A Comicbook Perspective of the Muslim Immigration Issue

Take a look at these two pictures. The first one below is of the WWII comicbook edition of Captain America, who is depicted on the cover socking it to Adolf Hitler, easily seen as war propaganda, but it drew support for the war effort:


This is a parody of the above cover, fan art, depicting a Muslim Woman "Ms. Marvel" apparently socking it to Trump, clearly depicting him in the same way as Adolph Hitler, with "Faux News" on a display on the wall in the background. It says that it is a "bigot busting drawing." As can be deduced, the artist is taking a shot at Trump's positions on Muslim Immigration:


Something else notable about the two covers, beyond the main characters:

In the original, Hitler's support team stands in the back, shooting guns.
Their cognate in the contemporary version are -- the media, shooting cameras.

Meaning, the SS is to Hitler as the media is to Rump -- the entity that facilitates the antagonist. Without that backing, both are impotent.
I see absolutely no reason why we should not shut down immigration into this country until we have a good, solid handle on who (and what) we are allowing to immigrate.

I understand the sentiment. I completely get it. In some ways I agree with it, and in some ways I don't.

I would like to slash the quotas of, and not completely ban immigration by Muslim refugees. Lower the quota, and make it easier for our government to really and truly vet these people, but not before the vetting process is drastically overhauled. Think of it as a compromise.
What's wrong with the vetting process as it stands?
Let's start with the cvnt who murdered 14 people in SB, CA.

Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.

Yes it does matter, as the question was about vetting immigrants. Farook was not an immigrant.
This drawing has less to do with Captain America punching Hitler as it does with encouraging members of Islam to be hostile and/or violent towards him. It's free speech, but this is a bit much.

"Him" who? I don't see Hitler in the second image. Someone who could be Trump, maybe. And where are the "members of Islam" (most informed individuals say "Muslims")?
I find it interesting that someone thinks the comic could be used as a recruiting tool for ISIS but doesn't think about the words coming out of the mouths of the GOP top candidates.
This drawing has less to do with Captain America punching Hitler as it does with encouraging members of Islam to be hostile and/or violent towards him. It's free speech, but this is a bit much.

"Him" who? I don't see Hitler in the second image. Someone who could be Trump, maybe. And where are the "members of Islam" (most informed individuals say "Muslims")?

Arian, with all due respect, surely your reading comprehension isn't that bad.

Him as in Donald Trump.

Where are the "members of Islam"? On Planet Earth I would assume. And why would you take issue with me saying "members of Islam"? It's not like you could stop me.

You don't see Hitler in the second image? How can you not see the comparison? See that cuff on his right arm in the second image? A red cuff with a circle "T" with white background? That's clear homage to the red cuff with the swastika that Hitler and his Nazis wore in the depiction in the first image.

IOW, a Hitler comparison.
I find it interesting that someone thinks the comic could be used as a recruiting tool for ISIS but doesn't think about the words coming out of the mouths of the GOP top candidates.

Says the far left drone that supports ISIs with their religious propaganda!

As you drones found out freedom of speech is not really free..
"Hatred is human nature" says the OP. Nothing can be further from the truth. Maybe it is for the OP. Maybe it is for Conservatives. For most humans, hatred is what is earned by your actions or earned by others for their actions.

The far left shows their hatred for anything not far left day in and day out on this board..

It is your religious belief that causes such hatred..
I understand the sentiment. I completely get it. In some ways I agree with it, and in some ways I don't.

I would like to slash the quotas of, and not completely ban immigration by Muslim refugees. Lower the quota, and make it easier for our government to really and truly vet these people, but not before the vetting process is drastically overhauled. Think of it as a compromise.
What's wrong with the vetting process as it stands?
Let's start with the cvnt who murdered 14 people in SB, CA.

Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.

Yes it does matter, as the question was about vetting immigrants. Farook was not an immigrant.
What the F' was she? Cvnt was obviously not pro-American.
I see absolutely no reason why we should not shut down immigration into this country until we have a good, solid handle on who (and what) we are allowing to immigrate.

I understand the sentiment. I completely get it. In some ways I agree with it, and in some ways I don't.

I would like to slash the quotas of, and not completely ban immigration by Muslim refugees. Lower the quota, and make it easier for our government to really and truly vet these people, but not before the vetting process is drastically overhauled. Think of it as a compromise.
What's wrong with the vetting process as it stands?
Let's start with the cvnt who murdered 14 people in SB, CA.

Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Well...that's a new take on due process for an American citizen...summary execution.
I hope you never criticised the drone strikes on US citizens overseas.

And, I'm not sure what the refugee vetting process has to do with this situation at all.
Neither of them were refugees.
"Hatred is human nature" says the OP. Nothing can be further from the truth. Maybe it is for the OP. Maybe it is for Conservatives. For most humans, hatred is what is earned by your actions or earned by others for their actions.

The far left shows their hatred for anything not far left day in and day out on this board..

It is your religious belief that causes such hatred..

Yes that is what you far left drones are..

Very good!

Now can you post something that is not a programmed religious narrative?

Like Obama is Hitler reincarnated?
Farook was not an immigrant.

