7 Million dollars tax break to Carrier for 800 jobs

Well, let's see...

Let's say the average job is $40,000 a year × 800= $32,000,000. That is $32 Million per year to the economy. And how much is that $7 million per job per year over 10 years? $700,000 per year tax break divided by 800 jobs equals $875 per job.

Hmmm, $32,000,000 - $700,000 = $31,300,000 per year more for the economy, less cost for saving the jobs. So $31,300,000 × 10 years, a net gain of $313,00,000 for the economy. That is $313 million dollars net gain. And after 10 years? The whole $32,000,000 per year for the economy.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Indiana agrees $7 million tax break to keep Carrier jobs in state: company

Actually about 800 jobs are being saved. The tax payers of Indiana pick up the tab.
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Well, let's see...

Let's say the average job is $40,000 a year × 800= $32,000,000. That is $32 Million per year to the economy. And how much is that $7 million per job per year over 10 years? $700,000 per year tax break divided by 800 jobs equals $875 per job.

Hmmm, $32,000,000 - $700,000 = $31,300,000 per year more for the economy, ,lessmcost for saving the jobs. So $31,300,000 × 10 years, a net gain of $313,00,000 for the 3conomy. And after 10 years? The whole $32,000,000 per year for the economy.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Indiana agrees $7 million tax break to keep Carrier jobs in state: company

Actually about 800 jobs are being saved. The tax payers of Indiana pick up the tab.

Ask Palin...
Don't be sore it is a massive net gain.
Well, let's see...

Let's say the average job is $40,000 a year × 800= $32,000,000. That is $32 Million per year to the economy. And how much is that $7 million per job per year over 10 years? $700,000 per year tax break divided by 800 jobs equals $875 per job.

Hmmm, $32,000,000 - $700,000 = $31,300,000 per year more for the economy, ,lessmcost for saving the jobs. So $31,300,000 × 10 years, a net gain of $313,00,000 for the 3conomy. And after 10 years? The whole $32,000,000 per year for the economy.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Indiana agrees $7 million tax break to keep Carrier jobs in state: company

Actually about 800 jobs are being saved. The tax payers of Indiana pick up the tab.

Ask Palin...
Only PC idiots believe political spin. Loosing 1100 jobs is not saving or creating jobs. This is only a tax cut for the rich to increase debt to take from payroll tax funds burdening workers.

Cutting payroll taxes is how you lower employment cost so business can afford more employees. Slashing tax on corporate profits just fills pockets of rich who pay-off politicians, it does not increase employment.

Trump does not have the balls to tariff tax imports as he said he would. He is weak & caved to Republicans who demand tax cuts for rich & multinational corporations who export jobs & destroy jobs.
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Carrier CEO lets it slip on the Mad Money with Jim Cramer Show that they will be automating the Indiana plant with an $16 million investment which will mean fewer Indiana jobs. Tramp offset that $16 million with $7 million in tax breaks, so Tramp is paying Carrier to replace Indiana workers with machines.
Typical Trumpery!!!!

GREG HAYES: Right. Well, and again, if you think about what we talked about last week, we're going to make a $16 million investment in that factory in Indianapolis to automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive. Now is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost of labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we'll make the capital investments there.


GREG HAYES: But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs.
Iceweasel, post: 15982968
See? That's why we cannot allow liberals to gain power over us, they are too fucking stupid to think. He saved almost 1,100 jobs and tax breaks aren't deficits. They will have money coming in from taxes that they wouldn't have.

Trump didn't save one single job. It was Pence as Governor of the state giving the tax breaks.

And Pence lied about the number of jobs saved. It was 730 not 1,100.

The same company Pence made the deal with is still taking the majority of their jobs to Mexico. Neither Trump nor Pence brought the bitter reality up at the big celebration for a company taking most of its job to Mexico.

Pence has caught on how to lie like a Trump.

Did Trump campaign on not alliwing companies to take jobs to Mexico or did he say he would allow companies to take most of their jobs to Mexico?

You Trumpsuckers don't hold you savior to account for anything he has promised.
depotoo, post: 15983042
Hmmm, $32,000,000 - $700,000 = $31,300,000 per year more for the economy, less cost for saving the jobs. So $31,300,000 × 10 years, a net gain of $313,00,000 for the economy. That is $313 million dollars net gain. And after 10 years? The whole $32,000,000 per year for the economy.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Sounds like Chrony Capitalism if you are Sarah Palin - picking losers and winners - cutting off the invisible hand.

Answer this: If it is a winner as you suggest why hasn't Pence saved every single job that Carrier is sending to Mexico. More are still going than not. So why not all? If it were twice your calculation it would mean $62,000,000 for the economy.

Why did Trump let Pence do a half-assed job?

"less cost for saving the jobs" you say.

I really want you (math wizard) to explain the losers (Carrier jobs still going to Mexico) part of this deal to me.

Try not to run like the Trump transition team has run from this serious question.
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jasonnfree, post: 15980499
president, already in office, who promised that if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Massive fail? That guy was cough cough, ahem, drum roll...obama.

