7 Years In - Still No ObamaCare Replacement - Another Broken Promise

To what ends did the Republicans pass a bill which would weaponize ObamaCare's destruction to a massive scale without having a replacement?

Come on, rubes. Think about it.

You were totally suckered.
Why did the Republicans not write a replacement all this time?

Come on, rubes. Figure it out. You can do it!

It is way past time to wake up.
I keep hearing the pseudocons gloating about the Republicans having the greatest number of seats in the House and Senate EVAH!

More than Obama had when the Dems passed ObamaCare.

And yet the pseudcons parrot the lie they have been fed that the Republicans "don't have the votes" to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

See what I mean about STILL not catching on they have been massively hoaxed? :lol:

The Republicans have the votes. The real problem is THEY DON'T HAVE A REPLACEMENT.

Wake up and smell the Trump, fools.

Alright, I do not know why you are even lumping me into with those that voted for Trump because it is a fact I did not buy their lie and bullshit. I have stated many times the best thing they can do is replace it with Nixon\Kennedy plan and the GOP do not hold as many Seats in the Senate as Obama and Democrats had when the ACA was passed. The Democrats had 60 seats in the Senate before Ted Kennedy passed away and the GOP do not have that majority nor will they ever have this majority.

Only a fool believe they have it and as for them not having anything, well you are correct they never did.
Why did the Republicans not write a replacement all this time?

Come on, rubes. Figure it out. You can do it!

It is way past time to wake up.

Because it is a damn wedge issue!

Why didn't Obama get immigration reform passed when he had the Senate and House to do it?

Simple, it is a wedge issue and neither side will do anything!
Trump has been in charge for 7 years. Golly that little devil gets around.
You have been whining about ObamaCare for SEVEN YEARS. And it never once occurred to you to ask your party what they had in the way of a replacement.

You are fed lines to parrot so you don't stop long enough to catch onto the hoax.

Look at you go! :lol:
You may be new, or just another liar, but I rarely post anything as fact here or elsewhere. The only things I can speak of with certainty are things I saw. So I'm not like most of the liars here, who are the real parrots of the media.
The Republicans have no idea how to actually lower health care costs.

Trump sure as shit doesn't know how.

ObamaCare tried and failed. And the Republicans exploited that failed attempt to the max. It gained them lots and lots of seats.

But as I have been saying all this time, any retard can criticize the other guy's plan. It takes real courage to come up with one of your own. And I've been telling the rubes all this time the GOP is a collection of the most spineless, gutless wonders in the history of our government.

They are TERRIFIED to come up with a replacement, because they know they have no idea how to lower costs and thus would also fail.

So...Plan B. Let's make ObamaCare even more destructive first. Then whatever the GOP comes up with will look relatively better by comparison, and then they will hope and pray the rubes don't catch on that health care costs will still rise under the GOP plan.
The Republicans have no idea how to actually lower health care costs.

Trump sure as shit doesn't know how.

ObamaCare tried and failed. And the Republicans exploited that failed attempt to the max. It gained them lots and lots of seats.

But as I have been saying all this time, any retard can criticize the other guy's plan. It takes real courage to come up with one of your own. And I've been telling the rubes all this time the GOP is a collection of the most spineless, gutless wonders in the history of our government.

They are TERRIFIED to come up with a replacement, because they know they have no idea how to lower costs and thus would also fail.

So...Plan B. Let's make ObamaCare even more destructive first. Then whatever the GOP comes up with will look relatively better by comparison, and then they will hope and pray the rubes don't catch on that health care costs will still rise under the GOP plan.

Plan A. should have been the Nixon\Kennedy plan and not the ACA that was passed. Plan B. never existed and never will because for the GOP politician it would be political suicide seeing to get it passed they would have to get Nancy Pelosi to work with them while losing the Freedom Caucus voter and politician.

So nothing will be done and you know this and as for those that vote for these assholes, well what do you expect?
Trump flat out lied when he said, "This is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it."

A classic huckster move. The rubes paid for a repeal and replace, and he gave them a forgery.

Trump spit in his voters' faces. And his Chumps just sit there and take it. They STILL haven't caught on they've been conned.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
This should make you happy but it doesn't. Do you actually want him to repeal it or do you want him to keep it. You should be happy with one of those choices but I have a feeling that if it was fully repealed then you would still be complaining. The overall goal of this post was an attempt to split republican voters. It is a nice try to capitalize on the frustration of republican voters. Keep it up. It may work.
I keep hearing the pseudocons gloating about the Republicans having the greatest number of seats in the House and Senate EVAH!

More than Obama had when the Dems passed ObamaCare.

And yet the pseudcons parrot the lie they have been fed that the Republicans "don't have the votes" to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

See what I mean about STILL not catching on they have been massively hoaxed? :lol:

The Republicans have the votes. The real problem is THEY DON'T HAVE A REPLACEMENT.