But Malik was. And she had a direct effect on Farook. Her being vetted properly and denied a K-1 visa may have stopped her from radicalizing Farook, thus preventing the ensuing carnage.

Simple cause and effect.
If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Maybe it's post partum depression?
I understand the sentiment. I completely get it. In some ways I agree with it, and in some ways I don't.

I would like to slash the quotas of, and not completely ban immigration by Muslim refugees. Lower the quota, and make it easier for our government to really and truly vet these people, but not before the vetting process is drastically overhauled. Think of it as a compromise.
What's wrong with the vetting process as it stands?
Let's start with the cvnt who murdered 14 people in SB, CA.

Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Well...that's a new take on due process for an American citizen...summary execution.
I hope you never criticised the drone strikes on US citizens overseas.

And, I'm not sure what the refugee vetting process has to do with this situation at all.
Neither of them were refugees.

Obama who you voted for twice has done away with "Due Process", that religious narrative is so pre 2009..

And this is from a far left source:

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights
"Hatred is human nature" says the OP. Nothing can be further from the truth. Maybe it is for the OP. Maybe it is for Conservatives. For most humans, hatred is what is earned by your actions or earned by others for their actions.

The far left shows their hatred for anything not far left day in and day out on this board..

It is your religious belief that causes such hatred..

Yes that is what you far left drones are..

Very good!

Now can you post something that is not a programmed religious narrative?

Like Obama is Hitler reincarnated?
"Hatred is human nature" says the OP. Nothing can be further from the truth. Maybe it is for the OP. Maybe it is for Conservatives. For most humans, hatred is what is earned by your actions or earned by others for their actions.

The far left shows their hatred for anything not far left day in and day out on this board..

It is your religious belief that causes such hatred..

Yes that is what you far left drones are..

Very good!

Now can you post something that is not a programmed religious narrative?

Like Obama is Hitler reincarnated?

Very good! At least you know you are a far left drone! No let us see if you can break your programmed religious narrative..
What's wrong with the vetting process as it stands?
Let's start with the cvnt who murdered 14 people in SB, CA.

Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Well...that's a new take on due process for an American citizen...summary execution.
I hope you never criticised the drone strikes on US citizens overseas.

And, I'm not sure what the refugee vetting process has to do with this situation at all.
Neither of them were refugees.

Obama who you voted for twice has done away with "Due Process", that religious narrative is so pre 2009..

And this is from a far left source:

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights
No Due Process under the law applies in the US any more?
I'd love you to quote the EO, or Supreme Court ruling or anything to support that.

Or, as I suspect you will, you could just keep up your one-trick mindless insults.

Proceed as you will...
Let's start with the cvnt who murdered 14 people in SB, CA.

Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Well...that's a new take on due process for an American citizen...summary execution.
I hope you never criticised the drone strikes on US citizens overseas.

And, I'm not sure what the refugee vetting process has to do with this situation at all.
Neither of them were refugees.

Obama who you voted for twice has done away with "Due Process", that religious narrative is so pre 2009..

And this is from a far left source:

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights
No Due Process under the law applies in the US any more?
I'd love you to quote the EO, or Supreme Court ruling or anything to support that.

Or, as I suspect you will, you could just keep up your one-trick mindless insults.

Proceed as you will...

The far left drone does not even read the link to a far left source that answers their question..

Click the link to the far left common dreams website, or do I have to post more links to more far left sources?

ACLU: Hey, sure, let’s strip constitutional rights without due process!
Well...that's a new take on due process for an American citizen...summary execution.
I hope you never criticized the drone strikes on US citizens overseas.

Well, this isn't Star Trek, you couldn't just transport them to a courtroom while they were killing people, now could you? When you start killing people, and pose an imminent threat to others around you, while possessing the intent to further continue killing people, your due process rights go bye bye. Those cops become judge, jury and executioner. You are now an armed and dangerous individual that must be stopped by any means necessary. Your death would be a sufficient response and recompense in that scenario.

That is not "summary execution" that is all due diligence in mitigating a threat. Learn to tell the difference.
Yeah uh -- he was a US citizen. By birth.

That doesn't matter.

THEY were Islamic radicals. Farook was given his due process rights as an natural born American citizen via a bullet through his skull. Malik was not a citizen, who came here on a K-1 visa, she radicalized Farook, and like Farook was given her right to due process with a bullet through her skull. The vetting process doesn't work. It didn't help that political correctness played a role in shutting down an FBI investigation into Farook and Malik which could have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Well...that's a new take on due process for an American citizen...summary execution.
I hope you never criticised the drone strikes on US citizens overseas.

And, I'm not sure what the refugee vetting process has to do with this situation at all.
Neither of them were refugees.

Obama who you voted for twice has done away with "Due Process", that religious narrative is so pre 2009..

And this is from a far left source:

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights
No Due Process under the law applies in the US any more?
I'd love you to quote the EO, or Supreme Court ruling or anything to support that.

Or, as I suspect you will, you could just keep up your one-trick mindless insults.

Proceed as you will...

The far left drone does not even read the link to a far left source that answers their question..

Click the link to the far left common dreams website, or do I have to post more links to more far left sources?

ACLU: Hey, sure, let’s strip constitutional rights without due process!
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