70K Muslim clerics, 1.5 mil Muslims issue fatwa

C'mon OP.....

Muslims are always issuing fatwas.... surely you should know that by now...

Sometime ago they issued a fatwa against anyone living on MARS...... a colony on Mars is un-Islamic they say.

Muslim leaders issue a fatwa against anyone living on MARS

How can anybody take that seriously?

It's only :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Just like when "christian" leaders go "blah, blah, blah" against christian acts of terrorism. How can anyone take that seriously?
what christian acts of terrorism?

and plz, none of this bullshit that the person was a christian, lets see that epic long list of suicide bombers, beheaded unbelievers, rapes of lone women, etc, etc

the entire report is NONSENSICAL-------was the term "TERRORISM" defined?
The very first muslim I knew VERY WELL----well enough to listen to his ardent
endorsement of all things muslim-----was a SHIIITE SURGEON BORN IN INDIA AND A GRADUATE OF AN INDIAN MEDICAL SCHOOL. As far as he was
concerned NO MUSLIM ever committed an act of "terrorism" ------the time was
the times of deadly ISLAMIC PLANE HIJACKINGS--------ie almost 50 years ago---
those hijackings and murders including outright murders at airports WERE
JUSTIFIABLE DEFENSE OF ISLAAAAAM. No muslim ever fought ANYONE except in SELF DEFENSE-----which really means "THE DEFENSE OF ISLAAAM" Later on a Pakistani physician told me of the various clerical opinions----way back then justifying the murder of any man woman or child-----who is Israeli----at any time or place ---<<< also NOT TERRORISM. The report is silly------as to the average mosque goer filling out an opinion form-----a signiificant percentage of the average mosque goers neither reads nor writes

What has meaning is that Muslims are the target of ISIS as well as the target of RWNJs and Repubs.

Surely you've heard that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

RWNJs and Repubs are very definitely on the side of the terrorists.

Second, Muslims have always spoken out against ISIS. RWNJs and Rkepubs make the conscious choice to ignore that so they can victimize the victims.

Third - considering your sig, you are no bro of mine or anyone else - except other anti-Americans.

What has meaning is that Muslims are the target of ISIS as well as the target of RWNJs and Repubs.

Surely you've heard that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

RWNJs and Repubs are very definitely on the side of the terrorists.

Second, Muslims have always spoken out against ISIS. RWNJs and Rkepubs make the conscious choice to ignore that so they can victimize the victims.

Third - considering your sig, you are no bro of mine or anyone else - except other anti-Americans.
Lying isn't a form of debate, you being against my sig is proof that you have the iq of a rotten turnip.

what Pres gave arms to the terrorist? obama
so who supports the terrorist?

we all know that happened to that pilot from Jordan, so you lied about us not knowing that muslims kill each other

hell, that's the main point, that fatwa is from different kind of muslims than the kind in isis, but you don't know that. How you don't know is shocking, the effort to remain as ignorant as you do.... makes me think you get paid.

What has meaning is that Muslims are the target of ISIS as well as the target of RWNJs and Repubs.

Surely you've heard that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

RWNJs and Repubs are very definitely on the side of the terrorists.

Second, Muslims have always spoken out against ISIS. RWNJs and Rkepubs make the conscious choice to ignore that so they can victimize the victims.

Third - considering your sig, you are no bro of mine or anyone else - except other anti-Americans.
Lying isn't a form of debate, you being against my sig is proof that you have the iq of a rotten turnip.

what Pres gave arms to the terrorist? obama
so who supports the terrorist?

we all know that happened to that pilot from Jordan, so you lied about us not knowing that muslims kill each other

hell, that's the main point, that fatwa is from different kind of muslims than the kind in isis, but you don't know that. How you don't know is shocking, the effort to remain as ignorant as you do.... makes me think you get paid.

Actually, you might want to Google "Reagan" and "Taliban" in the same line.

It's kind of eye opening. Did you know that at one time Reagan supported Osama Bin Laden?
50 years to fucking late

and, again, it's one kind of muslim denouncing another kind.

I'll by this line when they mount up and go to war with them

This is as nonsensical as saying we should bomb them.
luddy my bro, nothing is as nonsensical as you thinking this fatwa has any meaning

1.5 million muslims could put a stop to isis today, TODAY, if that fatwa meant a damn thing

What has meaning is that Muslims are the target of ISIS as well as the target of RWNJs and Repubs.

Surely you've heard that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

RWNJs and Repubs are very definitely on the side of the terrorists.

Second, Muslims have always spoken out against ISIS. RWNJs and Rkepubs make the conscious choice to ignore that so they can victimize the victims.

Third - considering your sig, you are no bro of mine or anyone else - except other anti-Americans.
Lying isn't a form of debate, you being against my sig is proof that you have the iq of a rotten turnip.

what Pres gave arms to the terrorist? obama
so who supports the terrorist?

we all know that happened to that pilot from Jordan, so you lied about us not knowing that muslims kill each other

hell, that's the main point, that fatwa is from different kind of muslims than the kind in isis, but you don't know that. How you don't know is shocking, the effort to remain as ignorant as you do.... makes me think you get paid.

Actually, you might want to Google "Reagan" and "Taliban" in the same line.

It's kind of eye opening. Did you know that at one time Reagan supported Osama Bin Laden?
Did you know that we supported them all against the russians?

No you didn't, you saw RR sitting with them and use that like other moronic leftist like it's a valid point.

it's not, not that truth and facts have any meaning to leftist

Muslims are a minority religion in India, so in order to
avoid persecution from the Hindu majority, they must
engage in Taqiyya, which is deception. These Muslim
clerics were engaging in Taqiyya when they condemn
terrorist groups, and every Muslim will know it for what
it is, deception in the cause of jihad.

1,5 million mooslims call for a fatwa. there are 1.5 BILLION mooslims in the world. Do the math. Epic fail. 99.9% of mooslims are with ISIS.
BTW, if you get the Vice channel, watch a program called "Balls Deep" sometime, especially the one on Ramadan. You might learn something.

I watched a short video called "balls deep" on the internet the other day, but it sure didn't have anything to do with Islam by the looks of it.
Some people have never heard of a good cop -- bad cop routine by the looks of it.

ISIS, the Taliban and others play the role of bad cop, while those who share the same agenda in seeking a worldwide caliphate take the role of the good cop so as to elicit trust from those they target.

1.5 million muslims ------OUT THERE IN SOUTH EAST asia------willing to sign
a poll --------after the Imam in the mosque says "SIGN"----is utterly meaningless.
It is a very small percentage of total muslims and a huge percentage of them
can neither read nor write or ever considered "independent thought". I have
encountered ladies from that area of the world who were not only completely
illiterate-----but could not manage a mark on the "consent form"----even after
"why you need an X-ray" was explained to them by a person fluent in their own
language------Obviously never had a pencil in hand----before.. The standard
"signature" of such ladies is a thumbprint------she really need not know WTF she
Some people have never heard of a good cop -- bad cop routine by the looks of it.

ISIS, the Taliban and others play the role of bad cop, while those who share the same agenda in seeking a worldwide caliphate take the role of the good cop so as to elicit trust from those they target.

keep in mind----muslims from the middle east and southeast asia "learn" from birth
that the forcible imposition of islam is --------"A GOOD THING"

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