CDZ 7 things I am learning about transgendered people

Seven things I’m learning about transgender persons

The article is too long to copy and paste all, but it is well worth a read.

What have you learned about transgender people as the result of increased focus on this issue? Do you know any transgender people in real life? Why do you think they are so misunderstood?

Nothing I didn't know before.

No, I don't know any.

They are not misunderstood. The only misunderstanding is caused by the propensity of the Left to accept mental illness as the norm.
They're not mentally ill

Oh but they are, and the Democrats are simply using them to destroy long-standing social norms.

Get with the program.

I have my own program, thanks.

Why? Why would democrats want to destroy long standing social norms?

Because it's the easiest way to bring down an opposing political force.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record
Seven things I’m learning about transgender persons

The article is too long to copy and paste all, but it is well worth a read.

What have you learned about transgender people as the result of increased focus on this issue? Do you know any transgender people in real life? Why do you think they are so misunderstood?

Nothing I didn't know before.

No, I don't know any.

They are not misunderstood. The only misunderstanding is caused by the propensity of the Left to accept mental illness as the norm.
They're not mentally ill

Oh but they are, and the Democrats are simply using them to destroy long-standing social norms.

Get with the program.

I have my own program, thanks.

Why? Why would democrats want to destroy long standing social norms?

Because it's the easiest way to bring down an opposing political force.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

there's nothing more powerful than supporting a villified and tiny minority of people.

Yes, I'm laughing at your argument.
True, Johns Hopkins has quit doing the procedures realizing it's mental problem and they were only addressing the superficial causing worse issues.

And not because reassignment surgery is potentially dangerous and they didn't want to take the risk, especially now that they're no longer the only ones doing it.

Unless you've got proof to the contrary (from the entire institution, not just one doctor), in which case kindly present it.[/QUOTE]I did, no one is going to read it to you, especially me. Nor would I assume the responsibility to try to get you to understand that:
A. The hospital doesn't do sex changes any longer, not one doctor.
B. It wasn't stopped because the procedure is dangerous.
C. It has nothing to do with competition.

The point is that you people need to believe bullshit to hold you views, I don't. Trying to make me look like the moron won't work.
The real question is: Why did Chris Jenner keep his penis?

Who is Chris Jenner?

Oh, pardon me. BRUCE Jenner.

A rather forgettable thing, there.

If you're going to criticize someone for personal decisions that have nothing to do with you, it helps your credibility to at least remember their name.
Bruce Jenner is his name for anyone not brainwashed into believing a guy with a dick is a woman be cause he thinks he is.
Was the Author living under a rock???
He just now figured out what a Transgender is?? Really??
The real question is: Why did Chris Jenner keep his penis?

Who is Chris Jenner?

Oh, pardon me. BRUCE Jenner.

A rather forgettable thing, there.

If you're going to criticize someone for personal decisions that have nothing to do with you, it helps your credibility to at least remember their name.

Funny, I don't remember yours at any given circumstance either.
Why? Why would democrats want to destroy long standing social norms?

Because it's the easiest way to bring down an opposing political force.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

there's nothing more powerful than supporting a villified and tiny minority of people.

Yes, I'm laughing at your argument.

Laughing won't change the history that shows many of those goals have been accomplished since that time by both Democrats and Republicans, with the Democrats having the leading hand.
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I did, no one is going to read it to you, especially me. Nor would I assume the responsibility to try to get you to understand that:
A. The hospital doesn't do sex changes any longer, not one doctor.
B. It wasn't stopped because the procedure is dangerous.
C. It has nothing to do with competition.

The point is that you people need to believe bullshit to hold you views, I don't. Trying to make me look like the moron won't work.

Here is a link to my post in this thread where I provided an article published by John's Hopkins explaining why they stopped doing sexual reassignment surgeries, and what has happened since that decision was made. It might help you correct some of your misunderstandings.

CDZ - 7 things I am learning about transgendered people
Paul McHugh is not speaking for the institution, but his personal views. He is part of ACP and is also virulently anti-gay. Research your source.

If Johns Hopkins is not doing that type of surgery anymore, it seems he is stating the institutional view.

Johns Hopkins stopped doing these surgeries in 1979. But, McHugh retired from Johns Hopkins and is not speaking for the institution in his recent articles. While Johns Hopkins doesn't perform sexual reassignment surgeries, doctors at Johns Hopkins SBCU (Sexual Behavior Clinical Unit) do consultations with transgender people, prescribe hormone therapy, and refer them out to other doctors for surgeries. So, it isn't true that Johns Hopkins doctors oppose these surgeries. It's just political, as many things are.

Here is some history on the subject: Hopkins Hospital: a history of sex reassignment

In 1979, SBCU Chair Jon Meyer conducted a study comparing 29 patients who had the surgery and 21 who didn’t, and concluded that those who had the surgery were not more adjusted to society than those who did not have the surgery. Meyer told The New York Times in 1979: “My personal feeling is that surgery is not proper treatment for a psychiatric disorder, and it’s clear to me that these patients have severe psychological problems that don’t go away following surgery.”

