CDZ 7 things I am learning about transgendered people

It was a poor metaphor, can we move forward?
Actually, it was a simile, but don't tell anyone. Better to move on.
Actually it was a metaphor. To be a simile it would need to employ a figure of speech like "cold as ice"
I thought a simile was a comparison using "Like" or "As." See the 'as?' It's okay. I was having technical difficulties for awhile and couldn't post back. Let's move on.
You were correct.
Thanks. I'm an English teacher, so I was just waiting for you to figure it out.
It was a poor metaphor, can we move forward?
Actually, it was a simile, but don't tell anyone. Better to move on.
Actually it was a metaphor. To be a simile it would need to employ a figure of speech like "cold as ice"
I thought a simile was a comparison using "Like" or "As." See the 'as?' It's okay. I was having technical difficulties for awhile and couldn't post back. Let's move on.
You were correct.
Thanks. I'm an English teacher, so I was just waiting for you to figure it out.
Boom. :laugh:
To me, the left seems to be using these people for their own agenda. If they wanted to help, ALL avenues of real help would be explored and not just providing them restroom privileges.

Apparently you're not aware of the whole process involved in transitioning.
Seven things I’m learning about transgender persons

The article is too long to copy and paste all, but it is well worth a read.

What have you learned about transgender people as the result of increased focus on this issue? Do you know any transgender people in real life? Why do you think they are so misunderstood?

Nothing I didn't know before.

No, I don't know any.

They are not misunderstood. The only misunderstanding is caused by the propensity of the Left to accept mental illness as the norm.

So the physiological situations discussed in Items #2 and #3 of the article are, in your view, not physiological at all, but a "mental illness."

Can you explain how this supposed "mental illness" can affect a neonate's chromosomes? This should be fascinating.

The real question is: Why did Chris Jenner keep his penis?
To me, the left seems to be using these people for their own agenda. If they wanted to help, ALL avenues of real help would be explored and not just providing them restroom privileges.
What possible agenda would "The Big Bad Left" have to push transgenders on anyone? That seems a strange conspiracy theory.

...Moreover, at one percent of the population, just how successful can such a strategy be, regardless of what support it might possibly receive?

It's not as though there are as many trans folks running around as there are, say, blacks, Jews, Latinos, or gays. I mean really? Who is going to "push" all ~700K transgender folks on the remainder of the 318M citizens of the U.S., and how could such a thing even be accomplished?

Consider this. There are some ~37M blacks in the U.S. -- ~52 times the quantity of transsexuals in the U.S. -- and the majority of white folks manage to go about their lives without really having any interaction of note with them. There aren't enough trans folks to "go around" even if there were some agenda aimed at "pushing" them on the rest of society. The idea that anyone actually is trying to do so is thoroughly laughable even if it's entertained as being someone or some group's aim.
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The real question is: Why did Chris Jenner keep his penis?

(A) You've misspelled her name
(B) If you have information that she ever had one, you need to contact TMZ immediately

The most important thing to know about transgender Americans is the fact that their right to make choices about their personal, private lives is entitled to Constitutional protections.
Seven things I’m learning about transgender persons

The article is too long to copy and paste all, but it is well worth a read.

What have you learned about transgender people as the result of increased focus on this issue? Do you know any transgender people in real life? Why do you think they are so misunderstood?

Nothing I didn't know before.

No, I don't know any.

They are not misunderstood. The only misunderstanding is caused by the propensity of the Left to accept mental illness as the norm.
They're not mentally ill

Oh but they are, and the Democrats are simply using them to destroy long-standing social norms.

Get with the program.

I have my own program, thanks.

Why? Why would democrats want to destroy long standing social norms? Are all long standing social norms worthy of being saved?
I have learned more about the people who oppose the transgendered than I have the transgendered...
Your opinions are drawn from someone who hasn't treated transgender patients since 1979.

A lot has happened in the last 37 years.
True, Johns Hopkins has quit doing the procedures realizing it's mental problem and they were only addressing the superficial causing worse issues.

How many sex changes have shrinks done? I prefer to believe those that don't live in the abstract.
And given the fear, ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry exhibited by conservatives subscribing to this thread, transgender Americans will very much need the Constitution and its case law to indeed protect their liberties from attack by the hateful right.
True, Johns Hopkins has quit doing the procedures realizing it's mental problem and they were only addressing the superficial causing worse issues.

This claim is not accurate. Actually, the SBCU at Johns Hopkins administers hormone therapy and refers transsexuals out for surgery to private physicians. I posted an internal publication from Johns Hopkins up the thread somewhere.

How many sex changes have shrinks done? I prefer to believe those that don't live in the abstract.

You realize Paul McHugh is a shrink.

True, Johns Hopkins has quit doing the procedures realizing it's mental problem and they were only addressing the superficial causing worse issues.

This claim is not accurate. Actually, the SBCU at Johns Hopkins administers hormone therapy and refers transsexuals out for surgery to private physicians. I posted an internal publication from Johns Hopkins up the thread somewhere.

How many sex changes have shrinks done? I prefer to believe those that don't live in the abstract.

You realize Paul McHugh is a shrink.


Somebody announced to the echo chamber that Johns Hopkins no longer does the surgery. That's all it took. It is now primary evidence that the very idea of transgendered people is a liberal plot to destroy America.
True, Johns Hopkins has quit doing the procedures realizing it's mental problem and they were only addressing the superficial causing worse issues.[/QUOTE]

And not because reassignment surgery is potentially dangerous and they didn't want to take the risk, especially now that they're no longer the only ones doing it.

Unless you've got proof to the contrary (from the entire institution, not just one doctor), in which case kindly present it.

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