7 Million dollars tax break to Carrier for 800 jobs

depotoo, post: 16006812
Just those incentives alone would NOT be enough to keep them here. It was a start, until other relief can come, making it worthwhile.

What relief can come? Carrier pays 9% - 10% Federal Corp Taxes for the past ten years. They want relief from that? So Corporations should not pay for Military that defends them, the infrastructure that enables them, the Federal agencies that regulate and served them in patent protection and other ownership and ID protections?

I work for a global construction company that has no problem complying with US environmental, worker health and safety regulations and taxes here in the US. They cannot move US jobs overseas because the water and wastewater treatment plants, highway bridges airport and rail projects must be built here.

Over Regulation is a super hyped excuse for Corporations that want a total unregulated free ride with no respect for the country and laborers and government that made their existence possible.

Carrier has that lack of respect. They should not be praised for a half assed symbolic gesture for free positive press.
depotoo, post: 16006812
Just those incentives alone would NOT be enough to keep them here. It was a start, until other relief can come, making it worthwhile.

What relief can come? Carrier pays 9% - 10% Federal Corp Taxes for the past ten years. They want relief from that? So Corporations should not pay for Military that defends them, the infrastructure that enables them, the Federal agencies that regulate and served them in patent protection and other ownership and ID protections?

I work for a global construction company that has no problem complying with US environmental, worker health and safety regulations and taxes here in the US. They cannot move US jobs overseas because the water and wastewater treatment plants, highway bridges airport and rail projects must be built here.

Over Regulation is a super hyped excuse for Corporations that want a total unregulated free ride with no respect for the country and laborers and government that made their existence possible.

Carrier has that lack of respect. They should not be praised for a half assed symbolic gesture for free positive press.
What's your evidence on their tax rates? And how are they not paying for anything if they are paying taxes? Make no sense. There are state and local taxes as well as all the employees chipping in. Over regulation is real, as a company lackey you wouldn't know but small business cannot compete as regulations grow.
Why is your company global?

it is obvious I cannot teach you over a message board about business and its expenses. You wouldn't listen anyway. You come back with more excuses which have nothing to do with the scope of what a company deals with.
depotoo, post: 16006812
Just those incentives alone would NOT be enough to keep them here. It was a start, until other relief can come, making it worthwhile.

What relief can come? Carrier pays 9% - 10% Federal Corp Taxes for the past ten years. They want relief from that? So Corporations should not pay for Military that defends them, the infrastructure that enables them, the Federal agencies that regulate and served them in patent protection and other ownership and ID protections?

I work for a global construction company that has no problem complying with US environmental, worker health and safety regulations and taxes here in the US. They cannot move US jobs overseas because the water and wastewater treatment plants, highway bridges airport and rail projects must be built here.

Over Regulation is a super hyped excuse for Corporations that want a total unregulated free ride with no respect for the country and laborers and government that made their existence possible.

Carrier has that lack of respect. They should not be praised for a half assed symbolic gesture for free positive press.
depotoo, post: 16010352
Why is your company global?

It is based in London and is one of the largest infrastructure contractors in the world. The US is one of their best markets. It's been a great place for business and I'm proud of the company's commitment to worker safety, and and saving the environment and reducing harmful effects to global warming.

A Corporation can be a good citizen of the world without demanding handouts from the federal and state government.

But still,

You cannot answer the basic question. If the Carrier deal is so good for 730 jobs and economically beneficial for the economy in Indiana why didnt Indiana expand the tax incentives to cover all the rest of the Carrier jobs that will be lost to Mexico. It makes no sense to fail so many workers by blaming Obama.

Is Carrier an American Corporation or a Mexican Corporation. You keep arguing that Carrier has obligations in Mexico.

Big tough Trump could tell them right now that they won't be shipping furnaces from Mexico to the US when he is President. Why is he spending time on a victory tour and attacking the president of the union at Carrier for straightening Trump out on the facts that Trump lied about.
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Iceweasel, post: 16007302
small business cannot compete as regulations grow.

Applied Technology Carrier is not a small company.

When did companies start leaving America for foreign cheap labor?

They aren't leaving because of regulations.
Iceweasel, post: 16007302
What's your evidence on their tax rates?

United Technologies paid 9.4% in 2015 on 2.8 billion in profits. They just are not over taxed or over regulated, they do billions on defense contracts. Do you want that industry unregulated?

Will it matter if you were capable of learning the truth?

. As we previously noted, UTC does not have a lot of skin in the game when it comes to federal income taxes. The company paid an effective federal tax rate averaging just 10.3 percent over the 15-year period between 2000 and 2014. And UTC’s most recent annual report shows more of the same: the company paid a federal tax rate of just 9.4 percent on $2.8 billion in U.S. profits last year. This means year after year, the profitable company pays only a fraction of the federal statutory rate of 35 percent.