After Meyer’s study was published, Paul McHugh, the Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Hopkins Hospital who never supported the University offering the surgeries according to Schmidt, shut the program down.

Meyer’s study came after a study conducted by Money, which concluded that all but one out of 24 patients were sure that they had made the right decision, 12 had improved their occupational status and 10 had married for the first time. Beyer believes that officials at Hopkins just wanted an excuse to end the program, so they cited Meyer’s study.

“The people at Hopkins who are naturally very conservative anyway … decided that they were embarrassed by this program and wanted to shut it down,” she said.

A 1979 New York Times article also states that not everyone was convinced by Meyer’s study and that other doctors claimed that it was “seriously flawed in its methods and statistics and draws unwarranted conclusions.”

However, McHugh says that it shouldn’t be surprising that Hopkins discontinued the surgeries, and that he still supports this decision today. He points to Meyer’s study as well as a 2011 Swedish study that states that the risk of suicide was higher for people who had the surgery versus the general population.

McHugh says that more research has to be conducted before a surgery with such a high risk should be performed, especially because he does not think the surgery is necessary.

“It’s remarkable when a biological male or female requests the ablation of their sexual reproductive organs when they are normal,” he said. “These are perfectly normal tissue. This is not pathology.”

Beyer, however, cites a study from 1992 that shows that 98.5 percent of patients who underwent male-to-female surgery and 99 percent of patients who underwent female-to-male surgery had no regrets.

“It was clear to me at the time that [McHugh] was conflating sexual orientation and the actual physical act with gender identity,” Beyer said.

...Though the surgeries at Hopkins ended in 1979, the University continued to study sexual and gender behavior. Today, the SBCU provides consultations for members of the transgender community interested in sex reassignment surgery, provides patients with hormones and refers patients to specialists for surgery.

The Hopkins Student Health and Wellness Center is also working toward providing transgender students necessary services as a plan benefit under the University’s insurance plan once the student health insurance plan switches carriers on Aug. 15.

“We are hopefully working towards getting hormones and other surgical options covered by the student health insurance,” Demere Woolway, director of LGBTQ Life at Hopkins, said. “We’ve done a number of trainings for the folks over in the Health Center both on the counseling side and on the medical side. So we’ve done some great work with them and I think they are in a good place to be welcoming and supportive of folks.”

McHugh is a politically polarized and polarizing figure. I think think that you should read more than his views to get a more objective view of the subject, if that is your goal.
I think you should quit lecturing people from your perch. Johns Hopkins no longer does the procedures and would if it was a necessity, regardless of your personal distaste from the guy that actually knows what he's talking about. Further reading for your edification:

Sex changes 'fixed nothing,' says regretful transgender
The forefathers of transgenderism

According to Heyer, the debate over whether sex change surgery is beneficial or harmful was decided more than half a century ago.

“The setting for the first transgender surgeries (mostly male-to-female) was in university-based clinics, starting in the 1950s and progressing through the 1960s and the 1970s,” Heyer informed. “When the researchers tallied the results and found no objective proof that it was successful — and, in fact, evidence that it was harmful — the universities stopped offering sex-reassignment surgery.”

But despite clinical evidence proving its detrimental effects, the LGBT movement presses ahead full throttle.

“Since then, private surgeons have stepped in to take their place,” Heyer continued. “Without any scrutiny or accountability for their results, their practices have grown, leaving shame, regret and suicide in their wake.”

Heyer stresses the importance of understanding the mindset of those behind the founding fathers of the transgender movement, noting that all three of the men were pedophilia activists.

“The story starts with the infamous Dr. Alfred Kinsey, a biologist and sexologist whose legacy endures today,” Heyer pointed out. “Kinsey believed that all sex acts were legitimate — including pedophilia, bestiality, sadomasochism, incest, adultery, prostitution and group sex. He authorized despicable experiments on infants and toddlers to gather information to justify his view that children of any age enjoyed having sex. Kinsey advocated the normalization of pedophilia and lobbied against laws that would protect innocent children and punish sexual predators.”

Adding to the list, Kinsey wanted to make psychological abnormalities manifest themselves physically, as well.

“Transsexualism was added to Kinsey’s repertoire when he was presented with the case of an effeminate boy who wanted to become a girl,” Heyer explained. “Kinsey consulted an acquaintance of his, an endocrinologist by the name of Dr. Harry Benjamin. Transvestites, men who dressed as women, were well-known. Kinsey and Benjamin saw this as an opportunity to change a transvestite physically, way beyond dress and make-up. Kinsey and Benjamin became professional collaborators in the first case of what Benjamin would later call ‘transsexualism.’”

And the third founder of the movement, Dr. John Money, used deceit to push transgenderism forward, telling the parents of a two-year-old boy with a botched circumcision that the best way to remedy the problem was to physically change his genitalia into a girl’s. Naively following their doctor’s advice, the parents went ahead with it. The biologically born boy was extremely depressed at the age by 12, so the parents told their son — who was told up until then that he was a girl — the truth. He went on to disassociate himself from Money and undo the gender change to live as a boy.