Actually no one in America ever had lifetime guaranteed health insurance. We all had one year policies at a time if you bought your own or got it through employment.

Those cheap policies that could refuse coverage due to pre-existing conditions and did not cover a new severe long term condition more than a year were not policies that anyone liked.

Republicans and Trump want to keep the very popular and 'liked' pre-existing condition coverage in the so called plan to replace Obamacare.

So Obama was right - not lying. No one wants to keep those cheaper policies that protected no one long term at all.

Of course you take Obama literally and seriously at the same time for every word uttered. But, not in Trump world.

As a Trumpist You have no grounds to hold the first black president precisely and literally every time he spoke since you are now communally requesting the press and those of us opposed to Trumpism not to take the crazy, insane and nasty things the new white president-elect says literally and seriously. His words and facts have no meaning and don't intend to mean anything.

As Paul Ryan explains away Trump's lies now, he is giving voice to people who had no voice prior to Trumpism.

Trump didn't lose the actual vote by 2.7 million because he somehow knows 3.5 million illegals voted in CA, NY and NH for Hilkary. No proof but it's an ok lie because he is giving a voice to people who vote for a fantastic liar to be president.
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Iceweasel, post: 15982968
See? That's why we cannot allow liberals to gain power over us, they are too fucking stupid to think. He saved almost 1,100 jobs and tax breaks aren't deficits. They will have money coming in from taxes that they wouldn't have.

Trump didn't save one single job. It was Pence as Governor of the state giving the tax breaks.

And Pence lied about the number of jobs saved. It was 730 not 1,100.

The same company Pence made the deal with is still taking the majority of their jobs to Mexico. Neither Trump nor Pence brought the bitter reality up at the big celebration for a company taking most of its job to Mexico.

Pence has caught on how to lie like a Trump.

Did Trump campaign on not alliwing companies to take jobs to Mexico or did he say he would allow companies to take most of their jobs to Mexico?

You Trumpsuckers don't hold you savior to account for anything he has promised.
They were moving, Pence was acting on Trump's behalf because he was in a position to, Trump could not offer tax incentives being a private citizen.

So they saved jobs and it pisses liberals off. Good! I want you assholes to foam over and shave years off your pathetic lives.
depotoo, post: 15983042
Hmmm, $32,000,000 - $700,000 = $31,300,000 per year more for the economy, less cost for saving the jobs. So $31,300,000 × 10 years, a net gain of $313,00,000 for the economy. That is $313 million dollars net gain. And after 10 years? The whole $32,000,000 per year for the economy.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Sounds like Chrony Capitalism if you are Sarah Palin - picking losers and winners - cutting off the invisible hand.

Answer this: If it is a winner as you suggest why hasn't Pence saved every single job that Carrier is sending to Mexico. More are still going than not. So why not all? If it were twice your calculation it would mean $62,000,000 for the economy.

Why did Trump let Pence do a half-assed job?

"less cost for saving the jobs" you say.

I really want you (math wizard) to explain the losers (Carrier jobs still going to Mexico) part of this deal to me.

Try not to run like the Trump transition team has run from this serious question.
How much power do you think they have? It's likely regulations that has them moving parts of the operations so they can remain in business. You assholes criticize them while obama has done nothing but make things worse?

Just imagine how upset libtards would be if all the jobs were saved!
Unless you want them to dictate to them...
I would imagine they already have costs associated with the move they planned awhile back, such as leases, mortgages, construction costs, etc. they have to honor in Mexico. As well as regulations and high taxation they need to actually see the removal of and contracts renegotiated, which have hampered their doing business profitably here before they could even consider bringing all the jobs back here.
And once again, your gripes point out that companies are damned if they do or don't with Dems. You are never happy. Just maybe if you had griped to this administration long and loud they may have heard you and stopped making it near impossible for companies to do business here, then maybe all jobs could have been saved. You are a sad, sad example of partisanship.
Right now you are griping at men that have not even taken office yet, but are already successfully saving some jobs for America. Not one word from you about being grateful for what they have accomplished. And not one word to this administration of how they so royally screwed companies, they couldn't survive in our country. And nary a word of theirmpush for globalization which also contributes to the needs of our nation being ignored.
depotoo, post: 15983042
Hmmm, $32,000,000 - $700,000 = $31,300,000 per year more for the economy, less cost for saving the jobs. So $31,300,000 × 10 years, a net gain of $313,00,000 for the economy. That is $313 million dollars net gain. And after 10 years? The whole $32,000,000 per year for the economy.

Sounds like a winner to me!

Sounds like Chrony Capitalism if you are Sarah Palin - picking losers and winners - cutting off the invisible hand.

Answer this: If it is a winner as you suggest why hasn't Pence saved every single job that Carrier is sending to Mexico. More are still going than not. So why not all? If it were twice your calculation it would mean $62,000,000 for the economy.

Why did Trump let Pence do a half-assed job?

"less cost for saving the jobs" you say.

I really want you (math wizard) to explain the losers (Carrier jobs still going to Mexico) part of this deal to me.

