73% Of Young Republicans See Russia As An “Ally” Or “Friendly”

Not just young people. They can almost be excused but what about those who are old enough to know better?

Listening to trump - he never talks about freedom or democracy. It's always nationalist talk. He is very much talking about and to alt-right, kkk, the people talk about wanting to tear down or burn down the country. Just like we heard from bannon.

I've been saying for a long time that I'm shocked and saddened by RWs openly hating the US and adoring Putin - just like trump does.

Now they're openly supporting fascism and starting by ending our free press - just as trump tells them.

They also make no secret that they want to shoot and, from the beginning, trump has told them to "punch", beat up and even said he'd pay the legal bills for anyone who killed. Sure, it was just another of his lies but he did say it.

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When did Obummer ever talk about freedom? When has any leftwinger ever talked about freedom?
You are such a f*cking moron.

FULL SPEECH: Obama says 'Freedom is more powerful than fear'

He used the phrase, but that's all he did. He didn't talk about freedom. He was just making excuses for doing nothing about terrorism committed by Muzzie savages admitted to our country.
'73% Of Young Republicans See Russia As An “Ally” Or “Friendly”'

We didn’t need a poll to document this fact.

And that most on the right approve of a warmongering authoritarian dictatorship hostile to democratic principles should come as no surprise.
'73% Of Young Republicans See Russia As An “Ally” Or “Friendly”'

We didn’t need a poll to document this fact.

And that most on the right approve of a warmongering authoritarian dictatorship hostile to democratic principles should come as no surprise.

The Cold War is over. Republicans know this. It is a good thing.

Why do you want to turn back the clock?
Republicans should start writing all their communications in Russian to make it easier to read for Putin and his cyber-security forces.

Ya know...for liberals to critique how the GOP handles their cyber security is rather ironic since neither Hillary or the DNC had a clue how to protect their cyber communications! Just saying...

Many RNC people got hacked as well. That's not a very good argument to make.
In fact, it's a piss poor argument. Of course Russia didn't release GOP emails. They wanted the GOP to win. They know these GOP LUV, LUV, LUV the motherland.
That has to be the ultimate paranoid conspiracy theory. Do you hear that outer limits music whenever you post? I do. You snowflakes have lost all contact with reality. You're a bunch of fucking Kookoo birds. You need to be locked up for your own safety.
Not heard the Truthers, have you? We have a few of them here....and those who believe Sandy Hook was faked. They're another winning bunch.
How the hell did NBC find "young republicans"? Did they poll college kids or high school kids? In today's climate a kid can get assaulted or worse on a college campus for admitting that he/she is a republican. The fact that NBC claims to have found enough "young republicans" to create a poll is an accomplishment in itself.
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NBC poll: 50% of Republicans, 73% of young Republicans see Russia as an "ally" or "friendly" - Hot Air

White House Tries to Get G.O.P. to Water Down Russia Sanctions Bill

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

Should the intelligence community still put their lives on the line trying to protect this country? After all, Republicans think they are liars.

Remember when Americans died in Vietnam fighting communism while Russians supplied the communists with weapons to kill Americans? And now, our president believes former KGB Putin over Americans in the intelligence community?

So why should they continue to put their lives on the line when Trump just gives their Intel away to the enemy? Putin says he want's "proof". If a burgler was caught robbing your house, and then during the trial, he demanded proof, would you give your proof to the prosecutor or to the burgler?

If the GOP wants to help the enemy of America, aren't they just as big a danger as that enemy?
Great news! The cold war is over snowflake get over it.

And yet you spent YEARS blaming Obama's fiascos on Bush? Care to take a crack at explaining why it was Bush's fault THEN but it it can't be Obama's now?

You're such a hypocrite, R-Derp...that it borders on farce!
To bad the left didn't listen to Mitt Romney when he called Russia our biggest geopolitical foe in 2012 instead of mocking him.
Now they are heroes and role models for the right. And they tell us Democrats didn't listen.

And yet you spent YEARS blaming Obama's fiascos on Bush? Care to take a crack at explaining why it was Bush's fault THEN but it it can't be Obama's now?

You're such a hypocrite, R-Derp...that it borders on farce!
Well Bush was a f*ck up. Trump says so. And Republicans won't even let him go to their presidential conventions.

Only right wingers call President Obama names. And that's to be expected. They're racists.
NBC poll: 50% of Republicans, 73% of young Republicans see Russia as an "ally" or "friendly" - Hot Air

White House Tries to Get G.O.P. to Water Down Russia Sanctions Bill

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

Should the intelligence community still put their lives on the line trying to protect this country? After all, Republicans think they are liars.

Remember when Americans died in Vietnam fighting communism while Russians supplied the communists with weapons to kill Americans? And now, our president believes former KGB Putin over Americans in the intelligence community?

So why should they continue to put their lives on the line when Trump just gives their Intel away to the enemy? Putin says he want's "proof". If a burgler was caught robbing your house, and then during the trial, he demanded proof, would you give your proof to the prosecutor or to the burgler?

If the GOP wants to help the enemy of America, aren't they just as big a danger as that enemy?

Do you see them as an enemy?

And yes, when you accuse someone of wrong-doing and breaking the law, you need to provide proof.
To bad the left didn't listen to Mitt Romney when he called Russia our biggest geopolitical foe in 2012 instead of mocking him.
Now they are heroes and role models for the right. And they tell us Democrats didn't listen.

There is obviously disagreement among republicans on the issue.

But you lefties seem to be deciding your position on partisan politics.

When Romney was anti-Russia, your Obama mocked him and you supported that.

Now Trump is pro-Russian, and you guys are red baiting assholes right out of the 50s.

And yet you spent YEARS blaming Obama's fiascos on Bush? Care to take a crack at explaining why it was Bush's fault THEN but it it can't be Obama's now?

You're such a hypocrite, R-Derp...that it borders on farce!
Well Bush was a f*ck up. Trump says so. And Republicans won't even let him go to their presidential conventions.

Only right wingers call President Obama names. And that's to be expected. They're racists.

Playing the race card? So predictable!!! You can't admit that you spent YEARS blaming everything on Bush yet now you do a complete 180...DEMAND that nobody blame anything on Obama because he's not President anymore and anyone who does is a "racist"! You're a joke, R-Derp!
To bad the left didn't listen to Mitt Romney when he called Russia our biggest geopolitical foe in 2012 instead of mocking him.
Now they are heroes and role models for the right. And they tell us Democrats didn't listen.

There is obviously disagreement among republicans on the issue.

But you lefties seem to be deciding your position on partisan politics.

When Romney was anti-Russia, your Obama mocked him and you supported that.

Now Trump is pro-Russian, and you guys are red baiting assholes right out of the 50s.

In hindsight...is there anything that Romney was wrong about and Obama right about? The main stream media ridiculed Mitt for saying that Russia was going to be our biggest problem going forward. Gee, guess what? Romney was spot on and Barry was his usual clueless, naive self!
To bad the left didn't listen to Mitt Romney when he called Russia our biggest geopolitical foe in 2012 instead of mocking him.
Now they are heroes and role models for the right. And they tell us Democrats didn't listen.
Your idiocy is showing. So far Trumps dealing with Russia has been pretty much the same as Bush and Obama before him as well as Clintons when she was Secretary of State that's probably not going to work any better for him than it did for them but unlike you and the left I don't have selective memory over this.

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