67% of Public Support Obama's Executive Action On Guns

It is not illegal for small gun dealers to sell this man a gun without a background check. Obama's EO will presumably narrow that loophole.

Two Thumbs, on the other hand, has somehow morphed the entire scenario into one in which the intended victim would ALSO be denied the right to buy a gun, which is, of course, utter nonsense before or after the EO. It is the sort of overreach that gun nuts love to do, without regard for the fact that it is utterly untrue that anything being proposed is going to take away a law abiding legal purchaser's right to purchase a firearm..

How will it accomplish that? There is no way it could possibly come to anyone's attention if the background check is never run!

This entire grandstanding is based on 100% compliance with the law. Well, we already know criminals do not follow the law, so what is the point?

If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.
It will not solve anything.

So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
I guess. for those who like to be mislead and not live in reality
most american people isnt live in reality?
because cnn is most famous news channel in usa .even republican debate was two ...
but fox news was one..... at 2015
You CLEARLY are not American. Or you got the worst education of any American I've ever met. If CNN was Americans favorite news channel Fox news wouldn't be DOMINATING them in both ratings & profits.

Just shut up before you make yourself look any dumber.

People like watching Fox News because it's good for busting Obama nothing more. It is also well known in other countries how we disrespect Obama. This is funny an Iranian telling you how disgusting Fox News is.
No one gives a rats ass what you think. You have no vote & no voice in what goes on here.

So why are you bitchin? People like you don't give a rat ass......... but people that has common sense do care. You are so funny an Iranian telling you what is a real news and unreliable news. Dude grow up.
Why? Because people like you poison the minds of other dumbfucks.
How will it accomplish that? There is no way it could possibly come to anyone's attention if the background check is never run!

This entire grandstanding is based on 100% compliance with the law. Well, we already know criminals do not follow the law, so what is the point?

If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.
It will not solve anything.

So why are you so scared and shitting your pants if it doesn't solve anything?
Who said I was scared? You? A towel head savage? Yeah ok
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights
problem of capitalism:
rna is powefull more than president of united state(commander in chief)
I think you don't understand who the president works for. NRA is a business. Need congress and a challenge to the 2nd amendment
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights
problem of capitalism:
rna is powefull more than president of united state(commander in chief)

that is true, the NRA is more powerful than the president. that is why Obama will be left to symbolic gestures that do nothing, like his executive order. his problem is he flapped his gums and thought he had more power than he did, but he got shut down cold.
He would not be allowed to do so with a background check BEFORE Obama's EO, which I still have not seen.

It is not illegal for small gun dealers to sell this man a gun without a background check. Obama's EO will presumably narrow that loophole.

Two Thumbs, on the other hand, has somehow morphed the entire scenario into one in which the intended victim would ALSO be denied the right to buy a gun, which is, of course, utter nonsense before or after the EO. It is the sort of overreach that gun nuts love to do, without regard for the fact that it is utterly untrue that anything being proposed is going to take away a law abiding legal purchaser's right to purchase a firearm..

How will it accomplish that? There is no way it could possibly come to anyone's attention if the background check is never run!

This entire grandstanding is based on 100% compliance with the law. Well, we already know criminals do not follow the law, so what is the point?

If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

How will they know you did not run a background check if they don't know that you sold it to them? DUH!

Admiral, you might as well ask why ANY gun dealer should be required to run a background check. It makes just as much sense as asking why small dealers should run background checks. And, having satisfied yourself that background checks don't help the situation (in spite of the fact that tens of thousands of people have failed background checks), why not just come clean and demand that anyone who can afford a Saturday Night special should be allowed to buy it, even if his name is John Hinkley?

You are not getting it, which is no huge surprise.

If I sell you my gun and do not do a background check on you, how exactly will anyone know? Can you answer that question or are you as stupid as Obama hopes you are?

BTW, John Hinkley got his gun perfectly legally, did he not?

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CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
and this is why we have a Constitution, so public opinion can't be used to take away more of our rights
problem of capitalism:
rna is powefull more than president of united state(commander in chief)

that is true, the NRA is more powerful than the president. that is why Obama will be left to symbolic gestures that do nothing, like his executive order. his problem is he flapped his gums and thought he had more power than he did, but he got shut down cold.

Wrong....his attack is coming from blue states. They are passing stupid gun laws, which will be upheld by the judges he appointed to the federal bench in the hope that hilary will appoint left wing, anti gun Justices to replace one of the 3 conservatives on the Supreme Court..thus making laws from the blue states the laws of the land bypassing congress....
CNN / ORC poll.

Full results: CNN/ORC poll on guns in America - CNNPolitics.com

A bit of a breakdown of supporters:
Dems = 87%
Independent = 67%
Republicans = 51%
Gun owners = 57%
Women = 72%
Non-whites = 74%

31% say he's done enough on gun control; 30% say not far enough.