A Few Things to Consider Before Giving Away the Store to Carrier Corp | Tax Justice Blog

From the link - a good point - don't you think?

"The United States is one of the world’s most advanced democracies, which our federal tax system enables. Infrastructure, public education, health and safety, clean water, safe food, and national defense all require tax dollars—from citizens and corporations. The Unites States simply cannot compete with a zero-percent tax rate, nor should it try."

You know the zero percent tax rate that Trump is ashamed to show us.

Trump accumulated great wealth he says and pays nothing on a federal level toward:

"Infrastructure, public education, health and safety, clean water, safe food, and national defense."
Iceweasel, post: 16006047
It's likely regulations that has them moving parts of the operations so they can remain in business.

It likely? What? You can't name a single specific regulation that would force them to move jobs to Mexico?

You are just like Trump. Generalities based on fake news - no specifics.
Perhaps you Obama blamers will take the time to comprehend that Obama had nothing to do with the reasons the HVAC industry fled to Mexico reaching its peak moves at the end of the Reagan Administration in 1988.

It has to do with stopping immigration from Mexico of all things.

From the 1988 Chicago Tribune link below:

Rheem will be joining the growing list of American firms setting up assembly plants, or maquiladoras, in Mexico. The program was created in the 1960s to stem the tide of illegal immigration by creating jobs south of the border. Companies that ship parts to their maquiladoras pay a tariff only on the ``value added`` in Mexico when the finished product is exported back to the U.S.

Feels great to finally have a leader, for POTUS.

When Trump slashes the corporate income tax the gains will be realized.

.Trump is not even sworn in yet and has accomplished more for the economy than Obama did in 8 years.

When Trump slashes corporate taxes across the board they'll comeback from abroad and those thinking of leaving will stay.

Trump never had the chance to save them. obama baked that cake a year ago. Trump isn't even sworn in. The jobs he saved, he saved as civilian president elect.

The 1300 who had obama ship their jobs out of the country, may hold it against democrats for the rest of their lives.

Obama doesn't give a fuck about those jobs or those people, they are citizens

You know people stop reading when they see that crap. Dumbass.

3) Obama could have done the same thing - but he didn't care enough.

In fact, your post is so incredibly inaccurate, so amazingly wrong, that I'm shocked that you actually found somebody else to agreed with you.

One last time ... you're wrong. 1300 jobs are NOT going across the Rio Grande.

3) An additional 700 (or so) are going to bed tonight knowing that they MIGHT lose their jobs, but heartened by the fact that Donald Trump is fighting to same those.

Anyone else remember Obama's phony jobs "saved or created" metric? Trump’s already got jobs saved

It is better than Obama spending trillions of dollars on a stimulus that failed to deliver any jobs promised via taxpayer money

That guy was cough cough, ahem, drum roll...obama

What did obama do? Nothing. Only morons think that's better.

You assholes criticize them while obama has done nothing but make things worse?

And not one word to this administration of how they so royally screwed companies, they couldn't survive in our country.


Read this Trumpsuckers:

Learn a new word if you can - maquiladora

.........the maquiladora growth is largely attributable to growth in US demand, and devaluation of the peso and not NAFTA itself.[4]

Maquiladora - Wikipedia

1988 Chicago Tribune:

Rheem Closing Chicago Plant
Move To Mexico To Cost 600 Jobs, Union Says
August 26, 1988|By Merrill Goozner.

Rheem Manufacturing Co., a water heater manufacturer, will shut its factory on the Southwest Side and move production to Mexico, idling about 600 workers and executives, a union official at the plant said Thursday.

About 400 production workers will lose their jobs because of the move, which will occur in about two years. In addition, most of the 200 office and management personnel at the plant will be laid off, the union official said.


Officials of the Japanese-owned company, who were unavailable for comment Thursday, notified Teamsters Local 781 a week ago about the plan. ``This is an outrage, but I don`t know how we can stop them,`` said Joseph L. Bernstein, secretary-treasurer of the local.

``We asked them what we could do to keep them here,`` the union official added. ``They said there was nothing. The decision`s been made.``

Rheem, which employs 10,000 nationwide, has another water heater manufacturing facility in Montgomery, Ala., and several other southern plants making air conditioners and refrigeration equipment. With about 20 percent of the market, the company is one of the leading firms in the industry.

The firm`s parent, Pace Industries of New York City, was acquired by Paloma Ltd. of Japan last spring for about $825 million after a similar deal announced last September by the publicly traded MLX Corp. of Troy, Mich., collapsed with the stock market.

