7 Million dollars tax break to Carrier for 800 jobs

Iceweasel, post: 15960368. It's not on immediate negative on the economy. In time it may be. It is a negative on Trump.

He failed his first test of keeping a campaign promise. He gave Carrier the go ahead to take 1300 jobs to Mexico while rewarding their anti-American, Make America Weak Again actions.

Trump Campaign Promise: "If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,"

1300 jobs are now endorsed by silence from Trump to go to Mexico. 1300 of them.

Trump's not in office yet but he just gave Carrier millions in free tv publicity even though most of Carrier's jobs in Indiana are still going to Mexico.

Massive fail on Trump's part and all the Trumpsuckers are celebrating a 'fake news' publicity stunt paid for by Indiana's taxpayers.
You do know Trump isn't in office, right?

We know democrats wanted all of the workers to lose their jobs. Reminding us every day isn't necessary
What!! ??That is so fucking stupid that I can't stand it ! Why the fuck would we want them all to lose their jobs? You just say moronic and inflammatory crap to get attention-Just like Trump
Democrats want workers to lose their jobs to collapse the system. It's been the goal of democrats since Cloward and Piven dreamed it up in the 60s.
Cloward and Piven wanted the system to collapse ?? Seriously? I read Cloward and Piven- Regulating the poor. I know what demented bullshit you peddling. They argued that a social safety net keeps the system going and is vital to capitalism. I really don't know where or how you come up with this crap.
They wanted to collapse the system as a way to bring in a universal guaranteed income. What leftist garbage can taught you.
Perhaps you can provide documentation of that. I don't recall any such thing. Their writings was not a manifesto. It was an analysis of the function of the welfare state. Even if what you say about C & P is correct- and I doubt that it is- it does not follow that Democrats, then or now want it.
Will those former Democrat voters ever forgive democrats for their fury at the employees not losing their jobs?

If there is anything glaring out of this, it's an exhibition of the hatred and contempt democrats have for middle class voters.

How will the 1,300 people who lost their jobs because Trump didn't save them vote next election cycle?
What a weird spin. But I thought the tax RELIEF was 700,000 or $700 per employee. How would losing their tax and spending help the economy?

Are you replying to me? What does that have to do with what I said? Sure Trump may have back peddled on his statement about not letting companies threaten him into tax breaks to save jobs... and saved 1,000 jobs. But the bargain he made still allowed the company to cut 1,300 jobs and close a factory.
Of course you are lying.

Name one job or continue licking your butthole you disgusting bitch.
Iceweasel, post: 15960368.
They were moving the whole plant but you think saving the near 1,100 jobs is somehow a negative on Trump and the economy.

It's not on immediate negative on the economy. In time it may be. It is a negative on Trump.

He failed his first test of keeping a campaign promise. He gave Carrier the go ahead to take 1300 jobs to Mexico while rewarding their anti-American, Make America Weak Again actions.

Trump Campaign Promise: "If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,"

1300 jobs are now endorsed by silence from Trump to go to Mexico. 1300 of them.

Trump's not in office yet but he just gave Carrier millions in free tv publicity even though most of Carrier's jobs in Indiana are still going to Mexico.

Massive fail on Trump's part and all the Trumpsuckers are celebrating a 'fake news' publicity stunt paid for by Indiana's taxpayers.
Only libturds think saving nearly 1,100 jobs is a negative. Thanks for proving how corrupt the left is.

You morons have no idea idea
Iceweasel, post: 15960368.
They were moving the whole plant but you think saving the near 1,100 jobs is somehow a negative on Trump and the economy.

It's not on immediate negative on the economy. In time it may be. It is a negative on Trump.

He failed his first test of keeping a campaign promise. He gave Carrier the go ahead to take 1300 jobs to Mexico while rewarding their anti-American, Make America Weak Again actions.

Trump Campaign Promise: "If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,"

1300 jobs are now endorsed by silence from Trump to go to Mexico. 1300 of them.

Trump's not in office yet but he just gave Carrier millions in free tv publicity even though most of Carrier's jobs in Indiana are still going to Mexico.

Massive fail on Trump's part and all the Trumpsuckers are celebrating a 'fake news' publicity stunt paid for by Indiana's taxpayers.
Only libturds think saving nearly 1,100 jobs is a negative. Thanks for proving how corrupt the left is.
You morons have no idea what you're talking about. Is it possible that you don't understand the cost and the consequences of this??

Trump's Carrier speech 'absolutely chilling,' economic analyst says
President-elect Donald Trump's speech about his deal to keep Carrier jobs in the United States was "absolutely the worst speech," economic policy analyst Jimmy Pethokoukis told CNBC on Thursday.

Trump boasted about his deal to keep about 1,100 Carrier jobs in Indiana, and also took aim at other companies who may be thinking about moving jobs out of the country.

"Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen. It's not going to happen, I'll tell you right now," Trump said on Thursday. Trump's Carrier speech 'absolutely chilling,' economic analyst says

Maybe you think that you know more than this guy:

Pethokoukis, a scholar with the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute, called it the worst economic speech since Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale promised to reverse Reaganomics in 1984.
The idea that American corporations are going to have to make business decisions, not based on the fact that we've created an ideal environment for economic growth in the United States, but out of fear of punitive actions based on who knows what criteria exactly from a presidential administration. I think that's absolutely chilling," he said in an interview with CNBC's "Closing Bell."

Or this guy:

Robert Shapiro, former undersecretary of commerce for economic affairs under President Bill Clinton, said the problem in this country is not about getting people to work.

"We certainly don't want to take as our guide to creating jobs special tax breaks for a company that earned $7.5 billion in profits last year, got $6 billion in defense contracts, paid its top five executives $50 million, in order to preserve 1,000 out of 2,100 jobs," said Shapiro.

Tell us more about you credentials in economics and public policy sparky!!
What are yours? I've owned a business for 32 years so have some working knowledge. You find a couple of doom and gloom lefttard idiots and that makes you the expert? They probably couldn't run a hot dog stand!
You do know Trump isn't in office, right?

We know democrats wanted all of the workers to lose their jobs. Reminding us every day isn't necessary
What!! ??That is so fucking stupid that I can't stand it ! Why the fuck would we want them all to lose their jobs? You just say moronic and inflammatory crap to get attention-Just like Trump
Democrats want workers to lose their jobs to collapse the system. It's been the goal of democrats since Cloward and Piven dreamed it up in the 60s.
Cloward and Piven wanted the system to collapse ?? Seriously? I read Cloward and Piven- Regulating the poor. I know what demented bullshit you peddling. They argued that a social safety net keeps the system going and is vital to capitalism. I really don't know where or how you come up with this crap.
They wanted to collapse the system as a way to bring in a universal guaranteed income. What leftist garbage can taught you.
Perhaps you can provide documentation of that. I don't recall any such thing. Their writings was not a manifesto. It was an analysis of the function of the welfare state. Even if what you say about C & P is correct- and I doubt that it is- it does not follow that Democrats, then or now want it.
What they want is a pipe dream. Government cannot micromanage an economy without taking it over. When they do they royally screw it up.
Iceweasel, post: 15960368.
They were moving the whole plant but you think saving the near 1,100 jobs is somehow a negative on Trump and the economy.

It's not on immediate negative on the economy. In time it may be. It is a negative on Trump.

He failed his first test of keeping a campaign promise. He gave Carrier the go ahead to take 1300 jobs to Mexico while rewarding their anti-American, Make America Weak Again actions.

Trump Campaign Promise: "If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,"

1300 jobs are now endorsed by silence from Trump to go to Mexico. 1300 of them.

Trump's not in office yet but he just gave Carrier millions in free tv publicity even though most of Carrier's jobs in Indiana are still going to Mexico.

Massive fail on Trump's part and all the Trumpsuckers are celebrating a 'fake news' publicity stunt paid for by Indiana's taxpayers.
Only libturds think saving nearly 1,100 jobs is a negative. Thanks for proving how corrupt the left is.

You morons have no idea idea
Iceweasel, post: 15960368.
They were moving the whole plant but you think saving the near 1,100 jobs is somehow a negative on Trump and the economy.

It's not on immediate negative on the economy. In time it may be. It is a negative on Trump.

He failed his first test of keeping a campaign promise. He gave Carrier the go ahead to take 1300 jobs to Mexico while rewarding their anti-American, Make America Weak Again actions.

Trump Campaign Promise: "If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,"

1300 jobs are now endorsed by silence from Trump to go to Mexico. 1300 of them.

Trump's not in office yet but he just gave Carrier millions in free tv publicity even though most of Carrier's jobs in Indiana are still going to Mexico.

Massive fail on Trump's part and all the Trumpsuckers are celebrating a 'fake news' publicity stunt paid for by Indiana's taxpayers.
Only libturds think saving nearly 1,100 jobs is a negative. Thanks for proving how corrupt the left is.
You morons have no idea what you're talking about. Is it possible that you don't understand the cost and the consequences of this??

Trump's Carrier speech 'absolutely chilling,' economic analyst says
President-elect Donald Trump's speech about his deal to keep Carrier jobs in the United States was "absolutely the worst speech," economic policy analyst Jimmy Pethokoukis told CNBC on Thursday.

Trump boasted about his deal to keep about 1,100 Carrier jobs in Indiana, and also took aim at other companies who may be thinking about moving jobs out of the country.

"Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen. It's not going to happen, I'll tell you right now," Trump said on Thursday. Trump's Carrier speech 'absolutely chilling,' economic analyst says

Maybe you think that you know more than this guy:

Pethokoukis, a scholar with the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute, called it the worst economic speech since Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale promised to reverse Reaganomics in 1984.
The idea that American corporations are going to have to make business decisions, not based on the fact that we've created an ideal environment for economic growth in the United States, but out of fear of punitive actions based on who knows what criteria exactly from a presidential administration. I think that's absolutely chilling," he said in an interview with CNBC's "Closing Bell."

Or this guy:

Robert Shapiro, former undersecretary of commerce for economic affairs under President Bill Clinton, said the problem in this country is not about getting people to work.

"We certainly don't want to take as our guide to creating jobs special tax breaks for a company that earned $7.5 billion in profits last year, got $6 billion in defense contracts, paid its top five executives $50 million, in order to preserve 1,000 out of 2,100 jobs," said Shapiro.

Tell us more about you credentials in economics and public policy sparky!!
What are yours? I've owned a business for 32 years so have some working knowledge. You find a couple of doom and gloom lefttard idiots and that makes you the expert? They probably couldn't run a hot dog stand!
I'm not touting my credential- I'm citing experts which you are not. running a business does not qualify you to comment on national economic policy
$700,000 tax break per year divided by 1100 jobs = $637 per job. That's next to nothing!
That's less than 1 month of Unemployment beneftis....or food stamps!!

Fucking LWNJ's are severely MATH CHALLENGED!!​

Both you nd this right wing rag that you cite are shamelessly misrepresenting Piven and Cloward . Yes they wanted to overload the system to force a change in how welfare worked and establish a universal safety net. YOU changed that into bringing down the entire economic system as we know it. And again, regardless of what they intended, how does that extrapolate into what you claim every Democrat wants- especially the moronic assertion that we want people to lose their jobs! That is just stupid, stupid, stupid!!!
Here's a thought. How about slashing the Corporate Income Tax or eliminating it altogether and then we don't have to worry about this anymore. Foreign companies would be moving here.

Compared to you, corporations pay 3% of all of the monies they make, and you pay 15% of all the monies you make.

Corporations pay 12% of the monies the IRS collects. You and yours pay 70%.

It's VERY good to be a corporation.
It's almost one million dollars per job. At that rate, he is not going to be rescuing many jobs.
Liberals are against saving American jobs. This accounts for these Fake Threads.
It's almost one million dollars per job. At that rate, he is not going to be rescuing many jobs.

Wow, you're stupid! It's nowhere near one million dollars per job. Its less than $700

The tax break is $700,000 per year for 10 years.
The deal keeps 1100 jobs in Indiana.
Do the math LWNJ....

Tipsycatlover, post: 15971305
You do know Trump isn't in office, right?

We know all Trumpsuckers are morons but you prove it very well. You replied to my post where I wrote "Trump is not president yet... ". Are you stupid? can't read? You have no defense of Trump praising a company that is taking 1300 jobs to Mexico. We expect nothing more but ignorant replies from Trumpsuckers.
Iceweasel, post: 15960368.
They were moving the whole plant but you think saving the near 1,100 jobs is somehow a negative on Trump and the economy.

It's not on immediate negative on the economy. In time it may be. It is a negative on Trump.

He failed his first test of keeping a campaign promise. He gave Carrier the go ahead to take 1300 jobs to Mexico while rewarding their anti-American, Make America Weak Again actions.

Trump Campaign Promise: "If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,"

1300 jobs are now endorsed by silence from Trump to go to Mexico. 1300 of them.

Trump's not in office yet but he just gave Carrier millions in free tv publicity even though most of Carrier's jobs in Indiana are still going to Mexico.

Massive fail on Trump's part and all the Trumpsuckers are celebrating a 'fake news' publicity stunt paid for by Indiana's taxpayers.

Trump's not prez yet. I remember another president, already in office, who promised that if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Massive fail? That guy was cough cough, ahem, drum roll...obama.
Tipsycatlover, post: 15971305
You do know Trump isn't in office, right?

We know all Trumpsuckers are morons but you prove it very well. You replied to my post where I wrote "Trump is not president yet... ". Are you stupid? can't read? You have no defense of Trump praising a company that is taking 1300 jobs to Mexico. We expect nothing more but ignorant replies from Trumpsuckers.
What did obama do? Nothing. Only morons think that's better.
Trump already loosing 1100 Jobs while adding additional $7 million a year to deficit! Great Job Trump. Does he believe its a race to bankrupt the country?
Trump already loosing 1100 Jobs while adding additional $7 million a year to deficit! Great Job Trump. Does he believe its a race to bankrupt the country?
See? That's why we cannot allow liberals to gain power over us, they are too fucking stupid to think. He saved almost 1,100 jobs and tax breaks aren't deficits. They will have money coming in from taxes that they wouldn't have.

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