7-in-10 speech-watchers say trump boosted optimism

Stop White Knighting. So it was 3 years ago, wow, my whole point is ruined.

Yes we told Russia to stop doing things, or else we will tell them to stop doing things again, but more forcefully.

I'm not sure what "White Knighting" is... but you are whining about it a lot, so it must be cool.

And, yes, your whole point is ruined if you can't even get the basics right.

Russia invaded the Ukraine. And shot down an airliner, and did a bunch of other shit we don't like, so we organized international sanctions on them, and Russia's response was to interfer in our elections.

And you are totally cool with that because the mean old liberals left you butthurt for the last 8 years.
Your side cares far less, and is far more hypocritical as long as the offenders politics are OK, and they don't get caught.

Well, guy, here's the thing. You spent 70 million dollars investigating Bill Clinton's supposed sexual harassment, and that's just what you managed to stick the taxpayers for. That's not counting all the money the private groups spent propping up Paula Jones before discarding her like a used rubber.

And at the end of it, millions of dollars spent, and Jones was pretty much proven to be a liar, (Her case was dismissed without merit by Judge Weber-Wright), all the other women were found to be not credible...

Except for Monica Lewinsky, who never wanted any part of this to start with.

Now, I don't think we should spend 70 million investigating Trump's sexual assaults. (There are civil cases proceeding, and thanks to you guys knocking down all the protections a president should have from these things, he's shit out of luck). I do think we need to spend some money investigating him and the Russians. Because that shit is actually serious.

You know how much time $70 million funds the government for? Let me give you a hint, less than a day, a lot less than a day. It's amazing how penny pinching you assholes get when it comes to things that make your boys look bad.

And fuh fuh fuh, Russians, fuh fuh fuh is getting old and tired.

Adjust your tinfoil hat, it's not stopping the rays anymore.
Stop White Knighting. So it was 3 years ago, wow, my whole point is ruined.

Yes we told Russia to stop doing things, or else we will tell them to stop doing things again, but more forcefully.

I'm not sure what "White Knighting" is... but you are whining about it a lot, so it must be cool.

And, yes, your whole point is ruined if you can't even get the basics right.

Russia invaded the Ukraine. And shot down an airliner, and did a bunch of other shit we don't like, so we organized international sanctions on them, and Russia's response was to interfer in our elections.

And you are totally cool with that because the mean old liberals left you butthurt for the last 8 years.

And right now Ukraine is still partially occupied, and Obama's attempt at soft diplomacy failed miserably.

try to pivot on that, fucktard.
ou know how much time $70 million funds the government for? Let me give you a hint, less than a day, a lot less than a day. It's amazing how penny pinching you assholes get when it comes to things that make your boys look bad.

I'm all for spending 70 million to investigate Trump and the Russians. 70MM to find out if Clinton got a beej or not, that was a waste of money.
ou know how much time $70 million funds the government for? Let me give you a hint, less than a day, a lot less than a day. It's amazing how penny pinching you assholes get when it comes to things that make your boys look bad.

I'm all for spending 70 million to investigate Trump and the Russians. 70MM to find out if Clinton got a beej or not, that was a waste of money.

That's because you are a political hack.
What "action"?

Sending a strongly worded note is not an action.

50 Billion dollars in sanctions and cutting off their main source of foreign revenue is kind of a big deal.

again, there's a reason why Putin rigged our election for Trump. The question is, are we going to keep letting him get away with that.
What "action"?

Sending a strongly worded note is not an action.

50 Billion dollars in sanctions and cutting off their main source of foreign revenue is kind of a big deal.

again, there's a reason why Putin rigged our election for Trump. The question is, are we going to keep letting him get away with that.

Do you really understand how small an amount of $50 billion dollars is on governmental scales?

That funds the US federal government for 5 days.

It's like suspending you for a week's pay.

It's just a dog and pony show, nothing more. What really is hurting Russia is low oil prices, something created by the US fracking industry despite Democrat's best efforts to undermine it.
Do you really understand how small an amount of $50 billion dollars is on governmental scales?

That funds the US federal government for 5 days.

It's like suspending you for a week's pay.

Russia has a much smaller economy than the US. 50 BIllion is a big deal.

But keep trying to pretend Trump isn't Putin revenge
Do you really understand how small an amount of $50 billion dollars is on governmental scales?

That funds the US federal government for 5 days.

It's like suspending you for a week's pay.

Russia has a much smaller economy than the US. 50 BIllion is a big deal.

But keep trying to pretend Trump isn't Putin revenge

Keep trying to ajdust your tinfoil hat

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