``There were preliminary plans to build a plant in Mexico, but the decision to expand in Mexico we saw as distinct from the Chicago plant,`` said Robert Perkins, executive vice president of MLX, which is a wholesale distributor of water heaters and air conditioners. ``It was not our intention to close the Chicago plant.``

Rheem will be joining the growing list of American firms setting up assembly plants, or maquiladoras, in Mexico. The program was created in the 1960s to stem the tide of illegal immigration by creating jobs south of the border. Companies that ship parts to their maquiladoras pay a tariff only on the ``value added`` in Mexico when the finished product is exported back to the U.S.

Since labor costs average $12 to $15 a week across the border, the value added in the maquiladoras isn`t much. There are now an estimated 1,400 U.S.-owned maquiladoras employing about 390,000 Mexicans, with 1,000 of the plants opened since 1980.

Rheem`s manufacturing plant at 7600 S. Kedzie Ave. opened in 1941 as a war munitions plant and grew to nearly 500,000 square feet over the years as company sales of water heaters boomed in the postwar prosperity. Plant employment peaked at around 1,000 people, the union official said.

Employment began declining about 15 years ago when the company opened the Alabama facility, which also makes commercial and residential water heaters.

``When they opened that plant, we slipped,`` said Bernstein. ``Now they`re going to Mexico.``

Rheem Closing Chicago Plant
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Spare_change, post: 15959273
6) Pence couldn't work a deal where he could promise that onerous federal regulations would be lifted. Obama could have - but he didn't. Trump will.

You seem to know so much about onerous regulations; so name a few specific regulations that would drive a furnace manufacturer to seek cheap labor in Mexico?
Just maybe if you had griped to this administration long and loud they may have heard you and stopped making it near impossible for companies to do business here, then maybe all jobs could have been saved.

All 4000 jobs are saved here. HVAC company building $410 million factory in Texas on Obama's watch. So WTF is carrier's excuse again. Trump rewards shitty company.

Trane and American Standard still mostly American made. How about we buy things that are made by companies committed to keeping jobs here for products that are sold and consumed here.


A Japanese maker of air conditioners said it would build a $410 million factory near Houston, in a bet that energy-efficient Japanese-style units can take share from American designs.

Daikin Industries Ltd. said the factory, set to start operating in early 2016, would expand the capacity of its U.S. subsidiary, Goodman Global, and serve as a hub for Osaka-based Daikin to try to spread the technology it sells at home.

As it opens the new site, in Hockley, Texas, Goodman plans to close other sites in Texas and Tennessee. While Daikin plans no layoffs, about 3,000 employees in Texas and 1,000 in Tennessee will be asked to relocate, and there will be no net addition of jobs, the company said.

“The current Goodman facilities don’t have capacity to assemble all the value-added models that Daikin is selling elsewhere,” Takeshi Ebisu, chief executive of Goodman, said in an interview.

Mr. Ebisu said the new 90-acre Texas factory will reduce manufacturing costs and allow faster customization for U.S. consumers.
Spare_change, post: 15959273
6) Pence couldn't work a deal where he could promise that onerous federal regulations would be lifted. Obama could have - but he didn't. Trump will.

You seem to know so much about onerous regulations; so name a few specific regulations that would drive a furnace manufacturer to seek cheap labor in Mexico?

Your question belies your ignorance, and certainly exposes your prejudice.

Regulation is one piece of the puzzle. Cheap labor is another. Add onerous taxes, and you have the trifecta.

As for the "onerous regulation", each one taken alone may have some modicum of sanity, but when taken in the collective, they become oppressive and costly. But, then, you knew that, didn't you? You just wanted to lay a trap for me, didn't you?

Son --- you're way out of your league.
Iceweasel, post: 16007302
What's your evidence on their tax rates?

United Technologies paid 9.4% in 2015 on 2.8 billion in profits. They just are not over taxed or over regulated, they do billions on defense contracts. Do you want that industry unregulated?

Will it matter if you were capable of learning the truth?

. As we previously noted, UTC does not have a lot of skin in the game when it comes to federal income taxes. The company paid an effective federal tax rate averaging just 10.3 percent over the 15-year period between 2000 and 2014. And UTC’s most recent annual report shows more of the same: the company paid a federal tax rate of just 9.4 percent on $2.8 billion in U.S. profits last year. This means year after year, the profitable company pays only a fraction of the federal statutory rate of 35 percent.

A Few Things to Consider Before Giving Away the Store to Carrier Corp | Tax Justice Blog

From the link - a good point - don't you think?

"The United States is one of the world’s most advanced democracies, which our federal tax system enables. Infrastructure, public education, health and safety, clean water, safe food, and national defense all require tax dollars—from citizens and corporations. The Unites States simply cannot compete with a zero-percent tax rate, nor should it try."

You know the zero percent tax rate that Trump is ashamed to show us.

