7 Years In - Still No ObamaCare Replacement - Another Broken Promise

This should make you happy but it doesn't. Do you actually want him to repeal it or do you want him to keep it. You should be happy with one of those choices but I have a feeling that if it was fully repealed then you would still be complaining. The overall goal of this post was an attempt to split republican voters. It is a nice try to capitalize on the frustration of republican voters. Keep it up. It may work.

I only want repeal. There's no need for replacement.

Health care costs were outpacing inflation and GDP for decades before ObamaCare. Repealing without replacing would return us to those days.

The number one cause of personal bankruptcy before ObamaCare was medical bills.

So not replacing ObamaCare is not an option.

The US government should not be involved in healthcare.
I heartily agree! If you look at the proposals I have made several times on this forum, you will see this for a fact.

But the government has been involved in health care for a very long time. Long before ObamaCare.

To get government out of healthcare, therefore, would require legislation. Thus, repeal and replace.

Not just replace ObamaCare, but also replace all the crap which has built up over the years which has actually been driving up the costs all along.
If ObamaCare never existed, our health care system would still be imploding. It would have probably imploded even more quickly than it is right now.

This is what I think very few people know and understand.

The whole reason we have ObamaCare is because it was imploding.
If ObamaCare never existed, our health care system would still be imploding. It would have probably imploded even more quickly than it is right now.

This is what I think very few people know and understand.

The whole reason we have ObamaCare is because it was imploding.
Yep. And soon Medicare for all (unless you have an employer group policy that's offered).
If ObamaCare never existed, our health care system would still be imploding. It would have probably imploded even more quickly than it is right now.

This is what I think very few people know and understand.

The whole reason we have ObamaCare is because it was imploding.
Yep. And soon Medicare for all (unless you have an employer group policy that's offered).
I think that has been the plan all along. Single payer healthcare.

I grow more and more positive over time that the Republicans sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer decades ago.

Donald Trump has always been an advocate for single payer. Every once in a while he slips up and reveals he still is.

It cracks me up the pseudocons chose a New York limousine liberal Democrat as their leader instead of picking one of at least four actual conservatives for the nominee.

They participated in their own demise.
I respect G5K's integrity. He's got the policy wrong....but his devotion to honesty is admirable. Therefore, he will always be someone
who most of us lefties can get along with.

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