....

Under the right conditions, Republicans can barely reach the 270 electoral votes they need. Terrorism is the issue of the week right now, but will be forgotten by Christmas. After all, the attacks were not here
Problem for Republicans is that in spite of their predictions of doom, the economy is sound, unemployment is down and we are not engaged in a war.
A bigger problem is their batshit crazy candidates that are winning in the polls
And by the way, you could make the argument that the Tsarnaev brothers were refugees.
The family came here on tourist visas, but later applied for political asylum.
We know how that worked out.

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