67% of Public Support Obama's Executive Action On Guns

You are the poster boy, two thumbs, for ding dong libertarianism.

SCOTUS opines that ACA is constitutional; your opinion is not even worth a shit.

You are no sort of a good American.
How can you tax nothing? the scotus was lied to, the fine for not buying something, which is unconstitutional, got presented as a tax. so if I buy nothing, I'm now taxed.
SCOTUS disagrees.
So you know it's tyranny but can't come up with your own reason to support tyranny other than the scotus says it's ok.

you should get one that fits you

You've love this one. this 67% agrees with that dear wonderful Obama according to commie news network. CNN

from what I saw only 2 million watched that fraud of a so called townhall set up BY CNN.
If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.
It will not solve anything.

So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok

Of course you are. I can see shaken and the foaming coming from your mouth.
most american people isnt live in reality?
because cnn is most famous news channel in usa .even republican debate was two ...
but fox news was one..... at 2015
You CLEARLY are not American. Or you got the worst education of any American I've ever met. If CNN was Americans favorite news channel Fox news wouldn't be DOMINATING them in both ratings & profits.

Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber.

People like watching Fox News because it's good for busting Obama nothing more. It is also well known in other countries how we disrespect Obama. This is funny an Iranian telling you how disgusting Fox News is.
No one gives a rats ass what you think. You have no vote & no voice in what goes on here.

So why are you bitchin? People like you don't give a rat ass......... but people that has common sense do care. You are so funny an Iranian telling you what is a real news and unreliable news. Dude grow up.
Why? Because people like you poison the minds of other dumbfucks.

Yeah I can tell. Did you look your self in the mirror.
It is not illegal for small gun dealers to sell this man a gun without a background check. Obama's EO will presumably narrow that loophole.

Two Thumbs, on the other hand, has somehow morphed the entire scenario into one in which the intended victim would ALSO be denied the right to buy a gun, which is, of course, utter nonsense before or after the EO. It is the sort of overreach that gun nuts love to do, without regard for the fact that it is utterly untrue that anything being proposed is going to take away a law abiding legal purchaser's right to purchase a firearm..

How will it accomplish that? There is no way it could possibly come to anyone's attention if the background check is never run!

This entire grandstanding is based on 100% compliance with the law. Well, we already know criminals do not follow the law, so what is the point?

If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.

How many school shootings were committed by shooters who bought their weapons through private sales?

Obama is proposing a solution to a problem that simply does not exist, in the hopes of creating his legacy.

Go read some newspapers. Update yourself then get back to me.
How will it accomplish that? There is no way it could possibly come to anyone's attention if the background check is never run!

This entire grandstanding is based on 100% compliance with the law. Well, we already know criminals do not follow the law, so what is the point?

If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.

How many school shootings were committed by shooters who bought their weapons through private sales?

Obama is proposing a solution to a problem that simply does not exist, in the hopes of creating his legacy.

Go read some newspapers. Update yourself then get back to me.

Just read the newspaper. I didn't find any school shootings done with weapons acquired by private sales without a background check.

Let me know when this EO starts saving lives so I can mark it on my calendar for future reference.
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As has been said about a million times criminals with very few exceptions don't get guns through legal means so this will have no impact on them. Nor will it affect those who decide to go on mass shootings who have no previous criminal record or history of mental illiness.
Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.
It will not solve anything.

So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok

Of course you are. I can see shaken and the foaming coming from your mouth.
I'm not the one worried about innanimate objects lol

I think you have your towel wrapped too tight around that skull of yours.
You CLEARLY are not American. Or you got the worst education of any American I've ever met. If CNN was Americans favorite news channel Fox news wouldn't be DOMINATING them in both ratings & profits.

Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber.

People like watching Fox News because it's good for busting Obama nothing more. It is also well known in other countries how we disrespect Obama. This is funny an Iranian telling you how disgusting Fox News is.
No one gives a rats ass what you think. You have no vote & no voice in what goes on here.

So why are you bitchin? People like you don't give a rat ass......... but people that has common sense do care. You are so funny an Iranian telling you what is a real news and unreliable news. Dude grow up.
Why? Because people like you poison the minds of other dumbfucks.

Yeah I can tell. Did you look your self in the mirror.

Umm what? Is this the I'm rubber you're glue defense?
“BTW, John Hinkley got his gun perfectly legally, did he not?”