This is despite skepticism that it will have much effect.
Non whites?

Who creates these stupid fucking polls?
cnn.best news channel of world

I guess. for those who like to be mislead and not live in reality

CNN is well known and most watch news all over the world. And if you travel around this country airports mostly on CNN. Very very rare Fox News.

Maybe in liberal land.
He would not be allowed to do so with a background check BEFORE Obama's EO, which I still have not seen.

It is not illegal for small gun dealers to sell this man a gun without a background check. Obama's EO will presumably narrow that loophole.

Two Thumbs, on the other hand, has somehow morphed the entire scenario into one in which the intended victim would ALSO be denied the right to buy a gun, which is, of course, utter nonsense before or after the EO. It is the sort of overreach that gun nuts love to do, without regard for the fact that it is utterly untrue that anything being proposed is going to take away a law abiding legal purchaser's right to purchase a firearm..

How will it accomplish that? There is no way it could possibly come to anyone's attention if the background check is never run!

This entire grandstanding is based on 100% compliance with the law. Well, we already know criminals do not follow the law, so what is the point?

If I sell a gun to someone when I should have run a background check, and did not, I am guilty of a felony, and if that guy uses that gun to kill someone, you can be damned sure that it will be traced by to me, and I am in for some heavy duty shit.

Individuals who are not gun dealers do not have to perform background checks....and again...as I keep posting and you guys fail to answer in any meaningful way...

criminals do not use individual sales to get illegal guns....they steal them or use straw purchasers who can enter a licensed gun store and pass a background check...

So....a Straw purchaser can go to an individual and even if that individual runs a background check...it will come back clean.....and he can then sell the gun and the straw buyer can then sell the gun to the criminal....

So exactly how is that going to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

That is because there is so much guns that flooded our streets. People are dying with guns and your only solution is drowning the streets with more guns. The EO will not solve all the gun problems but it's a start.

How many school shootings were committed by shooters who bought their weapons through private sales?

Obama is proposing a solution to a problem that simply does not exist, in the hopes of creating his legacy.
If Y has a hand gun in his name and he sells said hand gun to X, and X shoots Z, the police trace the gun to Y.

Y can be held as accessory before the fact to murder.
Which is complete bullshit. I buy your car, run over a child, you goto jail? Asinine
Do you file public documents when you sell your car? If you don't, sell it, and the user hurts or kills someone, the DA will charge you with something to encourage everyone to do what the law requries. Got it?
If Y has a hand gun in his name and he sells said hand gun to X, and X shoots Z, the police trace the gun to Y.

Y can be held as accessory before the fact to murder.
Which is complete bullshit. I buy your car, run over a child, you goto jail? Asinine
Do you file public documents when you sell your car? If you don't, sell it, and the user hurts or kills someone, the DA will charge you with something to encourage everyone to do what the law requries. Got it?
All made up nonsense of course but par for the course for a leftie
If Y has a hand gun in his name and he sells said hand gun to X, and X shoots Z, the police trace the gun to Y.

Y can be held as accessory before the fact to murder.
Which is complete bullshit. I buy your car, run over a child, you goto jail? Asinine
Do you file public documents when you sell your car? If you don't, sell it, and the user hurts or kills someone, the DA will charge you with something to encourage everyone to do what the law requries. Got it?
All made up nonsense of course but par for the course for a leftie
Complete nonsense by you, who are not a mainstream conservative, which I am. If the law or regulations to do background checks by private dealers are on the books, and you fail to do one while selling a gun to someone who later uses it in a crime, you will go to jail.

You, as an ex-con, will go to jail if it is proven at any time you had possession of a fire arm.

Word of advice: don't.
If Y has a hand gun in his name and he sells said hand gun to X, and X shoots Z, the police trace the gun to Y.

Y can be held as accessory before the fact to murder.
Which is complete bullshit. I buy your car, run over a child, you goto jail? Asinine
Do you file public documents when you sell your car? If you don't, sell it, and the user hurts or kills someone, the DA will charge you with something to encourage everyone to do what the law requries. Got it?
All made up nonsense of course but par for the course for a leftie
Complete nonsense by you, who are not a mainstream conservative, which I am. If the law or regulations to do background checks by private dealers are on the books, and you fail to do one while selling a gun to someone who later uses it in a crime, you will go to jail.

You, as an ex-con, will go to jail if it is proven at any time you had possession of a fire arm.

Word of advice: don't.
Liberal pussy fail. You're just like all the other scumbags on this forum. Get your asinine bullshit called out by me and you all resort to what you think are cheap shots about my past.

It's okay though I enjoy leaving empty headed morons equally empty handed
67% of the public despise everything Obama stands for so it is impossible we support this illegal executive order.

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