Trump accumulated great wealth he says and pays nothing on a federal level toward:

"Infrastructure, public education, health and safety, clean water, safe food, and national defense."
You stupid smug little asshole. Zero taxes he won't show us? All you have is filth.

Just maybe if you had griped to this administration long and loud they may have heard you and stopped making it near impossible for companies to do business here, then maybe all jobs could have been saved.

All 4000 jobs are saved here. HVAC company building $410 million factory in Texas on Obama's watch. So WTF is carrier's excuse again. Trump rewards shitty company.

Trane and American Standard still mostly American made. How about we buy things that are made by companies committed to keeping jobs here for products that are sold and consumed here.
You're still pissed off that Trump saved some jobs? You are simply replacing W. Bush with Trump so your can jerk off your hate on internet forums. Fuck you.
Iceweasel, post: 16013522
You're still pissed off that Trump saved some jobs?

That is a lie. It's disturbing to find Trump praising a company for saving 800 jobs but sending 1300 jobs to Mexico. You falsely blamed Obama for the lost jobs so I posted a company that invested $430 million for a new HVAC plant in Texas saving every last one of the 4000 jobs employed by this firm. Made in USA.

Trump should have gone there and celebrated a much better example of an HVAC manufacturer doing a huge investment in America and committed to Made in USA.

Except you can't explain that it happened during Obama's term and you can't explain why several of Carrier's competitors are not overwhelmed with taxes and regulations so they keep manufacturing in America.

In other words it does not fit the Trumputopia fake news narrative and lies that he spreads to make everything about him.

You don't care about jobs you care about serving Trump and blaming Obama.

You said nothing good about companies that I posted committed to Made in USA.

4000 jobs is better than 830.
As for the "onerous regulation", each one taken alone may have some modicum of sanity, but when taken in the collective, they become oppressive and costly. But, then, you knew that, didn't you? You just wanted to lay a trap for me, didn't you?

You are in my trap. Can't name one onerous regulation that affected Carrier's betrayal of America labor.

Behind most alcoholics there is an enabler.

Lying for Carrier is enabling Carrier.
Iceweasel, post: 16013522
You're still pissed off that Trump saved some jobs?

That is a lie. It's disturbing to find Trump praising a company for saving 800 jobs but sending 1300 jobs to Mexico. You falsely blamed Obama for the lost jobs so I posted a company that invested $430 million for a new HVAC plant in Texas saving every last one of the 4000 jobs employed by this firm. Made in USA.

Trump should have gone there and celebrated a much better example of an HVAC manufacturer doing a huge investment in America and committed to Made in USA.

Except you can't explain that it happened during Obama's term and you can't explain why several of Carrier's competitors are not overwhelmed with taxes and regulations so they keep manufacturing in America.

In other words it does not fit the Trumputopia fake news narrative and lies that he spreads to make everything about him.

You don't care about jobs you care about serving Trump and blaming Obama.

You said nothing good about companies that I posted committed to Made in USA.

4000 jobs is better than 830.
I said Trump saved jobs
you said it was a lie
then you said he saved 800 jobs

That's dumb. What did obama have to do with it? Nothing, or you would have posted it. The laws are why Carrier is still moving parts of the plant, blaming Trump is more of the same.

I said nothing good about US companies? We are discussing Carrier, and the speculations about why they are still moving some (after building the expensive goddamn plant) are all yours. If you can't focus that's not my problem.
As for the "onerous regulation", each one taken alone may have some modicum of sanity, but when taken in the collective, they become oppressive and costly. But, then, you knew that, didn't you? You just wanted to lay a trap for me, didn't you?

You are in my trap. Can't name one onerous regulation that affected Carrier's betrayal of America labor.

Behind most alcoholics there is an enabler.

Lying for Carrier is enabling Carrier.
Lots of companies have moved, so they are all traitors? Why did the left not bring that up before? One guy did and he's the problem? You make no sense at all.
Iceweasel, post: 16014345,

Lots of companies have moved, so they are all traitors? Why did the left not bring that up before? One guy did and he's the problem? You make no sense at all.

What you never heard of Bernie Sanders. He endorsed Hillary - not Trump.

The left will never rightly accept creating jobs by cutting taxes on the wealthy and hope for trickle down to work.
Iceweasel, post: 16014345,

Lots of companies have moved, so they are all traitors? Why did the left not bring that up before? One guy did and he's the problem? You make no sense at all.

What you never heard of Bernie Sanders. He endorsed Hillary - not Trump.

The left will never rightly accept creating jobs by cutting taxes on the wealthy and hope for trickle down to work.
Trickle down from government isn't supported by the right but it is supported by the left, you're misinformed. Reagan proved supply side works, which libs still hate him for. Kicked off the greatest economic boom in history and hopefully Trump can match or exceed it.

A socialist endorsing Hillary proves what that we didn't already know?

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