70% Of The Vaccinated Catch Delta Variant

I don’t know you so I wouldn’t make that claim. I make that claim based on people I hear call in and people I engage with who spout the same RW talking points and act like they are fact

You did make that claim. You said "their listeners"
You did make that claim. You said "their listeners"
Not all of their listeners. I’m a listener and I obviously don’t think that way. I was obviously talking about a portion. Im sorry if that wasn’t clear to you.
Oh PLEASE ^ :icon_rolleyes: Give us a fucking break


Founded in November 2020 and based in the United Kingdom, The Daily Expose publishes Covid-19 conspiracy and anti-vaccination news. The website completely lacks transparency as they do not provide an about page, disclose authors, editors, or owners.

On April 2, 2021, The Daily Expose reports that Twitter suspended them for 12 hours due to violations.

  • Overall, we rate The Daily Expose a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery level Pseudoscience website based on promoting false and misleading information regarding Covid-19.


CNN: 'Don't Be Alarmed' If People Start Dying After Taking ...

CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”

Young people's deaths after Pfizer vaccines are new worry

More Evidence That They Know the Covid Vaccine Is Killing ...

Report: More vaccine deaths last week than COVID-19 deaths ...

23 More Fully Vaccinated Die Of COVID-19 In Massachusetts ...

7 Vaccinated Florida Patients Die of COVID; Nurse Calls ...

That is a want to be in charge attempt to become the grammar police and has nothing to do with the topic.
Nothing you've said has anything to do with the topic.
Just incomplete sentences and fractured thoughts.
So you think when I listen to "RW radio" I think I'm getting objective news


You folks always underestimate us. That has always been one of your weaker points. We vastly overestimate you. One of ours.
Nice post. You and I know that we are the ones who are objective, not any media sources.

Slade3200 does not listen to rw radio. He may have tuned into a few minutes of it on some road trip where that was the only station available, but he does not "listen" to rw radio. He is suddenly making claims that he does because I called him out on his blatant and obvious ignorance of what goes on outside the tiny world of MSM that engineered and owns his perception of the political landscape. Since lefties cheat, he wants to claim that he looks at the entire spectrum of media.
If they want to risk their health and die then that’s their choice, I don’t really care. But when that choice prolongs a pandemic and causes others to get sick and others to put their lives and businesses on hold and most importantly when it clogs up our medical facilities and overwhelms our doctors and nurses… well then I have a problem with the BS they are pulling.
Everyone's taking a risk. The ones refusing the vaccination may be taking a risk but the ones taking the vaccination are also taking a risk.
Unfortunately for you most of the people refusing the vaccination are doing just fine.
In fact 99% plus of them are doing just fine.
Numbers like that do not offer cause for panic fear and irrational decision making and also make the decision to refuse the vaccination far more rational than you would like it to be.

To a control freak ( most of the left-wing extremists here on this board fit that description) even a small number like a fraction of a percent means totalitarianism must step in and make every single person conform. It's a form of mental illness.

Nice post. You and I know that we are the ones who are objective, not any media sources.

Slade3200 does not listen to rw radio. He may have tuned into a few minutes of it on some road trip where that was the only station available, but he does not "listen" to rw radio. He is suddenly making claims that he does because I called him out on his blatant and obvious ignorance of what goes on outside the tiny world of MSM that engineered and owns his perception of the political landscape. Since lefties cheat, he wants to claim that he looks at the entire spectrum of media.
I listen to Hannity, Levin, Beck, Shapiro and Benson and for a good laugh I’ll listen to Sexton. You’re a moron. Some making presumptions, you’re not very good at it
Grammar Police?
Never questioned your grammar.
Just your ability to form a cogent relevant thought.
Also unable, and unwilling to admit your faults, which are many. Just because you refuse to understand a thought does not mean there is anything wrong with it, just wrong with you.
The actual factual numbers say otherwise.
Not the half fact stuff you pull out of your feeds.
Really? Your numbers say to get the shot and you will never get the disease. Then of course they admit that they are wrong. Facts are never quoted by them, or you. The fact is that the government claims to have only our best interest at heart, so they take away our freedoms. This many not be a concern for one who blindly follows what his masters tell him to do, but I prefer to keep my freedom and ability to think independently, unlike you.

So I objected to your source and instead you give me KoreaJoonGangDaily, PaulCraigRoberts, and CitizensJournal? Can't make it up can ya? :lol:

CNN is absolutely correct. When you vaccinate tens of millions between 65 and 95 - many in nursing homes, Some of them were about to die. Is this a tough concept for your bird brain to soak in?

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