Clinical evidence against transgenderism

Besides results from Johns Hopkins University showing that sex change surgery provides no relief, Heyer also points to research conducted by Benjamin’s partner, endocrinologist Charles Ihlenfeld.

“Ihlenfeld worked with Benjamin for six years and administered sex hormones to 500 transsexuals,” Heyer divulged. “Ihlenfeld shocked Benjamin by publicly announcing that 80 percent of the people who want to change their gender shouldn’t do it. Ihlenfeld said: ‘There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery … Too many end in suicide.’”

Personal testimony against changing genders

Heyer went on to tell how he suffered as a result of physicians’ failures to come to terms with the results of medical research so that they could continue to promote an agenda.

“In 1981, I sought out Dr. Paul Walker [a friend of Benjamin and Money] to ask him, the man who wrote the standards of care, for help,” Heyer recounted. “Walker said I was suffering from gender dysphoria. A mere two years after both the Hopkins study and the public statements of Ihlenfeld drew attention to the increased suicide risk associated with gender change, Walker, even though he was completely aware of both reports, signed my approval letter for hormones and surgery.”

The process was a failure — so much so that Heyer cannot stand by as people like Bruce Jenner encourage others to step onto a path of depression, regret and destruction.

“Under his guidance, I underwent gender reassignment surgery and lived for eight years as Laura Jensen, female,” Heyer retold. “Eventually, I gathered the courage to admit that the surgery had fixed nothing — it only masked and exacerbated deeper psychological problems. The deception and lack of transparency I experienced in the 1980s still surround gender change surgery today. For the sake of others who struggle with gender dysphoria, I cannot remain silent.”

Heyer explains that the true villains in the matter aren’t those opposed to transgenderism — but rather the doctors.

“It is intellectually dishonest to ignore the facts that surgery never has been a medically necessary procedure for treating gender dysphoria and that taking cross-gender hormones can be harmful,” Heyer argues. “Modern transgender activists, the descendants of Kinsey, Benjamin and John Money, keep alive the practice of medically unnecessary gender-change surgery by controlling the flow of published information and by squelching research and personal stories that tell of the regret, unhappiness and suicide experienced by those who undergo such surgery. Negative outcomes are only acknowledged as a way to blame society for its transphobia.”
]I think you should quit lecturing people from your perch. Johns Hopkins no longer does the procedures and would if it was a necessity, regardless of your personal distaste from the guy that actually knows what he's talking about.

1. No one is suggesting that this is a required surgery. People can be transgender and never have the surgery (so, strawman).
2. McHugh has not practiced psychiatry for many years, and only "knows what he's talking about" in your opinion because you agree with him.

You weren't lectured. I provided you with information relevant to what you posted.
This was not an issue until they made it an issue. Transgendered people were quietly going to the restroom of their choice and no one cared.

But then they made it an issue, and now that it is an issue, exhibitionists and voyeurs who are not transgender are entering women's room and causing trouble with women.

So they should not have made this an issue, unless their goal was to deliberately cause chaos.
The goal was chaos, division, and stirring up hatred. This is what Democrats have been doing since the Democratic Party was founded. If Americans would stop falling for this trick, the Democratic party would fail and then maybe we'd get a party of normal people to replace them.
The goal was chaos, division, and stirring up hatred. This is what Democrats have been doing since the Democratic Party was founded. If Americans would stop falling for this trick, the Democratic party would fail and then maybe we'd get a party of normal people to replace them.
The last time the Dems failed all the Dem voters started voting Repub.
]I think you should quit lecturing people from your perch. Johns Hopkins no longer does the procedures and would if it was a necessity, regardless of your personal distaste from the guy that actually knows what he's talking about.

1. No one is suggesting that this is a required surgery. People can be transgender and never have the surgery (so, strawman).
2. McHugh has not practiced psychiatry for many years, and only "knows what he's talking about" in your opinion because you agree with him.

You weren't lectured. I provided you with information relevant to what you posted.
I bet that if there was NOT FREE money going into these self mutilation surgeries, there would be a lot less of them. When you have TAX payer money going into government employees for FREE gender reassignment(Testicles to Titties) the INSANE ones jump for Joy.....
Why do you assume these surgeries are free? I would be very surprised if they are covered by Medicaid. And if people have private insurance, they are paying for medical coverage so it isn't free.
]I think you should quit lecturing people from your perch. Johns Hopkins no longer does the procedures and would if it was a necessity, regardless of your personal distaste from the guy that actually knows what he's talking about.

1. No one is suggesting that this is a required surgery. People can be transgender and never have the surgery (so, strawman).
2. McHugh has not practiced psychiatry for many years, and only "knows what he's talking about" in your opinion because you agree with him.

You weren't lectured. I provided you with information relevant to what you posted.
I bet that if there was NOT FREE money going into these self mutilation surgeries, there would be a lot less of them. When you have TAX payer money going into government employees for FREE gender reassignment(Testicles to Titties) the INSANE ones jump for Joy.....

Where did you get the notion that the surgery is free? You can prove this, of course.

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