Wake up and smell the Trump, fools.

Alright, I do not know why you are even lumping me into with those that voted for Trump because it is a fact I did not buy their lie and bullshit. I have stated many times the best thing they can do is replace it with Nixon\Kennedy plan and the GOP do not hold as many Seats in the Senate as Obama and Democrats had when the ACA was passed. The Democrats had 60 seats in the Senate before Ted Kennedy passed away and the GOP do not have that majority nor will they ever have this majority.

Only a fool believe they have it and as for them not having anything, well you are correct they never did.
Like I keep saying, they DESERVE to be lied to.

After they have been lied to a hundred times, and keep coming back for more, they are way past the "fool me twice" zone, and deep in the tard zone.
This should make you happy but it doesn't. Do you actually want him to repeal it or do you want him to keep it. You should be happy with one of those choices but I have a feeling that if it was fully repealed then you would still be complaining. The overall goal of this post was an attempt to split republican voters. It is a nice try to capitalize on the frustration of republican voters. Keep it up. It may work.
I have outlined many times what needs to be done to reform health care. I have offered up a conservative solution. If the Republicans had nominated and elected an actual conservative, we might have had a chance.

I said from the get-go that ObamaCare was a bait and switch con. This does not let the GOP off the hook for doing NOTHING for DECADES about the rising costs of health care.

It's time for the pseudocons to figure out they have been massively hoaxed.
rubbing two brain cells together takes time ... give them a brake, they only had a little over half of 535 people to work with.
The GOP needs a massive housecleaning. It is time to throw out the pseudocons and their spineless, gutless leadership. It is time to throw out the McConnells and the Priebuses and all their fellow travelers. It's time to eject the Hannities and the Becks and the Joneses and the Bannons and the Stones. The bigots, the racists, the hypocrites, the parrots, the liars.

The pseudocons who have hijacked the GOP have destroyed the conservative and Republican brands.

It's time for real conservatives to start punching back. Hard.

We might be outnumbered, but we have a lot more intelligence than the combined retardation of the pseudocon horde.

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

Trump lied to your fat faces. Bigly. Anyone doubt me?

You see how he had to keep saying "make no mistake"? That's how you can tell the apprentice is lying.

Tell a Big Lie and keep repeating it until the proles bleev you.

O lied repeatedly. You liked that. Trump has only been in office for six months. You can blame the spineless congress. I'll agree with you on that.
The GOP needs a massive housecleaning. It is time to throw out the pseudocons and their spineless, gutless leadership. It is time to throw out the McConnells and the Priebuses and all their fellow travelers. It's time to eject the Hannities and the Becks and the Joneses and the Bannons and the Stones. The bigots, the racists, the hypocrites, the parrots, the liars.

The pseudocons who have hijacked the GOP have destroyed the conservative and Republican brands.

It's time for real conservatives to start punching back. Hard.

We might be outnumbered, but we have a lot more intelligence than the combined retardation of the pseudocon horde.

better hurry, Shitforhair has 31/2 years left to push anything associated with the right out of the plane never to be respected again ..
This should make you happy but it doesn't. Do you actually want him to repeal it or do you want him to keep it. You should be happy with one of those choices but I have a feeling that if it was fully repealed then you would still be complaining. The overall goal of this post was an attempt to split republican voters. It is a nice try to capitalize on the frustration of republican voters. Keep it up. It may work.

I only want repeal. There's no need for replacement.

My hope was Congress would repeal and there wouldn't be a plan that would be able to get enough votes for replacement.

The US government should not be involved in healthcare.
What's going on here? Does the left maintain that Obamacare should have been replaced during the administration of the president who created it? Do you have to take another class in civics 101 to understand the meaning of "veto"? If Trump has been in office less than six months and even the radical left seems to be impatient for an Obamacare replacement. What does that say about the future of the obstructionist democrat party?

“Make no mistake,” the president said at one point, “this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake about it. Make no mistake.”

Trump lied to your fat faces. Bigly. Anyone doubt me?

You see how he had to keep saying "make no mistake"? That's how you can tell the apprentice is lying.

Tell a Big Lie and keep repeating it until the proles bleev you.

O lied repeatedly. You liked that. Trump has only been in office for six months. You can blame the spineless congress. I'll agree with you on that.
I never liked Obama. Nice try.

A lot of lies were told about Obama, and I refuted them because I believe integrity is the most important thing a movement can have. And lying about Obama undermines conservatism.

Obama could have been easily defeated by the truth. But the pseudocons chose to lie instead, and they lost to him. Twice.

Trump saw this weakness in the pseudocons and has exploited it to the max. That's why he was a birther. He recognized the power lies have over pseudocons.

He lies to them, and they bleev him unquestioningly.

The rubes bought a repeal and replace, and Trump gave them a forgery.

He lies to their faces, and they just sit there and take it.

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