BTW, his fails as a red herring fallacy.

It was never the original intent of the Federal law authorizing background checks to detect those without a felony conviction, or otherwise not designated a prohibited person.

Background checks were never presented as a 'panacea' for all gun crime and violence.

Background checks are successful in what they are intended to do: prevent prohibited persons from buying guns from licensed gun dealers.
and when they fail there they get one on the black market. they're as easy to get as drugs
Liberals have never stepped outside of their safe space so they have no idea how things are in the real world.

For a couple hundred bucks I could have a gun & some drugs within 30 minutes of getting into downtown KC
since the assault weapons ban in NY kids have been making their own. its now like the hottest thing to do.
No one is claiming that mass shooters are going to be deterred because of narrowing the background check loophole. However, it most certainly will stop some enraged husband or boyfriend from violating a restraining order and killing his wife or girlfriend.
No one is claiming that mass shooters are going to be deterred because of narrowing the background check loophole. However, it most certainly will stop some enraged husband or boyfriend from violating a restraining order and killing his wife or girlfriend.
Speculation that can never be proven.
No one is claiming that mass shooters are going to be deterred because of narrowing the background check loophole. However, it most certainly will stop some enraged husband or boyfriend from violating a restraining order and killing his wife or girlfriend.
Speculation that can never be proven.
It's good policy that may stop shootings and causes no harm to seller and buyer.
People like watching Fox News because it's good for busting Obama nothing more. It is also well known in other countries how we disrespect Obama. This is funny an Iranian telling you how disgusting Fox News is.
No one gives a rats ass what you think. You have no vote & no voice in what goes on here.

So why are you bitchin? People like you don't give a rat ass......... but people that has common sense do care. You are so funny an Iranian telling you what is a real news and unreliable news. Dude grow up.
Why? Because people like you poison the minds of other dumbfucks.

Yeah I can tell. Did you look your self in the mirror.

Umm what? Is this the I'm rubber you're glue defense?

I don't have to defend anything from lightweight. Keep talking you might impressed yourself.
That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.
It will not solve anything.

So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok

Of course you are. I can see shaken and the foaming coming from your mouth.
I'm not the one worried about innanimate objects lol

I think you have your towel wrapped too tight around that skull of yours.
I know you are worried because it looks like someone grab you by the balls then start screaming. That is what you are showing me. Feel sorry for your pain. Go take your meds grandpa.
It will not solve anything.

So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok

Of course you are. I can see shaken and the foaming coming from your mouth.
I'm not the one worried about innanimate objects lol

I think you have your towel wrapped too tight around that skull of yours.
I know you are worried because it looks like someone grab you by the balls then start screaming. That is what you are showing me. Feel sorry for your pain. Go take your meds grandpa.
I'll take some medicine if you take an English class. Your grammar is worse than a 4th graders
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights
problem of capitalism:
rna is powefull more than president of united state(commander in chief)
Problem with our President of the United States: he fails to go through Congress.
So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok

Of course you are. I can see shaken and the foaming coming from your mouth.
I'm not the one worried about innanimate objects lol

I think you have your towel wrapped too tight around that skull of yours.
I know you are worried because it looks like someone grab you by the balls then start screaming. That is what you are showing me. Feel sorry for your pain. Go take your meds grandpa.
I'll take some medicine if you take an English class. Your grammar is worse than a 4th graders

And you end up insulting me because that's all you got. Dude you are nothing but an ignorant asshole. You cannot take my opinion because you really don't know anything. You are weak. Dude grow up.
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Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok

Of course you are. I can see shaken and the foaming coming from your mouth.
I'm not the one worried about innanimate objects lol

I think you have your towel wrapped too tight around that skull of yours.
I know you are worried because it looks like someone grab you by the balls then start screaming. That is what you are showing me. Feel sorry for your pain. Go take your meds grandpa.
I'll take some medicine if you take an English class. Your grammar is worse than a 4th graders

And you end up insulting me because that's all you got. Dude you are nothing but an ignorant asshole. You cannot take my opinion because you really don't know anything. You are weak. Dude grow up.
Uneducated and a bit retarded I see. Your ENTIRE post I responded to was nothing but gibberish intended as a personal insult. Yet you whine about my response?
Just shut up already pussy. Go watch your CNN and leave the US message board to US posters.

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