Try not to run like the Trump transition team has run from this serious question.
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And not one word to this administration of how they so royally screwed companies, they couldn't survive in our country.

Since you are entitled to lie being a Republican by the Party's standard bearer on ethics integrity and morality, you need to explain how the Obama Administration screwed companies that could not survive in this country.

When did companies start leaving the country? What part of job loss is due to technological innovation replacing lower skilled jobs specifically in manufacturing?

These jobs were saved by state action not Federal. Under Obama Applied Technologi/ Carrier paid an effective corporate federal tax rate of 9%. That is six points below the 15% rate Trump is offering. Carrier is not overtaxed and they made all these plans to move anyway.

I'm happy when any decent paying wage job stays in America.

I just know it is ridiculous and blind to facts when a company paying 9% tax rate moves more than half of its Indiana jobs to Mexico and you Trumpsuckers are praising Carrier and Trump and in fake news style blaming the first black president for companies leaving.

Factless blind people.
Honey, it was not just the $7 million incentive that saved those jobs. Surely, you aren't that blind. It was with a promise of federal changes as well.
And you are truly naive to think that it is just federal income tax where taxation is happening. The costs of legal and regulatory compliance has skyrocketed. It is complex, the costs that have skyrocketed, and obviously something you do not understand or you would not have stated it as being just about their federal income tax rate.
And not one word to this administration of how they so royally screwed companies, they couldn't survive in our country.

Since you are entitled to lie being a Republican by the Party's standard bearer on ethics integrity and morality, you need to explain how the Obama Administration screwed companies that could not survive in this country.

When did companies start leaving the country? What part of job loss is due to technological innovation replacing lower skilled jobs specifically in manufacturing?

These jobs were saved by state action not Federal. Under Obama Applied Technologi/ Carrier paid an effective corporate federal tax rate of 9%. That is six points below the 15% rate Trump is offering. Carrier is not overtaxed and they made all these plans to move anyway.

I'm happy when any decent paying wage job stays in America.

I just know it is ridiculous and blind to facts when a company paying 9% tax rate moves more than half of its Indiana jobs to Mexico and you Trumpsuckers are praising Carrier and Trump and in fake news style blaming the first black president for companies leaving.

Factless blind people.
Iceweasel, post: 16006047.
You assholes criticize them while obama has done nothing but make things worse?

I am criticizing them based on the facts of the deal and the promise Trump made. Obama has nothing to do with saving jobs through state tax incentives.

I asked you Trumpsuckers a specific question and you ran away by blaming Obama for Trump failing his first test on saving ALL jobs from Carrier in Indiana from going overseas.

If it's such a good deal why didn't Trump negotiate to save ALL the jobs before praising them and giving them tens of millions of free misleading advertising?

Why not? And Obama has nothing to do with a company paying a 9% tax rate for packing up and going to Mexico.
Iceweasel, post: 16006047.
You assholes criticize them while obama has done nothing but make things worse?

I am criticizing them based on the facts of the deal and the promise Trump made. Obama has nothing to do with saving jobs through state tax incentives.

I asked you Trumpsuckers a specific question and you ran away by blaming Obama for Trump failing his first test on saving ALL jobs from Carrier in Indiana from going overseas.

If it's such a good deal why didn't Trump negotiate to save ALL the jobs before praising them and giving them tens of millions of free misleading advertising?

Why not? And Obama has nothing to do with a company paying a 9% tax rate for packing up and going to Mexico.
What's a Trumpsucker? You sucked obie turds for 8 years and think it's normal now? Trump isn't even in office yet so how could he fail? I answered your childish question, they probably have to move some production due to regulations.

You don't get it and hate the fact Trump has already had sucess and it's tough shit. You have to live with your hate, we don't. You can simply be dismissed and a stupid leftist (redundant, I know).
This is where you are so thick headed. Just those incentives alone would NOT be enough to keep them here. It was a start, until other relief can come, making it worthwhile. And they would not be able to accept them as relief until they knew who the next President would be, and his assurances relief will be coming. Now do you understand? If not, there is no help for you, unless you decide to totally educate yourself.
Iceweasel, post: 16006047.
You assholes criticize them while obama has done nothing but make things worse?

I am criticizing them based on the facts of the deal and the promise Trump made. Obama has nothing to do with saving jobs through state tax incentives.

I asked you Trumpsuckers a specific question and you ran away by blaming Obama for Trump failing his first test on saving ALL jobs from Carrier in Indiana from going overseas.

If it's such a good deal why didn't Trump negotiate to save ALL the jobs before praising them and giving them tens of millions of free misleading advertising?

Why not? And Obama has nothing to do with a company paying a 9% tax rate for packing up and going to Mexico.
This is where you are so thick headed. Just those incentives alone would NOT be enough to keep them here. It was a start, until other relief can come, making it worthwhile. And they would not be able to accept them as relief until they knew who the next President would be, and his assurances relief will be coming. Now do you understand? If not, there is no help for you, unless you decide to totally educate yourself.
Leftists don't give a shit. What's good for the people or not is of no consequence. They have but one purpose, to destroy their enemy so they can grab more power and control.

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